How can I get daily sales of my product?

How can I get daily sales of my product?

How can I get daily sales of my product?

Focus on your consumers and move your attention away from boosting profits to enhancing sales performance in order to enhance sales in your company. This is the very first piece of advise that any sales professional would offer you. If you want to increase sales but don’t know where to start, here are nine fantastic ideas to get you started:


1. Pay attention to your current consumers.

If you want to increase sales, you should move your attention away from getting new consumers and instead concentrate on convincing those who have previously tried your goods or services to purchase again and learning how to keep all of your clients. According to sales and marketing specialists from LeadBridge Partners, the greatest sales prospects are those who have previously converted into current customers rather than those who are completely unfamiliar with your company’s products or services.

When you concentrate on your existing consumers, you will be able to significantly enhance and improve your sales. Marketing may obviously have an impact on sales, but it cannot be the main reason of higher sales since it focuses entirely on acquiring new consumers while neglecting to optimize the value of current customers.


2. Find out about your competitors.

You should research what your rivals have to offer and acquire new approaches, while also considering how to outperform them. Competition is both a source of difficulties and a chance to increase your sales, particularly if you exploit their weaknesses while maximizing your own.


3. Inventiveness and one-of-a-kind items

Customers should not be able to leave your firm with just a few items or services, but rather should be completely pleased. It is critical to make people choose your company over competitors by focusing on high-quality, one-of-a-kind, and inventive items that may outperform comparable products on the market.


4. Develop a sense of worth

The most effective strategy to grow your sales is to generate and nurture value in all aspects of your business, including employee training and higher-value items, among other things. A positive value-setting environment helps to recruit and maintain current clients throughout the year and in all seasons.


5. Establish a customer service philosophy.

Creating a comprehensive resource center and providing excellent customer service is an excellent approach to provide your customers with access to a varied variety of the goods and services that you provide. Additionally, you should keep an eye on your brands and, in the event of a complaint, respond to it as promptly as possible. Customers must constantly be made to feel valued and accepted in the firm.


6.Customer service is number.

One method of increasing sales is via enhanced customer relations and maximizing on the available clients in a real manner. To keep people who have come to your company, your personnel should learn how to serve them in a particular and valued manner.



Because of the promotions and marketing, clients are aware that the items or services are available on the market in large quantities. Customers may be more willing to test your items if you offer them discounts in certain cases. The campaign may pave the path for additional consumers to be attracted while also increasing the number of current customers’ numbers. In certain cases, you may be able to provide free samples.



Marketing is an undeniable method of increasing sales volume. Products and services that are distinctive and of excellent quality are more likely to attract customers’ attention and, as a result, to elevate them to the status of respected consumers. Customers are the only ones who can assist you in increasing your sales volumes. The practice of thanking consumers may also be included in marketing.


9. Offer items that are trustworthy.

Customers’ trust and comfort with your goods and services are based on their perception of your credibility, which is one of the most important criteria. Make use of strategies such as marketing to increase your reputation in your sales transaction. As an example, the usage of client testimonials and internet marketing may both help to increase consumers’ confidence in your goods. You will increase your sales as a result of this method.

When you are selling to prospects who are already interested in your product, it is rather simple.

“Hand-raisers” are people who have done preliminary investigation and determined that your company provides a solution to a problem they are experiencing. Your sales staff now has complete control over the situation. Answering their questions, overcoming their objections, and offering them the most appropriate answers to their problems will get you one step closer to completing the transaction with them.

When it comes to disinterested prospects, though, the finest salespeople are distinguishable from the ordinary ones by their performance. It’s difficult to begin a connection with someone who has never heard of you or who isn’t actively seeking to solve a relevant problem.

However, it is not insurmountable. You’ll be able to locate prospects who have a need for the things you’re selling if you have the right abilities, empathy, and a strategy in place. When dealing with these kind of consumers, I use the five strategies listed below to get things started.

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How to Persuade Others to Purchase Your Product
In order to persuade individuals to purchase your goods or services, you must first identify and address an issue that they are experiencing. Understanding their point of view, serving as a helpful resource, and promoting great client experiences are all effective ways to sell your solution. Customers need both reasoning and emotion in order to make a choice. Each of these strategies appeals to the consumer using logic and emotion.


10. Make the dream a reality.

Nobody you sell to will be interested in your goods, but they will always be interested in themselves, regardless of what you offer them. The creation of a mental picture of what the prospect’s life may be like if they acquire your goods is a good place to start your sales process.

Consider Nike’s tagline, “Just do it,” or Burger King’s “Have it your way.” Both are examples of catchphrases. These sentences do not provide any information about what they are selling. They explain you what you can do with the items they offer, which is quite helpful.


When I call on a Vice President of Sales at a Fortune 500 business to offer her my firm’s services, I don’t begin by saying, “I’m here to sell you our services.” “Hello, there! I’m Jeff, and I’m a sales training and consulting product salesperson based in Boston. I’d like to introduce you to my products and services. Is this a good moment to do this?”

Yawn. Neither she nor I think this intriguing, and it definitely does not pique her curiosity to learn more about the subject. Instead, I do what I’m doing. “As soon as she takes up the phone, I tell her,” I explain “Dear Sir or Madam, I’d like to introduce myself. I got you on the phone on my first call, and if you employ me, I’ll show your sales staff how to do the exact same thing I did for you.”



I’ve gotten her whole attention now. Notice that I didn’t even bother to introduce myself or define my services here. As a result, I’ve managed to get her attention and plant the first seed of inquiry in her mind. Only once she expresses an interest will I devote the necessary time to introducing myself and my services. Of course, this is now that she is truly paying attention.

Similarly, if you provide copywriting services, you may hunt for problems on a prospect’s website and email them with the changes, along with the statement, “As your copywriter, I’d make certain that your site was completely free of typos at all times.”



If you are in the business of providing leadership training, you can remark, “According to your recent recruiting patterns, you’ve been bringing on a lot of middle managers. This often arises when internal candidates are not given the full attention they need. What would it be like to have an internal promotion rate of 80 percent? “”How do you rate?”


11. Pique their interest by providing them with something to look forward to.

You want to hold your prospect’s attention after you’ve persuaded them to take another phone call. This is exactly what I do with this method.

I’ll say something like this at the start of the meeting: “Before I forget, I’d want to ask you a question that has something to do with our previous chat. Let’s get started on the agenda right now, but would you please remind me?”


“Sure, that’s not a problem,” they’ll reply.

They’ll either ask, “Hey, what was that item you wanted to speak to me about?” or they won’t mention it at all at the conclusion of the phone conversation, depending on the situation.

If it’s the former, I know they’re paying attention and paying attention well. In addition, I’ve managed to provoke a little curiosity. If it’s the latter, I’m quite sure they don’t give a damn (and I should either try a different approach or move on).


Are you stumped as to what to say? I generally offer a question that I really want to know but that isn’t long enough to fit on the agenda, such as, “What proportion of your business comes from channel sales as opposed to direct sales?”


12. Make decisions based on previous triumphs rather than past failures.

Instead of dwelling on errors, I’ve always found it much more educational to concentrate on what went well and strive to repeat particular triumphs rather than dwelling on failures. Our thoughts often act in the manner of a search engine, presenting just the results that are relevant to your quest.

For example, if you Google “don’t show me fast food restaurants,” you are very certain to receive a big list of fast food restaurants in response to your search. In a strange twist of fate, if you just pay attention to the ways things haven’t worked in the past, that’s probably all you will ever see.



The good news is that if you concentrate on the things that have previously proven successful, the same rule applies. One method to reinforce that mentality is to go out to your existing customers and inquire about the factors that drew them to your product or service in the first place.

Investigate their replies for patterns, and then replicate those tactics that were effective with other prospects. Who knows, they could say something like, “Hey, that wasn’t the reason I came to your meeting; I came for this reason.”


The greatest answers on how to sell may frequently be found among the individuals who have previously purchased your product or service.

13. Encourage your prospect to become a teacher.

Recognizing that your prospect wants to be recognized and heard is one of the most effective strategies to gain their involvement and attention quickly and effectively. Take the time to learn about the person you’re conversing with and to consider their point of view carefully.


Consider this: we’d all agree that we don’t want to speak to strangers in most situations. However, if a complete stranger approaches you on the street and requests for assistance, you would almost certainly assist them.


Make use of the fact that we are hardwired to assist others while you are interacting with potential clients. As an example, if you’re having difficulties gaining the support of your prospect’s IT director, “We must get IT on board in order for this transaction to complete. What would you say to this individual if you were in their shoes? What potential stumbling barriers can you foresee?”

Make use of the information they provide you in order to complete the transaction.


14. Create a feeling of impending doom.

Even while we would never recommend using fear tactics to close a deal, generating a feeling of urgency in the minds of prospects who are on the fence about your offer may be a beneficial strategy.

Here are some examples of how you might generate a sense of urgency in order to persuade your prospect to invest in your offer:

Offer a limited-time discount or incentive — Whether you offer a lower price for prospects who purchase by a specific end-date or include a bonus offer that expires on a specific date, these offers can create a sense of urgency by rewarding decisive action with even greater value than it would otherwise be possible.


—You should have a thorough grasp of the issue your prospect is attempting to address before you can effectively communicate the benefits of your solution — To create a feeling of urgency in your customers, emphasize the fact that purchasing your product will give them with an instant remedy or relief from their issue.


15.Communicate scarcity 

– Informing consumers that your offer is restricted in quantity or only accessible for a limited time may instill a feeling of urgency in them. Whether you are offering a limited-edition product or a service that is only accessible to a limited number of consumers, expressing these restrictions throughout the sales process may attract purchasers to complete their purchase as soon as they are given the opportunity.


16. Emphasize the major customer advantage you are offering.

When it comes to your product, the key consumer benefit (or KCB for short) is the major advantage that a feature inside your product gives to your customers. Obviously, this isn’t an invitation to recite all of the benefits of your product and then urge the prospect to purchase it. From the standpoint of “benefit first,” information about the KCB must be shared.


Here’s an example of what it looks like:

“Your sales staff needs assistance in completing transactions more quickly in order to maintain their pipelines healthy.

Sales managers believe that sales hub software helps representatives complete transactions three times quicker than salespeople who do not utilize software, according to a survey conducted by Sales Hub.


We understand how this impacts your bottom line, which is why we’ve designed software that allows you to improve your operations while also tracking your success in real time. Which judgments would you make if you had this sort of information at your disposal?

Take note of the way this concept is organized. Instead of stating the issue first, I explain the need and support it with an argument that we can both accept. After that, I provide the feature with some facts in order to establish credibility and authority for my product.

Finally, I sympathize with the prospect by referring to their bottom line, and I quickly mention the product I offer to close the deal with them. My closing remark included an open-ended inquiry that invited the prospect to think how they would profit from the product if they were to purchase it.



17. Have a strong opinion about your product.

It seems to me that far too many representatives are trying to be neutral in an attempt to seem “credible.” The customer, who is well-educated and well-versed in the industry, expects sales representatives to be prejudiced. In reality, nothing you say will ever be able to make a client forget that, at the end of the day, your objective is to convince them to purchase your goods.

So don’t make any more excuses. Instead, think the polar opposite: believe that your service is unquestionably the greatest.


Your buyer is well-versed in the industry. They are familiar with the use of exaggeration. Accept the reality that you’re enthusiastic about your product or service and that you’d be delighted to share your point of view.

When you tell prospects that your product is “the best on the market” or that your customer’s sales team “will be blowing out their numbers after working with us,” you aren’t engaging in an academic debate in which you rely on data to support your conclusion — you are simply sharing your opinion with the prospect. Customers place their faith in views that are true and genuine, rather than those that are just unbiased.


18. Specify what your product is unable to do.

You want to be open about your product in the same way that you want to be prejudiced about your product, for the same reasons. That may include acknowledging when your product does not perform in the manner in which the customer would want.


Suppose a customer wants to know precisely how many leads have been converted into opportunities on a minute-by-minute basis. This is possible with a lead tracking system. The program you sell syncs with the server every an hour or so. It is critical to be upfront and admit that your product does not sync as soon as you would want. However, you are not required to discuss it in a negative manner. You may always share solutions to problems like these with other people.


Perhaps your product integrates with other systems that are a little more responsive in terms of synchronization. By rephrasing product constraints in terms of innovative solutions, you may position yourself as a valuable resource to your prospects and, as a consequence, earn their confidence.

19. Establish yourself as a useful resource.

Take a look at this. While shopping for a new mattress, you discover that one of the mattress businesses you are considering has exceptional customer service. Their ability to confidently talk about how their product is the right match for you is a result of their active listening to your worries about your existing mattress and understanding what you’re searching for in your future buy.


Their customer service representatives have been able to provide you with answers to all of your questions, and they have even given some helpful knowledge regarding sleep health and how their mattress can help you have the greatest sleep of your life.




You have already received exceptional service from this representative before to being a client, so image how attentive they will be after you are a customer.


In the course of the sales process, how you treat a prospect while they are still contemplating your product provides them with an insight into what life as a client may be like. If you act as a resource before they make a purchase, you are establishing trust with your prospect, which will be beneficial in the long term.




20. Provide them with social evidence to back up your claims.

Keep in mind how your parents drilled into you the significance of drinking water, conserving money, and eating a well-balanced meal when you were younger. After that, take a look at how many podcasts and thought leaders you subscribe to that say the same thing. You’re paying attention now, aren’t you?




Whatever you say, no matter how many times you repeat it, people always want to hear it from another source. As opposed to rationality, this has more to do with personal preference and prejudice. After just a short experience with you, your product, or the business you represent, people have already formed an opinion about you or your product. If you’re able to broaden their viewpoint during the sales call, use social proof to your advantage.




If possible, provide links to product review sites or articles published by other individuals about your product in the follow-up email. Social proof is a powerful tool for assisting your prospect in making the choice to select you over your competitors in a competitive market.




21. Try to find some common ground.

Even though it doesn’t seem to be the case at first, your prospects are looking to establish a relationship with you. Make sure you know what they want by conducting your homework ahead of time. If you can’t discover anything you have in common right away, make it your goal to find something you do have in common within the first few minutes of your meeting or phone conversation.




The main point of contact between prospects who are interested in your solution and you is, of course, your product! In your first conversation with the prospect, make use of this information to determine why they were interested in meeting with you. When others realize that you and they have something in common, they are more willing to share information with you.




22. Make the choice as convenient as possible.

When things are uncomfortable or difficult to do, we are less likely to finish them successfully. That is one of the reasons why companies such as Uber, Instacart, and Amazon have become so interwoven in our daily lives.


Take into account your prospect’s circumstances. As a sales representative attempting to clinch a transaction, completing your contract is unlikely to be at the top of their list of priorities. Facilitating their decision-making process could well be the deciding factor.




Perhaps all you need is a simple “Yes!” in response to an email. The difference between a transaction completing in five minutes and a deal closing in five days may be as simple as giving them a few bullet points that emphasize the contract.


Make it clear that you are aware of their hectic schedule and that you are willing to make modifications to make the procedure more easy. You may be sure they will appreciate your thoughtfulness.




23. Continue to engage in discussion.

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t close the deal the first time you pitch. By using the techniques outlined above, you have most certainly established a degree of trust with the prospect that is quite useful. It’s possible that the “no” is really a “not right now.” Hold onto this prospect in the event that they change their mind or are a better match for another product or service. You may communicate with your prospect in a variety of methods, including:




To connect with a prospective client on social media, ask whether you may be friends on Facebook or other social media platforms. Viewing the information your prospect posts will provide you with insight into the items they are currently utilizing and their feelings about them. It will also help to maintain your discussion and product at the forefront of their minds if they come across your shared material.



Request input – If your prospect is willing to provide feedback on your product and sales strategy, take them up on their offer. Obtaining this feedback offers vital information about how you may improve your sales process in the future, as well as the ability to keep in contact with the prospect for a longer period of time, which can be beneficial in convincing them to buy at a later date or with a new offer.

24.Prospects will find it difficult to reject your product if it is attractive.

We’ve discussed a few different approaches to selling your goods and services to consumers who are ready to make a purchase decision so far. The common thread that runs across all of these strategies is empathy for the consumer. By asking for assistance from your prospect, you will fulfill their want to be heard and win their interest in assisting you in closing the transaction – all by just asking for assistance.