Hot Drinks Made with Brewed Coffee

Hot Drinks Made with Brewed Coffee

Without exception, all of the beverages in this chapter are prepared using freshly brewed coffee that is still warm and should be served right away, unless otherwise noted.





Café au Lait (coffee with milk)

This drink, which is popular all over the globe, enhances the traditional cup of coffee by infusing it with the delicate flavor of steamed milk. Depending on your preference, you may want to adjust the amounts of coffee and milk: for example, three-quarters coffee and one-fourth milk, or half coffee and half milk are both acceptable.

  • a cup of coffee a cup of milk
  • Alternatively, ground cinnamon or nutmeg, or sweetened chocolate powder might be used (optional)

Pour the coffee into a cup and set it aside. Make a layer of froth on top of the coffee by steaming the milk and adding it in. If desired, sprinkle cinnamon, nutmeg, or cocoa powder on top of the foam to make it seem more festive.
Serves The following is one variation: To make a Café Vermont, mix 3 tablespoons maple syrup into the coffee before adding the heated milk. Follow the steps outlined above.








Café Mocha (coffee with milk)

This specific drink enhances the flavor of a Café au Lait by using chocolate flavoring. Similarly to the Café au Lait, the amounts of coffee and milk may be adjusted to suit your preferences and taste.
a cup of coffee
2 tbsp. chocolate syrup (optional)
a cup of milk
chocolate powder that has been sweetened (optional)
Pour the coffee into a cup and set it aside. Pour the coffee into a measuring cup and add the chocolate syrup. After steaming the milk until it’s hot and foamy, pour it into the coffee, leaving a thin layer of foam on top of the coffee.
If desired, finish with a dusting of cocoa powder.


Serves 1 Person Variations include: In order to make a Café Mocha Mint, add a teaspoon of mint extract to the coffee along with the chocolate syrup and mix well. Proceed as indicated above, garnishing with a fresh mint sprig if preferred, and serving immediately.

In order to make a Mandarin Mocha, add a teaspoon of orange essence to the coffee along with the chocolate syrup and mix well. Follow the steps outlined above.



Viennese Coffee 

The whipped cream on top of this coffee, which has been a long-standing tradition in Vienna’s coffeehouses, gives it a delicious taste.
Coffee (ideally Viennese or another dark roast): 2 cups
a cup of heavy cream that has been whipped Ground cinnamon, nutmeg, or cloves are all good options.
Pour the coffee into two mugs and set aside. Top each cup with a generous dollop of whipped cream and a generous sprinkling of cinnamon, nutmeg, or cloves if desired.
This recipe serves two people.






Café Borgia is a popular hangout among locals.

At the same time, the citrus flavor provides zing to this drink while also delightfully complimenting the whipped cream on the top.
Cup of heavy cream, whipped 2 cups of coffee orange peel that has been grated
Make two cups of coffee by dividing the coffee. 

Top each cup with a generous dollop of whipped cream and a sprinkling of grated orange peel, and serve immediately.
This recipe serves two people.





Café Belgique 

The egg-white mixture that rises to the top of the cup imparts a pleasant mild vanilla flavor to this drink, which is a consequence of the rising egg-white combination.
1 egg white 1 cup heavy cream 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 egg white 1 cup heavy cream 3 mugs of coffee
Using an electric mixer, stiffen the egg white until it is firm. Combine the cream and vanilla in a mixing bowl. 

Fill 4 cups one-third of the way with the egg white and whipped-cream mixture, then top with the remaining egg white. Each cup should have 3 cup coffee in it.
This recipe serves 4 people.




Coffee with Chocolate Cream

On a chilly winter evening, this drink is perfect for sipping in front of the fireplace.
cup heavy cream (optional) 1 cup chocolate syrup (about 3 teaspoons)
1 mug of coffee
Cinnamon that has been ground
chocolate powder that has been sweetened
orange peel that has been grated
Whip all of the cream, save for 1 tablespoon, until it is light and fluffy. In a small saucepan, boil the saved tablespoon of cream and the chocolate syrup over low heat, stirring constantly, until well combined. 


Gradually incorporate the coffee into the mixture, stirring constantly. To serve, pour into a cup and top with whipped cream and cinnamon. Sprinkle with cocoa powder and grated orange peel on top before serving.

This recipe serves two people.





Coffee with a hint of spice

When combined with the chocolate coffee, the spicy whipped cream creates a delectable flavor combination that is hard to beat.
teaspoon of freshly ground cinnamon teaspoon of freshly ground nutmeg 1 cup heavy cream 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon sugar 1 mug of coffee 2 tablespoons chocolate syrup (optional).
Add 1 teaspoon of the cinnamon and nutmeg to the cream and beat until light and airy in texture. Make two 6-ounce servings of coffee and add 1 teaspoon chocolate syrup and 1 teaspoon cinnamon to each cup, dividing the coffee evenly. Finish with a dollop of spicy whipped cream.
This recipe serves two people.




Coffee with a hint of spice

As long as coffee has been drank, there has been a practice of blending spices and coffee together. You may wish to experiment with other combinations—as well as different amounts—of spices.
1 mug of coffee 1 cinnamon stick (optional)
tablespoon ground cinnamon 2 whole cloves teaspoon ground allspice 1 cup heavy cream, whipped Cinnamon that has been ground
Depending on your preference, use white or brown sugar.
In a small saucepan, combine the coffee, cinnamon stick, cloves, and allspice and cook over low heat for 5 to 7 minutes, stirring occasionally. 


Pour the mixture into cups and top with whipped cream and a sprinkling of cinnamon. Depending on your preference, white or brown sugar may be used.
Serves 2 people with a variation: Remove the cinnamon stick and allspice and replace them with 2 strips each of orange and lemon peel; instead of 2 cloves, use 10 cloves instead. Follow the steps outlined above.





Café Vanilla 

This drink is easy to create, and the natural flavor of the vanilla bean is a pleasant reward that you can enjoy with each sip as you work your way through the recipe. It is possible to imitate the flavor of a cappuccino with this drink, provided that you use an espresso or other dark roast coffee while brewing your coffee.
milk with vanilla bean cup

1 teaspoon brown sugar 1 cup coffee 1 teaspoon honey
Cinnamon or nutmeg that has been ground
Slice the vanilla bean lengthwise and set it in a pot with the milk and brown sugar. Bring to a simmer over medium heat. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring frequently. 


Cover and set aside for a few minutes after removing the pan from the heat. Remove the vanilla bean and puree the milk mixture in a blender for approximately 30 seconds, or until it gets frothy. Remove the vanilla bean and set aside. Add to a cup of hot coffee and sprinkle with cinnamon or nutmeg to finish.





Coffee with cinnamon and vanilla flavoring

The flavor of cinnamon is combined with the flavor of vanilla in this recipe to create a delectable flavor combination. With a sprinkle of brown sugar and whipped cream on top, it gets a little additional zip.
1 cup ground coffee, 1 vanilla bean, 1 vanilla bean slice 1 cinnamon stick 1 cup heavy cream 1 teaspoon ground cloves 1 tablespoon or more of brown sugar is recommended.

Preparation: Before you start making the coffee, slice the vanilla bean lengthwise and lay it in the bottom of the coffee machine carafe with the cinnamon stick. While the coffee is brewing, combine the cream and brown sugar in a mixing bowl until well combined. 

To assemble the cups, pour the coffee into two and top with the whipped cream mixture. If desired, season with more brown sugar to taste.
This recipe serves two people.

Coffee with chocolate and vanilla flavoring

Chocolate and vanilla are a natural flavor pairing since they both enhance the other’s flavor. Pour the mixture over ice for a refreshing flavor as well!
1 tablespoon cocoa syrup (optional)
a teaspoon of vanilla flavoring 1 cup ground coffee 1 cup heavy cream, lightly whipped Pour the hot coffee into a mixing bowl and stir in the chocolate syrup and vanilla extract. Finish with a dollop of whipped cream.
This recipe serves one person.



Coffee grogginess

The inclusion of brown sugar and butter enhances the richness of this spicy beverage, while the addition of orange and lemon peels adds just the right amount of additional flavor.
2 teaspoons of melted butter
1 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon ground allspice 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1 teaspoon ground cloves 1 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon ground allspice 1 cup heavy cream or half-and-half (depending on preference)
12 thin pieces of orange peel are used.
12 thin slices of lemon peel are used.
9 mugs of coffee

1 teaspoon rum extract (optional) (optional) Melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat until it is completely melted. Allow the mixture to cool for a few minutes after adding the brown sugar, allspice, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. Refrigerate after storing in a tightly sealed container.


To assemble the dessert, place 1 teaspoon of the butter mixture, 2 tablespoons cream, 1 strip orange peel, and 1 strip lemon peel into each individual cup. Stir in 6 ounces of hot coffee until well combined. If desired, you may also add a teaspoon of rum extract to each cup of grog to make a rum punch.
This recipe serves 12 people.



A variation is to leave out the allspice and cinnamon, while increasing the quantity of ground nutmeg and cloves. Follow the steps outlined above.





Turkish Coffee is a specialty coffee produced in Turkey.

The use of the jezve, or Turkish coffee press, adds to the enjoyment of preparing Turkish coffee 
As you brew your coffee, conjure up pictures of the old Middle East in your mind to prepare yourself for the powerful flavor of the coffee when you take a drink. (Please take cautious not to consume the grounds!) This way of preparing coffee is prevalent across the Middle East, and it should be referred to as Middle Eastern coffee rather than just Middle Eastern coffee. Mocha, Java, and Viennese roast are some of the finest beans to use for espresso.


1 tablespoon coffee that has been very finely ground or powdered
1 to 2 tablespoons sugar (optional) (optional) 2-ounce glass of cold water
All of the components should be combined in a jezve. Bring this mixture to a boil over a moderate heat, stirring occasionally (do not stir). 


Remove the pan from the heat when it reaches boiling point and ladle the contents into a demitasse. Allow the grounds to settle before drinking, or add a little splash of cold water to aid in the settling of the grounds before drinking.


Serves For a frothier drink, let the coffee to foam up, remove the pot from heat, and spoon the froth over the surface of your cup. Return the pot to the heat and continue the process twice more, after which pour the liquid into the cup of your choice. 

Before brewing the coffee, add a teaspoon of ground cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, or cloves to the ground coffee to create intriguing flavor combinations. Instead of water, add milk to create a thick, creamy beverage.


Hawaiian Coffee 

Whether you’re drinking it on a hot summer evening or on a chilly winter day, this tropical beverage will keep you cool and comfortable.
cup of milk cup of shredded coconut that has been sweetened cup of coffee
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. 



Cook over low heat for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring periodically, until the milk and coconut are warmed through and the coconut is soft. Using a strainer, strain the milk and spread the coconut on a baking sheet. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes, or until the coconut is golden brown. Pour the hot coffee into a cup and top with the browned coconut to finish.
This recipe serves one person.



New Orleans Coffee is a specialty coffee roaster located in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The earthy flavor of the chicory is the key to this coffee’s success. Preferably, a dark roast of coffee should be used, and the chicory should be mixed into the ground coffee before brewing as normal. 


You may wish to experiment with other amounts of coffee and milk, such as using two-thirds coffee and one-third milk, or one-third coffee and two-thirds milk, or a combination of the two. According to personal preference, the quantity of chicory used might range from 20 to 40% of the total.


coffee with 25 percent chicory crushed into it
1 cup of steaming whole milk
Cinnamon that has been ground
Pour the coffee into two mugs and set aside. Pour the steamed milk into two cups in an equal layer and top off each cup with part of the froth from the steamed milk. Cinnamon should be sprinkled on top.

This recipe serves two people.



Spiced Coffee Cider is a refreshing drink made with coffee and spices.

In a saucepan, combine all of the ingredients (except the cinnamon) and cook over low heat for 3 to 4 minutes, stirring regularly. If preferred, strain into a cup and top with a sprinkling of cinnamon.


a cup of coffee a glass of apple juice 1 cinnamon stick (optional)
teaspoon of cloves 1 thin slice of orange, including the rind 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon a teaspoon of allspice berries sugar (brown) (1 teaspoon)
Cinnamon that has been ground (optional)

In a saucepan, combine all of the ingredients (except the cinnamon) and cook over low heat for 3 to 4 minutes, stirring regularly. If preferred, strain into a cup and top with a sprinkling of cinnamon.

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