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Grants to Encourage Physical Activity and Well-Being

Grants to Encourage Physical Activity and Well-Being

The federal government, corporations, and health advocacy organizations have developed grant funding in response to the rising rate of obesity in the United States. These funds are intended to assist schools, community organizations, youth groups, and child care providers in identifying ways to promote physical fitness in their respective communities.





Grants for Schools K-12 schools should begin by obtaining financing from a range of sources, including the federal and state governments, as well as their local educational agency (LEA). In addition to these resources, school administrators should look into grants offered by health and wellness organizations such as the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD) and physical education organizations such as the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) (NASPE).





For example, these groups have collaborated to develop the ING Run For Something Better initiative, which aims to boost the physical activity of students. According to the AAHPERD, the initiative “helps to prevent children obesity countrywide via the introduction of school-based running programs… [which] promotes self-esteem, school achievement, and general well-being (reference 1).” Schools who desire to start or enhance a school-based running program will be eligible to apply for one of fifty $2,500 awards under this initiative.




Schools could also have a look at the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, which was established in 2007. Located inside the Department of Health and Human Services, this agency offers financing to promote physical activity and good eating habits (reference 5).






Grants to Corporations

Corporations and small enterprises provide a range of subsidies for physical fitness initiatives. Grant funding has been produced by Lowe’s, Hasbro, CVS Caremark, and Nike, Inc. to assist in the promotion of physical activity and physical fitness programs for children. Grant opportunities for schools and youth groups include the Lowe’s Outdoor Playground Grant, the Hasbro Children’s Fund, and Nike’s Physical Activity Grants for Youth, among others.






Grants to Professional Sports Organizations

Professional sports groups are also a fantastic source of funding for physical exercise. National Football League (NFL), National Dairy Council, and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) have collaborated to develop the Fuel Up to Play 60 program, which awards grants of up to $3,000 to K-12 schools to encourage students to engage in 60 minutes of daily physical activity and to adopt healthy eating habits.





Grants for Physical Activity Research

However, although many grants give cash to support the implementation of physical fitness programs and activities, other grant awards are focused on researching how physical exercise affects our bodies on a scientific level. 




Organizations such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), and corporations such as Coca Cola have generated grant money to better understand these concerns.




These organizations, such as NASA’s Space Physiology Research Grant, the American College of Sports Medicine’s Raymond and Rosalee Weiss Research Endowment, and the Coca-Cola Company’s Doctoral Student Grant on Behavior Research, are assisting researchers in their efforts to better understand how exercise affects the body.

Grants for Music Education Programs for Children and Youth

Across the United States, many schools and community youth centers do not have the resources to provide music education for children and adolescents. To be optimistic, there are a lot of philanthropic organizations that are eager to provide a hand to those in need. 




Every year, a number of private, corporate, and government organizations provide funds to children’s institutions to support young music activities. Applicants who are eligible for such scholarships may receive financing in any sum ranging from $500 to $150,000, as well as musical equipment valued up to $5,000.





The NAMM Foundation’s “WannaPlay” Fund is a program that encourages people to play musical instruments.

The NAMM Foundation (National Association of Music Manufacturers Foundation) offers funds to children music programs via its “WannaPlay” fund, which is administered by the NAMM Foundation. 





Students and children from low-income neighborhoods benefit from the foundation’s efforts to assist music instructors, schools, and community centers in expanding and reestablishing music education programs for students and children from such communities. 



Even though grant allocations may differ from one instance to the next, all public schools and community centers in the United States that serve low-income children and families are encouraged to apply.





The Music for Youth Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting music education among young people.
The Music For Youth Foundation (MYF) was established in 1995 by Larry Rosen with the goal of collecting funding to repair America’s deteriorating music programs and provide opportunities for school-aged children to continue musical instruction regardless of their socioeconomic circumstances. 




More than $2.2 million dollars in funds have been collected and donated by the foundation since its founding to more than 40 music-related children projects worldwide. The Boys Choir of the Harlem Academy, The Young People’s Chorus of New York City, The Children’s Aid Society Chorus, and Harbor Conservatory for the Performing Arts, a part of Boys & Girls Harbor, are just a few of the numerous organizations that have received MYF funds throughout the years.





The National Endowment for the Arts is a federally funded organization that promotes the arts.
The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) is an independent federal body that promotes artistic excellence by funding innovative community music and arts programs across the United States and Canada. Since its founding in 1965, the National Endowment for the Arts has provided more than $4 billion dollars to music and art programs around the nation. 




The National Endowment for the Arts’ “Learning in the Arts” funds are available to schools and youth-oriented community institutions in the United States that promote and support creative development and education, whether via music or otherwise. Grants for music-related initiatives may range in value from $5,000 to $150,000 and can be sought in any amount.



The Fender Music Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the art of guitar playing.



The Fender Music Foundation, which is sponsored by the well-known guitar maker Fender, makes regular philanthropic donations to child music programs in need of support via its annual fundraising efforts. Fender does not provide financial rewards, but the foundation does provide instruments and equipment to youth-oriented music programs in order for them to operate properly. 





The value of Fender awards varies, but most recipients get between $500 and $5,000 in musical equipment and accessories. In-school music teaching, after-school music instruction, and music therapy programs are all likely candidates for Fender funding if they satisfy the qualifying standards for such awards.

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