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Florida Armadillos Removal Guide

Florida Armadillos Removal Guide.

Armadillos are creatures that burrow, and they are responsible for the destruction of lawns and gardens in the state of Florida. Despite the fact that they do not by nature exhibit violent behavior, they are capable of causing significant financial damage to property and are often a nuisance that homeowners would prefer do without.

Armadillos may be removed from your property in a number of different methods, the most effective of which include the following:

Repellants \Fencing \Trapping

In the following paragraphs, we are going to investigate the many reasons for the success of each of these strategies.

Corporation Specializing in the Elimination of Wildlife

Armadillo removal is something that some homeowners feel comfortable doing themselves, but if you don’t feel like doing it yourself, you can always seek the services of an expert Florida wildlife removal business.

Armadillos are common in Florida, so make sure your property is protected from them.
Armadillo in Florida

Armadillos will be drawn to your yard in greater numbers if you maintain its health and keep it in good shape.

They thrive best in wet, mushy soil that allows them to quickly dig for food and is always somewhat damp.

Because of this, you may also find them in flower beds and gardens rather often.

Even though the likelihood of being attacked by an armadillo is quite low, you should always exercise caution around them since they may be harmful. After all, these creatures are native to their natural environments.

They also have the potential to transmit illnesses such as:

illness caused by rabies, germs known as salmonella, and Hansen’s disease (aka leprosy)
Leprosy is thought to affect as much as half of the armadillo population in the United States, according to some estimates.

Here Are the Top Three Things You Can Do to Prevent Armadillos from Roaming Around on Your Lawn

What kinds of repellents may be used to protect against armadillos?

Because there are no repellants on the market that are designed specifically to protect against armadillos, and there are also no general pest and wildlife repellants that are registered as safe for use in Florida, you will need to come up with some creative solutions if you decide to go with this method.

What kinds of repellents may be used to protect against armadillos?
Armadillos repellants

Armadillos will be drawn to your land if it has a variety of food sources, including worms, insects, and other animals that eat insects. Because of this, armadillos will have less of an interest in your lawn and plants if you take steps to repel these pests.

When you have eliminated the source of food that was luring armadillos into the area, the next step is to ensure that the odors that were formerly inviting are now replaced with something that will repel them.

Armadillos, on the other hand, have an extremely keen sense of smell, which helps compensate for the fact that they have poor vision; as a result, they are quickly deterred by non-hazardous, naturally occurring compounds such as the ones listed below:

Mothballs Vinegar Cayenne pepper and ammonia are other effective options, provided that you do not have any young children or pets in the house.

Armadillos may be deterred from your property by using any of these two methods: sprinkling or spraying the ingredients around the perimeter.

Which Type of Armadillo-Resistant Fencing Is the Most Effective?

Armadillos are dangerous mostly because of the sharp claws they have on their feet.

Armadillos are well recognized for their propensity for digging in the soft ground; but, did you know that they are also capable of causing damage to man-made structures such as sidewalks, driveways, and building foundations?

Normal fence won’t necessarily deter them from approaching your property in this case.

Are Armadillos Nocturnal?

Armadillo nocturnal
Normal fences, which are defined as those in which the posts are simply inserted into the ground to a depth sufficient to ensure the stability of the material that is put in between the posts, are unsuccessful for a number of reasons, including the following:

They are able to drill directly beneath the surface, to depths of one foot or more. Because nothing was planted in the earth other than the poles, and they were only a few inches deep, there is nothing to prevent an armadillo from tunneling underground.

It’s also been documented that armadillos are able to scale vertical surfaces. They will really attempt to climb fences if they can gain a grip if they are unable to get under the gates.

The good news is that humans are more intelligent than these critters, and as a result, we are able to create ingenious strategies to keep them out while yet keeping an appealing yard:

An in-ground fence is the most effective method for preventing armadillos from entering your yard because of the enclosed space it provides.

Armadillos are discouraged from tunneling below this form of fence by the fact that it is anchored around 18 inches underground. It is also advised that your fence be installed at an angle of at least 40 degrees outward since this will prevent the animals from climbing it.

A cheaper alternative to conventional fences is electric fencing. Armadillos should be deterred from entering your property by a single strand of wire placed around three to four inches above the ground. If you have children or animals that may potentially go close to the electric fence, you need to be very cautious about where you set it.

Are Armadillos Skilled Hunters?

Hunting techniques for armadillos
If you have a big yard, installing a fence of any kind is going to be a costly proposition for you, and because of this, you need to carefully analyze the entire cost of this choice before making a final decision.

What is the procedure for capturing armadillos?

In the state of Florida, it is against the law to kill armadillos; however, it is perfectly acceptable to capture and then release the animals.

After you have successfully captured an armadillo on your land, you have two alternatives available to you:

You should turn it go on a property that is next to yours so that it does not get entirely cut off from its natural environment. This boosts the armadillo’s chances of living in an environment that is more suited to its needs.

Bring it to the attention of the authorities in charge of animal control so that they may let it out in a secure place. Before letting the armadillo back into the wild, it is possible that they may examine it for signs of sickness.

Caution is very necessary if you decide to capture the armadillos on your own since they are causing you problems. Even though they do not often pose a threat to people, any animal that is confined in an enclosed space poses a greater danger.

Mealworms, crickets, or earthworms are excellent bait for armadillo traps since these are the items that armadillos like eating most while they are free in the wild.

Use neither human food nor waste in your experimentation. These substances are not a part of the armadillo’s normal diet, and as a result, they are susceptible to being unwell if they consume them.

Armadillos should be eradicated from Florida as soon as possible.

Armadillos are a nuisance in Florida; here are some suggestions for their removal.
You shouldn’t bring them into your property since doing so would be like extending an invitation to the armadillo to return to the area that you are trying to keep it out of.

Even better, if you know the location of their burrow, set traps so that the animals enter them when they emerge. If this is not possible, just place the trap in a location that is not on your property but is still calm and remote enough so that the armadillo will not feel frightened by it.


Armadillos are most abundant in the southern United States, particularly in Florida, however, they have been seen in Missouri, which is located in the middle of the United States.

They are harmful to the lawns of residential and commercial properties, and when they get onto the roadway, they pose a significant threat to the safety of drivers of vehicles of a smaller size.

There are methods that are harmless and based on natural processes that may be used to eliminate them from your lawn. A significant number of the solutions entail doing nothing more than preventing the animals from entering your property in the first place. It’s always better to avoid problems than to try to fix them!

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