Fishing for Trout using Dough Balls

Fishing for Trout using Dough Balls

Fishing for Trout using Dough Balls

The term “secret bait” was thrown about a lot when I first began trout fishing, and I remember hearing about dough balls everywhere. In the end, I had to look up dough balls on the internet to figure out what they were, how to prepare them, and whether or not they would really work on fish. The results of my search are shown below.





There are a variety of recipes available for preparing dough balls for trout fishing. Flour, cornmeal, garlic powder, and, on occasion, food coloring are among the most common ingredients. Roll, cook, and freeze dough balls in the same manner as PowerBait, and then rig them in the same manner as PowerBait.




Despite the fact that utilizing dough bait is really successful and simple to produce, let’s look at how we can enhance it and make it enticing to trout.




Are trout dough balls a kind of breading or anything else?

Cooked dough balls for trout are a kind of handmade bait that is often created from a variety of flours and garlic to assist smell the lure. It’s inexpensive and effective on stocked trout, who are used to eating grains identical to those found in their hatchery pellet diet.




Fishing dough balls, which are used by some anglers to catch trout efficiently, saves money by eliminating the need to purchase lures or costly bait. It’s easy to prepare a large batch of dough balls that will last you for a whole day of fishing with just a few ingredients.




Making dough balls is a simple procedure.

Cornmeal and fish pellets are two of the most beneficial substances to use when creating dough balls for trout, particularly stocked trout. But there are several more substances that may be included and formed into the bait as a result of your creativity.



Here are some more components that you may use into your recipes:

  1. Oatmeal
  2. Flour
  3. Flaked fish is a kind of fish that has been fried in a special sauce.
  4. Colorants for food
  5. Garlic powder in a butter base
  6. Egg Cheese

In this recipe, the flour helps to hold the components together, while the cornmeal serves as a nostalgic feed for the trout, reminding them of their days in a hatchery. Last but not least, garlic powder is a typical and useful perfume to use while fishing since it has a strong smell and dissipates readily through water due to its dispersing properties. 




Because of this, flour, cornmeal, and garlic powder are the three most fundamental ingredients in the recipe. Typically, one cup flour is combined with one-third cup cornmeal and one or two teaspoons garlic powder.




Make some dough balls, and we’ll be on our way!

As soon as you’ve chosen your ingredients, put a pot of water on a low heat and cook the dough balls for around 15 minutes. To make the dry ingredients, place them in a separate mixing bowl.




Add little quantities of water at a time while mixing until the dough has a consistency similar to that of pizza dough after you have assembled your dry components.
Once it has been well blended, remove tiny bits and roll them into a ball with your fingertips. They should be no bigger than a dime, although blueberry-sized balls are the most successful.



Once the dough balls are done, place them in a pot of boiling water for around 1-2 minutes, or until they are cooked through. In order to do this, the exterior should become a bit denser.



As soon as they’ve finished boiling, lay them on a napkin to air dry. When they have a firm enough consistency, they will attach to a hook more effectively.
Allow them to cool for 10-15 minutes before placing them in a plastic bag or container and freezing overnight.



In the end, everything comes down to this:

To whet your appetite, here are some further suggestions that may help you enhance your dough ball skills:





Tips for producing dough balls in addition to the ones provided above
Because it’s ideal to freeze the dough balls overnight, the night before (or even earlier if you’re planning ahead) is the best time to prepare them.

Experiment with different components, but don’t go too far from the recipe’s intended outcome! The bait will not function if this is not the case..




Dough balls should be hard enough to remain on the hook and not dissolve in the water for the best results. Additionally, dough balls should float slightly above the surface of the water, similar to other types of bait. The best method for doing this is to use a weight 1-2 feet up the line (bullet weights work better than split-shots since the trout will not feel any resistance while testing the line).




The use of an egg (to help the dough balls float somewhat) and butter in the dough ball recipe is something that some fisherman like experimenting with (to help with the water-resistance).




It should be your objective to create a long-lasting bait that isn’t overly big, but large enough to cover the hook and–most importantly–scented.

This is particularly true if you are fishing in murky water since the aroma of the bait will attract trout.




Consider adding food coloring to make it more noticeable if you want to go the extra mile. Bright green and bright orange are two excellent colors for trout. However, if you don’t have any of these hues on hand, most other bright colors would suffice.





Keeping dough balls on the hook is a tricky proposition.

You should be able to get a good grip on the dough balls after they’ve been baked correctly and they shouldn’t slip off as soon as they contact the water. The easiest technique to keep them firm is to use enough flour and cook them for an extended period of time.




Make certain that the hook you’re using is the appropriate size for both your homemade bait and the trout you’re attempting to catch. Consider utilizing hook sizes 6-10 for the greatest results, however you should use your best judgment based on the typical size of trout in your region.



Investing in a light or ultralight rod and setup will help to reduce the number of times fish steal the bait. You will be able to feel the strike of the trout more easily with the light weight rods, which will allow you to place your hook early (resulting in less gut hooks). Light-weight rods can bend more easily, making it a little more difficult and enjoyable to reel in trout while fishing with them.




The next step is to decide whether or not to use a leader, which will depend on your line and the color of the water. Because of their near-invisibility, fluorocarbon leads are effective. To begin, use a 1-2-foot leader; the length of the leader will be determined by the depth at which you’re fishing, though.




Consider having a leader for the amount of line that is coming from the weight down or the bobber down, depending on whether you’re using sinkers or floats on your catch.



Identifying the scents that lure fish.

Since the vast majority of trout are supplied from hatcheries, they will gravitate toward food that is comparable to the pellets that they were reared on throughout their development. Finding something that smells bad and is made of maize is typical.





When it comes to bait odors, garlic has to be the top option for the majority of trout anglers. Crushing some fish flakes or pellets is a simple and efficient method of boosting the aroma of homemade baits if you’re searching for something different. Increasing the amount of garlic powder or fish flakes in your bait may be necessary if you feel it isn’t sufficiently fragrant after it is in the water.




It’s also a good idea to use cheese since it’s high in fat and the odor will dissipate quickly via the water. When creating dough balls, several types of cheese will work, but shredded American cheese is a safe pick.




But what about a less typically used ingredient? Sugar.

In most animals, sugar is highly addictive, and trout are no exception. When you add sugar to the dough balls, the flavor and scent will become almost tempting. Sugar dissolves readily in water, so be cautious about how much you use or your bait may be lost sooner than you expect!




Do I need a bobber to make dough balls? Related questions:

When fishing with dough balls, it is possible to use a bobber, although it is not essential. The fish should bite as long as you have a decent weight, such as a bullet-weight, and the bait is able to float on its own. You should only make sure there is no slack in the queue.




Are dough balls used in trout fishing an unlawful method?

Dough balls may be used to catch trout, and depending on your state’s rules, it is usually permissible. It is important to note that if you want to chum, you should verify your local regulations beforehand since this practice is less tolerated and potentially harmful to ecosystems.