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Easy Ways to Keep Your Ice Fishing Holes From Freezing

Easy Ways to Keep Your Ice Fishing Holes From Freezing

Perhaps the best feeling in the world can be had when out on the ice, realizing that all of your hard work has finally paid off, and you’ve caught an excellent catch of fish while ice fishing?

Despite the fact that this challenging, but rewarding sport may be one of the most exhilarating in the world, there’s nothing more disappointing than returning to your favorite site only to discover that the hole has re-frozen.




Despite the fact that it is annoying, there are some precautions that you can do to assist guarantee that this does not occur, no matter how long you are required to be away from your job or family.

When it comes to fishing, there are a few important things to remember that will ensure that you always have an open hole to draw your fish through when they are caught.





Bring out the nonstick cooking spray.

Cooking spray may be used on ice just as easily as it can be used in the kitchen. For this reason, since oil-based spray freezes at a temperature that is far lower than that of water, squirting it into your hole will assist to guarantee that things remain nice and open for a longer length of time.




Furthermore, you won’t have to be concerned about any chemicals accidentally attaching themselves to your fish, since the spray itself is completely non-toxic and may be consumed by humans.

Take your cooking spray and saturate the whole interior of your hole as well as the edge with it once every 30 minutes to employ this technique:

For the best results with this specific approach, keep the spray can in a warm location, such as your pocket if you have enough room in your coat.





Can of Activated Carbon

The addition of a can of charcoal into your fishing hole is an alternative option that is somewhat more challenging.

However, although it may seem to be a significant amount of effort, it is quite effective and will be the most practical option if you know you will be gone from your fishing location for a long length of time.

Make use of an old coffee can that has been filled with charcoal chunks to accomplish this task. Start the charcoal burning as soon as you can so that the can is ready to go as soon as you finish drilling your hole in the wall.

Once you’ve excavated your primary fishing hole, you’ll need to drill another hole the size of a coffee can directly next to it, and then you’ll need to create a little connecting channel between the two holes.




Simply place your burning coals into the smaller hole, and you’re done for the day. In addition to actively warming the water underneath your two holes, the coals will also ensure that the primary fishing hole does not shut at any time in the foreseeable future.

When it comes to ice fishing, making sure that your hole remains open and free of ice is the most important step you can take to ensure that you’ll be able to keep those nice catches. Take note of these suggestions to ensure that you get the most out of the new season, which begins today.

Easy Ways to Keep Your Ice Fishing Holes From Freezing

Easy Ways to Keep Your Ice Fishing Holes From Freezing
The Best Way to Stop Your Neighbor’s Yard Water Runoff

So, you’ve just put in all of the effort to drill a hole into your favorite ice fishing site, but every time you take a break, you see that the ice has begun to re-form around your hole. What should you do in this situation?




The answer to this issue may be found in a variety of forms, and I’ll go through three of my personal favorites here. There is just one of them that is high-tech, and they are all quite affordable. As a result, these are choices that are available to almost everyone, and they should prevent you from accidently freezing your line in the water when you eventually catch a big fish.

The following are three methods for preventing an ice fishing hole from freezing.
An example of a Skimmer is as follows:





This, in my view, is the most effective method of keeping your hole open. Nothing more than purchasing a plastic scoop of some type and keeping it in your pocket to scoop out ice as soon as it begins to develop is required. The situation does not get any more straightforward.

It is not need to worry about running out of coals or spray, as you would with the options I’ll discuss later in this article. For as long as you’re able to bend down and scoop, you’ll have a hole in which to cast your line.





The only major drawback to employing this approach is that you won’t be able to scoop out the hole if it completely freezes over. As a result, you should only use this technique if you intend to remain in close proximity to your fishing hole for the duration of your fishing trip.

Furthermore, if you are not cautious, you run the chance of having your gloves wet as well. As a result, avoid dipping the instrument into the water. Simply scrape the ice from the surface of the water.





Cooking Spray 

This can be accomplished with almost any liquid that freezes more slowly than water, but I’m not a big fan of utilizing potentially hazardous chemicals when fishing. Using cooking spray as an example, let me explain. It is inexpensive, dependable, and safe for the fish.




Whatever you choose to use, I strongly advise you to avoid using anything that contains WD-40 or other similar substances. I’m sure a lot of anglers will use such items nonetheless, but you should keep in mind that anything you do to the water will have an impact on everything in it. If you’re consuming the fish you catch, it will have an impact on you as well.





You just spray your hole with your cooking spray around once every half hour or so while using this strategy. The spray freezes at a slower rate than the water. As a result, it will keep your hole open.



If you want to use this approach, store your cooking spray in a container that is kept at a moderate temperature. You may keep it in your bag or in your pocket if you like. It doesn’t actually make a difference. Simply keeping it heated enough so that the aerosol does not cease functioning is all that is required.







A Coal Can 

There are actually two distinct variants of a coal can, but I’m just going to tell you about the most basic of the two options. Unless you ice fish on a regular basis, the more complex version is more trouble than it is worth.

Make a can of coals using a coffee can, charcoal, and a chiseling device to cook with over an open fire.




Prepare to get the coals burning by filling up the can with charcoal and starting the fire. If you start the coals early enough, they will be ready to use by the time you have the ice ready to go.

After that, drill a hole the size of a coffee can directly adjacent to your primary fishing hole. Separate the two holes by leaving a few inches of space between them, and then carve out a thin channel to link the two holes. It is not necessary for the channel to break through to the water.




Finally, all that is required is that you place the can of burning coals into the smaller opening. Water will flow down the channel into your ice fishing hole as the coals burn and the water surrounding the can warms somewhat as it is heated by the flames.

While keeping your hole open will require a significant amount of effort, it will provide you with a little amount of light and enable you to utilize it to keep your hands warm between bites.





When I wish to move away from my fishing spot for an hour or longer, I advocate adopting this method. It has a longer shelf life than spray, and you don’t have to scoop anything out of the container. If you don’t intend to spend the whole day on the ice, it’s just too much effort to make it worthwhile.






Concluding Remarks
Three of my favorite techniques for keeping ice holes open are as follows: 1. They are dependable, easily available, and reasonably priced. You may also purchase commercial items, although they aren’t really essential unless you’re a professional ice fisherman, in which case they may be beneficial.





There is one final way that I prefer above all of the others. It is described below. Simply catch a large number of fish. When you’re tearing fish through your ice hole on a regular basis, it makes it difficult for the ice to refreeze. Obviously, it is not something you will be able to accomplish on a consistent basis, but it is something to consider.

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