Does drinking ice tea cause you kidney stones?

Iced tea may increase the risk of kidney stones.
Iced tea consumption is at its peak during the summer months. However, a urologist at Loyola University Medical Center, Dr. John Miller, cautions that iced tea may induce painful kidney stones due to the high concentration of oxalate in the beverage, which is one of the main chemicals that contribute to the development of kidney stones.

Kidney stones are a frequent disease of the urinary system that affects about 10% of the population in the United States.




Dr. John Milner, assistant professor in the Department of Urology at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, says that “iced tea is one of the worst things to drink for individuals who have a propensity to develop the most frequent kind of kidney stones.”

A lack of fluid intake is the most common cause of kidney stones, and during the summer, when people can become dehydrated due to excessive sweating, the combined effect of dehydration and drinking a lot of iced tea can increase the likelihood of developing kidney stones, particularly in those who are already at high risk of developing kidney stones.




“In the heat, people are advised that they should drink more fluids. Is this true?” The fact that iced tea is low in calories and tastes better than water has prompted many individuals to increase their use of it. When it comes to kidney stones, on the other hand, they may be doing themselves a favor.”

The Tea Association of the United States reports that about 85 percent of tea drunk in the United States is iced, despite the fact that hot tea contains oxalate as well. Milner believes that it is impossible to consume significant quantities of hot tea to induce kidney stones.




Men are four times more likely than women to get kidney stones, and the risk increases significantly for those who are 40 years or older, according to research. Women who have low estrogen levels, such as postmenopausal women and women who have had their ovaries removed, are also at greater risk for breast cancer.

Typically, kidney stones are tiny mineral and salt crystals that are formed in the urine and then excreted via the kidneys or ureters, which are the small tubes that carry urine from the kidney to the bladder. kidney stones are usually so tiny that they may be passed via the urine without creating any problems. In rare cases, however, the stones get big enough to become trapped in the ureters, causing severe pain and suffering.

“Lemons are rich in citrates, which prevent the development of kidney stones,” says Milner, who advises drinking water or genuine lemonade rather than the powdered version to satisfy thirst and adequately hydrate in order to quench thirst and properly hydrate.




According to him, individuals at risk for kidney stones should limit their consumption of certain foods that contain high concentrations of oxalates, such as spinach and chocolate. They should also consume less salt and red meat, drink several glasses of water per day and eat foods that contain adequate amounts of calcium, as doing so will reduce the amount of oxalate that the body absorbs from the food they consume.

Milner recommends that people who use iced tea and are already suffering from kidney stones contact a professional to determine if the beverage is a contributing role, since it is very easy to check for an excess production of oxalates.




As Milner suggests, “I love drinking iced tea in the summer, as do many other individuals.” But be careful not to overdo it. It is important to remember that moderation is the key to living a healthy lifestyle.”


Preventing kidney stones from forming is important.

Drinking lots of water is the most effective step a person can do to avoid kidney stones.

However, there are other Trusted Source preventative actions that may be taken based on the kind of kidney stone that a person continues to have:

Calcium oxalate stones are a kind of stone made of calcium and oxalate.
In order to prevent oxalate stones, a person should limit or avoid the intake of the following foods:


nuts, such as peanuts,
rhubarb \spinach

They should also avoid meals that are rich in salt and limit the quantity of animal protein they eat.

In addition, it is recommended that you consider boosting your calcium consumption. For example, a person may increase their intake of fortified foods such as cereals and bread.

Limestones (calcium phosphates)
Consuming meals that are low in sodium may help to decrease the chance of getting this kind of stone.



Other dietary options for lowering risk include decreasing animal protein consumption and boosting calcium intake.

The presence of uric acid stones
A person’s intake of animal protein should be reduced in order to avoid the formation of uric acid stones.

They may wish to switch to plant-based sources of protein, such as legumes and soy foods, to ensure that they are still receiving enough.

Individuals who are worried about decreasing their animal protein consumption should get advice from a doctor or nutritionist, who can guide them through the process of making appropriate replacements.

Maintaining or achieving a healthy body weight will help decrease the likelihood of uric acid stones reoccurring.




Cystine stones are a kind of stone that is found in the body of a woman.
Keeping hydrated and drinking lots of water throughout the day should be sufficient to avoid the development of this kind of kidney stone.

In summary, there are four major kinds of kidney surgery: percutaneous nephrolithotomy and nephrolithotripsy, ureteroscopy, shockwave lithotripsy, and open surgery.

Open surgery is only recommended by doctors after all other options have been exhausted.




Open kidney stone surgery is the most invasive kind of kidney stone surgery available. When compared to other procedures such as a ureteroscopy, a person may anticipate a much lengthier recovery period.

Drinking lots of water may help to avoid the formation of kidney stones. Depending on the kind of kidney stone, individuals may also need to make dietary adjustments, such as decreasing their consumption of animal protein.

Tea consumption is beneficial to one’s health. Cancer risk may be reduced, weight reduction may be aided, and new research have shown that tea may help decrease blood pressure levels.

However, one guy from Texas found that there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.



In May 2014, a 56-year-old man presented himself to Central Texas Veterans Healthcare System with complaints of weakness, tiredness, and bodily pains, among other things. His kidneys were found to be failing by doctors, who treated him. He was put on dialysis as a result of his condition. After interrogating the patient, they discovered that he consumed 16 8-ounce cups of iced tea each day, which amounted to about 1 gallon of liquid.




“Iced tea is high in oxalic acid, which, when consumed in large quantities, accumulates in the kidneys and interferes with the kidneys’ ability to remove waste from the blood,” explains Scott Youngquist, MD, an emergency physician at University of Utah Medical Center. “This patient had been consuming 16 8-ounce glasses of iced tea each day for an undetermined amount of time. ” This resulted in a buildup of oxalic acid that his kidneys were unable to manage, ultimately leading to renal failure.”





Black tea has a high concentration of oxalate, a chemical that occurs naturally in a variety of foods. It may also cause kidney stones if consumed in excess. The guy was most likely taking 1,500 mg of the chemical on a regular basis. According to the National Institutes of Health, the typical individual consumes between 150 and 500 mg of oxalate each day.

This kind of renal failure has also been recorded as a result of excessive intake of star fruit, cucumber fruit, rhubarb, and peanuts, according to Youngquist’s research.

These foods, like tea, are well-known for their health-promoting properties. However, as Youngquist points out, “Anything eaten in excess may be harmful, and this includes water!”

Dietary Guidelines for Preventing Kidney Stones

If you have kidney stones, you may need to follow a specific eating plan to avoid further complications. First and foremost, your healthcare professional will do blood and urine tests to determine whether or not you have any risk factors. Following that, your healthcare expert will advise you on the dietary modifications and medical therapy you should undergo to avoid having kidney stones recur.


A renal dietician who is certified in kidney nutrition can assist you in making the required adjustments to your diet and lifestyle.


What is a kidney stone and how do you get rid of one?

A kidney stone is a hard mass that develops in the kidneys as a result of crystals found in the urine. Natural substances found in the urine prevent stones from developing and creating difficulties in the majority of individuals.


Are all kidney stones are the same?

No. Calcium stones are the most frequent kind of kidney stone, followed by uric acid stones as the second most prevalent type. Individualized dietary modifications and medical therapy are prescribed depending on the kind of stone in order to prevent it from recurring.



What is the most essential element in preventing the development of kidney stones?

Drinking lots of water on a daily basis is one of the most effective things you can do to prevent kidney stones. This will assist you in ensuring that you urinate often in order to prevent any buildup of calcium or uric acid in your system.



Don’t underestimate the power of your perspiration! Saunas, hot yoga, and vigorous exercise may all seem like excellent ideas for improving your health, but they may also increase your risk of developing kidney stones. 


Why? Reduced urine output may result from the loss of water via perspiration, which may be caused by these activities or simply by the heat of the summer. In general, the more you sweat, the less urination you have, which enables stone-forming materials to settle and deposit in your kidneys and urinary system.




Drink plenty of water. 

Remember to stay hydrated, particularly if you are engaging in vigorous exercise or other activities that produce a lot of perspiration. If you want to generate a significant quantity of pee, you should consume 2-3 quarts of fluids or 8-12 cups each day. Consult with a healthcare expert to determine the appropriate quantity of water for your needs and preferences. Avoid sugary beverages such as sodas (particularly those containing large levels of fructose), sweetened iced tea, and grapefruit juice.


For the prevention of kidney stones, what type of dietary plan is recommended?

There is no one diet that is effective for stone avoidance. The majority of diet suggestions are based on stone kinds and are customized for each individual.


1. Calcium Oxalate Stones: These are the most frequent of the stones.

Oxalate may be found in a variety of foods, including fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, cereals, legumes, and even chocolate and tea, as a naturally occurring substance. Peanuts, rhubarb, spinach, beets, Swiss chard, chocolate, and sweet potatoes are just a few of the foods that have significant amounts of oxalate in their composition. People who develop calcium oxalate kidney stones, which are the most common kind of kidney stone, may benefit by restricting their consumption of these items.



During a meal, consume and drink calcium-rich foods such as milk, yogurt, and certain cheeses, as well as oxalate-rich meals, all at the same time. It is more probable that the oxalate and calcium from the meals will bond to one another in the stomach and intestines before reaching the kidneys. This will reduce the likelihood of kidney stones forming in the future.



Calcium is not the enemy, although it does receive a bad reputation for some reason! This is most likely owing to the name of the stone and the common misconception that calcium is the primary cause of calcium-oxalate stones. It is really true that a diet deficient in calcium increases your chances of getting kidney stones.



Don’t decrease the amount of calcium you consume. Reduce the amount of salt in your diet and match calcium-rich meals with oxalate-rich foods to get the best results. Calcium intake of 1000-1200 mg per day is advised for the prevention of calcium stone formation (you can eat 3 servings of dairy products with meals to meet the recommendation).



When you consume too much salt, you lose too much calcium in your urine. Because sodium and calcium share the same transport system in the kidney, eating high sodium meals will result in an increase in calcium leakage in the urine. The use of excessive salt may thus enhance the likelihood of forming another stone. Canned or commercially processed meals, as well as restaurant-prepared and fast-food items, are all potential sources of “hidden” salt.



If you have high blood pressure, you may decrease your sodium intake by eating fresh, low-sodium meals. This will assist to reduce calcium leakage in the urine and will also help to manage your blood pressure if you have high blood pressure.



2. Uric acid stones: this is yet another frequent kind of stone.

Purines are a naturally occurring chemical component found in high concentrations in red meat, organ meats, and shellfish. A high purine consumption results in a greater generation of uric acid and a higher acid load for the kidneys to discharge, resulting in a more acidic environment. The excretion of uric acid increases, resulting in acidic urine. Because of the high acid content in the urine, it is simpler for uric acid stones to develop in the urine.



Reduce your intake of high-purine foods such as red meat, organ meats, beer/alcoholic drinks, meat-based gravies, sardines, anchovies, and shellfish to help prevent uric acid stones from forming. Maintain a nutritious diet consisting mostly of vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products to achieve your goals. Reduce your intake of sugar-sweetened meals and beverages, particularly those that include high fructose corn syrup. Limit your intake of alcoholic beverages since they may raise your uric acid levels in the blood, and avoid short-term diets because they can do the same thing. Eating less animal-based protein and more fruits and vegetables can assist to lower urine acidity, which may help to minimize the likelihood of uric acid stone development.


Will taking a vitamin or mineral supplement be beneficial or detrimental?


A study conducted on individuals who had kidney stones found that the B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B6 and B12) were not hazardous. In fact, several studies have shown that vitamin B6 may actually be beneficial for individuals who have high levels of oxalate in their urine. Nonetheless, it is recommended that you consult with your healthcare professional or nutritionist before taking vitamin C, vitamin D, fish liver oils, or other calcium-containing supplements, since certain supplements may increase the likelihood of stone development in some people.



Dietary Guidelines for the Treatment of Kidney Stones

Recommendations Across the Board

Drink lots of fluids to stay hydrated: 1-2 pints per day
With the exception of grapefruit juice and soda, this covers any kind of fluid that has been proven to have a positive impact, such as water, coffee, and lemonade.
This will aid in the production of less concentrated urine as well as the maintenance of a sufficient urine volume of at least 2.5L/day.

Foods having a high oxalate concentration should be avoided.
Spinach, numerous berries, chocolate, wheat bran, almonds, beets, tea, and rhubarb should all be avoided as part of your diet. You should also limit your consumption of caffeine.

Consume an adequate amount of dietary calcium.
It is recommended that you consume three servings of dairy each day to help reduce the chance of calcium stone development. Consume in conjunction with meals.
Extra calcium supplements should be avoided.
Calcium supplements should be prescribed by your doctor in consultation with a certified renal dietitian (RD).
Consume a reasonable quantity of protein each day.
Increased protein consumption will lead the kidneys to expel more calcium, which may result in an increase in the formation of stones in the kidneys.
Limit your consumption of sodium.
Increased salt consumption increases calcium excretion in the urine, increasing the likelihood of forming kidney stones.
A low-salt diet is also essential for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.
Avoid taking excessive amounts of vitamin C pills.
According to the Dietary Reference Intake for the United States, it is recommended to consume 60mg of vitamin C each day.
Excessive quantities of oxalate, such as 1000mg per day or more, may cause the body to manufacture more oxalate.

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