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Do Macaws Require a Lot of Upkeep?

Do Macaws Require a Lot of Upkeep?

The care required for macaws is fairly extensive. If you are interested in acquiring one for yourself, then you had best get ready for the enormous challenge that lies ahead of you.

If this is your first experience keeping birds, you may want to start with a breed that is less demanding and give it a try instead.

There are at least 17 different species of stunning macaws in the world. Their color may change from green to red and green, red and yellow, blue, blue and gold, and finally back to green.

There are both big and little varieties of macaws; the latter are often referred to as the “mini variant.”

They were originally found in the jungles of central and southern America. The following are some of the reasons why it might be somewhat costly to care for a macaw.

Space Requirements
Macaws are very noisy birds that are capable of screeching at a volume that is as high as 105 dB.

Because of this, it is not possible to place them in homes or flats that are on the smaller side.

Are Macaws Requiring a Lot of TLC?

If they are located too close to your property, the noise they produce might easily aggravate the people who live nearby.

Because they are capable of screaming at any hour of the day or night, you need to make sure that your home is large enough to let you to go as far away from the noise as possible if you find that you need some peace and quiet.

In this scenario, you will want to make sure that your bedroom is located as far away from the bird’s cage as possible so that you can have a good night’s rest without being disturbed.

Macaw bird keepers demand larger housing, but the parrot itself also requires a vast cage in order for the larger species to be able to completely extend its wings without coming into contact with the cage’s edges.

Their wing span ranges from 1 to 1 1/2 meters. The cage should also have sufficient space for the parrot to travel freely between the two perches and for it to investigate the environment without restriction.

You will be able to successfully raise a macaw that is both healthy and content if you do this.

Macaws: the facts

There are seventeen different species of macaws. Attention Seeking

The high level of intellect possessed by this parrot, which is said to be equivalent to that of youngsters between the ages of three and eight years old, is one of the factors that draws in a lot of people who are looking for a new pet.

They have a lot of fun, and they may even make others laugh with their antics.

Macaws have a propensity to act in a manner reminiscent to young children, including having fits of rage when they get bored or are only attempting to gain your attention.

Are Macaws Requiring a Lot of TLC?

They want continuous amusement, thus in order to keep them active, you will need to get them a variety of interesting toys in order to meet their needs. They like chewing as well, so you should provide them with lots of toys that they can gnaw on.

Macaws are very sociable birds; because of this, they need not only your attention but also the opportunity to interact with a large number of people.

These may be members of your family and friends, youngsters younger than you, or even other pets.

Via exposure to a wide variety of people and environments through socialization, a macaw may overcome its natural timidity when confronted with new individuals.

A lack of attention, which leads to boredom, can force you to lash out, which may lead to negative actions.

If you have a macaw as a pet, you won’t have the luxury of going away for a week without it, and you also won’t be able to spend extended periods of time apart from your companion.

Because of their very long lifespans, which often range from 40 to 50 years, you need to be prepared for a companionship that might last the rest of your life with your frolicking companion.

The Minimum Requirements for a Diet

The macaws demand a lot of energy; hence, they require a little more food than the typical bird, which results in a bit of an increase in cost.

Are Macaws Requiring a Lot of TLC?

They need fresh food on a regular basis, which may come in the form of pelletized or extruded formulated meals, parrot mixes, or seeds.

These parrots need to have a varied diet in order to get the psychological benefits of doing so since a monotonous diet might lead to boredom in the birds.

Just make sure you don’t give it any avocado since that can make it sick.

They need extra sources of protein, such as sprouted beans and cooked chicken, for example.

Also, think about providing sweets and snacks like macadamia nuts and walnuts. Keep in mind that your macaw needs fresh drinking water on a regular basis.

Variety is the spice of life, which is not only true for people, but it is also true for the highly demanding macaws that need to be kept happy at all times. This is why it is important to provide them with a wide range of foods and activities.

Grooming and Upkeep

Because your macaw will need to see the veterinarian on a frequent basis, you should plan on increasing the amount of money you set up for these appointments. This is because you will need the assistance of an avian veterinarian rather than a general practitioner.

In addition to the need of a large cage, which has previously been mentioned, macaw cages need to be very sturdy and long-lasting.

The birds are aggressive chewers and have the potential to do significant damage to the cage if it is built of a material that is too fragile.

Macaws are also incredibly competent at opening cage doors; thus, it is important to ensure that the cage has escape-proof latches or locks that are out of the macaw’s reach.

The majority of people who own macaws neglect to provide their pets with regular baths, which is an essential part of maintaining good personal hygiene.

It is necessary for macaws to bathe in order to keep their plumage and skin in healthy condition. Use water that is lukewarm and a handheld shower sprayer or a hose head that has a thin spray.

If you don’t keep the macaw’s wings trimmed, it may fly away and you would never see it again if it did so.

Remove around ten of the feathers that are located closest to the end of the wing, but be sure to save enough so that the bird can still fly.

To assist in maintaining the shape of the beak of your bird, it is necessary to trim the beak if it becomes overgrown or misshapen.

Your local pet shop should have a selection of different mineral or lava blocks from which you may choose the components necessary for beak maintenance.

If the nails of your macaw have grown to be too long, you will need to file them down.

There is also the option of purchasing a concrete style of perch, which may assist keep the nails trimmed and is available at most pet supply stores.

Dishes containing food and drink that are contained inside the enclosure need to be cleaned on a regular basis. At the very least once each week, the ground and any soiled furniture or playthings must be scrubbed clean. This includes the floor.

An annual thorough hosing down and disinfection of an aviary is required, as is the replacement of any old dishes, toys, or perches.

Never use plastic in your macaw’s cage since the bird is likely to gnaw on it, which will not only cause the plastic to get damaged but will also put your macaw in danger if the plastic is ingested.

When properly cared for and given access to an engaging environment, macaws are known to be quite entertaining and full of energy.

Be mindful, though, that macaws are not only a plaything for your amusement; rather, they are a significant duty that calls for a significant amount of your commitment.

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