Cryotherapy is not the same as a cold shower, although it may have health advantages.
The difference between day showerers and night showerers is as clear as the difference between camp toilet paper that is right-side-out and camp toilet paper that is wrong-side-out. But you’d think we’d all be able to agree that taking a shower is a habit best enjoyed heated… right?
Cold showers are popular in the health world, and although they may not be as soothing as a calming stream of warm water just before bed, cold showers may provide health advantages.
Cryotherapy Does Not Involve Cold Showers
First and foremost, although many individuals have looked at research demonstrating the advantages of cryotherapy and ascribed these health benefits to cold showers, this is an enormous overreach (sort of like saying that red wine has all the anti-inflammatory effects of resveratrol-rich blueberries).
Cryotherapy is a technique in which individuals are temporarily put in a chamber at -110 degrees Celsius (or, in layman’s words, very, really cold) to reap advantages ranging from decreased rheumatoid symptoms to better mitochondrial health to greater brown fat synthesis (read more about increasing your brown fat here). However, Samantha Watson, Functional Movement Specialist and Nutritionist, argues that these advantages are “unlikely to translate to cold showers.”
“Cryotherapy, which involves entering a cryo-chamber, usually lasts just 2-3 minutes since it is very cold and quite stressful,” she says. “Thirty minutes in a very cold shower will not get you as cold as a cryo-chamber, but it will almost certainly make you sick.”
Meanwhile, cold water immersion (despite the British Journal of Sports Medicine claiming that the “scientific rationale is not clear” and that there are “no clear guidelines for its use”) is a popular post-exercise recovery intervention in which people immerse themselves in cold water for five minutes or so. We’re talking about temperatures of less than 15 degrees Celsius, or 59 degrees Fahrenheit.
In this setting, CWI is linked with an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory minute volume, and metabolism – and, crucially, “most of this data is obtained from complete body immersions,” according to the study.
A chilly shower simply won’t do. However, if you stop confusing the benefits of cryotherapy and CWI with a simple cold shower, you may find that there are still some advantages.
Cold Shower Advantages 1. Increased Metabolism
According to Dr. Rashmi Byakodi of Best for Nutrition, given the data in favor of cold water immersion, it is conceivable that cold showers may lead to better metabolism.
To enjoy the advantages of this metabolic surge, the shower should last at least five minutes but no more than 10 minutes, and the temperature should be about 59 degrees Fahrenheit or less, to best mimic the circumstances of CWI.
2. Decreased Depression
A chilly shower may really make you feel better.
According to Dr. Rob Brown, the anti-depressive effect is “considered to be due to the large number of cold sensors in the skin sending overwhelming impulses through peripheral nerves to the brain.”
A cold shower, in essence, may stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, increasing the release of noradrenaline in the brain.
“It is a pleasant hormone that controls your mood,” Byakodi says. “As a result, it promotes improved mental health by alleviating depressive symptoms.”
Showers should be taken at 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit) for two to three minutes, followed by a five-minute progressive adaptation to minimize the shock effect (and any associated yelping).

3. Increased Circulation
According to Dr. David Samadi, Director of Men’s Health and Urologic Oncology at St. Francis Hospital on Long Island, cold showers may help enhance circulation.
“When submerged or surrounded by cold water, the body’s primary goal is to maintain its core temperature,” he says, adding that cold water directs your body to send blood to the vital organs in order to keep them warm, while warm water directs blood to the skin’s surface.
“To get the best of both worlds,” he recommends, “alternate between hot and cold water when showering to promote circulation.” Cold showers, when used on a regular basis, may improve the efficiency of the circulatory system.”
4. Increased Immunity
According to a 1993 research from the Thrombosis Research Institute in the United Kingdom, cold showers may also boost immunity. The research discovered an increase in the amount of virus-fighting white blood cells in individuals who took cold showers on a regular basis vs those who took warm showers.
“Cold showers compel the body to warm up during and after the shower, increasing metabolic rate and stimulating the immune system, triggering the production of white blood cells in response,” says Samadi. “Regular exposure to cold water produces oxidative stress, which actually helps the body combat oxidative stress as it adjusts to the temperature.”
Indeed, one research discovered that only 30-90 seconds of cold bathing reduced sickness.
5. Better Hair and Skin Health
Yes, cold showers can offer beauty advantages! Cold water seals the ends of the hair cuticles, strengthening them and reducing dryness. This, according to Dr Chris Airey, MD, Medical Director of Optimale, a telemedicine clinic for men with low testosterone and a practicing physician with the NHS, “contributes to healthier-looking hair.”
Hot showers can dry out the skin, therefore cool showers may benefit skin health.
According to celebrity aesthetician Joshua Ross of SkinLab, “a cold shower will help decrease inflammation, edema, and puffiness.”
Rubin adds that some individuals may find that taking cold baths relieves itching.
“Very hot showers may cause skin to become particularly dry owing to loss of oil on the skin’s surface,” he adds, adding that “turning down the temperature may be one remedy.”
What Is the Best Temperature for a Shower?
While you will never be able to cool your shower to cryotherapy temperatures, it is a good idea to make it, well, very cold if you want to enjoy the advantages. A temperature of 50°F to 59°F is excellent for Airey.
“For optimum effects, the whole shower should be cold,” he advises, adding that “you may still notice some advantages from utilizing cold water at the end.”
Meanwhile, Dr. Robert Goldman recommends a far more manageable temperature of 68°F (20°C), adding that “a person may start with a hot shower and then transition to cold water towards the conclusion of the shower.” This may be anything between 30 seconds and 2 minutes.”
Rubin recommends a “contrast shower” if a completely cold shower feels impossible.
“You adjust the water to as hot as you can stand for a minute, then as cold as you can stand for a minute,” he explains. “You may repeat this cycle three to five times, or even more if you’re feeling adventurous.”
The Gingerly Effect: Pain Relief & More
A world without ginger would definitely lack… a certain piquantness, to put it mildly. Infusing our favorite foods with its wonderful flavor, ginger is just a tiny portion of this amazing rhizome’s magnificence. Some advise abandoning aspirin. Ginger is anti-inflammatory!
Allopathic and Traditional Chinese Medicine acknowledge the ginger root as a strong instrument inside the human body. It improves circulation and digestion while reducing morning and motion nausea. After all, ginger ale and saltines are good for you!
Gingerols, which give ginger its unique taste and active therapeutic components, are the spice’s star ingredients. Gingerols are powerful anti-inflammatory chemicals that have been proven to reduce osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis pain. In fact, research show that ginger is as effective as opioids in reducing pain. In one research, ginger was equally helpful as ibuprofen in reducing period discomfort…
Add four tablespoons fresh ginger to your bath for aching muscles. Encase it in a cotton or tea bag for easy cleaning. Make a good pot of ginger tea.
Otherwise, try these ginger dishes and get its benefits:
Ginger Lemonade Recipe
This is my take on a spicy ginger lemonade. Ginger root is a spicy, somewhat heated plant that boosts vitality through improving circulation. Tonic for the senses, this mix with a sprinkle of cayenne and vitamin C-rich lemon juice energize the body from head to toe while relieving indigestion, constipation and motion sickness and clearing nasal and lung congestion. Guaranteed to give you more energy than a shot of espresso! No caffeine jitters!
1/2 cup pure water 1 medium lemon (1/4-13 cup)
2 tsp peeled, coarsely minced ginger
2 tsp raw honey pinch cayenne
Lemon Ginger Tea Elixir for Winter Sickness
This lemon ginger tea recipe is a delicious way to start the day in the winter.
In the frigid winter months, I’ve been more vigilant in avoiding the common cold. My morning routine includes a medicinal and delicious healing and calming elixir that I know is treating my body well.
Warm lemon water is a potent morning elixir that may help fight viruses and germs. It is also quite alkaline, and helps to regulate the body’s pH. Honey is antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory, and its viscosity soothes the throat.
Ginger is the best anti-inflammator when it comes to major degenerative illnesses. The root soothes stomach discomfort and mucus. Early grey tea, on the other hand, boosts immunity and provides a caffeine boost.
Drink this lemon ginger tea elixir hot, but not boiling, first thing in the morning. Enjoy!
2 peeled ginger slices
1 earl grey tea
1/2 lemon juice
1 t raw honey
In a cup, combine ginger and tea. Hot water steeps for 3–5 minutes. Remove the tea bag and mix in the lemon juice and honey. Drink every morning to help digestion, ease a sore throat, and boost vitality.
Inflammation: 5 Natural Antidotes
Inflammation may be caused by a hammer, a bug, or even too many margaritas. Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, is much more subtle. This kind of chronic inflammation is linked to allergies, arthritis, immune system problems, heart disease, cancer, obesity, acne, and even mental health issues like depression.
You want to maintain your body’s inflammation levels as low as possible. Prescription steroids and OTC anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen work wonders on the causes and symptoms of acute inflammation. For chronic inflammation, however, eating the proper meals and managing stress is a better option. Try these natural ways to reduce inflammation and discuss which ones work best for you with your doctor.
ah, the universal tonic. Inflammation is reduced by regular activity, as long as you don’t overheat. Optimal levels need repeated rounds of low-intensity exercise. Leave the constant over-exertion to the pros.
Curcumin (the color of yellow curry) is derived from the brilliant golden root of turmeric. Curcumin, a Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine staple, reduces two inflammatory enzymes. Use turmeric in cooking or as a pill.
3. Green Tea: Phytochemicals in young green tea leaves seem to help reduce inflammation. To get benefits, drink 3-4 cups per day, therefore double-bag your morning cup or take supplements.
4. Meditation: Whatever makes you joyful and lowers stress should be part of your daily routine. The stress hormone cortisol normally controls inflammation. When you don’t relax and misuse cortisol, your bodily tissues grow sensitive to its effects. The two most significant elements that contribute to a person’s wellness are stress management and nutrition. Don’t ignore persistent tension.
5. Omega-3s: What can’t these helpful fatty acids do? Our over-consumption of omega-6 acids leads to an imbalance in the body, causing inflammation. Fix your system by eating omega-3-rich foods like salmon, walnuts, and ground flaxseeds.
5 Steps to Reduce Dietary Inflammation
Inflammation may be beneficial or harmful to your health.
Dr. Robert Zembroski, functional medicine expert, clinical nutritionist, and author of REBUILD, says that inflammation is a normal bodily response.
In normal conditions, the immune system is required to combat infection and repair wounds. Pain, redness, heat, and swelling are really signs of the body’s healing process.
The immune system uses inflammation to combat infection or heal a wound, he says. The immune system responds by sending white blood cells to the wound site to destroy intruders and repair damaged tissue.
“This immunological reaction is and should be brief,” he adds. “Once the infection or wound heals, the immune response and local inflammation should subside.”
The issue arises when inflammation spreads to the body as a result of bad habits such as poor diet, excessive stress, and smoking.
According to Dr. Josh Axe, DNM, CNS, DC, creator of Ancient Nutrition and, most Americans are afflicted with inflammation. Inflammation may be caused by processed foods, trans fats, and dietary additives included in the normal Western diet.
Chronic inflammation may lead to autoimmune illness, metabolic syndrome, mental health difficulties, cardiac troubles, and even cancer.
The connection between inflammation and chronic disease is still being studied, although studies have connected general inflammation to cancer, depression, gastrointestinal issues, and more.
This article will help you create your own anti-inflammatory diet to reduce inflammation and enhance your health.
Inflammation Symptoms
Inflammation is often a slow-burning process, characterized by a progressive buildup of symptoms that include any or all of the following:
Bum fat and unexplained weight increase
Insomnia or persistent tiredness
GI problems
Anxiety or depression
But not everyone has inflammation.
ABIHM, ABAARM, IFMCP Internal Medicine Specialist and board certified in integrated holistic medicine Dr. Mark Menolascino says. “We will notice bags and dark circles under people’s eyes, which may be linked to persistent inflammation from allergies. While hormones may cause acne, most acne is caused by intestinal inflammation.”
Inflammation is a common problem in today’s society, according to RD Brooke Alpert, author of The Diet Detox.
“I believe Americans are suffering from an inflammatory epidemic,” she adds, citing diet, stress, and screen time as causes. “Even if you don’t show symptoms of inflammation, your body certainly has undiscovered types.”
Avoid Inflammatory Foods
One of the greatest methods to reduce inflammation is to alter what you put into your body.
As Menolascino explains, “Food is medicine, but you must select the proper things and cook them correctly.” “If you look at the most popular drugs and assume that depression is inflammatory, you’ll find that most of them target the inflammation fire. Where do you get the most? It’s an antihistamine that helps us sleep by reducing inflammation caused by histamine. How many individuals use heartburn and stomach medications?”
It’s no surprise that anti-inflammatory diets like Whole30, paleo, GAPS, and keto have grown so popular.
Dr. Axe says avoiding highly processed foods like convenience meals, fast food, sugary beverages, and pre-packaged snacks is one of the simplest and most effective methods to reduce inflammation.
Here’s a quick list of items to avoid right now:
White wheat and processed carbs
Veggie oils
Soya fermented
Meat that isn’
But this is only a starting point. Other foods may be inflammatory for some individuals but not for everyone. These are:
Pasteurized or unfermented dairy
Meats processed or cured
Grains, particularly gluten-containing grains
Tobacco, potato, and eggplant
If symptoms do not diminish after cutting items from the first list, many regimens require cutting foods from the second list.
Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Healing
It’s no surprise that many people are turning to anti-inflammatory “superfoods” to offset the impact of their lifestyles on their health.
According to Scientific American, reducing inflammation requires a comprehensive nutritional strategy, not only anti-inflammatory superfoods.
Dr. Paul Ridker of Harvard University, head of the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, told the publication that he has seen very little evidence that says this meal is ‘anti-inflammatory.’
Not that food isn’t important, but using “anti-inflammatory” items to mask a bad diet won’t help.
But there are certain meals that everyone should eat, particularly in combination with avoiding the items mentioned above.
“Phytochemicals (disease-fighting substances found in plants) found in plant-based meals, healthy fats, fruits, and spices help fend off illness and help repair the body when disease occurs,” adds Zembroski.
The antioxidants in anti-inflammatory foods help combat free radicals and reduce inflammation, says Dr. Axe. Incorporating antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds into a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet is simple.
Coconuts oil
cruciferous veggies (cauliflower, broccoli)
Wild fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines
Notably, nuts are on both lists, as they may be inflammatory for some and healing for others. Turmeric is another one that works for some but not others.
“I never want to put anybody on a plan,” says Amie Valpone, HHC AADP, author of “Eating Clean: The 21-Day Plan to Detox, Fight Inflammation, and Reset Your Body.”
“I know that a lot of individuals, including myself, do not fare well on turmeric since it is extremely estrogenic,” she adds. “I have autoimmune thyroid disease patients that perform poorly on autoimmune regimen. Paleo is bad for them.”
You have to learn to trust yourself, which is why the most important part of my therapy is to connect into your body.
Try one of these regimens or create your own, but maintain a food journal to note how various meals make you feel. In the end, what irritates others may not irritate you.
Start Eating Right Today!
Starting a new eating regimen may be daunting, particularly if you’ve previously relied heavily on prepared or processed meals. Steps to alter your behaviors.
Encourage yourself to alter your eating habits by reminding yourself of the health benefits.
This is the harsh truth for many who find the notion of planning and preparing meals daunting. “What happens if you don’t spend time and energy cooking healthy foods?”
Add the advantages you experience, like improved sleep, clearer skin, or more energy, to your list of health issues and keep it on the fridge as a reminder. This will inspire you when you are tempted to give up or fail.
2. Build changes don’t have to be simultaneous.
“The ordinary individual can simply eat more leafy greens, drink more water, and attempt to eat more berries,” adds Valpone. “I believe that’s a big part.”
This week, try substituting a sparkling water with lime for your afternoon drink, or sautéing your favorite vegetables with grass-fed butter or ghee instead of oil.
Small dietary adjustments today may significantly reduce your risk of chronic illness and save you time and money in the future, says Dr. Axe.
Nobody wants to come home from work and have to spend another day cutting, sautéing, plating, and cleaning up when it’s so simple to have a fast dinner delivered.
Most people don’t want to spend the day in the kitchen unless they love it, adds Zembroski. Not alone.
So make it simpler! Plan your menus a week ahead of time and use your weekend time to prep by chopping vegetables or even cooking complete meals.
“Prepping your meals ahead of time will not only save you time, but it will also help decrease the possibilities of you consuming processed foods and convenience foods,” says Zembroski.
Plan your meals ahead of time and make basic foods first (we enjoy this cauliflower rice with roasted chickpeas and these rainbow superfruit popsicles for dessert).
“I prepare various dishes and dinners twice a week,” he adds. “I plan my meals and foods, prep the ingredients, and then cook them. This saves me a lot of time since the foods and meals are ready to consume on my schedule. Meat is quick food,” I tell my patients.
4. Temptation
It’s normal to lose motivation at some time. But take action immediately to guard against these blunders.
Do you eat a lot of sweets? Consider replacing cookies and sweets with healthier alternatives that you can reach for. If you have a sugar desire and only raspberries, you’ll grab for those.
Do you prone to nibble late at night? Maintain a supply of healthful snacks like almonds (if they’re not inflammatory) or homemade organic jerky on hand.
Also, plan ahead when dining out with pals. If you can, plan ahead of time to eat fish with veggies or a large salad with grilled chicken and avocado. Making a mental note of the food you want to eat may inspire you to purchase it later.
5. Get Help
Having a friend is probably one of the greatest ways to stay on track. Since most individuals would benefit from an anti-inflammatory diet, enlisting a friend or spouse should be easy.
“Eating an anti-inflammatory diet may benefit anybody, regardless of symptoms,” adds Dr. Axe. “An anti-inflammatory diet rich in nutrient-dense whole foods may help prevent chronic illness and enhance energy, weight reduction, and general health.”
If you have a friend, you can encourage each other on in good times and bad, and you can compare notes on what works and what doesn’t.
Finding the Right Help
An anti-inflammatory diet is good for everyone, but if you want to address a particular health problem, go to a doctor first.
A dietician or nutrition specialist can assist offer customized advice suited to your specific requirements and tastes, says Dr. Axe.
Seek out an integrative or functional medicine doctor or nutritionist in your region before making significant dietary changes, and stay in contact to report any substantial changes in your health.
This page is meant to stimulate discussion and highlight alternative research, and is only for informational reasons. This is not a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, even if it comes from health experts, medical practitioners, or doctors. Consult your primary care physician before changing your lifestyle.