Creating an eCommerce business Realizing your dream

Creating an eCommerce business Realizing your dream

Creating An ECommerce Business Realizing Your Dream

Creating An ECommerce Business Realizing Your Dream

With the advancement of technology, we are increasingly spending more time online – whether it is replying to emails, watching streaming services, or surfing social media – and this trend is expected to continue. And, of course, it’s where a lot of us go to do our shopping, which is convenient.

Online shopping is becoming more popular, and the coronavirus epidemic has only served to amplify this phenomenon. In 2020, according to data from the Office for National Statistics, internet sales as a proportion of overall retail sales will have increased significantly, as firms across all sectors are being compelled to shut their physical locations in order to target an online audience.

The progress made in the vaccine rollout in the United Kingdom has sparked hope that we will soon be able to return to some kind of normalcy. As a result of the increasing convenience that online purchasing provides – in addition to the growing competence of eCommerce firms – it is expected that the digital-first strategy will continue to be adopted.


All of this speaks to the present as an advantageous moment to start an eCommerce business. However, having the product in place is just the first step; there are other measures that must be taken in order to transform your ambitions into a reality.


Market research should be conducted.

Before you can even consider beginning your business, you must first undertake extensive study. Get a sense for the industry in which you’re interested: Is there a need in the market that your product can fill, and if so, what is it? In what ways do your rivals differ from you, and how do they position themselves within the industry? Are there any lessons you can take away from their mistakes, and have they missed any openings that you believe you might have taken advantage of?

Determine who your target audience is.

The identification of your target audience will be covered as part of your research process. Who exactly are they? What are their ages? What kind of buying habits do they have? What are the sources of their distress? What is their relationship with e-commerce websites? If you are able to answer these questions, you should be left with one or more personas that you may use to personalize your company plan and marketing approach.

Create a company strategy.

As a result, you understand your market and have a good understanding of your target audience and what they want. You may believe you have everything you need to get started, but it’s critical to develop a good business plan that includes your mission statement, your goals, and your brand values before you can get anything else done. A strategy for achieving your objectives is essential. Setting goals is one thing, but planning how you will reach them is quite another. That’s exactly what your company strategy is intended to do.

Create an online shop for your products.

The way you show your product is critical, which is why it’s critical that you design a website that is aesthetically attractive, simple to use, and provides the buyer with a straightforward path to the point of purchase as quickly as possible. You may develop the site using well-established eCommerce platforms like as Shopify, and if you don’t have the time or expertise to design it yourself, you can outsource the work to an external firm or freelancer for assistance.

Marketing plan must be developed first.

Having a fantastic product and a visually appealing website is all well and good, but if no one knows about it, your eCommerce firm will struggle to get off the ground and become successful. You must develop a plan that tailors individualised information to your target audience – whether this is accomplished via search engine optimization, email marketing, social media, pay-per-click advertising, or a mix of these and other tactics.

Make customer service a top priority.

Once you’ve convinced your consumers to visit your website, it’s critical that you take excellent care of them. Introductory discounts are an excellent method to attract new customers, but the key to long-term success is customer retention, which involves doing all you can to connect with your audience and meet their requirements. Answer their inquiries, reply to them in a timely way, be open in your contacts, and in general, treat them how you would want to be treated in the same situation. A great reputation may go a long way in determining whether or not a business will be successful.

A List of Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ecommerce

Is It Possible to Start an Ecommerce Business with No Funds?

To be really honest, you’d need at least a few hundred bucks to get your ecommerce company off the ground. This is due to the fact that it is a product-based company that necessitates the creation of an online shop, the execution of marketing campaigns, and the investment in the expansion of your brand. That being said, you may establish an ecommerce company on a shoestring budget by using dropshipping as your business model, using free marketing platforms, and building brand recognition via word-of-mouth techniques. To get the funds you need to start and build your ecommerce company, check into financing programs such as Shopify Capital, which provide loans to entrepreneurs.

Is It Profitable To Run An Ecommerce Business?

In a nutshell, sure. However, since the path of an ecommerce entrepreneur is more like a marathon than a sprint, it may take some time before you see any earnings. Realistically, it might take you 18-24 months to turn a profit on your business venture. We urge that you should not judge the success of your ecommerce enterprise just on the basis of your net profit in the first year of operation.



The times are changing in this day and age. Increasingly, individuals want to be their own employers and to be in control of their own lives and careers. Fortunately, the internet has made this aim more accessible than ever before, and ecommerce is an exciting path for achieving it.

But it may be quite tough to figure out precisely how to launch an ecommerce company that will be successful enough to earn income on a consistent basis. With so much information and so many ecommerce terminologies to go through, it’s important to construct a plan of action to help you prioritize your resources as you build your own ecommerce business strategy.

A simplified and honest approach to topics such as ecommerce marketing is provided, as well as guidelines for finding items and other helpful hints for anyone wishing to build a successful online business.

This is something we’ve covered in depth on our site, but this piece summarizes all you need to know about launching and running a successful ecommerce company. Let’s get started without further ado.


Getting Your Ecommerce Business Off to a Flying Start

Consider the following considerations when asked about how to start an ecommerce business:

Website layout that is superb
Superior levels of client care
A product image of great quality
Proposition differentiating factor

Your point is well-made. Logic dictates that this is the best way to go. In order to be successful, you must give exceptional customer service. If you want people to purchase from you, you’ll also need an appealing and trustworthy website.

Always remember that it is the combination of all of these factors working together that makes an ecommerce company successful! Instead of going from 0 to 1, these elements are what determine whether or not an ecommerce shop will get a one.

When it comes to first-time entrepreneurs, we see this all the time at Oberlo — they might lose sight of the most crucial aspects and spend days creating the ideal business just to shut it after a month. Your store’s sales are the gasoline that keeps it running, and this should be the focal point of your ecommerce company strategy.

Traffic generated by ecommerce marketing efforts will result in sales, and purchases will generate even more traffic for your business. Similar to this, you must first generate revenue before you can give excellent customer service to customers who purchase on your website and before you can determine your brand’s distinctive voice.

Your business is over before it has even begun if you are unable to generate any sales.

Starting an Online Store: Steps to Launching an eCommerce Business How to Get Into Ecommerce

When starting a new ecommerce company, it’s natural to be filled with high hopes and dreams. However, we recommend putting your dreams aside and concentrating on the most realistic measures first.

Start by developing a simple web-based platform for selling your items. A simple shop template on a respected platform, such as Shopify, is ideal for this purpose.

You may get support by reading our guide to starting your first Shopify store. It may take you longer than 30 minutes to get started, but you should be mindful of how much time you devote to the task at hand in the early stages of the project.

Remember the wise words of Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, who famously said, “If you’re not embarrassed by the initial version of your product, you’ve published it too late.

In the case of ecommerce firms, this is undoubtedly true. Start thinking about how you can create revenue via ecommerce marketing as soon as you can after you launch your website or app. In the long run, this will provide possibilities to improve other aspects of the situation.

Moreover, after you’ve launched your ecommerce firm, you can use this helpful checklist to guarantee that you’ve taken care of all of the necessary details:

When starting a new ecommerce company, it’s natural to be filled with high hopes and dreams. However, we recommend putting your dreams aside and concentrating on the most realistic measures first.

Start by developing a simple web-based platform for selling your items. A simple shop template on a respected platform, such as Shopify, is ideal for this purpose.

You may get support by reading our guide to starting your first Shopify store. It may take you longer than 30 minutes to get started, but you should be mindful of how much time you devote to the task at hand in the early stages of the project.

Remember the wise words of Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, who famously said, “If you’re not embarrassed by the initial version of your product, you’ve published it too late.

In the case of ecommerce firms, this is undoubtedly true. Start thinking about how you can create revenue via ecommerce marketing as soon as you can after you launch your website or app. In the long run, this will provide possibilities to improve other aspects of the situation.

Moreover, after you’ve launched your ecommerce firm, you can use this helpful checklist to guarantee that you’ve taken care of all of the necessary details:

1. Locating Ecommerce-Related Goods

What Should You Offer on the Internet? If you’re completely new to the world of ecommerce, it’s natural to be confused about what you should sell. In fact, being paralyzed by this is a major reason why many never take the jump and establish their own ecommerce companies.

In reality, you must be smart in your selection of a group of items or a single item that is fashionable or difficult to locate in shops or on big ecommerce websites such as

Choosing the general way and preferring to sell books or jewelry, on the other hand, will almost certainly result in failure. There are already a large number of prominent participants in the market that are satisfying these requirements.

More specialized things that are more appealing to a certain audience will be more appropriate. Starting with a list of prospective items that you may want to offer in your business is a good idea, according to our recommendations. Consider topics that you, your friends, colleagues, or family members might be interested in learning more about or participating in. Additionally, look at social selling sites such as Pinterest, Etsy, or even Instagram to get additional ideas for what to sell online.

Once you start exploring, you will find that inspiration can be found almost everywhere, and you can always check to see if your product ideas are any good by searching for them on Google Trends to see if they are popular.

How to Find the Products You Need

Dropshipping may be a realistic alternative for your ecommerce company strategy at this point, and you may be asking how precisely to acquire your items.

As a business model, dropshipping is becoming increasingly popular among entrepreneurs because it requires significantly less initial capital and is, in general, a lower risk option compared to more traditional ecommerce business models that require you to find suppliers and stock inventory yourself.

A dropshipping platform like Oberlo (which you can join up for for free here) allows you to identify suppliers of things you’d want to sell, and then you import those products into your online shop. Following the purchase of one of those things by a client, you place an order with one of our great suppliers, who subsequently ships the item straight to the consumer. You will never have to touch items again, and you will be able to switch out things with more convenience in order to keep on top of current trends.

the dropshipping business model

Apps such as Oberlo streamline a large portion of the procedure for you. By doing so, you’ll have more time to devote to things that can assist you in scaling your company, such as developing an effective ecommerce marketing plan. Please feel free to watch this dropshipping lesson if you would want to get more acquainted with the process of starting an online company.

2. Investigating other online firms to find marketing concepts for small businesses to use.

The success of your ecommerce shop is dependent on the results of your research. Observe your competition and the activities they are engaging in once you have selected your merchandise. When doing a competition analysis, the following are some considerations to keep in mind:

What is the business model of this company?

Is it a collection of goods or a single product that they are selling?
What social media networks do they make use of and why?
Who is the company’s target audience?
What methods do they use to increase sales? (For example, paid social, PPC, SEO, email, and so on.)
Competitor research may help you select better things to offer and can also provide you with a thorough grasp of how to start an internet company from scratch. It may also assist you in avoiding common dropshipping blunders that businesses make when it comes to product selection.

3. Establishing Your Online Retail Store

After you’ve selected your items and conducted your competition research, the following step is to put up your online storefront. Using ecommerce hosting solutions such as Shopify may make the process of putting up your business much simpler. Shopify provides a large number of themes to choose from and an easy-to-use online shop builder that does not need any technical knowledge.

In order to develop an effective ecommerce business, choose a theme that appeals to your target audience and pricing that reflects the level of success you expect. Choosing a distinctive name for your ecommerce company can ensure that customers will remember your brand. Your logo, which may be as bright or as imaginative as you want it to be, falls under this category as well.

When your website is ready to begin accepting orders, be sure to place a test order yourself to ensure that the ordering experience is as seamless as possible for your customers. Reduce the number of extra steps required to make an online purchase and only ask for information that is absolutely essential for the checkout process.

4. Increasing the visibility of your ecommerce business

After you’ve opened your business, you should devote all of your efforts to ecommerce marketing. Everything else may be put on hold until you are confident in your ability to generate traffic and reach prospective consumers.

Ecommerce marketing’s key is to identify the best channel for your items and then refine your marketing approach until acquiring a single new client costs less than the amount of money earned from a transaction is profitable for both parties.

You want to strive towards an unending cycle in which you spend less than you make on a day-to-day basis. Start by advertising your company using free marketing platforms, and after you’ve gained some recognition, you may go on to paid marketing channels.

Also, make certain that you reinvest all of your income back into your advertisements. This is not the moment to take a big chunk of your profits. Keep an eye on the link between profits produced and money spent on ecommerce marketing by evaluating your advertising ROI at least twice a week, and better yet, more often. Ideally, you should do it on a daily basis.

Products that are dropshipped

Yet another recommendation is to offer items with markups that are large enough to pay your marketing expenditures on a continuous basis. Because ecommerce marketing may be quite expensive, it is essential that you price your items competitively. It is expected that a $100 investment would generate at least $120 dollars in sales, allowing you to repurpose the money for future advertising.

A successful ecommerce company strategy will need some financial commitment. Investing money in your advertising strategies should eventually result in sales, which is exactly what you need. Additionally, you may use additional marketing strategies to get customers to your business, such as ecommerce SEO and email marketing.

Direct marketing allows you to generate additional revenue almost instantly.

In addition, find out how others are tackling Instagram marketing, as well as the newest advertising trends on Snapchat. You may use these suggestions and ideas to implement new tactics in your own ecommerce firm.

What Comes After You Have Succeeded in Ecommerce?

As soon as you’ve proven your shop concept and established a consistent stream of sales, make a point of continuing to optimize your ecommerce company on an ongoing basis. The following are some extra suggestions that you may want to keep in mind when you begin your ecommerce venture.

1. Provide excellent customer service.

If their queries or concerns are not handled within a reasonable amount of time, around 45 percent of US customers will abandon an online purchase. Providing exceptional customer service is crucial to the long-term success of your company. Build trust with your consumers by providing self-service information and a comprehensive FAQs page, providing live chat help and offering incentives for product evaluations. All of this will provide vital social proof for your shop and encourage repeat consumers, who are five times less expensive to acquire than new customers.

2. Pay Particular Attention to Conversion Optimization

Increasing the Effectiveness of Your Online Store

On average, 69 percent of your internet visitors will abandon their shopping cart before completing their transaction. Can you imagine how much more money you would make if you were able to keep those sales instead of losing them? Improve the experience your customers have with your company. Create deals that are only available for a short time. Send out an email campaign to customers who have abandoned their shopping cart. You may even set up a retargeting campaign to attract new customers. Attempt to figure out which strategy works best for your company by experimenting with a variety of alternative approaches.

3. Continue to work on optimizing the store.

You should be aware that 44 percent of online customers will tell their friends about a terrible online shopping experience. Once you’ve built the groundwork for your ecommerce venture, the following step is to optimize your website for search engine optimization. Increase the speed of your website. Make a navigation bar that is easy to use. Concentrate on producing outstanding product pages. Display things that are linked to the current selection. Improve the efficiency of your shop search. Finally, have a look at how your business appears on mobile devices.

4. Make frequent updates to your inventory.

Because the best-selling goods tend to disappear rapidly, keeping a large inventory on hand is essential. Always be on the lookout for fresh product ideas that might help to keep customers coming back to your shop. Do not depend on a small number of items to generate the majority of your revenue. Instead, make fresh arrivals available to your current clients and test new product ideas on a regular basis based on Google Trends.

In this article, you will learn how to start an online ecommerce business, why no one is purchasing from your store, and what you can do about it. 

I’m aware of folks who have achieved success by concentrating the majority of their efforts on a unique niche product or providing great customer service. Despite this, up to 50% of internet shops fail to make a single sale throughout their entire existence. While it may seem like a small proportion of ecommerce enterprises really succeed, when compared to the success rate of businesses in general (10 percent), it is a promising statistic to be optimistic about.

To conclude, here are some of the most important points from this article on how to establish an ecommerce business:

–Take a look at the most recent product trends.
–Investigate the offerings of different ecommerce firms.
–Dropshipping merchants may be used to get things.
–Shopify is a platform for creating online stores.
–Make use of free marketing outlets to spread the word.
–Excellent client service is provided.
–Concentrate on improving conversion rates.
–Optimize the performance of your ecommerce website.
–Keep your inventory up to date on a regular basis.

Perhaps this post has given you some insight into how to establish an ecommerce business. You have everything you need to make 2017 the year your shop takes off right in front of you, and we at Oberlo are here to assist you every step of the way to achieve this objective.