concentrating on allergic rhinitis

concentrating on allergic rhinitis

What is allergic rhinitis and how does it manifest itself?

Chronic sneezing, “runny nose,” tickling in the nose, tears, and irritation of the eyes are all signs and symptoms of allergic rhinitis. When pollen is the source of the problem, it is referred to as seasonal rhinitis or, more often, hay fever.



These symptoms are caused by an aberrant sensitization and an overreaction of the immune system to an allergen, which is a foreign material to the body that causes the symptoms. It might be pollen from plants, mold, compounds on animal fur or skin, or any number of other particles, depending on the individual. 



A inflammatory response is triggered when this material comes into contact with the eyes or respiratory tract of an allergic individual, triggering the immune system to respond. When this happens, histamine and other inflammatory compounds are generated “unnecessarily.” This response causes the dilatation of blood vessels and the production of increased secretions, which are associated with the onset of allergic rhinitis symptoms.




Allergic rhinitis manifests itself most often between the ages of 5 and 20 years old. It is estimated that between 20 and 25 percent of Canadians suffer with allergic rhinitis, according to the Canadian Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Foundation. According to the observations of various specialists, the symptoms are becoming more noticeable than they were before. It is possible that this phenomena is caused, among other things, by a rise in greenhouse gas emission levels. These would have the effect of enhancing the pollen production of plants and trees2, so increasing their reproductive capacity.



Is it hay fever or chronic rhinitis that you have?

Hay fever is one example of seasonal rhinitis.
It is often referred to as “hay fever” or “hay fever-like symptoms,” and it manifests itself on a seasonal basis, most frequently in the spring and summer, when the allergenic plant blooms.

In the early spring, tree pollen is commonly implicated, but in the summer, grass pollen is more prevalent (grassland grasses, hay and grass). It is during the late summer blooming season of the ragweed plant (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) that those who are sensitive to it suffer from their symptoms. It should be mentioned that mold, which is particularly problematic during the snowmelt and lawn care seasons, may also cause allergic rhinitis.



The symptoms of seasonal rhinitis are often exacerbated by vacations to the countryside as well as exposure to the great outdoors. It rains, pollen settles on the ground, and those with allergies remain within with their doors and windows closed, they suffer less.



What about the symptoms of “hay fever”?

The phrase first appeared in print in the early nineteenth century. Doctors noticed the symptoms, which were particularly noticeable in peasants following the hay season, at the time. It was referred to as fever because persons who were suffering from it were restless. Previously, agitation was regarded to be one of the symptoms of a virus infection. It is important to note that patients suffering from allergic rhinitis do not have a fever.



Chronic rhinitis is a chronic inflammation of the nose.

Vasomotor rhinitis is the most common kind of persistent rhinitis, and it is non-allergic in the majority of individuals. It generally manifests itself after the age of 20 and is more common while under stress. When the temperature or humidity fluctuates, in the presence of smoke, dust, or strong chemical scents, or when the body reacts to a medication or hormonal shift, it may occur.



Allergenic compounds that are permanently present in a person’s surroundings, whether at home or at work, may also contribute to the development of persistent rhinitis. The individual who is afflicted seems to be permanently chilly. Dust, animals, and various molds are all potential causes for asthma attacks. The seizure usually begins when you first wake up in the morning and might occur numerous times during the day.



Persistent allergic rhinitis is caused by mites, which are quite prevalent. These are tiny moths that feed on the dander that accumulates on the surface of human skin. Environments that are warm and humid are preferred by them. They may be found in a variety of places, including mattresses, pillows, couches, carpets, and dust. People who are sensitive to dust mites are really allergic to the droppings that they produce.



Symptoms of allergic rhinitis

For as long as the individual is exposed to allergens, the symptoms will remain. Despite the fact that hay fever symptoms reoccur each year when the plant blooms, they tend to diminish as people become older. Some individuals, on the other hand, acquire pollen allergies only after reaching maturity.



The nose that hurts, runs, and secretes very liquid secretions;
Itching, tearing, and redness in the eyes; sneezing on a regular basis; congestion in the nose;
Excessive tension in the sinus region;
Throat discomfort, hoarseness of voice, or coughing

Coughing or scratching in the throat or palate;
When symptoms linger for many days, fatigue, irritability, and sleeplessness are common. Impaired taste, smell, and hearing acuity (particularly in youngsters).

Rhinitis may be caused by a variety of factors.

Although the specific origins of allergic rhinitis are unknown, genetic background is assumed to have a significant component in the development of the condition. Atopic terrain is a term used to describe a person who is more susceptible to allergies because of his or her genetic makeup. In other words, it overreacts when it comes into touch with allergens that are ordinarily innocuous and safe. This may present itself in a variety of ways, including allergic rhinitis, asthma, hives, eczema, food allergies, conjunctivitis, and other conditions. Depending on the individual, they may appear in isolation, concurrently, or consecutively in a sequence.



Pollens have a role in the development of seasonal allergic rhinitis. Ragweed is the most significant source of pollen in Canada, and it has been for centuries. In order to remove this plant, public health officials are launching awareness efforts among the general public. Ragweed should be pulled before it blooms in August, according to the province of Quebec.

Pollen’s sources

Spring is in the air (mid-March to late June)

Shrubs and trees

Summer is my favorite season (late May to mid-October)

Grasses are a kind of grass (grass, hay, rye, wheat, corn)

Summer is coming to an end (late July to October)



People who are at danger

The development of allergies, particularly allergic rhinitis, seems to be influenced by genetics. When both parents have an allergy (regardless of which one), the chance of allergic rhinitis in the kid is increased; Men are more at risk than women, for unknown reasons; The oldest of the family.

Factors that are at risk

Exposure to allergens in the air on a regular basis.
Cigarette smoke exposure, especially during the first year of life.

Pollution of the air and other irritants of the respiratory tract (fireplace smoke, air pollutants)

Abuse of topical decongestants (aerosols) may aggravate the state of the nasal mucous membranes, resulting in drug (non-allergic) rhinitis.

Complications that might occur

Untreated allergic rhinitis may progress and lead to chronic sinusitis, even if the symptoms are moderate. Regardless of the severity of symptoms, persistent rhinitis is often associated to asthma. Finally, allergic rhinitis raises the risk of otitis media in children.

If your symptoms are chronic and affecting your quality of life, you should see a doctor; your symptoms are not helped by over-the-counter medicines; and your drug’s side effects are not well tolerated, you should see a doctor.



The allergen that causes rhinitis may occasionally be identified. The doctor takes a history of the symptoms, including when they first appeared and how they manifested. Following that, allergens found in the person’s surroundings (home, workplace, school) are identified. It is possible to determine which components are genuinely allergic by trial and error. A skin or blood test is used when the allergen is difficult to locate or when the medicine isn’t working.




Skin test: Allergic chemicals are purified and applied to the skin in extremely tiny concentrations. Pollen from different plants, mold, animal dander, mites, bee venom, latex, penicillin, and other compounds are examples of these substances. After approximately twenty minutes, signs of allergic responses (redness or a little lump that looks like an insect bite) are visible.



A blood sample is exposed to several allergens in a blood test (or RAST for radioallergosorbent test). If the patient is allergic to anything, such as birch pollen, antibodies (IgE) specific to that allergen will attach to it. The concentration of antibodies present in the blood in reaction to the allergen is also determined by this test. Although more costly, this method has the benefit of not exposing the individual to allergens directly, making it risk-free.

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