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Can You Guess How Many Teeth a Groundhog Has?

Can You Guess How Many Teeth a Groundhog Has?

The average groundhog, commonly known as a woodchuck, has 21 teeth, including 18 molars used for chewing and two sets of incisors that resemble chisels. During the warmer months, the top incisors of a groundhog will continue to develop. Because of this, a groundhog has to spend time chewing on trees, roots, or other wooden structures in order to wear down these ever-growing teeth.

Continue reading if you are intrigued by the prospect of learning more about these cute tiny hairy critters.

The next sections of this page will provide further details on the well-known teeth of the groundhog, as well as information on its lifestyle and other relevant topics.

How Quickly Does a Groundhog’s Dentition Develop?

The top two incisors of a groundhog are said to develop at a pace of 1/16 of an inch every week, as reported by the National Wildlife Federation.

The groundhog has pointed teeth.

What causes groundhog teeth to develop so rapidly?

because you have to keep up with their insane eating habits, of course!

What kind of food do groundhogs eat?

The majority of their diet consists of plant matter.

Because of the chisel-like appearance of their teeth, groundhogs are able to consume a wide variety of plants, including fruits, as well as the bark of trees.

In addition to vegetation, groundhogs will also consume the following:

cockroaches, slugs, and several other vexing insects

Where Can You Find a Groundhog?

Burrows are their homes, and they are often found in wooded settings. A groundhog’s burrow may reach depths of up to 6 feet and widths of up to 20 feet on average.

Their burrows often feature a number of entrances as well as different floors.

Are Groundhogs an Unsafe Animal?

Dietary routines of groundhogs
The primary function of a groundhog’s burrow is to provide as a place for resting, giving birth, and hiding from potential predators.

The many portions of a burrow each serve a certain function.

The groundhog, for instance, is a particularly clean animal because it regularly replaces the nesting material in its burrow and also keeps its excrement separate from its home area.

They do this by excavating a short passageway that leads away from their main burrow and then closing it up when it becomes too crowded.

Most of the time, groundhogs will have more than one burrow:

one in the woods to live in during the colder months, and the other in a more open, grassy place for when the weather is warmer.
Winter tunnels are excavated very far below the frost line in order to maintain a consistent temperature above freezing during the winter.

How Do Groundhogs Dig?

By using their unique claws to sweep up the earth, groundhogs are able to excavate enormous tunnels.

The shovel-like claws that groundhogs have allow them to dig effectively and swiftly, and a single groundhog is capable of moving up to 700 pounds of soil to create a tunnel by itself!

When Winter Comes, Do Groundhogs Hibernate?

You guessed it—this is where the custom of Groundhog Day originated! The groundhog is a real hibernator since it stays inactive during the winter months in its winter burrow.

Because they will be at their heaviest right before going into hibernation for the winter, groundhogs spend virtually all of their time feeding during the warmer months. This allows groundhogs to reach their maximum weight before going into hibernation.

What Is It That Draws Groundhogs to My Backyard?

To the groundhog’s den
The amount of time a groundhog spends in hibernation is influenced by both the local climate and its latitude.

Although groundhogs in more temperate places may hibernate for as short as three months, their typical hibernation period is between the months of October and March.

When a groundhog goes into hibernation, its metabolic rate drops by a significant amount.

A groundhog that is hibernating, as described by the University of Wisconsin, has a body temperature of 35 degrees Fahrenheit, a heart rate that ranges from four to ten beats per minute, and it only takes a breath once every six minutes.

When groundhogs emerge from their winter hibernation, they have lost roughly half of their total weight, but they still have sufficient body fat to sustain them until fresh plants become available to consume in the spring.

In addition, male groundhogs often emerge from their winter hibernation before female groundhogs do.

Do Groundhogs Qualify as Unwanted Pests?

In certain regions of North America, groundhogs are regarded as a nuisance because of their propensity for excessive chewing and their ability to effectively burrow. In light of the fact that groundhogs tend to choose certain types of habitat, it is not hard to fathom the possibility that one would take up residence in the backyard of a human.

If groundhogs decide to burrow in your yard or house, they may, unfortunately, inflict a wide variety of costly damages to both locations.

The considerable digging done by groundhogs may cause damage to the structure of your house as well as your yard.

In addition to that, because of their ravenous appetites, they will most likely consume everything in your garden.

They may even use your deck or other portions of your property as a place to file down their teeth.

What Is It That Draws Groundhogs to My Backyard?

Food! As was indicated before, groundhogs spend most of the spring and summer consuming as much food as they can before going into hibernation, which occurs in the fall.

The groundhog enjoys breaking up gardens and would gladly help you pick your fruits and vegetables if you let them.

They are also drawn to a variety of plants in your yard, including the following:

weeds like alfalfa and dandelions, as well as wild plants

How Can I Determine If There Is a Groundhog Living in My Yard?

Bugs are the diet of groundhogs.
Burrows dug by groundhogs will appear as raised ridges on your lawn.
These mounds of earth serve as the groundhog’s entrances and exits from its burrow.
a section of discolored or dead grass along a certain route
Areas of soil that are unevenly crumbly or mushy Damage to flower beds, gardens, tree roots, and grass

Are Groundhogs in Any Way Dangerous?

Even while groundhogs often do not attack people, they are capable of doing so if they feel threatened.

Attacks by groundhogs are very uncommon, and even when they do occur, the majority of victims escape with just minor wounds.

However, groundhogs are known to be carriers of the rabies virus; if you are bitten by a groundhog, it is imperative that you get medical assistance as soon as possible and be vaccinated against rabies.

Did You Know That… The fleas and ticks that are carried by groundhogs have been linked to the transmission of illnesses like Lyme disease to people and domesticated animals.

What Measures Should I Take If a Groundhog Is Found in My Yard?

You should plug any burrow openings that you discover in your yard. If you do this, you will be able to determine whether or not there are active groundhogs in the vicinity.
If as all possible, clear the area around the burrow of all forms of concealment, including plants.

Construct a ground-level fence made of chicken wire around your garden to deter groundhogs from devouring your plants. If they no longer have a supply of food that is immediately available in your yard, they may move on to pastures that are more fertile.
Get rid of the natural cover.

Groundhogs like to roam about and construct their burrows in regions that are covered, and if your yard is particularly open, they will feel less comfortable there.

Get in touch with a local wildlife management expert if the situation continues to exist or if the groundhogs are causing substantial damage so that they can remove the groundhogs.


As you’ve read in this article, groundhogs are fascinating little animals that have a number of characteristics that are completely unique to them.

One of these characteristics is the fact that their teeth continue to grow even after they are fully grown. However, the characteristics that make groundhogs unique also make our lives more challenging.

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