Books, tests, and questions that help you improve your self-knowledge

At times, it may seem impossible to create an authentic image of ourselves that is in line with our current reality.


We routinely suppress unpleasant or uncomfortable ideas and emotions, and we are plagued by issues such as self-reference and cognitive bias, to name a few (Ananthaswamy, 2017; Wilson & Dunn, 2004).


There are other methods of increasing our self-knowledge than introspection, such as altering our point of view, seeing oneself through the eyes of others, and engaging in visualization or mindfulness exercises.


Among other things, this article examines these and other methods, emphasizing questions, books, and quotations that may be useful to us as we go on our own discovery journey.


Before you proceed, we thought you may be interested in downloading our three Strengths Exercises, which are completely free of charge. These in-depth, scientifically-based activities will assist your clients in realizing their full potential and living a life that is both invigorating and authentically them.



What is the source of one’s own self-knowledge?

Many of us, whether consciously or subconsciously, conceive of ourselves as being distinct from our physical bodies when we contemplate our potential for self-knowledge. Psychologists and neuroscientists, on the other hand, are unanimous in their belief that the “I” that we feel is “an consequence of the material processes that form our brain and body,” rather than an otherworldly, non-physical entity or consciousness (Ananthaswamy, 2017).


Despite what we know about the brain, we have only a limited understanding of where our self-knowledge originates from.


It is possible that introspection may not offer the straight path to self-knowledge that we might anticipate. Instead, it may be more helpful to consider ourselves from a variety of different viewpoints.


In self-knowledge, there are many “blind spots, and these blind spots may have severe implications for the individual as well as for other people” (Carlson, 2013, p. 173).


Our level of self-awareness is critical, since low levels of self-awareness are linked with poorer levels of academic performance and emotional difficulties, and a lack of insight may result in poor decision-making (Carlson, 2013).


While individuals have some insight into their own personalities, such knowledge may be less reliable than they believe it to be. According to research, individuals are completely ignorant of how they act and make choices, as well as what drives them (Carlson, 2013). Furthermore, the results demonstrate that people’s ability to know themselves is faulty and differs significantly from what our intuition would suggest.


According to self-perception theory, we pay attention to the behavior we exhibit that is associated with certain characteristics (Carlson, 2013). For example, based on our philanthropic contributions, we may be able to draw inferences about our willingness to help others.


However, there are difficulties.


The amount and quality of information accessible may be deceiving, depending on who you ask. We often lack the capacity to see and understand our own conduct as well as our underlying motives. Nonverbal conduct may go unnoticed, and we might overestimate or underestimate the degree to which our inner emotions are transparent (Carlson, 2013).


When we attempt to watch ourselves, we may find that there is just too much information to take in at one time (Wilson & Dunn, 2004). We may also be driven to keep parts of our ideas and emotions concealed — i.e., outside our conscious awareness.


Popular counsel, as well as the fundamental principles of psychoanalysis, usually urge us to avoid having undesirable thoughts. As a consequence, we may find ourselves suppressing emotions while blissfully oblivious that we are doing it (Wilson & Dunn, 2004).


Studies, on the other hand, indicate that there are alternative approaches of increasing self-knowledge that go beyond these limits and the potential misdirection of introspection, the majority of which entail shifting our perceptual perspective.





The Importance of Self-Knowledge and Introspection





As stated in the article, “A person who possesses self-knowledge is aware of both his overall inclinations (for example, that he tends to be quiet and reserved) and his situational tendencies (for example, that he is chatty during parties).” Carlson (2013) defined a formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized (Carlson, 2013, p. 174).


Introspection is the process of participating in self-examination of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in order to determine why we think, feel, and act the way we do (Carlson, 2013).


When individuals introspection, it has been compared to an archaeological excavation, with people attempting to bring to the surface buried mental states (Wilson & Dunn, 2004).


What are our alternatives if we are unable to get direct access to unconscious mental processes via introspection?




Introspection has to be refocused.

However, rather of concentrating on the reasons for our attitudes and why we feel a certain way, many studies have shown that it may be more beneficial to concentrate on the nature of our attitudes and how we feel instead (Wilson & Dunn, 2004).


This method seems to enhance the accessibility of emotions as well as the degree to which these feelings predict future action, according to preliminary findings.




Writing about terrible experiences may be therapeutic.

Another type of introspection that may be fruitful is the act of writing down one’s thoughts. When you spend even a little amount of time writing (15 to 30 minutes each day for three to five days) about emotional problems, you may help to improve your mental and physical well-being (Wilson & Dunn, 2004).


Writing down ideas may help you avoid ruminating (repeatedly reliving events, which can contribute to a bad mood), while also decreasing intrusive thoughts and concerns by increasing your self-knowledge and comprehension of your own thoughts.





Imagining a potential future scenario and how it might make a person feel may be useful in identifying both implicit and explicit motivations for action, according to research.


People seem to be able to sample the emotions linked with unconscious motivations and attitudes when they use visualization techniques (Wilson & Dunn, 2004).





Many of the difficulties connected with introspection may be addressed via the practice of mindfulness. A non-evaluative, nonjudgmental awareness of our experiences allows us to be present for the constant and continuing stream of mental events that occur in our lives (Carlson, 2013).


Curiosity, acceptance, and openness are required for this kind of metacognitive monitoring of our thoughts (Fleming, 2021). We just observe, rather than trying to explain, analyze, and interpret what we see. Our attention is drawn to “thoughts and emotions as they occur, without elaboration or deliberation” (Carlson, 2013, p. 176).





15 Questions to Ask Yourself to Improve Your Self-Knowledge

Many inquiries may help you develop your self-reflection abilities and increase your self-awareness. In general, they are concerned with where we are right now, where we have been, and where we are going.


They may also devote their time to employment, education, and interpersonal connections.


Here are 15 of our favorite questions to ponder about your life:


I’d want to share what I’ve learnt today (or this week or this month).

What was it that I was having trouble with today?

What exactly are my views on what was said?

What would I want others to know more about me if they knew more about me?

What has been my source of inspiration this year?

What have I discovered about myself over the course of the year?

What would I do differently if anything like this happened again?

Is there a pattern to my conduct that I can identify?

What is it that I am most proud of?

What exactly went well? What did not go so well?

This year, have I been of assistance to others?

What are some of the habits and beliefs that I would want to get rid of?

What happened, how did it make me feel, and how did I deal with it are all important questions.

What is it that I am really enthusiastic about?

What is it about myself that I admire the most?


Exercises, games, and worksheets that are beneficial

What are my special abilities?
Increasing our self-awareness helps in the setting of objectives and the direction of our lives.

The activities and worksheets that follow examine many perspectives on ourselves, both from our own and other people’s points of views.




What Do I Have to Offer?
Worksheets such as the What Are My Talents? may help you become more aware of the talents you already possess as well as those you would want to improve. You may then use this information to create a personal development plan that will help you advance your life in the direction you want.


What Characteristics and Traits Do I Possess?
Our characteristics and characteristics define who we are. We are all distinct, and our individual strengths distinguish us from one another. When we utilize them correctly, we are more likely to achieve our highest levels of performance.

Use the What Are My Qualities and Traits? 

worksheet to examine your own characteristics and qualities, as well as those of others who may appreciate them in you.


Making a Point of Recognizing Your Success
We tend to dwell on the bad aspects of our lives, such as the errors we make and the things we haven’t accomplished. Despite this, our bad traits do not define who we are.

In the worksheet Recognizing Your Achievements, we look at what you have accomplished and what you want to do in the future.



Three Thoughts on Three Things
Sometimes we lose sight of what makes us unique, yet it is critical to maintain a clear understanding of who we are.

The three things worksheet asks us to think about what makes us unique as individuals, as well as what we like most about ourselves.


Identifying My Personal Values
Knowing our own personal values may assist us in steering toward the life we want to live and the objectives we want to achieve.

Making a list of the values you hold dear, evaluating whether your behaviors are consistent with them, and determining how much time you spend on each value are all possible with the Finding My Values worksheet.


Self-perception may assist you in distinguishing between the public and private versions of your personality. Use the Self-Perception worksheet to see where the two perspectives vary and whether or not you are being genuine in your responses.


3 Self-Knowledge Tests & Questionnaires to Assess Your Knowledge
The three surveys that follow are very useful for investigating and developing one’s own self-awareness.


Questionnaire on One’s Own Self-Concept
The Self-Concept Questionnaire is a widely used questionnaire for improving self-awareness and developing a more comprehensive grasp of one’s own personality.

48 questions are divided into six categories: physical, social, temperamental, educational, moral, and intellectual. The physical category includes questions on one’s physical appearance (Ghaderi, 2005).


The following are examples of statements:

I’m embarrassed a lot of the time.
I’m experiencing emotional maturity.
I’m a person who is simple to like.


The Harrill Self-Esteem Inventory measures one’s self-esteem.
It is comprised of 25 items that the person scores to determine their level of self-esteem (Harrill Self-Esteem Inventory, World of Work Project, n.d.). These statements include:

At spite of my growth and evolution, I enjoy and accept myself as I am right now, on this day, in this moment.


I choose to learn and grow from my errors rather than to deny them or use them to prove my unworthy of love and respect.
I have a deep love, respect, and reverence for myself.

The findings offer important insight into areas in which a person may make improvements, which is very beneficial.


Questionnaire about one’s own self-perception
According to Goi et al. (2011), the Personal Self-Concept Questionnaire (PCQ) consists of 22 items grouped into four categories: self-fulfillment, autonomy, honesty, and emotional self-concept. The PCQ is administered to participants after they have completed the questionnaire.

Through an examination of an individual’s self-perception in connection to their physical and social selves, the PCQ attempts to answer the question “Who am I?”

Some of the statements are as follows:

I am a person who keeps his or her promises.
In comparison to the bulk of others, I am more sensitive.
My vows are unbreakable.

Workplace Stress Management: The 11 Most Effective Strategies & Worksheets

In seven out of the top ten leading causes of mortality in the world, stress is a component, and the job is a significant influence (Quick & Henderson, 2016).


Employees reported feeling anxious throughout their workweek, according to a study by the American Psychological Association (cited in Tetrick & Winslow, 2015).


If you need help, ask for it! The implementation of stress management and wellness programs in the workplace may assist employees decrease the degree and effect of stress while also recharging their psychological resources, which have been drained due to work-related stress (Tetrick & Winslow, 2015).


Using the definition of workplace stress management as a starting point, this article presents methods and activities that may give respite and help employees cope.

Preceding the rest of this article, we thought you may be interested in downloading our three stress and burnout prevention exercises (PDF). With the help of these scientifically proven exercises, you and your clients will be able to better manage stress and achieve a more balanced lifestyle.



What Exactly Is Stress Management in the Workplace?

Stress in the workplace has a complicated connection with our psychological, cognitive, and physiological reactions to it, and it is influenced by “a wide range of occupational and job demands, as well as environmental stressors” (Quick & Henderson, 2016, p. 2).


Yet, according to Quick and Henderson (2016), our stress reaction at work is usually triggered by one of the four workplace demands listed below:


Task necessitates

Insecurities in the workplace, workload, occupation, and so on.


Role necessitates

Conflict and uncertainty in the roles


Demands on one’s physical health

Workplace, lighting, and temperature are all important considerations.


Demands placed on you by others

Staff density, leadership style, and personality issues are all factors to consider.

Workers’ compensation (WC) has been significantly influenced by the preventive stress management theory, which was first proposed in 1979 and proposes that it is not the stimuli themselves but the individual’s response to those stimuli that determines how much stress is experienced by the individual (Hargrove, Quick, Nelson, & Quick, 2011).


Many theoretical frameworks and corporate wellness programs have been suggested over the years to better understand occupational stress and employee well-being, many of which come under the umbrella term of Workplace Stress Management (WSM). The goal of WSM is to get an understanding of particular stresses and to take proactive measures to mitigate their impact (Tetrick & Winslow, 2015).


Interventions in WSM are usually classified into three categories:


Initially, be proactive and become engaged in stress prevention and staff well-being initiatives (including wellness programs, conflict management, etc.)


Secondary Preventative and reactive measures to assist in the removal of risk factors (including coping skills, employee fitness programs, job redesign)


Employees that need assistance are referred to be Tertiary Reactive (including counseling, employee assistance programs, and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy)

The following are examples of stress treatments (adapted from Tetrick and Winslow, 2015):


Interventions in cognitive-behavioral therapy

Interventions in the primary and secondary levels. Changing one’s way of thinking and strengthening one’s active coping abilities.


Techniques for relaxation

Interventions in the secondary and tertiary levels. Techniques for physical and mental relaxation that may be used to deal with the effects of stress are discussed below.


Programs that use several modes of transportation

Interventions carried out as a secondary measure. Developing both passive and active coping mechanisms. A variety of techniques, such as relaxation and cognitive-behavioral skills, are used to achieve these results.


Interventions that are centered on the organization

The majority of the interventions were primary, although there were a few that were deemed secondary. Organizational growth and job redesign are two important aspects of every business.


Interventions at the individual level

Interventions that are secondary or tertiary in nature, such as relaxation, meditation, and cognitive-behavioral skills training.


Interventions at the organizational level

Primary and secondary actions, such as modifying working environment and encouraging employee involvement, are all possible.


An method based on systems

Individual and organizational interventions are combined in both primary and secondary interventions.

Such treatments are often employed in conjunction with one another in order to avoid, minimize, and deal with stress.

Preventing Stress at Work: Three Effective Techniques

How to keep stress at bay
Primary treatments that are practical and successful may help to minimize or eliminate the need for subsequent and tertiary interventions that are aimed at stress recovery (Tetrick & Winslow, 2015).

While many of the techniques listed below seem straightforward, they require concentration and dedication. Others help us develop a new way of thinking about our jobs and how we deal with work-related stress.



1. Keeping your tension under control

Our brains are continuously being inundated with increased demands and information, which causes us stress and impairs our capacity to concentrate and handle issues effectively.

It is possible to prevent or decrease stress in a variety of ways, including by encouraging good emotions, taking physical care of our brain, and being more organized (modified from Hallowell, 2014).

As a rule of thumb
To ensure sufficient sleep, avoid eating late at night and limit your consumption of caffeinated or alcoholic beverages.
Maintain a well-balanced diet and drink plenty of water.
Exercise on a regular basis during the week and spend time away from your job, ideally in the great outdoors.
During the course of the day at work
Make time to keep up with the individuals who are important to you on a regular basis.
Break down big jobs into manageable chunks.
Maintain a clean and orderly work environment.
Make some ‘think time’ a part of your hectic daily routine.
Make a time for lunch and take it somewhere else than your workplace.
Recognize when you are performing at your peak. Make a schedule for your most time-consuming chores during those hours.
Increase your physical activity by walking around more, standing more, or listening to music, depending on what works best for you.
Make a note to yourself to take a ‘hard halt’ at the conclusion of the workday.



2. When you’re feeling overburdened
Take it easy on yourself. When we are anxious, we often go into panic mode.
Take some time to relax and do a soothing activity.
Make a few moves. Leave the building and go to the break room or kitchen.
Inquire for assistance. Look for individuals that you can put your confidence in.


3. Keeping track of your energy
Demanding jobs, long hours, and rising workloads may leave us feeling emotionally drained, disconnected, agitated, and tired. Fortunately, there are ways to combat these feelings (Schwartz & McCarthy, 2014).

Incorporating a sequence of habits (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) into your daily routine may help you feel better physically, emotionally, and mentally (modified from Schwartz & McCarthy, 2014).


Physical energy.
Recognize periods of the day when you are fatigued or unable to focus and plan your day accordingly. Make an effort to get away from your job and meet with coworkers or do something fascinating.
Aim to concentrate for 90 to 120 minutes at a time, with frequent breaks in between.
Eat fewer, lighter meals throughout the day to keep your energy levels up.
Energy derived from one’s emotions
Negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, and impatience may be managed by engaging in abdominal breathing exercises.
It is important to express gratitude and appreciation to others while also practicing self-compassion toward oneself.
Reverse-lensing is a technique for seeing a situation through the perspective of another person. Consider the problem from a long-term perspective, such as how we could approach it in six months. When looking at the larger picture, use a wide angle lens.
It takes mental energy to do things.
Turn off your email and put your phone somewhere safe when working on activities that need high levels of attention.
Set aside certain periods throughout the day to answer and reply to emails from clients and colleagues.

Make a list of the most important things to do the next day at the conclusion of each day.
Spiritual energy is a powerful thing.
Determine when you are at your peak performance. What are some of your strengths that you like utilizing, and how can you make use of them more frequently?
Relax on your drive home or the final 20 minutes of your workday if you are working from home. This may include taking some time to be aware or listening to music before returning to one’s daily routine.

Recognize your fundamental principles and live by them. Consider if you are putting them to use and displaying them to others around you. Look for chances to express yourself in your truest form.
We all have a limit to how much we can do before our energy levels plummet and our stress levels rise to dangerous levels. It is possible to sustain productivity and performance throughout the day by developing good work habits.



2 Employee Coping Mechanisms that are Beneficial
It is our response to the experience of stress that determines its cognitive, emotional, and behavioral consequences (Crum & Crum, 2018). The two coping strategies described here are practical ways to stress management in the workplace that may be applied with minimal training.



According to the findings of mindfulness research, the practice is effective in reducing perceived stress and emotional fatigue, as well as improving sleep quality and overall work satisfaction (Tetrick & Winslow, 2015).

While we may think of mindfulness as a state of being passive and accepting, it is often the first step toward development and transformation. While it is very beneficial for dealing with life’s difficulties, it is also strong enough to enhance the good and joyful moments in our lives as well (Shapiro, 2020).

Shauna Shapiro (2020), a mindfulness specialist, believes that the following three elements are important to mindfulness:


Attending to the current moment is what attention is all about.
Attitude is defined as the manner in which we pay attention (compassion, kindness, etc.)
After reviewing the research, it has been determined that mindfulness is an effective and cost-free method of dealing with stress (Shapiro, 2020).


Stress may be reframed.
Even though we are all too acquainted with the harmful effects of stress, we tend to overlook that living a stress-free existence is very improbable, if not downright impossible (Crum & Crum, 2018).

We must acknowledge that a certain amount of stress is necessary for our personal and professional development. Stress serves as a reminder that something is significant to us and that we are concerned.

People who adopt a “stress is enhancing” attitude rather than a “stress is debilitating” mindset outperform their peers and suffer from fewer negative health effects than their peers (Crum & Crum, 2018).


But how can we see stress in a different light?

Stress may be rethought by following the three stages outlined below (Crum and Crum, 2018; Crum, Salovey, and Achor, 2013):

Take a look at it.
Instead of denying stress, you must acknowledge and identify the tension that you are experiencing.
“I’m a little nervous about my job interview.”
“I’m a little worried about finals.”

It is possible to shift your brain activity from automatic and reactive to conscious and intentional by acknowledging your feelings of stress and anxiety.

Take responsibility for your actions.
Recognize that whatever it is that is causing you stress must be significant to you. “Unleashing good motivation after coming to this understanding” (Crum & Crum, 2018, p. 73).

Make use of it
Stress is not intended to destroy us, but rather to stimulate our minds and bodies in order to better prepare us for the challenges ahead. Your performance may be improved if you think of your stress reaction as something good, such as eustress, rather of something negative, such as annoyance or irritation.
Even if you are dealing with long-term, chronic stress at work, you may still identify chances for learning and development, as well as the desire to alter yourself or your circumstances if you look for them. While it may not always be feasible, if you can find a way to embrace stress, it may transform into a “strong tool for assisting you in overcoming the inevitable difficulties that might – and will – occur,” according to the American Psychological Association (Crum & Crum, 2018, p. 75).

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