Bamboo Indoors: How to Grow It

Bamboo Indoors: How to Grow It.

Its usual designation The term “bamboo” may refer to more than a thousand different plant species. In their natural environments, some of these species are capable of reaching towering heights of at least 50 feet. On the other hand, several species of bamboo may be grown well in containers, even when grown inside. One of these species is the golden bamboo, also known as Phyllostachys aurea.

The erect canes of this bamboo have a vibrant green color when they are young but age to a golden hue when they are exposed to sunshine. Its leaves have a thin, lance-shaped blade, and they cluster together on the short stems that sprout off of the canes. If left unchecked, the plant will multiply rapidly and will swiftly colonize an entire garden if given the chance.

As a result, putting it in a container, such as a pot, is the best way to keep it confined. It won’t become quite as big, but that only means it will be lot easier to control when it does. Although it can be planted in most parts of the country at any time of the year, the optimum times to do it are in the spring and early autumn.

Bamboo Care

Bamboo is a plant that typically requires little care and is quite resilient. It almost never has problems with diseases or pests, and it almost never needs to have its branches pruned. If old canes have become unattractive, you can cut them off at their bases and get rid of them.

If you want to restrict the amount of growth your plant experiences, you should cut off any new branches as soon as they emerge from the ground.

The majority of your plant’s upkeep will consist of providing it with consistent feeding and watering at the appropriate intervals. It is possible that you will need to water the container plant more often than once per week in order to provide bamboo with the ideal level of soil moisture.

Establishing a routine for the plant’s maintenance should not be too difficult, particularly if it is an indoor plant that lives in an environment that does not experience significant temperature or humidity swings.


This plant is able to thrive in a wide range of soil conditions, although it does best in organically fertile soil that has enough drainage. For plants grown in containers, a good grade commercial potting mix should work just well.


After it has been established, bamboo can withstand periods of drought and can even survive in soil that is always wet for a limited amount of time. However, allowing the roots to remain submerged in water for an extended period of time might eventually cause the plant to perish. Ideal conditions for the plant include having soil that is uniformly hydrated.

Check the moisture content of the soil by inserting your finger an inch or two deep into it, and water it every time it seems to need it. Never allow the soil to reach an entirely dry state. However, throughout the cold months, the amount of water that you apply should be reduced somewhat.


A location that receives full sun, rather than partial shade, is ideal for growing bamboo. If a plant receives an excessive amount of shadow, it may become stunted and unable to reach its full potential for growth or develop its bright color.

When growing bamboo indoors, place the pot near the window with the most light and rotate it once or twice a week to ensure that all sides of the plant are receiving light.

Temperature as well as Relative Humidity

This particular type of bamboo is well-known for its ability to withstand freezing temperatures. It is able to withstand temperatures as low as around 5 degrees Fahrenheit for a limited length of time.

However, cold weather may cause the plant to lose its leaves, and it may even be fatal to the plant in the long run. The optimal range of temperatures for the plant’s growth inside the home is between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

It should be kept away from both dry heat vents and cold drafts, such as those produced by an air conditioner. The air around these plants should be somewhat humid, although they may survive in less than ideal conditions as long as they are adequately hydrated.


Feeding your bamboo once a month with a balanced liquid fertilizer, following the recommendations on the product label, will ensure that the soil in your container plant’s container has an appropriate quantity of nutrients. In order to encourage the development of healthy plants, it is sometimes beneficial to incorporate some organic compost into the soil, particularly in the spring.

Putting Bamboo in Pots and Repotting It

If you are beginning with a nursery bamboo plant that is just a few inches tall, you should choose a container that is at least 12 inches wide and deep. Choose a vessel that is constructed out of a material that is dense so that it can support the weight of the bamboo canes.

If you believe that the container is not strong enough to support the weight of the plant, you may even add some pebbles or gravel to the bottom of the container. In addition to this, check to see that the container has a sufficient number of drainage holes.

Put the root ball in the container, and then fill up the space around it with a potting mix that is loose and rich in nutrients. If you want to boost growth, you may put in some compost at this point if you want to. After that, give the bamboo a good drink of water.

Once the roots have grown through the whole pot and you can see them emerging out the holes in the bottom or sticking up out of the dirt on top, you will likely need to transfer your bamboo to a bigger pot every year or two.

This is because the roots will continue to grow through the entire pot. It is not good for your plant to spend an extended period of time in a container that is too tiny for it since it will not be able to get the nutrients it needs to stay alive.

Repotting an indoor plant may be done at any time of the year with reasonable success; however, the beginning of the growing season in the spring, when the plant is beginning to rev up its development, is usually considered to be the optimum period for repotting.

Bamboo Varieties

There are several subspecies of Phyllostachys aurea, including but not limited to:

Some of the lowest parts of the canes of the Phyllostachys aurea ‘Flavescens Inversa’ variety may have a yellow stripe on them.

Canes of the Phyllostachys aurea ‘Holochrysa’ variety are known to become golden more quickly than those of other varieties of the same plant.

Phyllostachys aurea ‘Koi’ is a cultivar that produces canes that are yellow with green stripes as they mature.

This cultivar of Phyllostachys aurea, known as ‘Takemurai,’ has the potential to get far bigger than other plants of the same species.

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