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9 Bad Boyfriend Characteristics To Avoid

9 Bad Boyfriend Characteristics To Avoid

How do you tell if your boyfriend or the person you are seeing isn’t cut out to be in a long-term relationship with you without being manipulated? However, although it takes two to dance, the telltale signs of a lousy boyfriend in the making might become increasingly obvious as the relationship progresses.

When you first met him, he could have seemed to be your hero in shining armor, who was lovely and compassionate and willing to drop everything in order to spend time with you. However, he has transformed into something that is no longer identifiable and difficult to hold down.




As a general rule, it takes some time for most boyfriends to get comfortable with the dynamics of their relationships, or for them to begin to expose their actual colors and intentions for the relationship as a whole.

Are the changes in your boyfriend’s conduct and the way he treats you a warning indication that you should be concerned?

What exactly are the characteristics of a bad partner, and how may these characteristics be identified and avoided?




Despite the fact that most terrible boyfriends are very excellent at concealing their genuine sentiments or making it seem as if you are the basis of most relationship issues, it is important to recognize the signs of a poor boyfriend. What are the tell-tale signs of a genuinely awful partner and how can you tell if you have one?






1. He has the ability to be kind one minute and cruel another.

Boyfriends who are both sweet and harsh are desirable.
It’s when your lover is lovely and passionate one minute, then harsh or spiteful the next that you have to be careful. It indicates that he is willing to be somewhat inconsistent in how he treats you or how he perceives your sentiments.

If he’s only ever pleasant to you when he’s looking to get something from you. In response to not getting his way or receiving the outcome he desires, the person might become abusive, even abusive to himself or others. If this happens, it might be a negative sign for your relationship since it indicates that he is beginning to show his real colors.



9 Bad Boyfriend Characteristics To Avoid




2. He makes fun of the things that you are most enthusiastic about.

If you have some very huge hobbies in your life or activities you like doing in your spare time, this is the book for you. Your lover should only ever understand why you like doing these things and should encourage you to continue doing them.

It is another matter if your partner openly disapproves of your enjoyment of hobbies or interests and even attempts to prevent you from engaging in them. If this is the case, it is not a favorable omen.





 It’s his method of demonstrating to you that he isn’t ready to embrace your interests or passions in the first place.


He’s also unlikely to express any interest in them in order to get a better understanding of them for himself. When you are in a relationship with a terrible lover, he will often attempt to modify you in order to fit some type of secret expectation that he has of you.






3. He gives you the impression that he is unwilling to make any promises.

Boyfriend is unwilling to make long-term commitments.
Making promises is a critical component of ensuring that any relationship can function and prosper in the long term.

If someone is deliberately setting up hurdles in the relationship and making excuses for why he is unable to prepare for the future, he should be avoided. It’s a hint that he’s simply not ready to commit to you at this point.
He’s probably had other things on his mind, or his wandering eyes have seen an opportunity somewhere else in the vicinity. In any case, if he is truly unwilling to make any kind of commitment to you or the relationship, you should end the connection. It’s most likely time to either force him to place his cards on the table or just walk away from the situation.








4. He is always self-centered and self-centered in his actions.

When it comes to bad boyfriends, one of the most common characteristics is that they are very selfish or self-centered. They will seldom inquire as to how you are doing, and they will never be ready to listen to any of the issues, worries, or strains that you may be experiencing in your personal or professional life.

The reality is that they are just concerned with themselves and will often force you to follow after them or ghost you if you do not comply with their wishes. The question you should ask yourself is whether or not it is really worth your time and effort. Is it really worth it to be seen as second-best in your boyfriend’s eyes all of the time?






5. His Inability to Express Emotions Through His Eyes Is A Weakness.

When your lover considers you to be weak because you are emotional, unhappy, or want to express your actual emotions to him. This is a very bad feature for him to be sharing to you at this point in the relationship, particularly at such a young age.
Everyone, regardless of their social standing, should be able to express their actual feelings.




 This is vastly preferable than having everything bottled up and is in no way a sign of incapacity.

The opposite is true if your partner expects you to constantly repress your actual sentiments or if he doesn’t want to know about your difficulties. This is a poor indicator for the long-term health of the relationship, and it’s him trying to hide the fact that he doesn’t truly care about how you feel.




6.His friends keep telling you he’s bad news, and you believe them.

Friends have informed you that he is a lousy lover.
Best friends may provide some of the most valuable relationship advise you will ever hear, and this counsel is often the most valuable. They are typically protective of you, just like your parents are, and they are familiar with you well enough to recognize when anything is really wrong in your relationship.




Bad boyfriends are easily identified by friends, and they will frequently tell you straight out if they believe anything is wrong with your prospective lover. If others constantly warning you he’s terrible news, or if the way he treats you doesn’t seem right, you should consider leaving.

Take this advise into consideration. Because it is coming from a position of love, it is possible that there is something in these words of counsel that you are overlooking. Your friends will almost always have your best interests at heart, regardless of their own.







7. He is just interested in you for the sake of your sexual life together.

Your boyfriend is just interested in your physical sex life.
If your partner is only interested in you because of your physique, how you appear, or your sex life together, you should leave the relationship. He will most likely not commit to or get involved in the remainder of your life if he does not express this goal to you.

Most of the time, guys who only show up or put forth an effort when there is the possibility of having an on-off romantic encounter with another person are poor news. He is not interested in a relationship; he is just interested in a booty call.





For more information, see the article “12 Things Men Secretly Want From You In A Relationship.”

Terrible lovers have a bad tendency of concealing their genuine motives very well. They may say all of the right things to you and seem to really care about you. When in reality, their primary purpose is to get fortunate with you at any given time.







8. He is always closed off to you and never opens up to you in any manner.

Terrible boyfriends are never honest with you.
When your partner is continuously a closed book and never shares his actual thoughts or sentiments with you, it’s time to break up. This might be because he’s timid and restrained, or it could be a determined choice.

Guys who flatly refuse to communicate with you because they believe you are not worth their time are very dangerous. He just isn’t prepared to meet you halfway in terms of emotional commitment in your relationship.

Perhaps he is coming from a position of feeling superior to you or the relationship in which you are involved. In order to avoid wasting his time, he believes that investing anything in you on an emotional level would be a waste of time.

You’re looking for a man who is prepared to open up and work over his fears in order to be with you. Don’t settle for a man who is a complete mystery all of the time.





9. He goes out of his way to make you feel anxious or to have a negative impact on your attitude.

You’re depressed because of your bad partner.
Is there a time in your life when you are in a good mood and everything is going well for you? Is it only for your boyfriend’s amusement to bring you to your knees emotionally or to cause you to feel frightened and fearful?

Terrible partners have a nasty tendency of finding joy in other people’s misfortune, and this is especially true for women. While they may not constantly exhibit these characteristics, they will sometimes take immense pleasure in making others feel horrible about themselves. Specifically, the person with whom they are now involved.



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In the event that your partner can’t take seeing you happy or does his hardest to diminish any accomplishments or ambitions you’ve achieved, break up with him. If this is the case, it is a dead giveaway that he does not have your best interests at heart at all. He doesn’t want you to be happy, or if he does, he wants all of your enjoyment to come from him alone.




Conclusion: Characteristics of a Terrible Boyfriend

While many of these characteristics may be seen in most lovers from time to time, others are more common in certain types of boyfriends. It’s crucial to be aware of this if your partner exhibits these characteristics or practices on a regular basis. He might very well turn out to be a lousy boyfriend in the making.

A partner should be someone who really cares about you and your emotions, no matter how difficult the situation seems to be. A good man should be willing to make commitments to you and be honest with you about how he actually feels about you and about the relationship.





You want a man who is willing to be vulnerable with you emotionally and who will expose more aspects of himself to you so that you might fall in love with him. Your ideal man is not someone who is a mystery all of the time or who is prepared to ghost and ignore you if they don’t get their way on a regular basis.

At all costs, avoid having a lousy partner. Be in a relationship with a man who can really adore you and everything about you.

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