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8 Time-Tested Ant-Repelling Techniques

8 Time-Tested Ant-Repelling Techniques

Ants are small and tenacious intruders into your house, and they may be discovered marching along the edge of a kitchen sink, on a tile along a baseboard, or outdoors on your doorstep by your welcome mat (some welcome!). 




Using a paper towel to clean up ant trails or spraying them down outdoors can do the trick, but if you do not look into more “permanent ant” solutions, you will almost certainly be subjected to other infestations in the future. 




Fortunately, getting rid of ants for good doesn’t have to be a major undertaking, and it doesn’t have to include the use of exterminators or toxic chemicals. Many ecologically responsible, pet- and child-friendly goods are already in your pantry, and you can use them to get rid of these bothersome intruders without having to go to the store.




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8 Time-Tested Ant-Repelling Techniques

Essential Oil of Peppermint

In addition to keeping foul breath at bay, mint leaves are effective against ants as well. To prepare a sprayable deterrent, combine two to three teaspoons of peppermint oil with a quart of water and shake well. Use a large amount of spray around the ants’ sites of origin, being careful to go into all the cracks and crevices. Your house will smell absolutely lovely, as an added benefit.





An ant-repelling cucumber

Because ants are repulsed by the fragrance of this crisp produce, you’d be hard pushed to locate any crawling around in your cucumber salad. Stack some peels or gratings at the site of your ant infestation to scare the insects away. Remove your eyelids from your eyes and lay two cucumber slices on them to relieve the strain of those pesky little parasites.




Honey and borax 

When it comes to honey and borax, an ant’s snack is simply “delicious.” Stir in one teaspoon of borax after mixing one tablespoon of honey with one tablespoon of boiling water. Alternatively, sprinkle a thin coating over a tiny note card or flat lid and place it in an area where there are ants for a day or two. The combination is so tasty that not a single ant will return for a second helping.





Pepperoni and garlic 

Those ants that choose to make their home in garden areas create anthills, which are a source of considerable concern. Ants will flee from the area if you spray them with a mixture of two tablespoons cayenne pepper, a few chopped garlic bulbs, and a cup water. Wave farewell to the ants after thoroughly spraying the area.






The Vinegar of Apples

When marching in their notorious marching line, ants utilize smell to keep track of one other. Apple cider vinegar may be used to change the aroma. – Using one part apple cider vinegar to one part water, create a mist and mist it anywhere you see the beginnings of conga lines. Application should be repeated until the ant procession comes to a complete end permanently.






While a sprinkling of cinnamon may add flavor to your French toast, don’t expect ants to join you for brunch since they are unable to tolerate the aroma of cinnamon in any form. Applying cinnamon powder or putting a few of cinnamon sticks in areas where ants swarm will help you get a handle on the problem. However, be careful not to apply too much, otherwise your house will begin to smell like Cinnabon!





Caffeine, water, and nicotine

On your property, ants use anthills as staging areas for attacks on your house, which they stage from their bases. When dealing with hills, bathing them in nicotine-laced water is an excellent strategy.


 The same pipe tobacco that may be hazardous to people over the long term can also be used to quickly eliminate an entire ant army in a matter of minutes. Pour pipe tobacco over the anthills after soaking them in water overnight to arrange your stealthy assault.



Caulking and cement 


Natural solutions might assist you in battling ants that have already made their way into your house or business. The opposite is true if you have holes or gaps in your walls or flooring since this leaves the door open for additional unpleasant guests in the future. By applying caulk or cement to cover up any ant entrance sites, you may make it more difficult for trespassers to gain access to your home and avoid infestation.





Sugar powder and baking soda are used in this recipe.

If you want to defeat the ant army in your kitchen, this isn’t the most humane method, but it is effective. Powdered sugar and baking powder should be mixed together and placed in areas of your kitchen where ants are likely to be present. In spite of the fact that the ants will be enticed to the sugar’s sweetness, it is the baking soda that will cause them to die if they consume it.





Soap for Dishes

Disrupting the smell trails that ants use to track one other into your house may be accomplished with nothing more than regular dish soap. Using a spray bottle, fill it halfway with water, then add 1/4 cup dish soap and mix it up to dissolve the soap completely. 




Spray generously at access points, such as entrances, windows, and other crevices, to prevent the mixture from settling. Ants should be discouraged from crossing the line because of the sticky mess, but if they do manage to do so, they will be unable to leave a smell trail for other ants to find and exploit.





Juice of Lemons

In contrast to humans, ants do not like the fragrance of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Not only does fresh lemon juice have an enticing citrus scent, but it also works well as an ant repellant. The fragrance trail that ants leave for other ants to follow is disrupted by lemon juice, just as it is by apple cider vinegar and dish soap. 



The usage of lemon juice about the house, especially at critical entry points, may help to keep ants out of your residence.


Mineralized Diatomaceous Earth is a kind of sedimentary rock that contains diatomaceous earth.



If none of these innovative solutions work to rid you of your ant problem, try employing a more strong treatment such as diatomaceous earth to get rid of your problem. 



Ants, roaches, bed bugs, mosquitoes, and any other insect with an exoskeleton are killed by this all-natural powder, which is non-toxic to pets and people. Diatomaceous earth of food-grade quality is just as effective in repelling ants as regular diatomaceous earth, but it is safer for you and your family to use.

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