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8 Goals of Life in Islam and the Qur’an

8 Goals of Life in Islam and the Qur’an

Occasionally, we may ponder our existence’s precise meaning. Human beings go about their lives without ever considering the significance of what they have created. It would be easy to go about one’s life without worrying too much about what one’s life is all about. People may find meaning in their lives if they know the truth, though. The least they can hope for in this life is that they will have dependable leadership. Life will become monotonous and pointless if there is no direction.




Following Islam and the teachings of the Qur’an, the ultimate goal of human existence is to

The Qur’an, according to Muslims, contains the meaning of one’s life. Because it is their sole source of instruction, they will be able to live a fulfilling life. In the opinion of a devout Muslim, the Qur’an contains universal truths that should be followed. To discover their life’s meaning, Muslims must look to the Qur’an for guidance.



1. Life is a series of trials and tests

Those who believe in Islam and the Qur’an believe that the purpose of life is stated in the surah of Al-Mulk (67:2) of the Qur’an, which states that “He who created death and life did so in order to test you as to which of you was best in deed-and He is the Almighty, the Oft-Forgiving,” or “He who created death and life to test you as to which of you was best in deed.” Humans will be put through a slew of difficulties and tribulations during their lives. It is inevitable that they will all make their way into the lives of people.





Wealth, family, sickness, and a variety of other factors might be factors in our difficulties. One thing that must always be remembered, however, is that Muslims must always place their trust in Allah. As long as one continues to pray for Allah’s guidance, troubles will pass.

8 Goals of Life in Islam and the Qur'an

2. Life is a fleeting occurrence

The life that is now being lived on this planet will not be sustained indefinitely. It is merely a temporary occurrence. This is mentioned in Al-Mu’Min (40:39) of the Qur’an: “O my people! This life is simply a (passing) amusement, and undoubtedly the hereafter is the home to which one should retire.”





According to the surah Al-Anbya (21:35), “Every soul will experience death at some point in the future.” And We will put you through your paces with evil and good as a trial, and you will be restored to Us.” In addition, you may be interested in the following article: Why You Should Date a Muslim Guy.







3. The quality of life in heaven will be better.

According to the Qur’an’s surah Ad-Duhaa (93:4), “And the Hereafter is better for you than the first life,” the Hereafter is “better” than the first life. This might be read as meaning that the life lived on this planet will be intertwined with the life that will follow death. That is why it is not a good idea to be preoccupied with solely the materialistic goods that exist in this world.

After all, as previously said, life is a transitory state of affairs that will pass. There are a number of additional tasks that must be completed before one may enter the kingdom of heaven.







4. The Practice of Dutiful Worship

In addition, according to Islam and the Qur’an, one of the purposes of life is for Muslims to continually remember Allah. This may be accomplished by doing all of the required worship. Among them include praying five times a day, making a pilgrimage if at all feasible, abstaining from banned items or behaviors; fasting; zakat; providing handouts to those in need; dhikr; and spreading goodwill to everyone on this planet. Understand the reasons why you should not live together before marriage, as dictated by Islamic teachings.






5. Learn all you can about Islam.

Not only are Muslims obligated to do the responsibilities assigned to them by Islam, but they are also required to learn about the religion as a whole. Awareness Islam at a deeper level is preferable than merely having a superficial understanding of it. Knowledge that is just superficial will be of little use.



It will only bring negative effects and lead Muslims to have a distorted sense of their religion. This has the potential to produce tension in the Muslim community’s unity. When a Muslim is eager to study Islam in depth, he or she will have a protective barrier against the negative aspects of life.






6. Adhere to Islam’s precepts and guidelines.

It is mandatory for a Muslim who wishes to devote his or her life to Allah to adhere to the Islamic laws and regulations. For example, a Muslim youngster must realize that it is a positive thing to make their parents pleased and proud of their accomplishments. According to Islam, a woman must also understand how to submit to her husband. Dating and marriage should also be conducted in conformity with Islamic principles.

For additional information, see Islamic Dating Rules and Ways to Love Your Husband in Islam for more information.







7. Inspiration in One’s Life

It is possible for a Muslim to lose their drive to continue living if they do not know what they want to achieve in life. They run the risk of wasting their years or choosing to live for the wrong reasons. Someone who lives exclusively for the sake of making money is an example. Money is, without a doubt, necessary in life. It is necessary for one’s survival.





However, living just for the sake of money might leave one feeling empty and meaningless. It is also possible to become a very unhappy human being while in pursuit of money. chasing money A Muslim should keep in mind that money should not take precedence over all other aspects of one’s life. They should not lose sight of Allah and should strive to live positively in accordance with Islamic principles.





8. Be Kind to Others in Your Daily Life

According to Islam and the Qur’an, there is a specific purpose to existence that is associated with being compassionate. In Islam, those who are evil and cruel will be sent to hell. Heaven is exclusively reserved for the righteous and those who follow Allah’s teachings. When a Muslim is on Earth, he or she must constantly remember to be courteous to others. Every living and nonliving creature is a creation of Allah, and one should strive to be compassionate toward all of them.




This is the path that leads to paradise. In order to live a life of compassion, a Muslim must understand the reason and purpose of their being according to Allah. These tips on How to Be a Decent Muslim Teenage Girl will educate you how to be a good and caring person in all aspects of your life, including school.




Muslims must constantly maintain their fidelity by conducting their lives in line with Islam and the Qur’an. Allah created people in order for them to do acts of worship and other responsibilities to which they must constantly adhere. They are Muslims’ means of expressing their appreciation to Allah for having created the world. It is necessary for a Muslim to be sincere and nice while on this planet in order for his or her existence in paradise to be more pleasant.

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