7 Steps to Forgiving Someone Who Has Hurt Your Feelings

7 Steps to Forgiving Someone Who Has Hurt Your Feelings

Being wounded by someone you trusted the most is arguably one of the worst sensations a person can have. Because of the betrayal, it’s difficult to put your faith in anybody else.



When someone you care about gets injured by someone you love, the hardest thing is having to carry the weight of hate around with you. Unforgiving hearts are unable to find peace, and moving on becomes more difficult. If you do not express forgiveness to the person who has wronged you, you will be bound to wrath and misery for the rest of your life as long as you refuse to let go.






Make the decision to forgive.

Without forgiveness, it is impossible to live a happy and tranquil life. That person’s cruel actions will be etched in your mind forever, and it will not make you feel good about yourself. It is for this reason that you should deliberately choose to forgive.



It may seem hard to forgive the person who has caused you so much pain, particularly if the wound is still new, but if you are prepared to put out the effort, you will succeed.

Here are some suggestions to assist you in forgiving the person who has broken your heart. Try them out with patience and faith, and they will almost certainly work.

7 Steps to Forgiving Someone Who Has Hurt Your Feelings



1. Make an effort to be reconciled with the other person.

This does not necessarily imply that you will re-enter each other’s lives in the future. As civilized individuals, we should attempt to reason things out. Both of you would be able to communicate your feelings and heartbreaks in this manner. After all, if there is no way to revive the relationship, it may be important to bring it to a satisfactory conclusion in order to move on.


Being able to convey your feelings to the individual who has caused you resentment might assist you in being free of it. You will be able to forgive more quickly as a result of this.




2. Make the decision to forgive on a daily basis.

Forgiveness is not something that happens overnight. As a result, you must be patient throughout the healing process of any wounds you may have sustained. This does not imply that you must wait till your wounded heart has healed before you can forgive the person who has caused you harm. Forgiveness, like love, is a conscious decision.

Make a conscious effort to persuade yourself that you have already forgiven him or her when you wake up each morning. Even if you don’t feel it right now, trust that you are on your way to achieving it.




3. Offer your prayers for the individual.

It is naturally difficult to bless the person who has wronged you via prayer. To be sure, praying for good things to happen to someone you despise is difficult because you believe deep down that person does not deserve wonderful things to happen to him or her.




However, believe it or not, this act of humility and selflessness will result in even larger rewards for you in the long run. It’s possible that you’re not aware of it, but your feelings for the individual are gradually changing. As you really pray for that person, God assists you in seeing him or her through His eyes, and your wrath is gradually transformed into compassion. Inner serenity will arise as a consequence of this.




4. Stop dwelling on the ways in which the other person has harmed you.

It is difficult to let go and forget when one is constantly reminded of the past. The more you dwell on the incident that caused you to feel wounded, the more your resentment is reinforced, and the more your wrath grows.



Controlling your ideas and filtering your thoughts can help you avoid this from occurring. When the memory begins to sneak back in, force it out of your mind and replace it with something else to concentrate on. Forgiveness occurs when the process of forgetting gets simpler.






How to Forgive Someone Who Has Broken Your Heart: Some Suggestions

5. Concentrate on the good aspects of the individual.

Instead of focusing on the bad characteristics of the person who has wronged you, choose to see the positive aspects of that individual. If the individual was able to give you such emotional distress, it is likely that s/he was—or is—someone you highly regard. Without a doubt, s/he has positive characteristics that you admire.



Keep in mind all of the nice things that individual done for you. There were probably occasions when s/he made you feel good. Possibly, s/he is not a completely evil person, and you are able to discern this. You will find it simpler to forgive others if you keep these positive ideas in your mind.






6. Recognize that you are not without flaws.

Give forgiveness because you have already been forgiven. Being kind to someone gets simpler when you recognize that you have been treated with undeserved grace as well as they have. If God has forgiven you innumerable times for your mistakes and failings, how could you refuse to extend that forgiveness to a fellow person who has harmed you as well?




You are not without flaws, and you make blunders from time to time. It’s possible that you did something to harm that individual as well. As a result, every time you fail, forgive in the same way that you would want to be forgiven.




7. Don’t hold grudges against anybody or anything, but be grateful for the lessons learned.

Bad experiences are always terrible, particularly when they are caused by a loved one who has wronged you. However, you should not be sorry for allowing that person into your life. You might have been injured by him or her, but you’ve undoubtedly also enjoyed some pleasant memories with him or her.



Be grateful for the pleasant memories and valuable lessons you’ve gained from that individual. Don’t look back and regret you hadn’t met him/her.




8. Forgive yourself for your mistakes.

One of the reasons why you might want to forgive someone is because you want to be forgiven yourself. Forgive because you want to be free of the load of resentment that someone has placed on your shoulders, and because you deserve serenity. Forgiveness is necessary because you want to go on and because you deserve to be happy. You don’t want to be trapped in a cycle of sorrow and resentment for the rest of your life.



One of the signals that you are already moving ahead is that you have forgiven. As a result, make every effort to reach this objective in the lowest amount of time.






9. Discover your own personal satisfaction.

When you see that the person who has wronged you is happy while you are still in pain, you get envious. You’re wailing on the inside, claiming that life is unjust. You believe that you are entitled to discover happiness before s/he is able to. Of course, it is a natural response to desire the person who has caused you misery to go through the same or even greater suffering that you have gone through. However, even if this occurs, it would not guarantee your personal pleasure in the future.




As a result, instead of worrying about how things are going with the person you despise, concentrate on being happy. Happiness is neither a race or a contest. Forgiveness and letting go of any resentments will be required if you want to be really happy in life.






No matter how badly you’ve been injured, there’s still a long road ahead of you to recover. That is why you should avoid lying down for an extended period of time. Get to your feet and resume your trek. Time heals, and with prayers, your soul will be restored just in time to make even more significant strides forward. As a result, forgive whomever it was that crushed your heart and let go of all the burdens that are weighing you down.

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