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6 Ways to Get Any Woman

6 Ways to Get Any Woman

Accept Your Masculinity as a Part of Your Identity

Consider the following two individuals: Bob and Dick.
Aiming for maximum efficiency, Bob sits in the most compact of positions. Dick takes up a lot of space by sitting with his legs apart, his arms on the back of his chair or his hands clasped behind his head, and so on.
Always apprehensive and uneasy, Bob can’t help but be. Dick exudes self-assurance and a laid-back attitude at all times.



When it comes to what other people think about Bob, he is always on guard. Dick does not give a s**t about anything.


Pop music is something Bob enjoys. Hard rock is a favorite of Dick’s, and he enjoys it.
TV viewing is a favorite pastime of Bob’s. As he works out at the gym, Dick enjoys grunting.
In his masculinity, Bob is frightened of being seen as too aggressive.
Dick has a strong sense of masculinity and takes on all aspects of his life that a true man should:
Aggressively. It is true that he only has one life to live, after all.




Intensely emotional, Bob wants the approval of others (particularly attractive women) and attempts to make women happy by asking them what they want to do on a consistent basis while neglecting his own wishes. In most situations, Dick is unconcerned and uninterested (especially things that are outside of his control). In his own skin, he is self-assured and has no need to prove himself, and he goes about his business as he pleases, with the benefit of a female companion if she is fortunate enough to accompany him on his journey.
Surely the distinction is rather obvious.


In contrast, Dick is unashamedly macho and loves his manhood, while Bob is emasculated and fearful of his masculinity.
In your opinion, which man is more appealing to women?
Of course, it’s Dick.
Don’t be frightened of your own manhood, as the saying goes! Become a macho being and accept your masculine nature. Men who are a “good person” or who are in touch with their “feminine side,” despite what some may believe, do not attract women. The truth is that such guys are repelled by women on a sexual level.


Doubtful. They find it sexually revolting, and I’m not exaggerating. Imagine a gigantic, muscular, macho lady with enormous muscles, a beard, a hairy chest, and a deep, male voice. This is what you will get. Her sexuality would be a turn-off for you, wouldn’t it?
Similarly, when it comes to “good guys” and weak fellas who are more feminine than masculine, women have the same feelings.


They are looking for a guy that is powerful, robust, and macho in appearance. The kind of guy who goes about his business without giving a damn what others think of him.. Someone who maintains his composure and calmness under pressure, and who is always pleasant to be around. A person who exudes unwavering self-assurance and believes he has absolutely nothing to prove. Unassuming and commanding, yet with a lot of force behind him. Who is the one who takes the initiative, makes decisions, and takes the initiative. Men who are respected by women are in high demand.

Now is the time to get your act together, take command, and be a f***ing gentleman!



(7) Her Attraction and Respect Work Together as a team

The terms respect and appeal are synonymous when it comes to women. Women are only attracted to males who are respected by them and vice versa. Because most guys don’t even respect themselves, it’s simple to see why they have a difficult time attracting high-caliber women to their lives.





Whenever we speak of respect, we are referring to a deep and abiding regard for another individual. Regarding respect, there are two types: One sort of reverence and another, more intense and intimidating reverence are both appropriate and necessary.




For example, a lady could feel “respect” for her granddad. A cheerful and charming young man with a puppy dog’s demeanor, as well as an all-around good guy. The regard we have for one other is, first and foremost, grandfatherly. Respect like this bodes death for anybody seeking to attract a woman’s attention. A woman will not find this level of respect to be at all appealing. No way, not even a speck.




Our mutual admiration and respect is very strong. Someone who we see as strong, authoritative, and awe-inspiring is deserving of our admiration and reverence. We may even experience a tinge of dread or intimidation as a result of this awe-inspiring sight.





These ladies are drawn to this kind of tremendous, awe-inspiring reverence because it is so compelling. In the eyes of a woman, a guy who has earned this level of respect is incomparably more appealing. Affection and respect are inextricably linked.
That being said, being a Navy SEAL or a Roman Emperor isn’t required – but it wouldn’t hurt if you were.




Instead, you just need to have self-acceptance and respect for your own capabilities. Maintain a high level of self-esteem and conduct yourself accordingly, Consider the actions of someone you like and respect, and consider how they might react in various scenarios. Alternatively, you may think of someone famous like James Bond or Julius Caesar and ask yourself the same question about them.
Although characters such as James Bond and Julius Caesar were neither British spies or Roman leaders, the people who came into touch with them would nonetheless have a great deal of respect for them.





Simply because they have self-respect. The way they conduct themselves. It’s the way they walk and act. What they believe and how they act are important. These people’s actions and attitudes There was no hiding their unapologetically masculine nature.
Nobody appreciates a person who does not respect himself, and this is more true in the case of a female counterpart.




Hence, instead of being the granddad, pretend to be the emperor!
Another reason why women are drawn to jerks and bad guys is the fact that they are so appealing to their sexual appetites.
Who do you believe these types of guys are most like in appearance and character? Do you want to be like your grandpa or be like your granddad? Guess who it is? It is none other than the emperor. It doesn’t matter whether they’re justified in their actions; such guys have a great deal of self-esteem. This is quite appealing to women.

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2. Men with other commitments are irresistible to women

Many men consider women to be the center of their existence and treat them as such in their interactions with them.
Ultimately, this is a bad error that only works to their disadvantage. Women, especially high-quality women, do not like to be placed on a pedestal. No one wants to be the sole thing in your life, and they are not interested in becoming that. Their desire is to be included in your life. They aren’t interested in becoming a part of your world.




A common refrain heard by most males is, “If only I had a gorgeous girlfriend, everything would be perfect.” They reduce women to the status of a solitary objective in their lives. These characteristics manifest themselves as neediness, clinginess, and vulnerability. They are unable to take the initiative and make decisions as a result of their failure to lead.




When they no longer play the position of the alpha male in the relationship, They delegate all decision-making and accountability to the woman, responding on a consistent basis with, “Whatever you want to do, I don’t care.”




They make it seem as if they aren’t a genuine guy, and as if they have no desires at all. They just want to go along with whatever the lady is interested in doing or saying. To the contrary, they transform themselves into the lady! They assume the role of the female.



Because the male has become an indecisive follower, the woman is forced to assume the masculine role, which entails constantly taking the initiative and making the calls.
This is something that women despise and find offensive. Obviously, this is a huge turnoff for potential customers. Due to the circumstances, the girl loses all attraction (if she ever had any in the first place) and flees to the mountains.



A guy on a mission, on the other hand, is required. Have a big life goal that you’re working towards accomplishing. Identify a reason for living. Females are then given less importance. There is no reason for them to be your first or second choice. 



This then enables you to immediately assume all of the gorgeous manly characteristics that women find so appealing.
As a result, you will be more self-assured and have better esteem for yourself. Females will become a lesser priority for you. In the future, you will be less concerned with what others think of you. As a result, you will become more appealing to others.





To illustrate, consider the historical figure Julius Caesar. He was a guy on a mission, and he was successful. He was either creating political machinations to obtain power or leading troops into distant territories to conquer them, depending on the situation. His rise to power eventually led him to be considered the de facto dictator of Rome, serving as a transitional figure between the Roman Republic and the Imperial Rome.




Really? What an all-around kind guy. When it comes to him, one thing is certain: he was a man on the go all of the time! Beyond just attempting to woo ladies, he had a number of other ambitions, whether it was conquest of foreign armies or becoming the dictator of Rome.
Julius Caesar, on the other hand, was the most successful seducer of women in the ancient world. It wasn’t enough for him to seduce hundreds of women, so he decided to go even farther. He desired a greater level of difficulty. 




Consequently, he began seducing and having scandalous relationships with all of Rome’s most attractive noblewomen, and he continued to do so. Furthermore, it is thought that Caesar had affairs with about half of all the Senators’ wives at one point or another. Even before Caesar became especially well-known or powerful, all of this happened!



Apart from that, Caesar formed an alliance with two of Rome’s most powerful men — Pompey the Great, who had previously held the title of the city-most state’s powerful military general (before Caesar seized it from him) and Crassus, who was Rome’s single wealthiest man — which became known as the First Triumvirate after the alliance was formalized. It’s the fact that Caesar had previously had sexual relations with the spouses of both of his political supporters that makes this story the most amusing.




The ladies with whom Caesar had relations included not just all of the noblewomen, senator’s spouses, and the wives of his political supporters, but also the wives of his political opponents. It’s even possible that Caesar had a sexual relationship with the mother of the assassin who killed him!





In the end, Julius Caesar was about as successful as it was possible to be when it came to winning the affections of the female population. But ladies were not his first focus, according to him. It’s unlikely that they would have been his second or third priority. Although they were important to him, they were not the primary focus of his existence. To be happy or confident, he didn’t rely on them at all.




No matter how many ladies you don’t want to sleep with, you should maintain the same attitude and thinking as Julius Caesar had. Females are not your first and foremost concern. Additionally, you have other lofty aspirations toward which you are devoting your time and effort. Just be confident and easygoing among ladies while dealing with them.
They are not the only reason for your existence, but..



You also become less accessible and more “hard to get” since you are preoccupied with achieving larger and more interesting ambitions. We will describe how this also works to your favor in a moment.

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9. Her Attraction Increases as a Result of Your Absence

In economics, most of us are familiar with the concepts of supply and demand. To put it simply, if something is in great demand but in limited availability (i.e., it is uncommon or unusual), people will be willing to pay a premium for it. 




Superyachts, diamonds, and gold are all very valuable commodities, which is why they are so costly. In contrast, if something is plentiful and widely available (i.e. neither unique or scarce), consumers are unlikely to pay a high price for it. This explains why items such as plastic bags, water, dirt, and the air we breathe are basically free to get.



This is also true when it comes to interpersonal interactions. Women will not place a high value on your availability if you are available at all times. This is one of the issues that arises with lovely people. Because they are always accessible, they have become the equivalent of a plastic bag or a mound of dirt in terms of worth – a very low value. They are taken for granted and are not given much consideration.



Alternatively, the bad boys and jerks seem to have gotten it right once again, despite the fact that they are going to extremes. Instead, they’re preoccupied with other activities, whether it’s drinking with friends, working toward a goal, or having sexual relations with another woman. As a consequence, they are becoming more scarce. 




Instead of continually checking their phone, they are engaged in other activities, which means they take longer to react to text messages. They are not accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week for anytime a lady wants to see them.



They are hard to come by. The effect is that women put a larger importance on themselves and their time. They also get more drawn to them as time progresses. Moreover, when women are neglected by such guys, they tend to worry about themselves more often and question whether or not they are good enough. 




They begin to look forward to their next meeting with bated breath. Similarly, if a man does not answer to text messages within a short period of time, she starts to think about him more and becomes more aroused as she anticipates his response.
Overall, his scarcity increases the value of his possessions.




Nice people, on the other hand, are not hard to find in any quantity. She and he are both accessible at a moments notice and they react to text messages very instantaneously, as if there is nothing else for him to do except wait for her to send him anything. 




He seems to be accessible every single night and day of the week, and he appears to be eager to put aside other responsibilities in order to spend even a single second with her. Likewise, great males are eager to go above and beyond for ladies – to assist them in moving, to repair their vehicle, to go shopping for them, to clean their home, or to do anything else.



Because of their utter lack of scarcity, they are often taken for granted.
Make a point of becoming gold rather than dirt. There is plenty of dirt, yet it is often overlooked. Gold is in limited supply and, as a result, is very expensive and much sought for.
Consider what it would be like if gold was available everywhere. You could dig in your lawn and come up with three kg of gold in five minutes or less. Nobody would be interested in gold anymore.



The same may be said for how you interact with females in your life.



Keep in mind that time apart makes the heart grow fonder.

Don’t make yourself accessible 24 hours a day, don’t make a lady your slave by assisting her with her household tasks, and don’t feel the need to respond to text messages as soon as they arrive. Don’t be scared to go on with your life and ignore her for a period of time if necessary. Allow her allure to develop.




“Women are attracted to guys who are assertive.” “He feminine turns to the masculine for guidance and approval. When it comes to men, women prefer that they do not turn to them for guidance, but that they go their own ways in their own right.




Men should act when they feel like it, rather than waiting for permission from women to do what they want when they feel like it. A woman would want a guy to act when he feels like it rather than when she feels like it, and she would also prefer for him to be able to modify her emotions on his own. 


As a result, a woman likes it when a male takes the initiative in all situations. She wants him to continue to take the initiative and make progress at every turn, rather than just waiting and not knowing what to do next. ” “
— David Deida et al.



There is a single reason why so many relationships in today’s culture have stalled or collapsed. The individual is unable to assume command.
Similarly, numerous men have been unsuccessful in closing the deal or getting a second date for a variety of reasons. The individual is unable to assume command.



Attractive, feminine ladies want for a strong guy who can step into the position of the father figure. Typically, the dominant male in a relationship (including same-sex couples) is the one who takes the initiative. They are the ones who make the choices, accept responsibility, and take the initiative. They are the one who is in charge of the connection.




Women regard males who shirk all responsibilities and refuse to assume the position of a man to be very ugly and repulsive to them. They are looking for males that are resolute and know precisely what they want to accomplish. They do not want to be required to assume the male position, to be in command, and to make all of the choices. They don’t want to be saddled with the responsibility of leading some sissy “good guy” whose only reaction to everything is, “Well, what do you want to do?” Anything you want me to do, I’ll gladly do.”



Nooo! This is something that women despise. It has a significant negative impact.
You are the alpha male in the partnership. You must be in complete command of the situation. From approaching her to asking her out on a date, to determining what to do, to physically escalating the situation and putting her to bed, everything is covered.




 Take full responsibility for your actions. Take the initiative. You are the alpha male. The partner is the male side of your relationship, and you are the feminine half. This may be used to establish sexual polarity and extreme desire between two people.



You may have predicted that this truth works to the benefit of all of the bullies and jerks out there in the world. They aren’t scared to take the initiative. They just go about their business. Their polarity results in tremendous attraction as well as scorching hot sex as they take on the masculine and feminine roles, respectively.


I understand how tempting it might be to delegate the male role by simply responding, “Well, I’ll do anything you want,” when the situation calls for it. But don’t do it. It detracts from one’s attractiveness, and ladies despise it. Take command and lead like a true gentleman by overcoming this impulse.





11. The Key to Effective Seductive Communication

Numerous guys fall prey to the deluding belief that they are insufficient and unworthy of a beautiful lady (because they are not good-looking enough, not successful enough, etc.). It is as a consequence of this that they strive to compensate for their feelings of inadequacy by striving to impress others.



Unfortunately for these gentlemen, attempting to impress had the exact opposite effect.
Women are able to look past the act and decipher the sub-communication that is sent by such behaviors.



They see an insecure young man who clearly lacks confidence in himself and is attempting to make up for it in many ways. Due to the fact that he plainly believes he isn’t good enough for her, she expresses her disappointment in him to him. As a consequence, many males find it difficult to gain female attention.



Women intuitively find guys who don’t strive to impress them to be considerably more appealing than men who do. This may sound strange at first, but it is true. This is due to the fact that the sub-communication is that the individual has no evidence to support his claims. The fact that he is self-assured and believes that he is more than capable of winning her affections
Because of this, the lady reflects this back to the gentleman.



The error that so many guys make is that, as soon as they gain the attention of a beautiful woman, they begin to speak about themselves incessantly. All of this is done in an effort to impress and seem appealing, so they brag about their work, their pay, their vehicle, and their home.



Women, on the other hand, like talking about themselves. Ask her some inquiries about herself rather than rambling on and on about your own life and experiences. It will be a hit with the ladies. And not just any conversation – deep conversation. Instead of saying something like, “Wow, must be hard hours, eh?” when she tells you that she is a doctor or a nurse, offer something more thoughtful.



Examine the reasons for your actions and the emotions that underpin them more deeply. Ask her something like, “How does it feel to save someone’s life?” or anything along those lines. Similarly, if she has relocated from another nation, don’t merely utter the trite and uninteresting question, “Do you like it here?” Take it a step farther. Extensive exploration of the emotions and sentiments that underlie everything, such as how it felt to leave her own country and the unfamiliarity of the situation, is recommended.



Women, on the other hand, are largely emotional creatures, while we males are mostly intellectual. Women have feelings in places where men think clearly. They are very emotional animals.



The fact that women — and people in general — find something considerably more remarkable if they have to search and discover it themselves is another significant benefit of not attempting to impress. It makes a significant difference in how remarkable a lady finds your achievement if you just respond in a casual manner when she asks a question. 





If you make a clear effort to boast and impress, you will only come across as uninteresting in the end. If she needs to search and inquire in order to find out, she will see it as considerably more significant. Also, she’ll be left wondering about the other remarkable things you’ve accomplished that you aren’t telling her about.



Even more than women like talking about themselves, women enjoy hearing about themselves, as research has shown. What this implies is that, rather than asking questions all the time, try your luck! Make public declarations. She’ll get back to you.



So, instead of asking, “Can you tell me what you do for a living?” make a guess. “You seem to be a creative type; you must be employed in [industry],” for example.
You may also say something like, “I guess you’re in law school because [observation about her].” Make an informed prediction to the best of your ability. Instead of asking questions, make declarative assertions.




There are various advantages to using this method.

First and foremost, if you guess correctly, she will be very pleased by your intelligence.


Second, even if you guess incorrectly, she will give you the correct answer and, more than likely, will inquire as to what it was about her that caused you to believe what you did.


This gets the discussion rolling and keeps things very exciting for the remainder of the group.



Third, studies have shown that friends and family members tend to communicate in declarative sentences since they are already familiar with one another and comfortable with one another. Strangers, on the other hand, are more likely to ask inquiries since they are unfamiliar with one another and are asking questions as a result of this unfamiliarity.



Our brains, on the other hand, instinctively identify these two sorts of conversations with friends and strangers, respectively, since they are so similar. That is, when you talk in statements, the lady will unconsciously feel more comfortable and acquainted with you, as if the two of you have known each other for a much longer period of time than you really have.


Other than asking generic inquiries, such as “Where are you from?” (in response to “You seem to be a British darling” or “I guess you’re from L.A.”), you may utilize this type of communication to establish expectations with a potential partner. 




Say, for example, that you believe she is adventurous, and she will begin to behave in a manner that is consistent with what you have stated unconsciously (and sometimes even consciously). Similarly, if you tell her that she seems to be a conservative person, you will be substantially less inclined to take her to bed on the first date.


As a result, be sure that your words are consistent with how you would want her to behave. To put it another way, as Dale Carnegie put it in his best-selling book How to Win Friends and Influence People, “you should give a dog a decent name.” For want of a better expression, convince people that they are the way you want them to be, even if they are not.
For example, if you tell a large customer that they are very frugal, you can bet that they will start behaving in a manner that is consistent with that statement.




Alternatively, if you tell them that they are a fantastic client, they will begin to behave in accordance with that belief unconsciously.
As a result, give your dog a decent name. Inform her that she seems to be the adventurous sort who is open to new experiences, rather than that she is conservative, cautious, and conventional in her outlook on things.







12. How to Be an Irresistible Catch: The Untold Story

The key to being an alluring catch is to turn the tables on your opponent. The majority of males nowadays believe that they are insufficient and that they must prove themselves to women.
Don’t fall into this trap since it will just serve to eliminate whatever attraction that may have been in the first place.




Instead, turn the tables on the situation.
The majority of beautiful women believe they are superior to the majority of men. The fact that women are approached by strangers hundreds of times every day gives them the impression that they can obtain any male they desire. They believe that it is the man’s responsibility to demonstrate that he is worthy of her attention.




Instead of falling for it and attempting to impress her, reverse the roles. Imagine you are a lovely girl who is approached hundreds of times a day by men who want to be with you. Put on the act as though you had hundreds of girls running after you and that the lady you’re talking to is simply another one of them that you have to deal with.




Have standards in place. Instead of doing what any other good man would do and buying a drink for a new acquaintance at a bar, don’t do what any other nice guy would do and refuse to buy her a drink at all! Instead, put on your “hot female attitude” and say something to the effect of, “Maybe later if you’re well behaved,” or anything along those lines. Alternatively, you might just say no and ask her to fetch you one.





Also, you may flirt with her and appear as though she’s just another lady who’s racing after you and attempting to get into your trousers. When it’s acceptable, mock her about how she’s attempting to seduce you and make her laugh. Simply put, be fun and behave as though you are the catch, and she is attempting to entice you at all times. As a matter of fact, according to the Oxford Dictionary, to flirt is to “behave as if one is sexually attracted to someone, but with a lighthearted rather than a serious aim.”





In this case, bad guys and jerks are naturals at it because they honestly feel that they are a good catch and that women find them irresistibly attractive.
Women are naturally drawn to arrogance and taunting that is done in a lighthearted manner. In fact, it is so widely discussed among all pick up artists that it has become a worldwide topic of conversation. David DeAngelo refers to it as “cocky-funny” (i.e., being overconfident in a humorous way), while others refer to it as “negging” (i.e., playful taunting), and still others refer to it as a variety of other terms. Despite the fact that they have various names, they are all referring to the same thing: Playing the role of the superior in a fun manner. Putting up the act as though you’re the big catch. It is adored and found to be enticing by women.






How to Pass a Woman’s Tests (Part 13)

Women routinely put their partners through their paces. From the moment a guy first meets a woman through the time he begins dating and eventually marries her, everything is documented. Women will continuously put you through your paces as long as you are in a relationship (or looking for one).





Consider the implications of this decision from an evolutionary viewpoint, even if it seems foolish and nonsensical. Women are drawn to males who are self-assured, dominating, and manly. The most effective approach to determine if someone does, in fact, embody appealing characteristics is to put him to the test, to challenge him, to subtly offend him, and then to see his response.




If he doesn’t seem to care and doesn’t seem to be impacted by her tests, she understands he is an attractive, dominating, self-assured, and macho young guy. This accentuates and intensifies the intensity of her attractiveness. He may get angered or insulted by her tests or may feel the need to prove himself, in which case she will know she is dealing with an ugly, subservient, weak and wimpy person. Because of this, she’ll most likely dump the guy as soon as possible and go in quest of a stronger, more manly male who can, evolutionarily speaking, care after and keep her safe from harm….





The most effective method to answer to a woman’s testing is to agree with her and emphasize what she has stated further. I completely agree with everything she says, to the point of being ludicrous and silly.
Doing so subtly indicates that you are just unconcerned, which is an attitude that women find appealing.
When contacted by a man, a typical test that women employ is, “I bet you use that line on all the females.” This is particularly true if the man begins the discussion with an improvised opening statement.





“Yeah, I actually wake up in the morning covered in bitches, it’s that effective,” someone who agrees with this remark and amplifies the ridiculousness of the statement may say.
“Aww, are you upset?” she would ask. An agree and amplify reaction might be, “Yeah, I’m going to go home and watch Titanic,” she might respond.





Similar to the aforementioned response, you could respond to her accusation that you are “one of those pick-up-artist/player guys” by telling her, “Sounds like you have an eye for talent.”
An appropriate reaction might be something along the lines of, “I would never conceive of stringing a lady along!” in contrast to the above. “I’m not like that!” they say, followed by a lame rationalization.




The ideal reaction to a lady who is attempting to put you through your paces in an effort to ascertain your strength of character, composure, and what “you’re really like” is to just agree and exaggerate the insanity of what she is saying to you. Just have a good time and don’t care a f**k. Women are drawn to this approach on an innate level.

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