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6 Ways to Deal with Your Professor Crush

6 Ways to Deal with Your Professor Crush

Well you’ve developed a deep and abiding affection for your college professor. What now?
Now, let’s get right to the point of this discussion. Butterflies. Fireworks. Heart-thumping, blood flowing, wow, your college lecturer is so insanely hot awesome that you dread every single class while counting down the minutes till it begins because you’re simply that enamored with them.

Is there a reason for this? Seriously.

What is it about them that makes you experience all kinds of strange and fluttery emotions?… Once upon a time, it was my young and rugged English professor (it’s almost always those English professors… ) who singled me out as his favorite student by, among other things, keeping a small notebook on his desk to jot down every time I said something that made him and the rest of the room burst into laughter (I should have been a stand up comedian, for real), openly disparaging my boyfriend at the time, and consistently giving me awesome grades as a notabl.

Neither I nor anybody else in the class was surprised when he tolerated me more than any of the other students who moved in and out of his courses for no apparent reason. In fact, it was so clear that word quickly went throughout my little community college that something hot was taking place between us after class.

The answer is that there was never any.

That rumor, on the other hand, made me genuinely hope it was true at the moment.

Many years later, though, I’m really grateful that I didn’t cross the line from obvious favorite student to legitimate girlfriend.


Let’s be clear about something: Crushes are nearly always quite safe to get. They may even be beneficial to your health. Your absence, however, is due to a little crush on one of the members of your group chat, which you share with your buddies. A part of you is toying with the notion of pushing the limits even farther, which is something I’ve seen friends and acquaintances do with their own instructors, and it’s likely that this is interfering with your academic progress as a whole.

As a result, what should you do about your huge, raging crush on your prof?

Consider the Imbalance in Power.

So, what is it exactly?
What they have is authority and control over you as a teacher, and that is all there is to it. They mark your work, teach you on issues in which they are more knowledgeable, and, eventually, play a significant role in determining your academic destiny..

Its Importance in the Contemporary World

Having a crush on a classmate or coworker who is on the same level as you means that you are on an equal playing field. There were no repercussions from my relationship with a student when it ended. No one received a failing mark or was dismissed from the class. So, I didn’t have to worry about turning in papers to a man who’d seen me without my characteristic red cardigan and cats-eye spectacles, or worrying about what he’d said about me to the other professors at our university.

So, What Do You Do?

Here’s something to think about: at most schools, interactions between students and teachers are prohibited. You can’t bring them inside the house. However, even if they’re prohibited, they’re still prohibited. That is true even if the relationships are legitimate; nonetheless, when they terminate, they may have major ramifications. With the knowledge that you’re in a relationship with one of their colleagues, who can say how (however cruelly) other faculty members will treat you around the school? To give an example, my algebra professor was dating a student, and years later I realized how badly he had treated her, not because any new secrets had come to light, but because I didn’t realize how toxic the imbalance of power between him and her had become until I was old enough to recognize it for what it truly was when he was younger.

Usually, the entire forbidden love thing doesn’t end out as romantically as it began.
Usually, the entire forbidden love thing doesn’t end out as romantically as it began.

What it is “My wife thinks this song is the finest…” 2. Determine whether they are married or committed to each other

“My spouse gets weary of hearing me say…”, says the author.

In the spring of 2016, my boyfriend and I traveled to Costa Rica.

They may be identified by their finger ring, which is another dead giveaway.

Its Importance in the Contemporary World

What really counts is your commitment. You may be able to fantasize while standing at a safe distance, but seeking to get romantically connected with someone who is already committed is unethical and selfish. Indeed, my English professor infatuation was married at the time of my encounter with him. We are indeed newlyweds! Because I have daddy issues, that was enough to keep my crush under control and recognize that while I appreciated the positive attention from my professor, I could probably appreciate any amount of neutral-to-positive attention from just about anyone, including a potato with a face drawn on it because I enjoy the positive attention from him.

So, What Do You Do?

If someone tried to make a sexual advance on you or your significant other, how would you react? Think about it for a while before taking any action!

Those married or committed academics who show interest in you are either completely indifferent or completely uninterested in you if they’re interested in a fling.
Those married or committed academics who show interest in you are either completely indifferent or completely uninterested in you if they’re interested in a fling.

Students’ crushes on professors are most often motivated by boredom, which is the most common reason for them.
Students’ crushes on professors are most often motivated by boredom, which is the most common reason for them.

3. Examine if your crush is motivated more by boredom and convenience than by genuine feelings for someone.
In short, you have nothing to do outside of school, and, let’s face it, your peers are all immature and annoying.

Its Importance in the Contemporary World

In the case of boredom, having a crush is a certain remedy, particularly when class isn’t exactly (somehow) the most interesting environment in which to be found. However, if you find yourself obsessing over someone who isn’t accessible to you (and believe me, your professor is almost likely unavailable) even outside of the constraints of a stuffy classroom, you are denying yourself the opportunity to connect with someone who is genuinely available.

Tips on How to Deal with the Situation It

Spend the most of your class time thinking about somewhere exotic, but after class is over concentrate on homework and leave your dorm or mother’s basement long enough to socialize with your classmates.

4. Visualize your professor doing the most unsightly thing imaginable.
After all, why would I want to destroy such a lovely dream, Emmy?

Listed Below Are the Reasons

This is because, if you really want to put your crush in perspective (or maybe you don’t), you must first dissociate yourself from the dream person you’ve created in your mind and confront the reality of what it means to be in a relationship with a live, breathing, filthy human being.

Exactly What to Do

Try to put yourself in her shoes and see what happens. Listed below are a few suggestions to jumpstart your creative juices:

When they’re really constipated, they’ll go to the bathroom.
Immediately after finishing their last lesson of the day, they dash to their vehicle to let all of their farts out in the back seat.
Persons that aren’t you are being screened
At the very least, seeing your unreachable love in highly common/disgusting scenarios will typically be enough to bring them down from the pedestal you’ve elevated them to.


At the very least, seeing your unreachable love in highly common/disgusting scenarios will typically be enough to bring them down from the pedestal you’ve elevated them to.

Consider how many professor/student relationships you can recall that did not end in a total and complete breakdown.
To begin, allow me to state my case,

None. It seems like every single person I’ve ever met who has had an affair with a professor has had the entire thing blow up in their face in some way. A lovely flirting that inevitably ends up into an emotionally complicated affair that can’t get over age limits and envy (since you’re not the only attractive student in the class) is a classic example.


Relationships between students and professors are always, always doomed to fail.
Relationships between students and professors are always, always doomed to fail.

List all of the reasons why having a hookup or relationship with your professor would be epically awful in this section.
In the end, most relationships just do not endure, and this is simply the way the world works.. The stakes are much higher and the boundaries must be broken when it comes to a student/teacher connection than they are in a regular peer-to-peer relationship, such as when two students are dating.

Other people’s opinions on the matter Yes, I know we’re taught to disregard what other people think, but societal norms do help us keep inside the bounds of what is considered appropriate. Because of them, no one should do errands in their underwear or request the clerk at the grocery store to please quit talking about their deceased dog. Indeed, they contribute to making the world a better place in some respects. In any case, it’ll be a more bearable situation. Inviting people into our life who are prepared to defy societal standards may not always be the best decision.



In terms of your educational background, Back to that uneven power struggle: your professor has considerable authority over you once again. He or she may decide your grade and position within the institution, and this might tilt the balance one way or another based on how they see you personally.
Taking care of yourself on an emotional level No one has the right to dictate consenting individuals who they may spend time with behind closed doors, and I understand why we live in this period. 




Engagement with anybody, on the other hand, may result in negative emotional repercussions for the individual. In the back of your mind, there’s a crush waiting to be pounced on. In every excellent pop song, it’s the inspiration. The long term effects of heartbreak on us, on the other hand, are even more devastating.. The likelihood is that your college teacher is many years ahead of you in age and will see you as nothing more than an amusement for the semester while you’re still learning the ropes of how love and relationships operate in the adult world is rather high.

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