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50 Mean Things To Tell Your Ex

50 Mean Things To Tell Your Ex

In the aftermath of a split, when your ex has broken your heart, it’s normal to feel the need to say hurtful things to get back at them; however, this is not recommended.
In order to make them feel horrible about their loss of you, you will want to inform them how much they have hurt you and find a method to make them feel bad about their loss.
Making fun of your ex is a common coping mechanism for those who have experienced the end of their relationship. While it is understandable that you want to have the last say, is this always a wise decision?



As a result of how the relationship ended, it’s quite reasonable that you would have some things to say to your ex. Making a point of intentionally hurting someone’s feelings is generally not a wise choice.
After all of that has been said and thought, let’s take a look at some of the terrible things you may say to your ex, but definitely shouldn’t…

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If your ex has shattered your heart, you should say mean and hurtful things to them. It’s normal to consider expressing rude or mean things in person or over text to retaliate.

This is particularly true if you broke up on horrible terms, they cheated on you, or they’re attempting to win you back but won’t accept “No!” as an explanation.

Let’s look at some instances of harsh, cruel things you may say to an ex to convey a strong message about your sentiments.



Harsh Things To Say To Your Ex Despite the fact that you should definitely never say anything mean to anybody, even your ex.

If your ex is doing things behind your back, pestering you through text and in person, or simply isn’t receiving the message, it’s time to move on. It’s not always possible to avoid being cruel.



Here are some terrible things to say to your ex-girlfriend or boyfriend.



Thank you for reminding me of the qualities I should avoid in a potential mate.
I’d rather be alone than with you for the rest of my life.
The aspect of our relationship that I find most appealing is that it no longer exists.
There will never be another person like me.
I pity the person who is forced to date you next.
Lies and ignorance are the only words that come out of your lips.
For someone like you, I should never lower my expectations again.
Are you up for a good laugh? You’re dating the punchline.
When my friends advised me not to be with you, I should have heeded their advice.
I used to be a fool, but I’ve since learned my lesson and discarded you.
In a relationship, you’re precisely what I don’t want.
Have you ever been told that just being yourself isn’t enough?
Sorry, I was just remembering the time I dated you.
I made the biggest mistake of my life when I chose you.
When you departed, my life changed dramatically.
Being a compulsive liar is your greatest skill.
I never had the impression that we were friends.
You claimed you couldn’t live without me, so how’s it working out for you as the living dead?
I don’t mind if you’re unhappy right now; you made the decision.
I’m not going to be sad because of you. What’s the point of crying?
Things You Shouldn’t Say To Your Ex-Girlfriend
You may feel compelled to say something to your ex that you know will have a lasting impact on him or her. Especially if you’re in pain and had hoped for a long-term connection.
Saying nasty comments about the relationship to your ex may be quite damaging. It might also send the message that you don’t want to work with them in the future.
Here are some examples of things you may say to your ex that are cruel.
I wish we had ended our relationship a long time ago.
I can’t believe we were together for so long.
I wish I could go back in time and prevent myself from meeting you.
Thank you for demonstrating the characteristics of a poor relationship.
You’ve never loved me as much as you’ve always loved yourself.
Meeting you was the worst letdown of my life.
I don’t have many regrets, but dating you is one of them.
When my instinct told me I didn’t like you, I should have believed it.
I’m pleased I didn’t break down in tears because of you.
You must be a comedian, since you are now nothing but a great joke to me.
If there is one thing I can want for in this life, it is to never have to see you again.
I don’t have the patience to despise you, yet you are deserving of scorn.
I didn’t know it at the time, but I’m far better off now than I was before.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to go. Now I understand what it is to be free.
My relatives and friends were correct in their assessments. It was a horrible decision to hire you.
Is it true that I was inebriated while we were dating? It’s because there’s only one major blunder.
We will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever
Sorry, but your buddies were hotter.
When it comes to making poor life choices, this is one of the worst. I’ve put you at the top of my priority list.
I used to be a jerk, but I ended our relationship because of it.

Insulting Things To Say To Your Ex When your ex goes too far and starts spreading stories and lying behind your back about you, it’s time to say something. You’ll almost certainly have some venomous words for them.

Even if it would be more mature to rise above and dismiss what they are doing. This isn’t always simple, especially if their actions are still having an impact on you and they’re criticizing you in person.

Here are some insults you may throw at your ex-girlfriend or boyfriend.

I thought you’d stolen my breath away, but love, your nonsense had me suffocating.
Keep in mind that although God loves you, I do not.
I saw something today that made me think of you. However, I soon understood that my eyes were also deceiving me.






I apologise for saying things that were hurtful, nasty, and very true.
I need and want your presence. To be able to leave my current situation.
Mirrors, fortunately, do not converse. They do not, however, laugh.
Sorry, honey, but sarcasm, like ignorance, comes out of my lips.
Your parents have once again shown that two wrongs do not equal a right.
You have to be a math nerd. You expand ignorance by multiplying difficulty, subtracting pleasure, diluting focus, and dividing attention.
Good luck finding someone as patient as I was with your nonsense.









Ex-Boyfriend/Boyfriend Comebacks


If you and your ex-partner had a tumultuous relationship and you know you’ll run into each other again. It’s a good idea to prepare some retorts in case you need to express yourself.



This is particularly true if you know they’ll say hurtful things to you following the split. You may want to have some snarky or cruel retorts on hand.
Here are some savage retorts to your ex-girlfriend.
What you think of me doesn’t matter to me. I am completely unconcerned about you.
“Blah, blah, blah, blah,” is literally all I hear from you.
Was I meant to be outraged, if I’m not mistaken? Please allow me to jot down the idea.
Darling, you’ve lost.
I’m not a blunderer. They’re on my date.
Thank you for the experience; our time together has come to an end; now it is time for me to exit my life.
I do have a grin on my face. You, however, are no longer the cause.
Algebra is a lot like relationships. When you look at your ex, do you ever wonder why he or she is still in your life?
I’d tell you to f*ck yourself, but I think you’d be disappointed.
I mistook you for my dazzling knight. You’re a loser in the world of aluminum foil, it turns out.
What to Say to Your Ex When You’re Done Talking
When you want to conclude a discussion with your ex, whether it’s face to face or over text messaging. It’s nice to have the last word every now and again, particularly if the discussion is going badly.
Even though it’s generally best to avoid engaging with your ex in the first place to prevent having to say hurtful things to them. Sometimes all you need to do is have the ultimate word and express your thoughts.
Here are some phrases to say to your ex when you want to stop a discussion.
Over the falsehoods and nonsense, I’m unable to hear you.
What language are you speaking, I’m sorry? It seems to be a case of folly.
You don’t have to say anything else. The first time I ignored you, I did OK.
Why don’t you just shut up? I’m not paying attention to you.
Clearly, I’ve progressed, but you haven’t.
I’m not required to leave. But I’m going to act like I know what I’m talking about.
I’m way too important and busy right now for you. Sorry.
Sorry, I was attempting to text a friend.
Texting you back was the worst choice I’ve made today.
You’re wasting my time again by texting me.
Consider seeing a therapist; they may be able to help you disentangle your lies and dishonesty just as successfully as I was able to.
This number will be blocked, and you will never hear from me again.
Your loss has passed you by.

What Is The Cruelest Thing You Could Say To An Ex?

“I never loved you” or “Our relationship was a total waste of time” are the cruelest things you can say to an ex. Both of these words may have a significant and emotional effect on your ex if they are made in anger during or after a breakup. Especially if it was a long-term relationship.

When you tell your ex something like “I never genuinely loved you,” they will think you are lying. For them, hearing this may be sad and painful. 


If they want you back, this is particularly true.

You should try to avoid getting into a heated or ugly argument with your ex. This applies to both text messages and voice communications.

It is much preferable to rise above the circumstance, dismiss them, and go on. Rather of expressing hurtful things you don’t intend in the heat of the moment, think about what you’re saying.

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