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5 ways Become the Man Women Want to Be With

5 Ways Become The Man Women Want To Be With

Apparently, you’re experiencing difficulties with the women.
Well, don’t be concerned, my buddy. There will be assistance on the way.
There are a variety of possible explanations for your period of involuntary celibacy at this point.
First, and probably most importantly, you’ve taken to heart the notion that if only you were kind enough and could demonstrate what a terrific person you are, women would be clamoring to have your attention. You’re such a great man, I mean, really! What lady wouldn’t want you as a companion?



Second, it’s possible that you’re a gorgeous beast who attracts the attention of women, but it seems that as soon as you open your lips, ladies tend to lose interest in you.
The third, and not infrequent, scenario is that you’ve researched pickup tactics and understand how everything should work in principle, but you’re still not getting the results you want. You can’t seem to get to the heart of what makes a woman attractive.
You’re lacking the essentials that cause women to become weak at the knees and, well… unlock their legs when they see you.




Fourth, it’s possible that you have a great rapport with the females, but that you are having difficulty making anything happen with them. Everything is going swimmingly… you feel as if you’ve reached a ceiling at some point You can’t seem to make it all the way to the bedroom (or you don’t know how to accomplish it, either).




In the event that any of these scenarios seem even somewhat familiar to you, you’ll be delighted to hear that this book is organized into two sections that are tightly intertwined: Women are naturally programmed to release their legs for certain types of guys, and Part I will transform you into one of those men. (Here’s a hint: it’s not about being “the nicest person ever.” (This is far from the case…)



You will be transformed into a modern-day Casanova as you masterfully woo your way into the bedroom, producing near-tangible sexual tension in the process. Part II will take you from the bedroom to the dressing room.




Simply said, in Part I, you’ll learn how to be the sort of person for whom she opens her legs, and in Part II, you’ll discover the mechanics of how to unlock her legs for yourself.
With that said, let’s get started on turning you into a womanslayer right now. The James Bond of James Bonds, if there ever was one. With or without the 007 designation. Perhaps the number 0069?

How to Attract Women and Become the Alpha Male Women Love
6 Friday Motivation Suggestions to Keep You Going

5 ways Become the Man Women Want to Be With

Becoming the guy she’s physically programmed to release her legs for is the most difficult part of her journey.

1. The one thing that all women find repulsive.

There’s one thing that all women find repulsive.
Despite this, the majority of males exemplify this characteristic.
What exactly is it, you may wonder?
So, I’ll simply hand it over to you…
Here’s everything you need to know: Neediness.
“But I’m not dependent on anybody!” you exclaim.



It’s safe to say that you’re nearly probably correct, my buddy.
Having said that, being needy does not always manifest itself in the obvious ways, such as being obsessed with her and reading through her messages or phoning her 69 times a day, or being very envious of her if she isn’t there.
Even in the smallest of details, one’s neediness is evident. When you speak to her, treat her, behave around her, and so on, it comes across—albeit quietly at times—as a sign of how you feel.



The general dynamics of a relationship, on the other hand, are by far the most obvious symptom of a needy guy. Although I’m using the term “relationship,” this may apply to everything from meeting a lady for the first time to dating, being in a long-term relationship, and everything in between. “How about now?” you inquire. “Can you explain what you mean by’relationship dynamics’?”



My buddy, you’ve asked a good question.
Now, a word of caution: this is going to come out as quite Machiavellian in tone. But I’d want you to be patient with me.
It all boils down to this: how much time and effort are you willing to invest into the relationship or woman?




To put it another way, how involved are you in her and the relationship as a whole?
HOWEVER, the less you give, the more you get in return.
A guy who puts a great deal of time, energy, effort (and even money) into a woman while receiving little (if anything) in return is a solid indicator that he is a needy man.
The more time and effort you put into a lady, the less she is attracted to you. It’s simply that simple.




For those of you who are more analytical: Men’s attraction to women is inversely proportional to the amount of time, energy, effort, emotion, and money they put in their lives. He doesn’t have to put in any effort to gain her number, set up a date, flirt a little, or any of the other things that come along with dating. Anyhow…

My Pansexual Story 11

I understand that this is diametrically opposed to all of the feel-good emotional bullcr*p that society instills in you about how all you have to do is show her “what a lovely man you are.”
We all know that the best way to acquire a chick is to pamper her for months, shower her with gifts and flowers, and chauffeur her about in your posh automobile. I understand your frustration. That if you could only be a little nicer to her than every other man she’s met, she’ll be more interested in sleeping with you.




But it’s all a fabrication.
It’s not what women are physiologically programmed to find beautiful in the first place.
At best, this kind of desperate behavior will leave you in the friend zone, and at worst, she will find you sexually unattractive, as she has in the past with other men. Either way, you’re out of luck.




The irony of the situation is that those in most need get the least. Needy guys get what others provide them rather than what they want.
In contrast, men who are completely self-sufficient get precisely (and often more than) what they want. They are considered enticing by females.
But why is this so?




What is it about males who are completely self-sufficient that draws women to them immediately (yes, automatically)? What is it about guys who have alternatives that they are drawn to on an innate level? Who has the impression that they don’t have to prove anything?
While we’ll go through the evolutionary causes for this in more detail in the next chapter, let’s take a closer look at neediness in more detail first.






Everything revolves on one’s mindset. In this case, it is not so much about the needy behavior as it is about where the needy behavior originates from. It’s all about what your actions imply about you as a man—known what’s as sub-communication.



In the case of buying a drink for a lady you hardly know at a bar or boasting to her about your profession, it is clear that you are coming from a place of perceived inferiority. You believe that you are not good enough for her on your own, that you are inferior to her, or that you are scared by her attractiveness, and so you make an effort to make up for it.



Meanwhile, the guy who is jokingly taunting a lady about something or other is conveying the exact opposite via his behaviors, which is a blatant lie. He is completely self-sufficient. According to some reports, he may be “testing” her to determine whether she is good enough for him.
The catch is that he’s the one, and she’s just another female racing after him (at least that’s how he sees it).



Obviously, the second person will be seen as vastly more appealing to women than the first guy since his conduct signals that he has a greater social rank than the first guy has.
In order to better understand the varied degrees of neediness (or lack thereof), let’s look at the following:







This individual is in desperate need. He buys drinks for ladies he doesn’t know in order to “purchase time” with them before talking to them. When he does get the opportunity to speak with them, he boasts about his work, his vehicle, his apartment, and other possessions.
If he’s fortunate enough to get a date with a female, he messages her on a daily basis. Also, not just any papers, but substantial and in-depth essays-style texts. He often sends SMS with the words “good morning” and “good night.”




On the date, he inquires as to where she would want to go. He really wants to make her happy. He is too hesitant to take the initiative and lead because he is concerned that she would not approve of anything he picks or does.



To put it another way, it is not the guy’s conduct that is in need of attention. Rather, it is what his conduct is signaling about him that is of importance.
His actions are suggesting that he has been very emotionally involved with her.




That he is not a guy with many choices. In fact, he’s likely to feel inadequate, instinctively (or maybe even consciously) believing that he isn’t good enough for her.
He feels the need to make amends, whether it’s by buying her a drink despite the fact that he doesn’t know her, driving her (or, God help him, her friends) about, taking her on expensive dates, bragging about his well-paying profession, or any number of other things.
These behaviors, although not conventionally categorized as “needy,” are rooted in a sense of need and inadequacy, and as such are undesirable to potential partners.






This man isn’t quite as needy as the Level 1 guy, but he’s still a little on the needy side of things.
Prodding and poking him in the correct spots might cause him to become defensive and uneasy.



“You seem to be a bit of a player,” she adds.
“What? No. “You’re well aware that I’m not like that,” he replies. Blah, blah, and more blah. He feels compelled to continue inanely explaining himself to others.
As a result, we have arrived at the next kind of person…






The sort of person that women are most drawn to is the one that doesn’t have anything to prove to anybody. Guys who don’t give a f*ck about anything.
A wicked smile spreads over his face as she remarks on his player-like appearance, and he informs her that she seems to have an ear for musical skill.




 He doesn’t have anything to prove.
He’s well aware of his superiority, and he just basks in the glow of his own brilliance.
In fact, this kind of man puts women through their paces to discover whether they are good enough for him. And he’ll playfully taunt her about it (i.e. flirt with her) as a result. (E.g. “There’s nothing like a nice massage,” says the girl. “Are you attempting to entice me by providing free massages?” says the guy.






Do you understand what I’m saying? Don’t rely on others. And, no, neediness isn’t only limited to the apparent “crazy” things in life. It has the potential to show up in everything you do. The intention behind your acts, as well as what your actions disclose about you, are all important aspects of sub-communicating.




As easy as having your feathers ruffled by anything she says (such as, for example, the aforementioned “you appear like a player”) might indicate that you are needy. It may also be as simple as pouring too much time, energy, and emotion into her at an inopportune moment and/or without receiving anything in return from her. ) Don’t, for example, start behaving like her boyfriend and driving her around, buying her things, and being her shoulder to weep on if she hasn’t even come out yet.




 Even in that case, I would not encourage engaging in any of that type of behavior, but I digress.) Despite the fact that neediness may manifest itself in a variety of forms, colors, and sizes, it all has the same fragrance, and women can detect it from a mile away. So, ideally, you now have a better grasp of this horrible little monster known as neediness, since if you’re reading this book, you are almost likely needy to some degree—no matter how small—and neediness is something that women despise.






IDEA #1: Neediness is the single most unappealing quality a person can possess. You can have the physical appearance of Brad Pitt, but if she gets even the slightest whiff of neediness, she will lose interest in you.





2. It all comes down to what your sub-communicates via your actions. Neediness isn’t always easy to detect. We men generally link neediness with bizarre habits, such as discreetly checking her phone, while she is not looking. However, in truth, performing unneeded favors, becoming too involved too soon, and feeling the need to prove oneself are all signs of neediness in their own right.






3. The less f*cks you give, the greater the number of f*cks you get. For reasons that will be explained in the next chapter, women are physiologically programmed to be attracted to psychologically strong, confident, masculine, and dominating males (see the previous chapter). These sorts of men aren’t needy and don’t feel the need to prove themselves. As a result, when your conduct sub-communicates neediness—when you give too much of a f*ck—her legs clench and her attraction dwindles away.




If you wish to open her legs, you must first eradicate any neediness from her life. Not only that, but you’re not the kind to do insane things. I’m certain in that. It’s the little things that count. Subtle subcommunications are what I’m talking about. Change your frame of mind from “I hope she likes me” to “Let’s find out whether I like her.” This will allow you to turn the tables on her.



If you try to impress her, she will become less interested.
She’ll strive harder to impress you if you’re less involved.
Discover why in the next chapter…

6 Ways to Get Any Woman
12 Ways To Manifest Abundance

2. Attraction’s Development

Attraction isn’t something you can choose.
Read that line again, just in case you missed it the first time.
Attraction isn’t something you can choose.
A gleaming red Ferrari will not entice her to you. (Hint: Our genetics haven’t altered all that much since the first Ferrari came off the production line, yet your forefathers still got laid.) A high-paying career will not entice her to you.
Her attraction to you will not be based on your six-pack abs.
Telling her (or boasting about) all the reasons she should be attracted to you isn’t going to help her fall in love with you.




Because attraction isn’t something you can choose.
If it were the case, decent men would be fending off approaches and bad lads would be out of work.
No. Attraction, on the other hand, is instinctual. Women may claim (or perhaps believe) that they desire a wonderful guy who treats them like a princess, but the fact is that they are not attracted to such a man. She can’t help but feel the tingles as that intimidating bad lad swaggers by.


So, how did it all begin?
What are the origins of female arousal?
Let’s go back in time and find out…






Because these are physical qualities that indicate fertility, we guys are drawn to young girls with titillating tits, a large butt, long yummy legs, and all that wonderful stuff. Cavemen who pursued ill elderly women didn’t have a lot of reproductive success, so their genes didn’t be passed along.
As a result, today’s men are drawn to physical characteristics associated with youth, health, and fertility.




Because we don’t develop a woman’s offspring within our bodies, a man’s physical characteristics aren’t as crucial in a woman’s innate attraction as they are in a woman’s.
So, what is it that women have evolved to be drawn to instinctively?
To make a long tale short, when it comes to female appeal, a man’s conduct is the most crucial component.




A somewhat unattractive person with the mental and physical power to defend her when she’s pregnant and the newborn while it’s susceptible to sabertooth tigers and famine has a much better chance of successful reproduction than a weak, wussy “beautiful lad.”






Women can’t help but experience instinctual attraction to the classic bad lad or “jerk” for these evolutionary reasons.
Jerks radiate self-assurance, and their acts all subtly signal that they are the prize.
The sub-communication is that he has choices when he treats her like garbage.
If she departs, he’ll be pursued by ten other females. And this only serves to heighten her desire for him.




When he doesn’t give her what she wants, the subtext is that he’s intellectually capable of ignoring her nonsense and refusing to supplicate to her ridiculous demands. He doesn’t see the point in trying to impress her by caving in to her every whim. He’s presumably also capable of slaughtering those tasty huge buffalo, dealing with possibly hostile tribal members, and defending her from those sabertooth tigers. And all of this simply adds to her desire to him.





When he completely ignores her for days on end, not returning her calls or messages and basically vanishing from the face of the planet, the implication is that she isn’t good enough for him or that he has grown tired of her.
And this just serves to heighten her desire for him and motivates her to do all she can to satisfy him.



And so on.
There’s a reason why women’s erotica features bad boy bikers, tattooed assassins, and controlling billionaires rather than “good males.”
“Women regarded the high DT [Dark Triad—narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy] character as considerably more attractive,” according to a 2013 research, The Dark Triad personality: Attractiveness to women. (Carter and colleagues, 2013)





3. The Pre-Selection Advantage

Do you want to discover what makes women go wild for a guy?
You’re chasing him down, ripping down his door, and threatening to f*ck his brains out?
It works on males who are overweight.
It works on males who are unattractive.
It works on males who are cash-strapped.
It works on males who no one would expect women to be interested in in any manner.
Nonetheless, it works.
So, what exactly is it?



Preselection’s pussy-moistening magic is on display.
What is preselection, exactly? Simple. Do you know the man who enters into a pub with a lovely lady on each arm? That is the concept of preselection. Simply put, preselection is the process of allowing women to see that you are desirable to other beautiful women.
I realize that as a man, this might be difficult to comprehend. 




After all, we males prefer the innocent virgin over the sorority girl who has slept with every frat boy in college or the trashy cheerleader who has slept with every football team member. For women, though, it’s almost the polar opposite. Women have a stronger attraction to the man who has slept with every hottie in college than they do to a virgin.



This isn’t just an instance of confusing correlation with causation.
Women are more attracted to guys—in many of the experiments, the same guy—when he’s displayed alongside other beautiful women, according to research after study. 



Even directing a side-on photo of a woman’s face at a front-on picture of a guy’s face made women think he was more handsome, according to one research. Figure 3 shows a (poorly) shown illustration of how the research was carried out.



In the minds of women, just having a photo of a smiling woman pointed at an obviously unrelated image of a guy increases his appeal. Imagine the power preselection in the real world, not just in the psychological lab!



(It’s worth noting that associating with unattractive women has the reverse impact.) Preselection only works if there are a lot of attractive ladies interested in you. So don’t join the “Fat Acceptance” group; it won’t help you lose weight.) So, how can you harness the power of preselection to, well, unlock more women’s legs?
Simple. Here are a few options…





Women, strangely enough, are similar to money. It’s easier to obtain more when you have more. You may have observed this in your own life, where you get more attention and flirting approaches when you have a partner and less when you are single.
Upload photos to Facebook. Take photos with some attractive women and share them on Facebook.




Don’t tell anybody how much notch you have. If she asks how many women you’ve slept with, exaggerate if the number is low, or just indicate that it’s excessive. “How about today?” for example. There aren’t many…” “That’s classified information,” for example. I’d have to murder you if I told you.”



Have no need for anything. Always be ready, able, and eager to go out the door. You don’t have to put up with a woman’s nonsense. Simply appearing as though you had a lot of women (and so don’t have to put up with rubbish from any one of them) makes you more appealing in her eyes. Women are drawn to males who have alternatives (and so don’t have to put up with her nonsense), even if they won’t acknowledge it.




Don’t put too much money into her. This is strongly related to the feeling of being in need. Is a man who has a lot of women and is always being banged going to react to her texts right away, like all of her social media postings, send her lengthy text messages, check his phone often, and so on? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Cut away any habits that reveal your lack of alternatives to cultivate that “I get laid” attitude.



And there’s more… So think beyond the box!
This is the single most efficient strategy to encourage women to chase after you (and free their legs for you). Preselection.





Women typically think (usually unconsciously) that if you’re “too easy” for them, you don’t get bedded too often. This makes a lady believe she’s a treasure for you. She is the “catch,” as they say. This is something that women do not desire. Women are hypergamous and have an inbuilt need to be with males who are superior to them.




Women never want to be the center of attention. They’d rather have you as the reward.
And if you’re “too easy,” appear needy, or give off a “I don’t get laid often” feel, it’s evident that you’re less valued than she is, which isn’t a very appealing idea.
She wants to mate with a man she thinks is more valuable than she is. And you know what the best way to show her you’re that type of person—the kind of guy she wants to sleep with—is to show her you’re that kind of guy. Preselection.




When females believe that other girls are vying for your attention, you become 10X more appealing to them.
Make yourself the reward. Act as though you’ve won. Act as though you’re walking around with a huge pair of brass balls that go “KLANK!”



KEY IDEAS Girls are attracted to men who they believe are attracted to other girls. Use this to your advantage by dating more attractive women (rather than rushing into exclusivity), sharing images of yourself with attractive women on Facebook, and so on.
Create a mood that says, “I get laid.” Acting like a man with alternatives is one of the most critical aspects to leveraging the leg-unlocking power of preselection.







4. Set a goal for yourself.

He’s lost paper pursuing pussy, but he’s never lost pussy chasing paper, as 50 Cent puts it.
Women like guys who are ambitious.
And no, it’s not because ambitious guys make more money than women. Ambitious men, on the other hand, have a greater purpose, a “mission,” a large objective that they relentlessly pursue.



What exactly does it imply? Why do women find very ambitious guys irresistible?
There are various causes for this…







Ambitious guys do not place others on pedestals (even if they have a vagina). There isn’t any neediness.
Their Mission (yes, with a capital “M,” it’s that essential) is the only thing they place on a pedestal.
Your mission may be a company, as in the instance of a young Steve Jobs founding Apple; an art, as in the case of rapper 50 Cent; or as grand as constructing an empire, as in the case of Julius Caesar.




Whatever your Mission is, everything else begins to fall into place. Do you know all the strategies, tips, and techniques used by PUAs (pickup artists)?
Simple things like being confident, demonstrating that you’re a high-value person, not responding to messages instantly, not being accessible 24/7, not putting women on a pedestal and worshiping them, and so on?
All of this automatically comes into place when you have (and actively pursue) a Mission for which you have a burning passion.




Guys that aren’t on a mission? They are prone to obsessing over women, seeming needy, lacking confidence, constantly texting her, and generally elevating women. (All of which is designed to repel females.) Why? Because they don’t have anything else going on in their lives. They do not have a mission.







Ambitious guys resemble the bad boys whom women find so appealing in many ways. Furthermore, ambitious guys are appealing for the same reasons as women.
Ambitious guys and naughty lads have a lot in common…
Optimistic. Frequently arrogant to the point of bravado. He would never be described as timid, unsure, or insecure.




Explicit. He isn’t scared to say what he thinks. She’ll know if one of his females is being “overly obnoxious.” He doesn’t put up with a woman’s nonsense, and he doesn’t go on and on about it.
Decisive and powerful. He is, without a doubt, the relationship’s alpha. He’s the boss, therefore he takes command and steers the ship.




 There’s no crap like “No, what do you want to do?” He does what he wants, and she is welcome to accompany him as he goes about his busy existence. She isn’t the focal point of his existence; she is only an add-on. He never puts her on a pedestal or acts servile to her.



I’m undecided. He’s less receptive and more detached. He understands that he has alternatives when it comes to women, so you’ll never find him being excessively attentive. He would vanish for a few days, working on his grandiose Mission or doing “bad boy” things, and then just shrug when asked where he went. He just walks out the door if she begins a fight over it. 




Totally indifferent. He, not she, is the prize. He doesn’t have time for that kind of nonsense. There will be no praising her, supplicating her, or seeking to placate her.
Entitled, to be precise. You won’t discover the terms “feels inadequate,” “feels inferior,” “feels as if he’s not good enough,” “feels as if he’s not worthy,” etc. if you poll all the females he’s dated.
He knows he’s a jerk and never believes he’s unsuitable for a female.




Thrilling. He lives on the verge of death. There’s no white picket fence here, and no one is counting down the days until they can retire. He is looking for adventure rather than comfort and security. He isn’t dull in the least. Nobody can deny that he has a fascinating life.




Rebellious is a word that comes to me when I think of you. He expresses himself by saying and doing what he wants. He is completely unfettered and unafraid. Some could even describe it as egotistical. In any case, he’s a rebel who couldn’t care less what you or anybody else thinks of him. He is just interested in himself.




A figurehead. He is not only the leader of his own life, but he also has no qualms about leading others. He doesn’t ask his girlfriends what they want to do; instead, he does what he wants and gives them the honor of accompanying him on his rebellious, daring adventures. He revokes the honor if they become “too bothersome” or start giving him crap.
There is no neediness. He’s the boss, and he doesn’t think twice about taking command. You’d never describe him as uninspired or passive.




Masculine is a masculine word. He is a guy, and he makes no effort to disguise it.
He’s not embarrassed of his manhood or sexual appetites; in fact, he’s ecstatic about them! He emits a gruff charisma/energy/vibe and his body language is shamelessly macho. He’d laugh in your face if you asked him whether he was in touch with his feminine side.
It’s ominous.




 There’s no denying he’s not someone you’d want to cross. He’s obnoxious and gives off a threatening aura. He’s not your average overly pleasant, oblivious good man.
Unpredictable and mysterious. He’s an enigma. His daughters are always curious about what he’ll do next, and they adore him for it (even if they’ll never acknowledge it). His ladies never know all there is to know about this enigmatic guy in their lives, which only adds to their fascination.




 His conflicting traits pique women’s interest, and his enigmatic and unpredictable nature inspires them to create a dream that no reality could ever aspire to equal. He’ll never be in a sexless relationship since it’s dull and unpredictable.
Embarrassment. He’s provocative, and he ruffles her feathers by insulting and mocking her in a humorous manner. 





If one of his females asks him a silly question like, “Do I look fat in this?” he’ll tell her she looks like she’s gained 400 pounds and that she should take it off right now… along with her pants (*wink*). He’s not her soother or emotional tampon, trying to make her feel better by telling her how amazing she is.

How to Effortlessly Attract Women

how to Undress Each Other
How Does Your Self-Concept Affect Your Confidence?

5. Her admiration and attraction are inextricably linked.

Women are once again distinct from males in that their attraction is accompanied by their respect. Yes, we want to respect the woman we’re with in the perfect world, but you still get turned on by pornstars.
But what about women?
That’s why they like military guys and devour erotica about brooding billionaires and scary Navy SEALs.
There are two forms of respect, though…





Respect for a grandfather. This is the level of admiration she has for her granddad. He’s a kind elderly guy, and she looks up to him as her grandpa. This is the same kind of admiration she has for her friends, particularly those unfortunate souls who are trapped in the friend zone. Men with whom she shares this cordial regard are men who find the concept of sex sexually unappealing. Ew.




Respect akin to that of an emperor. This is the level of admiration she has for a Roman emperor. Respect that is strong, scary, and awe-inspiring. She fantasizes about males for whom she has this type of emperor-like regard.
The apparent explanation for women’s primitive and uncontrollable attraction to strong, scary, awe-inspiring, emperor-like males is that they have this tremendous, intimidating, awe-inspiring, emperor-like admiration for them. These are the kind of strong, powerful, domineering, macho males who, at least in evolutionary periods, gave the best chances of successful reproduction.




So, how can you manage to be Emperor and not Grandfather?
Well, a good place to start would be to review—and focus on cultivating—all the knee-weakening, pussy-moistening features discussed in the prior chapter’s “The Ambitious Bad Boy” section.
If you cultivate those qualities, you’ll discover that not only will you get compelling, emperor-like respect from women, but you’ll also gain a lot more respect from men.
After that, you’re free to continue reading…






investment That’s all there is to it.
No, I’m not advising you to pursue a career as a hedge fund manager. Rather, you should put less money into women.




To see how this relates to that overpowering, emperor-like reverence, consider a guy in your own life for whom you have immense respect. It may be a man you don’t know, but preferably it should be someone you do. Maybe a supervisor or a mentor. A guy you admire, are awestruck by, and maybe even a little terrified by.




Would you ask him to pick up some groceries on the way home for you?
Would you irritate him by harping on about some nonsense? Would you ask him to assist you in any way? Do you want him to buy you things?
No, no, no And you know you’d receive a boot in the arse if you did!
The regard you feel for that guy is the type of respect that, for women, is accompanied with strong desire.



And, at the end of the day, what does it all boil down to? Investment.





When it comes to pursuing ladies, most men make a huge error. They make the error of believing that their investment in her is the most important factor.
As a result, they treat her to lavish dates. They drive her around in their flashy McSchmancy vehicle. They treat her to months of fine dining. They go out of their way to get her expensive designer outfits that fit her flawlessly. (From all the times they’ve gone shopping with her, they know her clothes sizes.) The list goes on and on.



And what happens to them after that? Her Commander-in-Chief in Space. Mayor of the Friend Zone.
In the meanwhile, she’s channeling Chad Thundercock. Chad, on the other hand, does nothing to help her. Except for the time he gave her that “monkey see no evil” trinket he’d grown tired of keeping in his apartment.



While this is certainly an extreme scenario, similar situations occur on a daily basis.
So, what’s the takeaway?
In the chapter on neediness, we briefly discussed investing, but it only covered half of the investment equation. The second half of the narrative, and the moral of the story, is…
It’s not your investment in her that counts, but it’s her investment in you.




The more time, effort, and money you put into her, the more you want her. The more you pursue her and invest in her, the more connected you will get to her, and the more she will fill your thoughts. However, since she isn’t investing in you, her affections for you will be unaffected.
Simply put, since her commitment is constant, so does her attraction to or desire for you.
So, how do you go about it?
You must reverse the situation. As you can see…

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