5 Points to Keep in mind Before You Begin Surfing

5 Points to Keep in mind Before You Begin Surfing

We are aware that there is a way to expedite the process of learning to surf, and we would want to share this information with you as well. Following is a list of the top 5 things we believe a novice or intermediate surfer should be aware of before getting into the water.




the learning curve (number one)

It’s important to understand that surfing is one of the most difficult and sophisticated sports on the planet before you start learning how to surf. Put it this way: Because no two waves are the same, your playing field is continuously shifting and evolving.


 Waves are affected by a variety of factors such as wind, tides, and surges, which change from one day to the next.



A very difficult and delightful learning process is underway. Once you’ve experienced your first “green wave,” you’re hooked for life! You may prepare your mindset and expectations for surfing by being familiar with the learning curve.


 When snowboarding, there is no point at the end of the third day when you think, “Ok, I’ve got this,” and then you only very seldom crash again. You will wipe-out in surfing for many years if you are not careful.



2.Your Surfboard Is Very Important 

Athletes that have the proper equipment will perform better in any sport. Surfing, on the other hand, is unique. When it comes to your session, it might be the difference between surfing 20 waves or none at all.



The experience will be totally transformed if you choose the proper surfboard.

Not having the “fresh new model” isn’t the point here. In order to get the desired loudness and rocker, you must first choose what you want to hear.


 The volume of a board is a measurement of how much floatation it has in terms of water resistance. It is determined by the length, breadth, and thickness of the item.


 For the most part, when you start surfing, you want a lot of water (choose either a longboard or a foamboard, boards that are wide, thick, long and have a flat rocker). 7′′4 Gnaraloo foamboards are our go-to boards for the first few days since they are really thick and broad, but not too long, so the nose doesn’t drop too far.



Decide on a suitable surfing location.

I can’t stress how critical this is. The outcome may make all the difference in whether you enjoy the finest or worst time of your life. Many surfers would urge you to “start on a beach break, it’s safer.” 



This is something that many people believe. While this is correct, it is only to a limited degree. Of course, falling on sand is preferable than falling on rocks or coral reef. To be honest, there are some sandy beach breakers for expert surfers and other rocky point breaks for beginning surfers on the island of Maui. 



Further complicating matters, certain locations may be ideal for learning on some days, while others may be only suitable for experts on other days, adding to the confusion. Depending on the wave conditions, anything may change….



It is not enough to check the location information; you must also check the daily wave conditions if you want to know whether a site is appropriate for your level. Numerous surf websites and forums are available, each containing a wealth of knowledge on different surf places throughout the world. 



Because it was produced by pros, and the information on it is typically quite reliable, Surfline.com is our preferred source of information. The right column shows you what sort of board you require, as well as the appropriate surf level, tide, wave, bottom, and other factors.



It’s usually a good idea to do some online research. However, having skilled and experienced surfers who have been surfing in the region over a long period of time is the greatest option. They are the only ones who can really advise you on where to go based on your surfing ability and experience.




Allow Someone To Demonstrate The Fundamental Techniques To You

The sport of surfing, as seen in point #1, is one of the most sophisticated and technically demanding in the world. Consider the consequences of learning the incorrect fundamental procedures and then having to “unlearn” your negative habits in order to proceed with your progression:




Please believe us when we say that this advise comes from inland surfers who discovered their passion for surfing much too late in life. Although our instructors continue to point out that we have learnt certain things the incorrect way, it is very tough to break old habits.. 



Overall, if you’re serious about learning to surf, you should take the time to do it properly. For the first few days, it’s best to have a buddy or a surf instructor explain you the fundamentals.



5 Understand the Rules of Surfing Etiquette.

Among the numerous regulations of surfing are the following: don’t paddle within the waves, don’t drop in, don’t snake about, don’t discard your surfboard, and so forth. When you are new to the sport, it may sound like it is in Chinese. 



You should concentrate on the following three areas: Check out our Surf Etiquette video for the Top 9 Rules you must know if you want to learn more.

What exactly is surfing

Don’t Just Walk In

The drop-in is the most egregious breach of surf ethics in the world. The one we see much too frequently is the one we are talking about. Essentially, it is the act of “stealing” another person’s wave. 



Quality waves are supposed to be surfed by a single surfer at a time. In this approach, the lone surfer may take advantage of certain strong sections of the wave where only one surfer can fit comfortably.




So, how can you tell whether it’s your wave or someone else’s, exactly? When you’re paddling for a wave, be sure to glance both ways (to the right and left) before you take off.



 If a surfer is catching a wave deeper inside, closer to the peak, he gets precedence over the other surfers on the wave. If you are closest to the summit, you will be the one who has the longest ride, which means you will be given precedence.




Select the Most Appropriate Location for Your Ability

This has already been shown in point #3. This is a very crucial part of surf ethics to consider.

Locals Should Be Respected

This is something you may not be aware of if you are new to surfing. Every surf place has its own unique “vibe,” or atmosphere. Some locations are more “localized” than others, while others are more “global.” 




Some local surfers are more “inviting” to outsiders than others, and this changes from one surf place to the next depending on the location. Always keep in mind that you are not at home. 



These surfers had probably been riding these waves for years, maybe since they were children. 


When you arrive at a surf place, take some time to absorb and analyze the atmosphere. Positive, courteous, and selfless behavior is expected. Don’t forget to share the waves and avoid falling in!

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