5 Indoor Plants Poisonous to Cats and Dogs

5 Indoor Plants Poisonous to Cats and Dogs

Consider the possibility that you might be held responsible if your dog or cat becomes ill. This is all for the sake of a lovely plant that you enjoyed the sight of but didn’t realize was harmful to cats and dogs until now? This is probably not something you want to think about at this point in time.


What you should keep in mind is that cats and dogs are inquisitive creatures that like sniffing around objects and licking and chewing on plants… even if they are toxic. If something like this happened, you can be sure that you’d be furious – with yourself, of course!


That being said, here’s the thing… Indoor plants are a common sight in many homes, but when there are pets and possibly toddlers present, adults must exercise extra caution when introducing new plants into the home’s environment.

When consumed, certain plants are exceedingly hazardous. Plants may become a blinding risk for little, cuddly, and ‘inquisitive’ family members that are prone to licking, eating, and drinking any water they come into contact with. That is a truth that cannot be ignored.

Cats and dogs are poisoned by seven common indoor plants (Plus Pet-Safe Plants to Use Instead)

So, here are the most dangerous of the poisonous indoor plants that dogs and cats are unable to tolerate. Avoid these, and we’ll throw you a bone (or a feather duster) with a list of 7 suitable indoor plants that are safe for both dogs and cats lower down the page.

Household pets have been known to be poisoned by seven common indoor plants.

The Amazonica Polly Plant is number one on the list (Alocasia)

Amazonica Polly Plant (also known as Amazonian Polly Plant)
This plant is a member of the Alocasia family, which contains a large number of species, most of which, if not all, are toxic to cats and dogs. The Polly plant is the name given to the most widely available variety, which is the most widely available variety. It seems to be so harmless, doesn’t it?

With its dark green leaves, foliage, and light green patterns on them, it’s a lovely plant to have inside, but it shouldn’t be kept in the same room as dogs or children.

What’s so horrible about the Polly plant?

The sap on the leaves contain calcium oxalate crystal, which pets appear to find appetizing and are drawn to it. This makes it the most dangerous of all toxic plants since your pet will lick the leaves until he or she vomits, making it the deadliest of all poisonous plants.

Another point to consider…

The Polly plant is not only attractive to household pets, but it also attracts a variety of other animals. Moreover, they are drawn to a wide range of plant pests, including spider mites, which makes them tough to maintain in any case.

It is far too dangerous to keep Alocasia indoors if you have pets or young children in the vicinity of your residence.

After that, there’s this…

The Aloe Vera Plant is number two on the list.

Aloe Vera Plants for Indoor Use
Because it is believed to have medicinal properties, the Aloe Vera plant is a common sight in many families’ living rooms. Nurseries are unable to sell them for medical purposes, but many individuals keep them inside and utilize the aloe gel for a variety of purposes, including using it as an anti-aging skin moisturizer, curing cold sores, and even helping to alleviate psoriasis symptoms.


The health benefits for cats and dogs are completely non-existent! Because the sap also includes anthraquinones and saponins, both of which are harmful to dogs and cats and may induce vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy, the sap has the opposite effect.

Then there’s this cat-killing psychopath…

The Lily Plant is number three on the list.

Lily of the Valley
The lily plant contains a toxic chemical that is currently unknown, but it does contain something that causes kidney failure in cats when consumed. The same thing can happen to dogs who already have kidney or liver disease, as well. Because the prognosis is poor at best, all your veterinarian can do is provide support.

If any part of a lily plant is consumed by a cat in good health, the outcome is not promising, and the same is true for dogs who already have liver or kidney problems.

…and another another issue to consider…

If a dog or cat drinks water from a vase containing toxic chemicals, this should be avoided if you want to keep your house pet-safe. Chewing, licking, and eating the leaves are all acceptable methods of ingestion.

4 . The Plant Known as English Ivy

Ivy (in the English language)
Oh, it’s a simple indoor plant to care for when it’s in a pot, requiring only moist soil and four hours of sunlight per day to thrive. In the event that your pet ingests any part of the plant, caring for them will be more difficult…

It is especially important to use the leaves because they contain the highest concentration of saponins and polyacetylene compounds, which will almost immediately cause your pet to show signs of the burning they are experiencing in their throat. It was a terrifying event for both the dogs and their owners.

The mixture of the chemicals burns dogs’ lips, creating blisters, which are quickly followed by excessive drooling, indicating that you should take your pet to the doctor as soon as possible.

Ingestion should result in a stomach upset, but vomiting may need to be induced in order to relieve the discomfort. As a result, if something like this happens, immediate medical attention is required.

What will the veterinarian do in this situation?

In some cases, a veterinarian can administer an emetic (used to induce vomiting) to pets, which you can do at home (though it is not recommended), but the chances are that you have never done so and would prefer to have someone qualified administer emergency care.

It’s not worth taking the chance! Take precautions and keep English Ivy away from home pets to avoid experiencing the severe discomfort produced by this long-leaved trailing plant, which attracts cats and dogs that want to gnaw or lick its leaves. Taking the bait will result in a negative outcome for the pets involved.

Don’t feel bad about yourself when you learn it was all because of a nice-looking, however air-purifying plant – which is the main reason most people acquire these indoor plants in the first place.

If you’re looking for a splash of color, this isn’t the route to choose…

5. The Sago Plant, which is both bright and colorful.

Sago Palm is a type of palm tree that grows in Southeast Asia.
During the colder months of the year, the Sago plant can be potted and used as an indoor plant in a small container. What many pet owners are not aware of is that the Sago plant, in all of its forms, is extremely toxic to animals.

Pets avoid chewing on the prickly stems, which add beauty and brightness to indoor décor, but the real danger comes from eating the seeds or nuts that the plant produces in large quantities.

That kind of seed contains cycasin, which is poisonous to canines and felines. If your pet were to ingest a seed, the poison it contained would induce some degree of liver failure in him or her. The plant doesn’t appear to be as cheerful as it once did.

Do you recall the English Ivy? Well, this one’s just as bad as the last…

The Philodendron Houseplant is number six on the list.

In addition to being durable and attractive, Philodendron plants are also incredibly ornamental due to the trailing aspect of the lustrous leaves. It is possible for pets to be interested enough to nibble on them, and if this occurs, the pet will get sick.

When it comes to cats and dogs, the early signs of philodendron poisoning are similar to the effects of English Ivy… a burning sensation in the mouth, which you’ll notice as they paw furiously around their nose and mouth. There will be drooling and frothing, and your pet will need immediate medical attention.

Some of the other documented symptoms of philodendron poisoning include renal failure, convulsions, and even the passing away of pets under their care.

This is clearly not a pet-friendly houseplant… This is true unless it is hanging from the ceiling in a basket where your cat or dog would be unable to access to it.

These should not be kept in the usual places such as shelves or bookcases where cats can jump on them, or sitting on a coffee table where both cats and dogs can get to them, etc.

Last but not least, one of the most dreadful and horrific pet poisoning plants…

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The Amaryllis Houseplant is number seven on the list.

The Amaryllis is a favorite winter houseplant because of its vibrant colors, which make it great for bringing life to a room’s interior.

The issue for pets is as follows… Lycorine is present in the plant, and neither cats nor dogs are able to tolerate it.

Although the symptoms of Lycorine poisoning are not as severe as those of philodendron poisoning, it can still result in illness in pets if not treated promptly. When a dog or cat consumes a portion of an Amaryllis plant, symptoms such as sickness, diarrhea, lack of appetite, and lethargy may occur.

Take notes on this…

Due to the high concentration of Lycorine in the bulb of the Amaryllis plant, a nibble on that part of the plant would result in more severe symptoms than chewing the leaves or stalk of the plant.

If you’ve ever been concerned about a cat or dog being near a plant that you suspect could be dangerous, then you should be aware of the following…

Signs and Symptoms that Your Pet is Affected by an Indoor Poisonous Plant
In the case of toxic poisoning in pets, particularly when it comes to plants, the most visible indicators will be those around the mouth and nose.




If your pet comes into contact with some of the most dangerous home plants mentioned above, such as English Ivy and Philodendron plants, they will paw at their nose and mouth, indicating that they are unwell. Due to the burning sensation caused by the compounds in those two plants, this has occurred.

As reported by Vets-Now.com, 90 percent of all pet poisoning cases take place at the owner’s residence. This is especially true during the holiday season, when pets are left alone for longer periods of time.

You should watch out for the following signs in the event that you believe your cat or dog has eaten a hazardous plant:

In general, feeling uneasy and exhibiting indications of disorientation
a lack of desire to eat
Heart palpitations and dilated pupils should also be looked for. Twitching, seizures, and even a coma have been reported in more severe cases.

It’s still possible that a cat or dog will be affected by contact poisoning even if none of the above symptoms are present at the time.

Pets suffering from contact poisoning from an indoor plant will exhibit the following signs: excessive licking of their coat.
Signs of discomfort, such as increased scratching, are visible.
Keep these things in mind… When pets scratch at their coats on a regular basis, they run the risk of damaging the skin beneath their coat.

Maintaining the Safety of Your Pets

The safest thing to do is pet proof your home by only allowing pet safe plants to be present, unless you have the plants in a hanging basket that is suspended from the ceiling and out of reach of your animals.


Instead, choose one of these seven non-toxic indoor pet-safe plants.

Bromeliads are number one on the list.

Bromeliad plants are tropical indoor plants that are safe for cats, dogs, and children of all ages to play with and enjoy. They’re bursting with color, making them the ideal choice for those who want pet-friendly plants but believe that means sticking to only green-leaved plants.

With them, however, this is not the case. You can still add a splash of color to your room without having to worry about the plant harming your pets or children who are prone to putting things in their mouths.

Plants.com has potted bromeliad plants for sale at a reasonable price.

If color isn’t a deal-breaker, experiment with…

2.The Palm Tree in the Parlor

Create a burst of greenery with this and place it on top of a coffee table in a decorative pot. The parlor palm is an excellent option for a pet-friendly plant because of its low risk of poisoning. They’re long-lasting, simple to maintain, and can last for several years.

So, instead of a sago palm, opt for a parlor palm as an alternative. Plants.com has a large selection of parlor palms.

The option to go all out jungle-like with indoor plants is always available…

Calathea Plants and Zebra Plants are the third and fourth plants on the list.
To be honest with you, this isn’t really a plant at all, but rather a collection of plants belonging to the Marantaceae family. Cats and dogs cannot be poisoned by any of these plants, and there are more than 300 different types to select from.

The following are examples of Calathea plants that are safe for pets:

  1. Plants for adoration
  2. Plants that resemble cathedrals
  3. Plants that look like peacocks
  4. Zebra plants are plants that have stripes on their leaves.
  5. Plants that resemble rattlesnakes

These are some of the simplest indoor potted plants to care for that are also suitable for the whole family. You will only notice that they require more watering than most other types of indoor plants, which is normal.

There are enough of them to turn the yard into a jungle-like playground for cats to get themselves into.

Alternatively, an English Ivy substitute (if that’s what you’re looking for) might be used to keep things simple.

The Spider Plant is the number four houseplant.

But, be forewarned… Similarly to the sap from the leaves of a Polly plant, which pets find to be a little too tasty, the spider plant has the same effect on pets.

Although it does not contain any hazardous compounds, if your cat or dog consumes a large amount of it, it is likely to cause an upset stomach. This is similar to what occurs when they overindulge in the backyard or park by consuming an excessive amount of grass. It is not harmful, but if consumed in large amounts, it may cause nausea and vomiting.



Consider the Spider plant to be a safe alternative to the trailing leaves styles of English Ivy that are popular right now. If you like the concept but are concerned about the risk, place it in a hanging basket that is suspended from the ceiling.

Alternatively, you might choose a decorative green such as…

The Boston Fern Ferns with Sheer Curtains is number five.

What exactly is it? You read that ferns are poisonous to cats and dogs? It is true that certain fern plants are poisonous, however this one is not one of such plants. Any fern plant you purchase should be checked for toxicity or you can ask an attendant whether it is safe.

Boston ferns are listed on the ASPCA website as non-toxic to cats and dogs. However, do not allow your cat or dog to overindulge in licking and chewing them, as this might still result in an upset stomach.

And it’ll leave you with a mess to clean up.

Boston Ferns are available for purchase at Nature Hills Nursery.

A Boston fern can be grown in a pot or hung from a ceiling hook in a hanging basket. The latter would be the safer option, especially if there is a cat present, as cats have a natural affinity for playing with long leaves.

Did you know that you can even cultivate a tree specifically for an indoor cat to keep it company?

The Bamboo Palm is number six on the list.

According to NASA, if you’re looking for a purifying plant to grow inside, this is one of the top ten choices. The American Society of Plant Scientists has classified it as a non-toxic indoor plant, which means it is acceptable to keep near pets as well. These monsters may grow from a few inches in height to around 2.5 meters in height.

Kittens will adore you if you have one of these items in your possession.

The Purple Waffle Plant is number seven on the list.

This is another another air purification facility that is completely safe for cats and dogs to be in the vicinity of. The leaves have a remarkable crinkly texture and a metallic sheen to them, which adds to their appeal. 


The color, as you might expect, is purple, but the leaves are green, making it a good plant to use to add a touch of color without going overboard.

It’s also a plant that’s simple to take care of.

Advisory: Exercise caution when using this product.

Just because a plant may be labeled as non-toxic and pet-friendly does not imply that it is suitable for human consumption. 


Pets that are curious about the environment may nibble on leaves or lick the water or condensation that accumulates on the leaves. Non-toxic plants for pets simply mean that you won’t have to call an emergency veterinarian or rush your cat or dog to the veterinary clinic in the event of an emergency.



However, if they consume an excessive amount, it might still induce stomach troubles. It’s the same as if you ate an excessive amount of anything.

Your indoor plants should be placed in an area where they are out of reach of your pets. At the very least, it will save you the trouble of doing some unpleasant cleaning.

To summarize which indoor plants are safe and which ones are not when it comes to pets:

Cats and dogs are poisoned by the following plants:

  1. The Amazonica ‘Polly’ Plant (also known as the ‘Polly Plant’)
  2. The Aloe Vera Plant is a type of succulent plant.
  3. The Lily Plant is a flowering plant that blooms in spring and summer.
  4. The English Ivy Plant is a kind of vine that grows in England.
  5. The Sago Plant Is a Vibrant and Colorful Plant
  6. The Philodendron Plant is a type of houseplant.
  7. The Amaryllis Plant is a popular houseplant.

The following are the signs and symptoms of plant poisoning in cats and dogs:

  • Diarrhea
  • Sickness
  • Staggering Lethargy
  • In general, feeling uneasy and exhibiting indications of disorientation
  • a lack of desire to eat
  • Palpitations in the heart
  • Pupils that are dilated
  • An increase in the amount of licking of their coat
  • Swelling of the skin

Signs of discomfort, such as increased scratching, are visible.
Because of the excessive scratching, the skin has been damaged.
The following are examples of plants that are not toxic to cats and dogs:

  • Bromeliads Parlor Prayer plants are a type of palm plant that belongs to the genus Calathea.
  • Plants that resemble cathedrals
  • Plants that look like peacocks
  • Zebra plants are plants that have stripes on their leaves.
  • Plants that resemble rattlesnakes
  • The Spider Plant is a type of plant that looks like a spider.
  • Boston fern is a kind of fern that grows in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • a palm tree made of bamboo
  • A purple waffle plant is a type of waffle plant.
  • You should avoid keeping any of the poisonous plants on the preceding list in your home if you have pets. Instead, choose non-hazardous plants to keep in your home if you have pets.

It will save you a great deal of agony and misery in the long run.

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