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5 Best New Year’s Resolutions

5 Best New Year’s Resolutions

The beginning of a fresh new year may be a thrilling experience. It is filled with excitement as one anticipates the numerous positive events that may occur in one’s life. It may also be fraught with anxiety, concern, and the dread that the New Year will be a carbon copy of the previous one.



 When it comes to having a positive view and expectations for any new year, having the appropriate attitude is essential.





If you don’t want to be caught off guard, don’t wait for the New Year to creep up on you. You’re aware that it’s coming, so why not prepare yourself? Take advantage of this opportunity to get your mentality in the correct place so that you may face the New Year with the confidence of a champion who has been training for the gold medal in the Olympic games. 





In the absence of preparation, you will almost likely be caught off guard and will find yourself off to a shaky start, while others are taking advantage of their opportunities simply because they have planned for them.





Here are 5 suggestions for kicking off the New Year.


1. Always put God first.

In this new year, make a commitment to being close to God and His Word. Seek His direction as you start on the then-new possibilities that a fresh new year may bring your way as you begin your journey.






Because of this, this book of the law must not be taken from thy lips; rather, thou shalt meditate on it day and night, so that thou mayest observe to do according to everything that is stated therein: for in doing so, thou shalt thrive on thy journey, and thou shalt achieve great success. (See Joshua 1:8 for further information.)





2. Let go of what has happened in the past.

Don’t base your expectations on a previous year that wasn’t so great. A bad event or series of events that occurred the previous year might easily lead your expectations for the New Year to fall below their normal level of optimism. 




You must learn to let go of the past and accept that it is no longer relevant. Whatever your current year has been like, it’s time to start looking forward to greater things in the future year as well.




3. Complete the projects you began last year.

Take your time while making a New Year’s resolve, and be sure to complete any unfinished business from last year before making a new one. Start working on completing those unfinished jobs so that you may begin the New Year with a clear slate in mind.




Complete the tasks on last year’s to-do list.
Complete any unfinished tasks you may have.
Cleanse your slate and start again.
Put the items on your to-do list that you didn’t get around to doing at the top of your list for the New Year.







4. Don’t be afraid of change; instead, embrace it.

Going into a fresh new year may often bring with it a slew of new chances that you can take advantage of. It may be time for you to begin moving outside of your comfort zone and doing something new and challenging. 



When embarking on a new journey, don’t be afraid to take some risks. It is true that if nothing changes, nothing changes. In the absence of change, you run the danger of repeating the same year over and over again.




Change is not always a negative thing.
Change is not difficult.
It is not necessary to wait indefinitely for change.
Change is a positive thing.
It is simple to make a change.



Change has the ability to bring about things you never imagined were conceivable.



The prospect of change might be frightening, yet it may be essential if you want to live the life you desire.
On the opposite side of your fear, you will find all you want in life.

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5. Make a plan to do more of the things that make you giggle.

Make a conscious effort to include more activities that offer you pleasure and a grin to your face in your life. Fill up your pleasure tank so that you’ll be prepared to tackle whatever the New Year has in store for you. Take care not to get so busy that you forget to organize some things that will assure you a pleasant time as well as lots of belly laughs along the road.





Having a cheerful heart is wonderful medicine, and having a joyous mind promotes healing; nevertheless, having a shattered soul leads the bones to dry up. Proverbs 17:22 says that






6. Be a source of encouragement for others whenever you can.

One thing is certain: individuals will always need some kind of encouragement as they go along the road of life. Make a conscious effort to provide encouragement on a consistent basis, and devise a strategy for doing so.





Send an uplifting text message to someone.
Post something uplifting on social media to encourage others.
Call someone on the phone and have a conversation with them the old-fashioned way.

Create a letter of encouragement and send it to a friend or relative.




7. Continue to go ahead.

It’s critical to keep moving ahead, no matter what happened in the previous year.

You should keep pushing ahead if last year was a good one for you. If you had a horrible year, don’t let it hold you back from going on.

Whatever the New Year brings, you must remain focused on the task at hand. 




Even if there are some difficulties along the road, maintaining a positive attitude can help you to continue on your path toward something better. If you set your intentions for the New Year, it may be a fantastic one. Your ambitions are still within reach. The life you’ve always wanted is still out there waiting for you; all you have to do now is devise a strategy for snatching it up. Stop worrying about everything that may go wrong in the New Year and start thinking about everything that could go well for you in the next year.





Things may turn out in your favor.
You can have that new career if you want it.
That particular connection could turn out to be the one.
That commercial endeavor may turn out to be the agreement that alters the course of history.



With the help of a financial plan, you can get out of debt.
You have the ability to live the life you have dreamed.
You have the ability to push outside of your comfort zone and create something extraordinary.



Make sure to have a high level of anticipation that something positive will occur for you in the New Year. Make a conscious effort to hold out hope that something amazing will occur in your life. It is OK to make a New Year’s resolve; however, you must ensure that the goal is accompanied with a strategy that you are prepared to put into action in order to make the resolution a reality.





It’s your moment, and now is the time to prepare yourself to embrace the New Year with a fresh outlook and expectations. You must put the past behind you and look forward with confidence to the opportunities that lie ahead for you in the New Year.

It’s okay to speak it out loud.

This year is going to be a big one for me!

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