32 Fertility-Boosting Foods

It’s fashionable to talk about fertility and nutrition these days, and fertility-related foods are a part of that obsession. Is it true that some meals may really increase your chances of becoming pregnant?


While there is no one particular food or fertility diet that can suddenly increase your chances of conception, a healthy and well-balanced diet may definitely assist to promote general health, including reproductive health, in both men and women, regardless of their gender.


It’s essential to remember that some severe illnesses that cause infertility in both men and women are not caused by dietary choices. Changing your diet will not help you if your fallopian tubes are blocked, which prevents sperm from accessing an egg. Dietary modifications will not help you if your fallopian tubes are obstructed.


With that in mind, the following are 15 nutritious whole foods that may be of use to individuals seeking to improve their diet for reproductive purposes.

1 Sunflower Seeds A close-up of sunflower seeds in a bowl on a white background is seen in this image.


Unsalted roasted sunflower seed kernels are high in vitamin E, an important ingredient that has been proven to increase sperm count and sperm motility in some men who consume them. Furthermore, sunflower seeds are a rich source of folate and selenium, both of which are essential for both male and female reproductive health.


 1 Also high in omega-6 fats, sunflower seeds are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and contain only trace quantities of omega-3 fatty acids.

 2.What to Eat and How to Eat It

Sunflower seeds are a delicious snack on their own, but they may also be readily incorporated into your favorite dishes with little effort. 

You might try adding sunflower seeds to your salad, mixing them into trail mix, or using sunflower seed butter in place of peanut butter to make a delicious snack. 

Additionally, you can add a couple of tablespoons of sunflower seed butter to a smoothie or mix it into yogurt to enhance the taste while also providing a little amount of additional nutrients.

2 Citrus Fruits (optional)
A picture of sliced grapefruit on a white backdrop is directly above it.
Photograph by Halfdark / Getty Images
Citrus fruits, such as oranges and grapefruits, are among of the finest sources of the vitamin C you can consume. 

Grapefruits and oranges contain the polyamine putrescine, which has been linked to improved egg and sperm health in certain animal studies, according to the American Society for Nutrition. 


3.What to Eat and How to Eat It

Orange slices are delicious on their own, but you can also include citrus juice into your smoothies. Freshly sliced grapefruit is also a delicious addition to salads, especially in the summer.

Caution is advised since grapefruit juice has been shown to interact dangerously with certain medicines.


If you are on any medicine, see your doctor to determine if grapefruit juice is safe for you to consume.

3 Cheeses that are beyond their prime
Various types of grated parmesan are displayed in glass bowls.
courtesy of Westend61 / Getty Images
Aged cheeses such as cheddar, parmesan, and manchego, among others, may help to enhance sperm health. Polyamine levels in mature cheeses are high. Polyamines are proteins that may be found in a variety of plant and animal sources. They are also found in naturally occurring quantities in people.


Polyamines, according to recent research, may have a significant role in the reproductive system’s function. Mature cheese has a high concentration of the polyamine putrescine, which has been shown to be beneficial to sperm health. Putrescine is also suspected of enhancing egg health in women over the age of 35, particularly in older women. 5 The putrescine in grapefruit is the same as the putrescine in oranges.


What to Eat and How to Eat It
Cheese may be sprinkled over almost anything, or a few pieces with some nuts or fruit can be enjoyed as an afternoon snack. When adding cheese to your diet, remember to keep portion sizes in mind since a little quantity of cheese has a lot of calories and saturated fat. Enjoy in moderation, of course.

In a dish on a wooden table, there are four full-fat dairy yogurts. consuming a nutritious diet

For those who are able to handle it, pastured dairy is an excellent option for fertility and pregnancy. Dietary saturated fat is particularly helpful for fertility since it is abundant in dairy products. It’s also a rich source of fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins A, E, D, K, and K2, as well as vitamin C.


According to a Harvard study, women who ate full-fat dairy products were less likely to have ovulation difficulties than those who ate mainly low-fat dairy products, the researchers discovered. According to this research, low-fat dairy products such as skim or low-fat milk, sherbet, yogurt, and cottage cheese qualified as such. Whole milk, ice cream, cream cheese, and other cheeses were among the full-fat items available. 6


What to Eat and How to Eat It
In order to include more full-fat dairy products into your diet if you currently eat dairy, the most straightforward method is to convert from low-fat to full-fat products, such as switching from skim to whole milk and low-fat yogurt to full-fat yogurt.

A dish of full-fat ice cream every now and then may also be a delightful treat. Just be sure to factor in the additional calories when planning your meal. 


To avoid overindulging in ice cream, keep your intake down to one to two servings each week.

Derketta / Getty Images / Baked chicken liver with onions on a platter
Cow’s liver, in instance, is one of the most nutrient-dense meals available on the world. In addition, it has a high concentration of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, which is difficult to acquire via other means of nutrition.

Furthermore, in addition to being the richest natural source of vitamin A, liver contains a significant amount of highly absorbable iron, which can help prevent miscarriage and maternal anemia, and a significant amount of vitamin B12, which is required for the proper formation of red blood cells and DNA. Choline, omega-3 fatty acids, and folate are all abundant in liver, which is also a good source of protein.


Recipe and Instructions for Consumption
Even though you can make a basic liver and onions recipe, if you’re unfamiliar with liver, try incorporating it into other meat-based dishes such as meatloaf, shepherd’s pie, or even meatballs if you’re not familiar with it.

six tomatoes that have been steamed or roasted
Rubbed with herbs and balsamic vinegar, grilled cherry tomatoes on the vine The view from above is a top perspective.
Getty Images / Geshas /
It has been shown that tomatoes contain significant levels of lycopene, a strong antioxidant that may aid in the enhancement of reproductive health. Because of its possible involvement in increasing male fertility, lycopene has been intensively researched in recent years.

A study conducted on lycopene supplementation found that it may be used to treat male infertility. Researchers discovered that taking 4mg to 8 mg of lycopene per day for 8 to 12 months enhanced the health of the sperm and boosted the likelihood of conceiving a child. 



7.Recipe and Instructions for Consumption
However, although both raw and cooked tomatoes contain the phytonutrient lycopene, 1 cup of cooked tomatoes has almost twice as much as 1 cup of raw tomatoes. Cooked tomato dishes such as soups and stews made with tomatoes, sauces made with tomatoes, and even roasted tomatoes should be considered whenever possible.

Legumes, beans, and peas
Legume in a variety of forms: chickpeas, cannellini beans, quail beans, black beans, yellow lentils, red lentils, black lentils, and others.

Beans and lentils are a great source of fiber and folate, both of which are essential for maintaining a good hormonal balance in your body. Also present in high concentrations in lentils is the polyamine spermidine, which may aid in the fertilization of an egg by the sperm.

The high protein content of lentils and beans may also aid in the promotion of more regular periods. The risk of infertility owing to anovulation is reduced by more than half, according to studies, when 5 percent of total calories consumed are derived from vegetable protein rather than animal protein (in particular chicken and red meat)


 8.Recipe and Instructions for Consumption

Consider substituting lentil or bean-based dishes for one or two of your meat dinners. Try substituting beans for cheese or meat in your salad as an alternative to the traditional options.

In the event that you choose for canned vegetables, be certain that the cans are devoid of BPA, a chemical that has been shown to lower estrogen levels in women.

sliced asparagus on a wooden chopping board, close-up on white background (top view) Food Preparation, Vegetarian Cooking, and Eating Healthy
Images courtesy of Getty Images of nature, cuisine, scenery, and travel.
With its high concentration of nutrients, asparagus is a powerhouse of a vegetable. You will feel fuller for longer after eating it since it is low in calories and high in fertility-supporting vitamins and minerals. A 1-cup portion provides the recommended daily allowance of vitamin K, 60 percent the recommended daily allowance of folate, and more than 20 percent of other important nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and the B vitamin thiamin, all in one serving!


Recipe and Instructions for Consumption
Aim for fresh or frozen asparagus if at all feasible. Make frittatas or stir-fries with it, or serve it as a vegetable side dish (it tastes great roasted or grilled). The salt content of canned asparagus varies depending on the brand. In the event that you choose a canned or jarred product, seek for low sodium alternatives and thoroughly rinse the asparagus before using it.

A Platter of Nine Raw Oysters
Getty Images / Richard T. Nowitz /
A wide variety of fertility foods include oysters, which feature on almost every list available. They have a high concentration of nutrients that aid in fertility enhancement. While six raw oysters provide just 139 calories, the oysters include all of the following essential reproductive vitamins and minerals:


You’ve consumed 408 percent of your daily vitamin B12 intake
188 percent of your daily recommended zinc intake, and 187 percent of your daily recommended selenium intake are provided.
Iron intake of 43 percent of daily required intake is provided by

Recipe and Instructions for Consumption
Getting started with oyster preparation may be intimidating for some individuals. However, you don’t have to be frightened. Creating and serving this meal at home is simple and straightforward. Ideally, they should be eaten fresh, but they may also be cooked if you want.

A white dish contains 10 pomegranate pomegranate seeds.
Featured image courtesy of Getty Images’ Vlad Fishman
Because of the large number of seeds in pomegranates, they have traditionally been linked with fertility and birth. While this is not a scientific reason to eat pomegranates, it is definitely an intriguing one to think about.

According to scientific research, pomegranates are high in antioxidants, which may help to enhance the quality of sperm. In a 2014 research, 70 adult males who didn’t have enough healthy sperm to give to a sperm bank took tablets containing pomegranate fruit extract and powdered Galanga Root to improve their sperm quality before donating. 9 Sperm motility improved by 62 percent after three months of therapy, according to the study..

Recipe and Instructions for Consumption
A tasty and nutritious snack on their own, pomegranate seeds are also a wonderful topping for yogurt, cereal, and salads and quinoa bowls, among other things.

A variety of dried fruits and nuts (11 walnuts total)
Via Getty Images, La Bicicleta Vermella.
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids may be found in abundance in walnuts. That’s why researchers started thinking about whether they might be used to help with fertility.

According to the findings of a short research, 117 men were divided into two groups: one group was instructed to avoid eating tree nuts, while the other was instructed to consume 75 grams of walnuts daily.


Male sperm samples were collected before the trial started and again 12 weeks afterwards.

A 12-week study found that those who consumed walnuts had improved sperm viability, motility, and sex readiness.

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