30 Tips for Leading a Healthier Lifestyle

How healthy do you consider yourself to be? 


Do you follow a nutritious diet? Do you engage in regular physical activity? Do you make it a point to drink at least eight glasses of water every day? Do you get enough sleep on a daily basis? Do you maintain a healthy way of life?

Because our bodies are our temples, it is important that we take good care of them. Know that over 70% of Americans are either fat or overweight, according to the latest statistics. That is just crazy! Consider your body to be a physical shell that will protect you as you go through life. If you misuse your shell on a regular basis, it will soon get worn out.




If you want to enjoy life to the fullest, you shouldn’t burden yourself with needless health issues. Your critical organs may be functioning normally today, but they may not be so the next day. It is important not to take your health for granted. Take good care of your physical well-being.



It takes more than simply healthy food and exercise to maintain good health – it takes a happy attitude, a positive self-image, and a healthy way of life to maintain good health. Throughout this post, I’ll provide 45 suggestions for living a more healthy lifestyle. This article should be bookmarked and the suggestions should be saved since they will be essential to living a healthy life.



Drink plenty of water.

 The majority of us do not drink enough water on a daily basis. Water is required for the proper functioning of our bodies. Did you realize that water accounts for more than 60% of our total body weight? Water is required for the performance of bodily processes, the removal of waste, and the transport of nutrients and oxygen throughout our bodies. Due to the fact that we lose water via urine, bowel movements, sweat, and breathing on a regular basis, we must replace our water intake.



Moreover, drinking water may aid in the reduction of body fat. According to a Health.com research conducted among overweight or obese individuals, those who drink water lose an average of 4.5 pounds more than those who do not! According to the experts, this is due to the fact that drinking more water helps to fill your stomach, which makes you feel less hungry and less inclined to overeat.



The quantity of water we need varies depending on a variety of variables such as humidity, physical activity, and weight, but on average, we require 2.7-3.7 liters of water consumption each day, depending on our weight.


 Because our meal consumption accounts for about 20% of our fluid intake, we need to drink approximately 2.0-3.0 liters of water, or approximately 8-10 glasses (now you see how the 8 glasses suggestion came about!). The color of your urine may be a good indicator of whether or not you’re well hydrated. If it is not clear, such as if it is dark yellow or even orange, you are not receiving enough water. Other symptoms include chapped lips, a dry mouth, and infrequent urine. Make sure to drink plenty of water before continuing with this article!



Make sure you get adequate sleep.

 When you don’t get enough sleep, you compensate by overindulging in food. Most of the time, it’s fast food. If you get adequate sleep, you won’t need to eat in order to remain awake. Furthermore, a lack of sleep results in accelerated aging, which you do not desire! Have you ever suffered from insomnia? Tips for Getting a Restful Night’s Sleep
Meditate. Meditation helps you to relax your mind and soothe your spirit. Don’t be concerned if you haven’t learned how to meditate yet.



Movement is the essence of existence. Exercise on a regular basis, according to research, offers many health advantages, including an increase in longevity, a reduction in the risk of illness, increased bone density, and weight loss. Increase the amount of physical exercise in your life. For short distances, walking is preferable than using public transportation. Instead of using the elevator, climb the stairwell. Join an aerobics or a dancing class to get your heart rate up.
Choose workouts that you will like doing. When you love a sport, it is natural for you to want to participate in it. Physical activity isn’t about suffering and pushing yourself; it’s about being healthy while still having a good time. Experimenting with different variations can help to keep your workouts interesting. What kind of workouts do you like doing and how can you include them into your daily routine?

Work out various areas of your body at the same time. Don’t simply perform aerobic exercises (like jogging). Make sure to give your body a good exercise. The most straightforward method is to participate in sports, which train various muscle groups. The following are some of the most popular activities for getting a decent body workout: trekking, hiking, swimming, basketball, tennis, squash, badminton, yoga, and frisbee.
Consume fruits. Fruits have a high concentration of vitamins and minerals. Did you know that eating oranges has greater health advantages than taking vitamin C supplements?


 Consume your vitamins and minerals as much as possible via your food rather than through tablets, as much as feasible. Every morning, I consume a variety of fruits, which provide me with energy. These healthy fruits will satisfy your cravings for sweetness: Banana, papaya, kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, watermelon, rockmelon, honeydew, peach, apple, grapefruit, pomelo, mango, and orange are some of the fruits that may be found in season.



Consume veggies.

 Vegetables are a rich source of a variety of nutrients and minerals, including folate, vitamin K, folate, vitamin A, manganese, and potassium, as well as dietary fiber, which is essential for maintaining healthy gut bacteria. Vegetables may be divided into two categories: Starchy vegetables such as potato, sweet potato, yam, and pumpkin, as well as non-starchy veggies such as kale, arugula, spinach, broccoli, brussels sprouts, long beans, tomato, cucumber, and mushroom, are all recommended (technically a fungus). Some vegetables, such as corn, green peas, carrot, artichoke, beetroot, cauliflower, and beans, are somewhat starchy and thus fall in the center of the spectrum: corn, green peas, carrot, artichoke, beetroot, cauliflower, and beans (technically legumes). 


All veggies are essential and contribute to the nutritional value of our diet.
Every day, I have fresh salads with a variety of veggies for lunch, followed by a cooked supper consisting of grains, potatoes/sweet potatoes, and other delectable vegetables. If you want to boost your immune system (see tip #9), you should consume a variety of vegetables each day.



Choose fruits and vegetables that are a variety of colors. Drink plenty of fluids and eat a broad range of fruits and vegetables of various hues. To start, the anti-oxidant content of fruits and vegetables varies depending on their hue. Anti-oxidants help to eliminate free radicals that harm our cells and combat inflammation in our bodies. Second, when we consume a broad range of fruits and vegetables, we stimulate the growth of a diverse population of beneficial bacteria in our gut, which helps to build a strong barrier between us and the outside world, boosts our immune system, and enhances our long-term health and well-being.


Consume fruits and vegetables in a variety of colors, including white (bananas), yellow (pineapples, mango), orange (orange, papaya), red (apple, strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, watermelon), green (avocado, kale, lettuce, cucumber), purple/blue (spinach, cucumber), and purple/blue (spinach, cucumber) (Blackberries, Prunes). Here’s a complete list of the colors under the color wheel.



If you already have digestive difficulties, you should be cautious about consuming large quantities of fiber since it may aggravate your digestion and create constipation.

During this time, consume low-fiber meals in order to allow your gut to recover. Juice your fruits and veggies to extract their nutrients, and then gradually increase your overall fruit and vegetable consumption.



Reduce your intake of processed foods.


 Because (a) the majority of the nutritional content is lost during the processing of these meals, and (b) the additional preservatives are detrimental to human health, processed food is not a suitable choice. Several processed foods have a high concentration of sodium, which increases blood pressure and increases the risk of heart disease. In general, the greater the number of components listed on a product’s label (each of which ends in ‘ite’ or ‘ate’), the more processed the item is. Choose less processed foods over more processed foods, such as a baked potato over chips, fresh fruit over canned fruit, and whole grains over white bread, for example.



Choose whole grains over processed grains whenever possible.


 Essentially, intact grains include all of the key components of a grain seed; in other words, they contain 100 percent of the original kernel, which consists of the bran, germ, and endosperm, as well as any byproducts of the milling process. Because these layers have not been removed, the grain has a higher nutritional profile in terms of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals as compared to processed grains (which are grains stripped of the bran and germ layers through processing). 

Choose whole grains such as steel cut oats, barley, brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, and quinoa. Most breads and pastas, as well as fast oats and cereals, are made from refined grains. White rice, white flour, and most kinds of bread are made from refined grains. Grain refinement is proportional to the amount of processing it has gone through. If you’re just starting out, there’s no need to completely eliminate refined carbohydrates from your diet; moderation is the key. Change your diet to include more whole grains by substituting refined grains for whole grains for 1-2 meals per week and gradually increasing the amount of whole grains you eat.



Self-acceptance is essential.

 The ability to love oneself is essential for having a good life. When you have a poor self-image, it naturally has a detrimental impact on your mental perspective and physical health. On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you admire yourself? Why? What actions can you do today to love yourself more? Read Day 13: Appreciate Yourself of my Be a Better Me in 30 Days Program and How to Develop a Positive Body Image (series) for more information.

Run or walk barefoot.

 It is beneficial to walk or run barefoot for a variety of reasons, including improving your posture and reducing stress on your feet and joints. If the terrain in your area is too difficult to navigate, consider wearing barefoot shoes. Since May 2010, I’ve started jogging barefoot and have really enjoyed it. Read this article: 10 Reasons to Run Barefoot.


Remove the bad influences from your life. A positive mental health is an important component of living a healthy life. You do not need poisonous individuals in your life. If you believe a buddy is being excessively critical or negative, you should let him or her leave. 


Remove any traces of negativity from your being. You don’t need to bring any negativity into the situation. Pay attention to the ideas that arise and eliminate any negative thoughts that may arise. When you’re feeling irritated, doing a brain dump is a wonderful method to get rid of your negativity. This is something I do with my clients, where I urge them to put out their innermost ideas so that we may address them together. It’s not good to have these ideas bottled up inside of you for too long.


Keep trigger foods to a minimum. 

Trigger meals are those that cause you to go crazy and overeat immediately after you consume them. Everyone’s trigger foods are different (mine used to be doughnuts, pastries, and chips), but in general, candy bars, chocolate, confectionery, chips, cookies, or anything with a high amount of refined sugar, salt, or wheat are considered trigger foods. These foods create a blood sugar imbalance, which leads to a desire to consume more calories. What foods are you most sensitive to? Find out what they are and eliminate them from your diet.


Take a deep breath. 


Oxygen is essential for human survival. You may be aware of how to breathe, but are you doing it in the correct manner? The majority of us aren’t breathing correctly – we take shallow breaths and only use about a third of our lung capacity when we breathe. Athletes are taught appropriate breathing methods so that they may perform at their peak levels. Your lungs should be completely filled with air, your belly should be expanding and there should be little movement in your shoulders during a full inhale.

Make your posture more upright. Having excellent posture helps your breathing while also making you seem smarter and more appealing to other people.


Deal with your emotional eating problems. 


Do you eat when you’re worried, bored, or irritated, or when you’re not hungry? Emotional eating is defined as eating to satisfy an emotion rather than to satisfy a genuine hunger. Nonetheless, emotional eating will never help you feel joyful since you’re attempting to fill an emotional vacuum that has absolutely nothing to do with food in the first place. Food does not provide you with love or pleasure; it is just nourishment. Get to the heart of the problem and deal with it directly. Read this article to learn how to stop emotional eating (series)


Consume modest amounts of food.


 Choose many little meals rather than one large meal to ensure that your energy intake is evenly distributed. It’s also healthier for your stomach since it isn’t overworked by digesting a large amount of food at once, which may cause discomfort. General rule of thumb: eat when you’re hungry and quit when you’re satisfied (see tip #21). You are not have to wait until formal mealtimes before you begin eating if you want to. Pay attention to your body and what it has to say.


When you reach a point of fullness, stop eating. For many people, external signals such as whether or not everyone has completed their meal or whether or not their plate is empty are used to determine whether they are satisfied. Instead, you should pay attention to internal signals, such as whether your stomach feels full and how you feel, which are completely meaningless. It is not necessary to eat just because there is food on the dish. In order to avoid feeling bloated after eating to my maximum capacity, I stop when my stomach feels approximately 3/4 full. Pay attention to your gut instinct and understand when it is time to quit!


Follow the principles of meal pairing. Meal combining is a phrase used to describe a dietary strategy that promotes the consumption of particular food combinations. My digestion significantly improved as a result of adopting food-combination concepts. 

As a general rule, you should 

(1) eat simple meals, 

(2) eat fruit as your first meal of the day, 

(3) never eat fruits after eating cooked food, 

even if it has been several hours, 

(4) only mix grains/starch with vegetables in a meal (it is okay to add some fat), 

(5) never mix protein with starches in a meal, and 

(6) only mix protein with non-starchy vegetables.


 I suggest that you read David Klein’s book Self-Healing Colitis & Crohns — it has valuable information on improving gut health, including sections on food combining principles — since it contains essential information on improving gut health. Despite the fact that I do not agree with all of his suggestions, I believe that his general recommendations are great for everyone who want to maintain good gut health, not only those who suffer from colitis or gut illness.


Live a life with a sense of purpose. 


Regions of the globe known as Blue Zones are those in which people live the longest and healthiest lives. There are nine qualities that these areas have in common (several of which are included in this list), and one of the most significant features is that they all have a purpose. The Okinawans refer to it as ikigai, whereas the Nicoyans refer to it as plan de vida. Are you living a life that has significance for you? Are you living each day in accordance with your life’s purpose? I’ve never been happy than I am now that I’m fulfilling my life’s mission. And you may get a taste of it as well. Check out this article: Discover Your Life’s Purpose (series)


Reduce your intake of deep-fried foods. 


Deep-fried food includes acrylamide, a chemical that has the potential to cause cancer. According to a BBC investigation, a regular bag of chips may contain up to 500 times the amount of the chemical permitted in drinking water by the World Health Organization (WHO) at its highest concentration! When I eat fatty meals, I get a feeling of sluggishness. Instead, choose for foods that have been cooked using healthy ways, such as grilling, steaming, stir-frying, or even eating raw food. Restrict your consumption of fast food, french fries, doughnuts, chips, wedges, and other deep-fried foods.


Reduce your intake of sugary foods and beverages. 


You may find sugary food in the form of candy bars, cakes, and jelly doughnuts, as well as chocolate and other sweets. Not only do they not fill you up, but the sugar rush that follows them causes you to eat even more. Eating every now and again is OK, but not every day. Instead, go for nutritious snacks. Sugary beverages, mostly in the form of soda and other sweet drinks, are regrettably available everywhere these days. These beverages are detrimental to one’s health and contribute to weight gain. Instead of soda, go for simple water, green tea, or vegetable juices.


Don’t consume alcoholic beverages. 

Alcohol is a diuretic, which means that it causes your body to lose water as a result of consumption. Not only that, but alcohol has been shown again and again to have detrimental impacts on our bodies and health, interfering with the normal working of our brain, liver, lungs, and other key organs, among other things. You should stop drinking alcohol completely, or at the very least decrease your intake, if you do so frequently.
Make the switch to organic products (where possible).


 Biodynamic agriculture is the production of food using natural processes rather than synthetic inputs such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers; it does not contain genetically modified organisms; and it does not involve the use of irradiation, industrial solvents, or chemical food additives during processing. The organic trend is steadily gaining traction, with more and more shops providing organic alternatives on their shelves. While organic food tends to be more expensive, would you rather save a few bucks by feeding your body pesticides or spend a few more dollars to have a better, cleaner body? I make every effort to purchase organic wherever feasible (depending on budget).


Vegetable oils should be avoided.


Over the years, I’ve gained a better understanding of what constitutes good and harmful eating. During my research, I discovered that several vegetable oils, which are widely utilized in many food items and almost all restaurants today, are hazardous. The term “refined oils” refers to any refined oil, such as canola or rapeseed oils as well as soybean or palm oils, sunflower or sunflower seed oils, and olive oil.


 Contrary to the “heart healthy” marketing that has surrounded vegetable oils, oil is not a naturally occurring food. It is a highly processed food that has been stripped of all of the minerals, fiber, protein, and other components of the original meal. Many commercial oils include high levels of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are known to be inflammatory. 


 In reality, before the 1900s, the broad usage of vegetable oils was almost non-existent, and it was only after a sustained marketing campaign in the 1910s that vegetable oil started to be utilized in a widespread way. Vegetable oils are often used in food nowadays because (a) they are inexpensive and (b) they help to extend the shelf life of food. However, vegetable oils are not healthy in any manner and cause a great deal of damage in the body.



Prepare your meals in advance. 

Whenever possible, I cook all of my own meals. When you make your meals at home, you have complete control over what goes into them, as opposed to having to choose from substandard choices at a restaurant. Purchase high-quality kitchen equipment; it will prove to be your greatest purchase to date. Making fruit and vegetable juices is a snap when you have a blender at your disposal! In addition, having an instant pot and an oven makes cooking much more convenient.


Learn to say no to things. 


Never eat just because you’re out with your pals or because other people offer you something to eat. If you don’t feel like eating, just say no and explain that you are not hungry. Find out how to say no to others in this article: How To Say No To Others (And Yes To Yourself)
When you go out, be sure to have a water bottle with you. You’ll be able to drink whenever you want this way. It saves you money and prevents you from having to turn to unhealthy alternatives such as soda.


Consume just what you need.


 It is preferable to consume less calories and in accordance with your energy requirements than to consume excessive calories and burn off the extra calories via activity. You strain your digestive system by forcing it to digest more food than you need when you eat excessively, and you strain your body when you exercise excessively, both of which are detrimental to your health.


Quit smoking immediately (and avoid passive smoking).

Put an end to your smoking habit. Cigarette smoking is harmful to one’s health, increasing the chance of lung cancer, kidney cancer, esophageal cancer (cancer of the gullet), heart attack, and other diseases. Smoking “light” cigarettes does not reduce the dangers to one’s health either. If you smoke, stop not just for your own sake, but also for the sake of your family and friends. If you don’t smoke, don’t start, and if you do, don’t stop.


Avoid becoming a passive smoker. 

Second-hand smoking (inhaling smoke from other smokers) is linked to many of the same long-term illnesses as direct smoking.

 Did you know that? According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), there is no risk-free threshold of passive smoking; even short exposure may be detrimental to one’s health. Get away from smokers and avoid cigarette smoke if at all possible.


Maintain a healthy diet. If you’re hungry at work, consume nutritious snacks such as fruits, vegetable juices, and yogurt. These are nutritive and do not provide a sugar rush. Make sure they are easily accessible so that you may grab a bite and then stop when you’ve had enough. Stay away from sweets like cookies and candy bars.


Consider juicing or blending.

 When it comes to getting vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables fast, juicing or blending is a fantastic option. Juicing is the process of extracting the juice from a fruit or vegetable while eliminating the fiber. Because the fiber is not filtered out while mixing, you are consuming both the juice and the fiber. 


At the end of the day, juices and smoothies are complementary to one another – liquids provide a respite for our digestive system, while blending preserves the fiber from fruits and vegetables, which nourishes the beneficial bacteria in our stomach. Juices and smoothies are among my favorite beverages to consume, and I do so on a daily basis. If you’re new to juicing, read more about it here and have a look at these sample juice recipes.


Get frequent checks. 


Some illnesses do not manifest themselves as symptoms until it is too late. Get frequent blood tests for blood sugar, vitamins, and minerals, as well as urine testing. More complex tests, such as mammography (for women) and PAP smears (for women), should be performed at the appropriate intervals. If the test results are not ideal, it indicates that you may take remedial action as soon as possible. If they’re wonderful, that’s terrific, and you may rest easy!


Attempt a vegetarian diet to see how it works for you.

 To be clear, being a vegetarian does not inherently imply greater health, since there is a plethora of bad vegetarian cuisine available (mock soy patties, refined carb, fried vegetarian food, sugary desserts). Trying a vegetarian diet is about being healthy — meat has been linked to inflammation— and, if it interests you, about contributing to the reduction of animal suffering in the world. When followed correctly, a vegetarian diet has many health advantages that have been proved. You are not obligated to follow a vegetarian diet for the rest of your life; you may just try it out as an experiment or become vegetarian for two days a week.


Try following a vegan diet.

 A vegetarian diet does not include any animal products. A vegan diet forbids the consumption of animals and animal-derived products. This implies that there will be no eggs, dairy, honey, cheese, or milk. So, in that sense, being vegan seems to be a highly rigorous diet in our meat-heavy food culture, yet it is believed to offer even more beneficial advantages than a vegetarian diet! 


As with a vegetarian diet, experimenting with a vegan diet does not entail committing to it permanently if you are not ready to do so. Instead, explore, try it for a few weeks, or just go vegan for two days a week.

Remember that if you are a strict vegan, there are some vitamins and minerals that you should avoid, particularly vitamin B12 and omega 3 (DHA/EPA).


Try a raw vegan diet to see how you feel.


 A raw vegan eats only raw vegan foods, which include mostly fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. It is important to note that when you move from a vegetarian to a vegan to a raw vegan diet, your focus begins to change toward naturally occurring complete foods. There have been many reports of the advantages of converting from veganism to raw veganism, including enhanced youth, weight reduction, greater vitality, and increased health benefits. Personally, although I love eating raw meals and want to take as much raw as possible, I find it impossible to follow a 100 percent raw vegan diet in our present contemporary culture since cooked food is too common and it is tough to absorb enough calories on a 100 percent raw vegan diet. That does not rule out the possibility of experimentation! I have done many 21-day raw vegan trials in the past and have always felt very energetic afterward. Every day, I consume about 30-40 percent raw (vegan) food. More information about raw veganism may be found here, here, here, here, and here.

Supplement your diet as required.

 Even if we consume a healthy diet, there will be periods when we are deficient in key vitamins and minerals since numerous man-made activities have irreversibly changed our food supply chain. Iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D (for people who live in colder climates), calcium, and magnesium are among nutrients that are often deficient. 


It should be noted that taking a tablet is not always the best option. Supplements carry their own set of problems. For example, B12 supplements have been related to acne, and a review of 135 studies found no evidence that calcium supplements prevent fractures in healthy women, and in fact, they may result in calcium deposits in the arteries. [12] The best course of action is to conduct your research and get the necessary vitamins and minerals via diet (whether through wholefoods or fortified foods), and only take supplements when this is not feasible.


Consume prebiotic foods as well as fermented foods.



 Prebiotics are necessary for the growth and development of beneficial gut flora. Consider them to be fertilizer for your gut flora. Research is increasingly demonstrating a connection between our gut flora and our general health. Prebiotic meals should always be preferred over prebiotic supplements whenever feasible. Prebiotic foods include raw onion, raw leek, raw garlic, potato starch, and unripe bananas, among others. 



The Consumption of Fermented Food in the Wild As you ingest prebiotics, you should also consume fermented foods, which are a wonderful source of probiotics. Fermented foods include sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi, kombucha, pickles, and kombucha.



Instead than purchasing professionally fermented foods, go for wild fermented foods. If you’re purchasing from a health food shop, the product should be labeled as “wildly fermented.” This is due to the fact that commercially fermented foods usually contain just a few strands of probiotics, which is useless considering that a healthy gut environment should include between 20,000 and 30,000 species of gut bacteria. Consuming commercially fermented foods or even taking probiotic capsules (which typically contain between three and forty species) for an extended period of time increases the danger of developing a monoculture of gut flora.




Food that has been widely fermented (i.e., not produced in a lab, but at home or in your garden) has the ability to provide you with hundreds of species of bacteria. Read the following essay by Dr. Zach Bush, one of the few triple board-certified doctors in the United States: Why Probiotics Do Not Always Work. 





 Experimentation is the only way to find out what works best for you. Instead of sticking to a single diet, experiment with various meals to observe how your body responds. Most essential, do research and make changes to your diet as a result of what you discover. I enjoy reading stories and research from people who have successfully reversed health diseases (rather than what is reported by the medical establishment, as I’ve come to realize that many medical conclusions today are flawed) and learning how to incorporate positive changes into my diet and lifestyle.



Get outside more frequently. If you have a 9-5 job, chances are you spend the majority of your time at the office and not nearly as much time going out and having fun. Weekends are usually taken up with work or errands. Make it a point to get together with your pals at least once a week. Get some fresh air and sunlight. Get outside and enjoy a change of scenery. It will be beneficial to both your physical and mental health. 



Maintain proper dental hygiene. Good oral hygiene makes you seem more attractive and is associated with improved health. Brush your teeth twice a day, rinse your mouth after each meal, and floss after each meal if feasible. Use a fluoride-free toothpaste to keep your gums healthy.




Hang out with individuals who are in good shape. You are the average of the five individuals with whom you spend the most time, therefore the more time you spend with healthy people, the better off you will be. Dine with individuals who are health-conscious and you’ll meet people who will become your exercise partners. It makes healthy life more enjoyable!:)



Which health recommendations are most relevant to you at this time? These are timeless suggestions, so make a note of this post and incorporate these ideas into your daily routine. Share these health-promoting ideas with your family and friends to assist them in maintaining their wellness.

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