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30 Staff Appreciation Ideas

30 Staff Appreciation Ideas

Perhaps if we promised you there was a way to cut staffing levels in half?

According to a research conducted by CareerBuilder, half of workers would remain if they were visibly acknowledged. According to another survey, 40% of workers who “do not feel meaningfully appreciated” will not go above and beyond their statutory obligations in order to complete the task.

So, how can you express your gratitude for your employees? We’ve put up a list of 30 suggestions for you to consider:

1. Make a point to thank your employees.

This article should provide you with some ideas, but nothing will happen until you establish plans and find out how to put them into action. So, the first step in demonstrating your appreciation for your employees is to have a concrete strategy for what you’ll do and when you’ll do it.

This list should be read carefully. You don’t have to adopt every proposal; instead, choose a few that you think you’ll be able to execute successfully and that will have genuine significance for your employees. Some are simpler to put into practice than others, but each has its own set of outcomes.

2. Honor those who are celebrating their birthdays.

Celebrate your employees’ birthdays if they don’t object (some may choose to remain anonymous on their special day).

Provide a dinner or a cake so that everyone in the workplace may participate. Allow the employee to take a day off at their leisure. Take them off the sales floor for the day. It’s customary to give presents on birthdays; what do you think your employees would like the most?

3. A round of applause from the audience.

Make it simple for your employees to express their gratitude to one another. During your day-to-day activities, your coworkers are aware of more than you would assume. Allow them to bring to your notice, as well as everyone else’s, the great things that are going on in the world.

4. Inquire as to what your staff want.

Make a staff survey. In terms of how you demonstrate you respect them, ask them what they want from you. You may be shocked by the outcomes, but you can be certain that you’re giving your staff something they’ll appreciate.

5. Get a trophy for your efforts.

Grand champion trophies in professional sports are passed down from year to year. Create a trophy (either a real trophy or something more amusing) that is recognized as a symbol of employee recognition, and distribute it across the company to employees who have done something noteworthy.

6. Make your gratitude known to the world.

Extend your appreciation for your employees beyond the confines of the workplace. Use signs or social media to inform your consumers. Take a picture and tell everyone how proud you are of your team and how they got this medal.

7. The winning squad in the track competition.

Consider how a thermometer or other visual gadget is used by NGOs to demonstrate the steady growth in contributions as they approach a goal. You may accomplish the same thing whether you utilize a visual method or have frequent meetings to keep everyone informed.

What are the objectives of the different teams? A little friendly competition is excellent, and while your team works toward a common objective, you may not only praise them on their efforts, but also encourage them by offering a prize to the team that achieves their goal first.

8. Recognize and reward your employees’ unique interests.

What do you think is the best way to express “thank you”? expressing gratitude in a way that is personal to each individual. Sure, a generic reward works (and is required) in some instances, but the greatest approach to demonstrate how much you care about someone is to find out what they truly enjoy, what they’d be interested in, their hobbies, or what they actually desire.

9. Thank you cards aren’t going away anytime soon.

In today’s digital environment, a physical piece of paper expressing your gratitude for a coworker’s efforts might go a long way. Try breaking out the age-old habit of thank you notes, whether it’s as simple as a quick post-it note, a real card, or a certificate on their locker door (try our free employee certificate generator).

10. Provide workers with genuine options and a voice.

Appreciation is more than a game or a way to get rewarded. It has to be ingrained in your company’s culture. Giving your staff meaningful options and voices is one approach to do this.

Is it possible for your employees to pick and select which projects they work on, or are they constantly given tasks? Do you pay attention to their thoughts or worries and act on them, or do you listen but then forget or disregard what you’ve heard and go about your business as usual?

The importance of genuine gratitude cannot be overstated. On a staff member’s birthday, you can offer them a gift card, but if they’ve come to you with issues on several occasions and you’ve never attempted to address them, that gift card is pretty much useless.

11. Never, ever knock on the

A staff picture wall may seem a little dated, but what the heck. There’s a reason it’s so popular. Even if it’s just visible to your employees (for example, in the break room), it’s an excellent method for them to get to know one other.

12. Because it’s the holidays and all.

What one doesn’t like a pleasant surprise? Lunch may be pizza. Take some bagels or muffins to the break room and put them away. Just because you value your employees, treat them well.

13. Include a list of your employees on your site.

Examine your webpage. Is it just for high-ranking employees to brag? Is there any personnel present? Is it possible for consumers to meet your employees before they arrive?

While it may not be practical to include everyone on your website (particularly if you have a big company or for privacy concerns), try including a representative number of employees and allowing them to create their own biography.

14. You should never stop partying.

Birthday parties have previously been discussed as a method to express gratitude for individuals, but why not celebrate other memorable milestones as a whole team? Holidays, completing project or sales targets, Wednesdays because it’s five o’clock somewhere— sometimes the greatest fun is having a party for no apparent reason. Choose a day and time when workers may be struggling to get through the week or day in certain instances.

15. Pick unique prizes.

Food, vacation time, a bonus, and a promotion are all wonderful but standard incentives. Consider how you may make your gift stand out as a part of your culture by being innovative. Portraits of staff members who have worked for a specific number of years are painted at certain startups and enterprises, allowing the employees to have fun with how they are portrayed. Caricaturists are used by some.

Returning to the very old school concept of celebrating CEOs of firms might be tailored to your present personnel in various ways so that they receive a taste of something they would not otherwise have.

16. Provide career-oriented incentives.

Employees will appreciate a career-based incentive, and it will also help your company. You may send staff to leadership training or give them the option of taking an online course. You may show your workers you care about them and their career even if it isn’t immediately relevant to their present position.

17. Remember to mark the anniversaries on your calendar.

After a year of work, according to a large research, employees are more inclined to quit. In their jobs, future generations are more mobile. As a result, don’t overlook an employee’s first day on the job anniversary. Reward them for deciding to stick around. Bring their attention to them so that other members of the team can see that you not only appreciate it, but that you also stand behind it.

18. Indulge your employees with a meal.

Taking your employees out to lunch in groups (big or small) or individually to discuss how the job is doing takes them out of the office and tells them that you are listening to them. When you’re not in the boss’s office, but instead across the table over a burger and fries, it’s sometimes easier to chat about work ideas.

19.Encourage your employees to keep learning.

Show that you value your employees so much that you want them to continue to progress in their careers by helping them pay for educational events or being flexible with time off so they may attend them. Also, when a staff member’s credentials improve, they should be promoted. Few things are more aggravating than striving to be the best you can be only to be trapped in a dead-end job by your employer.

20.Recognize and reward your desire to learn and grow.

The boss of the breakroom.
What if your employees could choose the music, chose a new food, or recommend a breakroom improvement? Of course, you may not be able to accept every proposal, but doing so as a token of thanks every now and then adds a little spice to the proceedings.

21. Make tiny events in your life remember.

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of me? What are the messages you’re sending out with your actions?

Again, a few minutes of gratification don’t make up for months of inaction and unappreciative comments. Is there someone in your workplace that goes above and beyond to ensure that everything runs smoothly? Is it because someone needs to clean up after the other employees? Is it possible that they serve as a de facto manager since workers appear to flock to them with questions?

22.Recognizing that your employees have a natural desire to produce exceptional work, even if it is beyond their job description, goes a long way.

It may be as easy as calling a coworker into your office and saying, “I’ve seen what you’re doing around here, and I really appreciate it.” Knowing that someone has noticed is enough for some folks.

22. Facilitate with transportation.

Depending on your industry, you can have employees that have to pay extra for a long commute or parking. While you may not be able to cover all transportation expenses, you may assist by purchasing parking garage permits or bus tickets, for example. Reimburse part or all of the costs associated with assisting employees.

23. Foster mentorship relationships.

Mentoring is a two-way street that benefits both parties. Mentoring programs provide experienced employees with a feeling of responsibility and authority, while also providing new employees with a sense of compassion and security, if done correctly.

It’s a technique of showing your team you trust and respect them when done properly and is a cyclical program in which the mentored eventually become the mentors.

24. Hold a holiday in honor of your employees.

Who says you have to stick to your calendar’s holidays? Why not start your own, devoted just to expressing gratitude to your employees? If you’re feeling very brave, you could even shut the store and announce to the world that you and your employees are on a vacation.

While just giving employees the day off is an option, doing something together is a better one. Organize a prank award show. Enjoy a day at the lake while grilling. Organize a river tour for everyone. Make it a highlight of the year for your employees, whatever it is.

25. Acknowledge accomplishments outside of the workplace.

You have some amazing folks on your team. On their own time, they create, volunteer, and participate in other activities. Why don’t you call them out in front of the whole group? We all want others to know more about ourselves, yet we don’t want to boast. Show your whole team how fantastic everyone is by raving about them.

The suggestion box is still a solid concept, at number 26.

Anonymous. Thoughts or worries that are valid. Heard, spoken about, and taken action. Your employees will benefit from the suggestion box. It provides them with a secure environment in which they may express themselves in ways they would not be able to do elsewhere. It demonstrates your gratitude by providing them with as many communication options as feasible.

27. Determine the good influence your company has had on the community.

Let your employees know that their efforts are valued not just by you, but also by the rest of the community, whether it’s via green energy, volunteer hours, or contributions. Assist them in being enthusiastic about the good they are doing while working. This brings us to the next point…

28. Make volunteering and helping simple.

On your team, you want employees that care about others and are civic-minded. So, if you have employees that are willing to assist others, make it simple for them. Encourage them, whether you assist them in starting a food drive at work, bringing children to work to learn about the company, or taking a week off to construct homes. Demonstrate to them that you value their care for the environment.


You may tell your clients that doing business with you has a beneficial influence on the community by talking about what your company and your employees are doing.

Do you have a dog?
Although not every company would allow it, if you have employees who are pet lovers, try organizing a day when they may bring their pets to work (under specific circumstances). This is another one of those customer appreciation events that you can share with consumers that would like seeing a furry buddy while doing business with you.

30. Don’t forget to think about taxes.

When it comes to how you reward your employees and what can be deemed a taxable benefit, every business understands that tax law can be confusing. Speak with your accountant and inquire around to see if there is a method to give valuable perks without destroying employee compensation. Regular catered dinners, as well as several other apparently benign incentives, may be taxed.

31. Be well-dressed.

Make cool corporate gear accessible for staff, whether it’s company t-shirts, water bottles, stickers, pocket notepads, or iPad covers. The catch is that if you’re going to do it, make sure the products you pick are of good quality. Choose a high-quality shirt with a good fit rather than the cheapest tent-like T-shirt you can locate. Select a water bottle that is appropriate for your employees’ lifestyles. Nobody needs any more low-cost garbage. Give someone apparel they’ll be happy to wear for a long time.


32. Learn as you eat.

We all like the opportunity to share intriguing facts about ourselves with others. Allow your employees to share a passion or interest with the rest of the team around lunchtime. It’s a great opportunity to get to know each other while also learning about something you may not have considered before.

33. Take a look at your break room and see what you can do to make it more functional.

Is your break room a gloomy gray space with an odorous microwave? It’s time to reconsider the purpose of the room: to provide a break to your employees. Obviously, it should be kept clean, with appealing furnishings and functional equipment, as well as appealing design. Make sure there are standards and a system in place to ensure that everyone contributes to keeping the space tidy. Customers should not be able to observe or harass your employees back there. Maintain control of the bulletin board by eliminating any extraneous posters or papers and ensuring that what is shown is acceptable.

However, the break room may be much more than simply a place to have lunch.

What if it turned out to be a library as well? Is this some kind of gaming station? A space where employees might listen to music, read a book, or play a game with their coworkers? Is there a location with plush seats? When you take your break room to the next level, you may start doing things like organizing staff reading clubs or encouraging employees to further their education. You create a warm and inviting environment where people can actually unwind and recharge.

34. Food trucks, please.

Why not give them a call and have them park near your company on a regular basis if you have food trucks in your area? It’s a nice bonus that breaks up the normal brown paper bag lunch, whether you assist pay the expense of the meals in cash or via incentive coupons.

35. What’s in the window of your house?

Consider holding contests among staff teams or awarding individuals or project groups by handing over your window displays if your firm has them. This is something you may do over the holidays or when sales are generally low. You may inform your clients about this enjoyable event by having them vote on the best window and awarding a gift to the winning team.

For a day, I was the boss.
Allow employees to be “boss” for the day as a reward. Obviously, you won’t hand over the corporate checkbook to them, but you may allow them to attend meetings, sit in a private front office, park in a preferred location, or take use of any other privileges that your firm’s management may provide.

What about the additional benefit?

It allows your employees to experience what it’s like to be in command. That may alter their minds (for the better) about some of the things they’d been moaning about, and it could motivate others to strive hard for advancement.

Finally, but certainly not least, express gratitude!
When was the last time you just thanked someone for something?

Some business owners assume that staff are there to do the tasks assigned to them, and that there is no need for a thank you since it is anticipated.

Whether the effort is necessary or not, a simple thank you is a great way to express gratitude. You may not think it counts, but there is a distinct difference in attitude between employees whose manager expresses real gratitude to them on a regular basis and those who never hear it. While not everyone need a “thank you” in order to perform well, many people do. Those who don’t need to hear it won’t be wounded, but those who need will benefit greatly.

It’s easy to get caught up in the flashy and apparent ways to show your gratitude for your employees, but there’s one thing you can do right now to make a difference in someone’s day: say thank you. In a society where we are often thanked for our efforts, just hearing someone admit that we are working hard and that they appreciate it is all the gratitude we need to get through the day.

Employee appreciation should not be limited to one day a year, but rather should be ingrained in your company’s culture and a management philosophy. Your workers are your most valuable asset, yet some companies place a higher priority on equipment maintenance than letting their employees know how much they are valued.

Employee appreciation is another another tool in your turnover-reduction arsenal, as well as a means to foster a pleasant culture and improve customer satisfaction.

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