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3 Simple Ways to Let Go of Future Fears

3 Simple Ways to Let Go of Future Fears

Even though it seems to be simple, releasing your anxieties and problems to God may be really difficult. As far as the future is concerned, you are confident. You may even be aware that worrying indicates that you believe you can do things better than God – and that you have a better idea of how things will end out.



That can’t possible be real, you think to yourself? However, despite the fact that you don’t know anything more than God, you are concerned about everything. Your imagination has gotten the better of you this time around. Your mind begins to race with thoughts of things that may or may not occur, but which you are terrified will happen. Wouldn’t it be great if there were simple solutions to the problem of worrying about the future?



Like me, you may have noticed that your level of anxiety has decreased. I was no longer concerned about what may happen, what might be possible, or even what might be desirable to happen in the future. It is instead my inability to stop myself from dwelling on my mistakes and regrets from the past that causes me so much difficulty. 





3 Simple Ways to Let Go of Future Fears



I find it difficult to forgive myself for the errors I’ve made; it’s as if I’m preoccupied with the past rather than the present.

Is it possible to quit worrying about the future and turn your life up to God? Since the beginning of time, humans have struggled with the concept of letting go and trusting God. Centuries! Your normalcy has been confirmed, which is a wonderful thing. In addition, you’re not alone in feeling this way.



Your anxieties will go away as you follow my advice on how to let go of your worries, allowing you to embrace a new season of life. For the first time in my life, I learnt how to quit worrying about the future because I was fed up with losing sleep over it.


 In the middle of the night, I’d be worrying about the following day’s job interview, school test, first date with a new boyfriend or girlfriend, forthcoming bill payments, likely auto repairs, and financial troubles. I came to the realization that staying up all night fretting was just making things worse. Next morning, I woke up grumpy and miserable, dejected, and fatigued.


 Unfortunately, none of the things I was afraid about transpired as a result of my inability to think clearly.

Afterwards, I figured out how to submit to God’s will. And it altered the course of events completely.



How to Surrender Your Worries to the Will of God.

Prior to experiencing genuine pleasure, freedom, and serenity, we must learn to entrust our anxieties about the future to the care of the Almighty God. This is a daily “sacrifice” that we must do again and over again—especially if we are prone to feelings of anxiety, fear, bewilderment, and concern over our lives. 



Sometimes surrender is as simple as engaging in a daily practice of prayer and returning God’s gaze to the universe. Others need more intensive effort, such as therapy or even consulting with a doctor about anxiety and stress levels, while others do not require any work at all.



In what ways will you learn to quit worrying and put your faith in God? Following are some pointers that may be useful:



1. Gain a better understanding of the God to whom you have surrendered your whole being.

According to Exodus 29:44-46, God declares, “I will live among the children of Israel, and I will be their God. ‘Then they will know that I am the LORD their God, who took them out of the land of Egypt in order that I may reside among them.’ “I am the LORD their God, and they are my servants.





 A connection with His people was the reason God provided Moses with such thorough and ordered instructions on how to consecrate the priests.


 Make a note of Exodus 29 in your Bible. Examine the burned offerings and sacrificial bulls, as well as the oil and blood smeared over the altar and the priests’ faces and clothes. Everything about it is gruesome and cruel! In addition to being strong and significant. 




A gory, protracted, painful, sensory-rich sacrifice process of washing, purification, and atonement was devised by the Lord God in order for Him to live among and be with His chosen people, the Israelites.






Tell me about anything new you discovered about God in the previous several months. Without a clear understanding of God’s character, you will be unable to learn how to quit worrying and yield to him. 



The number of fresh things that may be discovered about Him is endless! It is the truth that God sent His son Jesus to die for your sins that serves as the cornerstone of your religious belief as a Christian. 



According to Exodus and Leviticus, Jesus Christ is linked to the priests and sacrifices. You may not have realized that God has also taken you out of exile. Did you realize that by obsessing about people, places, and issues, you are essentially keeping yourself in exile from the outside world. 



Not only does surrendering to God imply that you will stop worrying about things that are out of your control, but it also means that you will stop worrying about things that are within your power.



 The act of surrendering implies that you will be awarded a whole new existence that is filled with nothing but tranquillity, acceptance, freedom, and happiness. 



Continue to study about the God to whom you have surrendered your life as the first step toward ceasing to worry about the future. Concentrate on Him and His purposes rather than on yourself or the manner in which you believe things should go.




2. Make a decision on what you will no longer be concerned about.

 Exodus 29:37 states, “The altar will become particularly holy, and everything touches the altar will become holy. During Moses’ consecration of the priests, the Lord God instructed him on how to make the Israelites holy via their offerings. 






All of the purification and atonement offerings and sacrifices were only temporary covers; the altar, on the other hand, was a holy, sacred table that had the power to wash and purify everything that came into contact with it. 





Pastors and priests nowadays are sometimes heard encouraging followers to “leave their sins at the altar.” My belief is that we may also sacrifice our worries, doubts, anxieties, and troubles at the altar. We’re talking about our major and little concerns.






Do you wish to be free of three things that are causing you stress? Make a list of your top ten things that are causing you concern first. To learn how to stop fear from controlling you, read How to Stop Fear from Controlling You if you just have one Big Worry. 


More than likely, you have a number of concerns, all of which are tied to the same central person, issue, location, or object. Decompose that one Big Worry into ten lesser, but connected, anxieties.






 Select your top three most pressing concerns in the second step. Which three “worst-case scenarios” are the most significant and dangerous among all of the possible situations? Lastly, offer a detailed explanation of how horrible each situation will be if it really occurs.


 Describe your Biggest Worries in full, including the issues, difficulties, and possible dangers that you are most concerned about. Then, learn how to give your troubles to God by using this technique…




3. Practice submitting to God on a regular basis, without being concerned with the outcome.

Exodus 29 is just the beginning of a lengthy, hallowed, and cherished custom of offering sacrifices to atone for transgressions and approaching God as holy, cleansed Israelites that dates back to the time of the patriarchs. 



Surrendering to God also included eating unleavened bread and unleavened cakes (Exodus 29:2), donning priestly clothes (Exodus 29:5), presenting a grain offering and a drink offering, as well as participating in a fire offering (Exodus 29:7). (Exodus 29:41). 


When the Israelites were summoned to make intentional, expensive, and gory sacrifices, the priests were also summoned to do so. It was necessary to renew these gifts and sacrifices on a regular basis since they were only transient in nature.



According to David Guzik’s Exodus 29 essay on Enduring Word, “there is a price to pay for totally surrendering one’s heart to God.” This was a lengthy and gory ritual that required perseverance to see through till the end. ” However, the recompense was much greater than the sacrifice, as the splendor of the LORD was shown not only to the dedicated priests, but also to the whole nation.”



So, how are you planning on letting go of your concerns about the future? The most important thing is to figure out what works best for you and your relationship with the Lord. Because we all have various connections with the Creator, different advice or strategies will work for different individuals.

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