3 Reasons Your Begonia Is Losing Leaves

3 Reasons Your Begonia Is Losing Leaves

3 Reasons Your Begonia Is Losing Leaves

Begonias come in a variety of colors and shapes, and the loss of their leaves may be caused by a variety of factors. In the event that you are experiencing this problem and are unsure about the exact source of the problem, this article will be of great assistance to you.

It will examine the most prevalent reasons of a begonia shedding leaves in order for you to identify the best remedy (or options) for avoiding this from happening in the first place.

Be aware that there are other probable causes that have not been included in this article, so if the causes you read about are not the problem, you may need to hunt for alternate solutions to the problem.

1. The absence of moisture in the air

Because begonias are tropical plants, they need a high level of humidity in order to really grow. In the winter, if you have begonias in a container inside your house, the dry climate may be causing the leaves to fall off.

Winter is already the driest season of the year, but utilizing the furnace in your house may further dry the air by removing moisture from the atmosphere.

Purchase a humidifier and install it near your begonia if you have any suspicions that this is the cause of the problem. This will offer it with the additional humidity it needed to maintain its optimal health and well-being.


Another approach is to spritz the plant with water on a regular basis, using a spray bottle to do so. Another option is to build or purchase a little greenhouse in which to keep your begonias. This will operate as a microclimate for your begonia, allowing it to thrive and retain all of its leaves in its own small humid habitat.

Invasion of the Worms, Part 2

Perhaps a worm infestation has infested your begonia’s leaves, which is causing the leaves to drop. The cutworm is the most prevalent form of pest that attacks this plant. These pests will cause the leaves of your begonia to dry up and ultimately fall off as a consequence of their presence.

Examine your begonias around sunset to see whether this is the source of the problem. It should be evident that cutworms are present at this time of day since it is the most active time of day for them.

These worms may be eliminated in a number of methods that do not need the use of harsh chemicals. Prior to taking the alternative option, you should make an effort to use these approaches first.

It is wise to put mulch around your begonias and other plants to help avoid an invasion from occurring in the first place. Crushed egg shells, for example, should be included in your mulch since they are harmful to worms and prevent them from moving about.



In addition, you should make it a habit to till or dig into your soil in the early spring and late autumn. This will reveal any worm eggs or larvae, exposing them to the elements and causing them to die as a result.

While your begonia is sleeping, you may pull off and crush any worms or larvae that have already established themselves on the flowering plant.

3. Inadequate or excessive sunshine

 Another possible explanation for falling begonia leaves is that your plant is not receiving enough sunlight or that it is receiving excessive sunlight. With being stated, begonias need light in the same way that any other plant does, but they do not require excessive quantities of it.

If you see that your begonia leaves are being scorched, it is likely that they are receiving an excessive amount of direct sunshine for an extended period of time during the day.



If you have a begonia that is kept inside in a container, you might consider moving it closer to a window that receives less direct sunlight. The east, west, and south sides of your home are the most favorable for growing begonias.

To ensure that a begonia grows well outdoors, it should be placed in partial shade.

The kind of begonia you have dictates the details of how much light it need to grow, so this is something more to keep in mind when planning your lighting setup.

4. Stress that has just occurred

If you have recently repotted your begonia, it is possible that the plant will be stressed. Because of the stress it is under, your begonia may begin to shed its leaves.

You can, however, help your plant avoid this stress by repotting it in the proper manner. To begin with, only move your begonia to a new pot if it is absolutely necessary to do so. There is no point in potentially hurting your plant unless there is a compelling cause to do so.

Second, you should choose a little larger pot for your begonia’s new home so that it will have plenty of opportunity to develop without being constrained by the container. This is only essential if your plant is in desperate need of more room at the time of repotting it.

A suitable drainage hole should be present on the bottom of your pot as a last point of consideration. Begonias, in particular, benefit from this since they get a lot of water, which is very crucial for them because they need frequent watering.



The third and, perhaps, most crucial piece of information to remember when repotting your begonia is to consider the changing of the seasons. If you re-pot your begonia throughout the winter or summer, it is possible that the plant can suffer from leaf drop.

Only re-pot your plant in the spring, however autumn is also a good time to do it because of the warm weather in the fall and winter.




5. Inadequate irrigation

The last typical cause of your begonia loosing leaves is that you are watering it unevenly, too much, or not enough.

When it comes to watering, begonias might be a little difficult to manage. Every day, check the soil moisture level with your finger or a soil moisture meter to see whether your begonia needs to be watered in order for it to thrive.

This may appear to be a time-consuming task, but it only takes a few seconds and can have a significant impact on the health of your begonias. As a result, this is not a step to be disregarded since it has the potential to resolve your problem with falling leaves.

When you water your begonia, make sure th


at the soil is moist but not saturated with water. It should also be watered in an equal manner.

It is likely that you will need to water it on a daily basis, which is why choosing a container with a good drainage system is essential..

If you observe that the leaves of your begonia are decaying before they fall, this might be an indication that you are overwatering the plant.

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