3 Nutritional Ways to Increase Vitamin D

3 Nutritional Ways to Increase Vitamin D

When it comes to nutrition, vitamin D is one of the most important. The benefits of calcium are not limited to bone health; it also aids in the overall health of the body and the functioning of all internal systems. Vitamin D insufficiency is seen in approximately one billion individuals, according to research. In addition to affecting their health, this deficit has a negative impact on the whole quality of life that these individuals enjoy. Studies have shown that the majority of this deficit is found in nations across Asia.





Several researchers believe that the diets followed in these areas have a lot to do with it. A carbohydrate-based diet is followed, with wheat and rice serving as the primary sources of carbohydrates in their daily diet. Because of their inadequate diets, most individuals are unable to get essential nutrients such as proteins and vitamins in sufficient amounts. In most cases, changing one’s diet is one of the most straightforward strategies to correct this deficit.




Changing one’s diet may be beneficial.

There are a variety of foods that are high in vitamin D that may be consumed, not just via exposure to sunlight. Including these items in your diet will help you satisfy your daily vitamin D requirements while also reestablishing your body’s normal functioning. To make things easier for you, we’ve developed a list of the three most effective strategies to increase your Vitamin D intake via nutrition. So without further ado, let us get right in.



In terms of nutrition, the first thing we’d recommend is fish. Almost all types of fish, including salmon, are rich in vitamin D, and eating them is a wonderful method to ensure that your body gets the most vitamin D possible. A serving of salmon fish (3.5 ounces) contains 528 international units (IU) of vitamin D, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. Around 66 percent of the DV is made up of this whole quantity.



Between farm salmon and wild salmon, on the other hand, there is a significant difference. According to further study, 3.5 ounces of salmon has 998 IU of Vitamin D, which is much more than any other dietary source available. It accounts for 124 percent of the total daily value (DV) of the population. It follows that anybody who takes salmon on a regular basis should have enough vitamin D levels, as well as a healthy bone system;




Herring and Sardines are two of the most popular seafood options.

Continuing with the theme of fish as the second nutritious choice, Anglers and sardines are two kind of fish that are consumed all around the globe. It is possible to get many varieties of these fishes on the market. For example, depending on your preference and availability, you may have these fish fresh, canned, or smoked.



A serving of Herring fish (3.5 ounces or 100 grams), according to studies, provides around 27 percent of the recommended daily vitamin D consumption (216 international units). Because pickled herring is easily accessible on the market, it is perfectly OK if you do not like fish. A 100 gram serving (3.5 ounces) contains around 112 IU, which is approximately 14 percent of the Daily Value (DV).

In contrast, canned Herring has a greater concentration of sodium, which is something that the majority of people ingest on a regular basis, Therefore, before eating Pickled Herring, it is important to remember this.



Sardines are an excellent choice if you’re searching for something that’s easy to consume and is smaller in size than salmon. In addition to being a fantastic source of vitamin D and protein, they are also very nutritious. Per 100 grams of cooked sardines, it contains 177 International Units (IU) or 22 percent of the Daily Value (DV), according to scientific studies Fish such as Mackerel and Halibut, as well as other fatty fishes, are excellent choices for persons who suffer from vitamin D insufficiency.




Eggs in their natural form

In the event that eating fish or seafood isn’t your thing, you may always opt for eating entire eggs. A healthy snack choice for anybody who enjoys a fast snack while boosting their health, eggs are not only high in protein but also contain significant quantities of vitamin D.

A surprising number of individuals are unaware that eggs have the majority of their nutrients, such as Vitamin D, in the yolk, and proteins and lipids in the white. Approximately 37 IU of Vitamin D may be found in a single egg, which is approximately 5% of the recommended daily intake. Despite the fact that eggs alone will not enough to complete your daily nutritional requirements, they are a fantastic choice for anybody seeking for something quick and simple.




During the chicken’s development, its vitamin D levels vary depending on the quantity of sunshine it gets and the kind of feed it is fed. For example, hens raised on pasture and allowed to walk freely in the sun tend to produce eggs with a vitamin D concentration that is 2-3 times greater than those raised on grain or grain silage.




Another benefit of a vitamin D-focused diet and lifestyle is that hens may produce eggs that contain around 6,000 IU, which is equivalent to seven times the Daily Value (DV) for vitamin D. Because of this, we recommend that, when preparing meals for yourself, you use eggs that are rich in vitamin D or that come from hens that have been kept outdoors in the sun for the most of the day.

You may look at a variety of other options as well.


Due to the fact that we have covered a lot of ground in terms of the dietary alternatives available to you, let us now discuss some lifestyle adjustments that may be beneficial to you.




Amount of Sunlight

The fact that this is true should not come as a surprise, but rather as a direct result of Increased vitamin D production in the body may be achieved by exposing oneself to natural sunlight. In response to sunlight striking the human skin, melanin, a kind of fat pack found on the surface of the skin, absorbs the light and stores it. Because of chemical reactions occurring in the body, this melanin contributes to the production of vitamin D.

As a result, anybody suffering from a vitamin D deficiency should make every effort to spend as much time outside as possible during the daytime hours of sunlight. Solar radiation will aid in optimizing your health and increasing vitamin D levels in a short period of time.




It is difficult, but not impossible, to get enough vitamin D from your diet. Trying to make these dietary modifications will almost certainly result in positive benefits in a short time period. However, if the problem continues, we recommend that you try Vitamin D pills or seek expert advice, since they can more effectively treat your issue than you can on your own. Hopefully, the information in this article will assist you in restoring your vitamin D levels and leading a better and happier lifestyle. Contact us if you need any further information or guidance, and we would be pleased to assist you!

When it comes to calcium and phosphate levels in the body, vitamin D plays a key role.

Healthy bones, teeth, and muscles rely on the intake of these nutrients to be strong.

If you don’t get enough vitamin D, you might develop bone abnormalities like rickets in youngsters as well as chronic bone pain caused by a disorder called osteomalacia as an adult.

During the fall and winter, the government recommends that everyone consider taking a daily vitamin D pill to stay healthy.



Vitamin D supplements should be used on a daily basis throughout the year by anyone who are at high risk of not obtaining enough vitamin D, including all children aged 1 to 4 and all newborns (unless they are drinking more than 500ml of baby formula per day).

According to some findings, vitamin D may help to reduce the chance of contracting coronavirus (COVID-19). While taking vitamin D may help prevent or cure COVID-19, there is presently little data to recommend this practice.



Vitamin D-fortifying foods

From roughly late March/early April through the end of September, the majority of individuals should be able to produce all of the vitamin D they need from natural sources.

While exposed to direct sunshine on the skin, the body produces vitamin D. This occurs when you are outside.



However, we do not produce enough vitamin D from sunshine between October and early March. See this page for additional information on vitamin D and UV sensitivity.

There are a few foods that contain vitamin D as well.

The following are some examples of credible sources.

Red meat, liver, egg yolks, oily fish (such as salmon, sardines, herring, and mackerel), fortified meals (such as certain fat spreads and morning cereals), and fortified beverages
Vitamin D pills are another source of the vitamin.

The fact that cows’ milk in the United Kingdom is not fortified, as in several other nations, makes it a poor source of vitamin D.



What is the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D?

Most individuals should be able to manufacture all of the vitamin D they need from sunshine on their skin from late March/early April to the end of September, assuming they live in a sunny location.

A daily intake of 10 micrograms of vitamin D is recommended for children and adults beginning at the age of one year. Those at risk of vitamin D deficiency, as well as pregnant and nursing mothers, are included in this group.



A daily intake of 8.5 to 10 micrograms of vitamin D is recommended for infants up to the age of one year.

A microgram is one thousandth the size of a milligram.. (mg). Occasionally, the Greek sign (microgram) is used to denote this term, which is transcribed as g (g).

International units (IU) are used to measure the quantity of vitamin D in a supplement (IU). 40 international units (IU) = 1 microgram of vitamin D. The amount of vitamin D in a microgram is 400 international units (IU).



Taking a vitamin D pill is something I should think about.

Adults and children above the age of four should seek professional advice.
Since a result, you must supplement with vitamin D throughout the fall and winter months, as the sun does not shine brightly enough for the body to produce sufficient amounts of vitamin D.

Nonetheless, since it is difficult for individuals to get enough vitamin D from diet alone throughout the fall and winter, everyone (including pregnant and lactating women) should consider taking a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D during these months.

Through sunshine on their skin and a nutritious diet, most individuals may get all of the vitamin D they need between late March and early April and the end of September.

During these months, you may want to skip taking a vitamin D pill.

Vitamin D insufficiency is a risk factor for certain people.


Some individuals will not produce enough vitamin D from sunlight as a result of receiving little or no exposure to the sun over their lifetime.

As recommended by the Department of Health and Social Care, adults and children over 4 should take a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D throughout the year if they have any of the following characteristics:

For example, if they’re feeble or housebound, or if they’re in an institution such as a care home, they’ll often wear garments that cover up the majority of their skin while they’re out and about.
Having dark complexion, such as those of African, African-Caribbean, or south Asian ancestry, may also make it more difficult to synthesize vitamin D from sunshine.

In order to stay healthy all year, you should consider taking a daily pill that contains 10 milligrams of vitamin D.



Infants and young children should be given specific recommendations.

Infants from birth to one year of age should be given a daily supplement providing 8.5 to 10 micrograms of vitamin D throughout the year, according to the Department of Health and Social Care if they are:

Newborn formula is already enriched with vitamin D if you are breastfed or formula-fed and consume less than 500ml (approximately a pint) of infant formula per day.
A daily vitamin D supplement containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D should be given to children aged one to four years old, at all times of the year.

The majority of pharmacies and supermarkets sell vitamin D pills and vitamin D drops (for children under the age of five).

Vitamin D supplements are provided to women and children who meet the criteria for the Healthy Start program.



If I consume an excessive amount of vitamin D, what happens to my body?
It is possible to have an excessive amount of calcium in the body if you take too many vitamin D pills over a lengthy period of time (hypercalcaemia). Because of this, bones may become brittle and the kidneys and cardiovascular system can be harmed.



It is recommended that you take 10 micrograms of vitamin D daily if you prefer to take supplements.

Excessive vitamin D intake (over 100 micrograms (4,000 IU) per day) is potentially hazardous. Children between the ages of 11 and 17 years are included in this category. This includes pregnant and lactating women, as well as the elderly.



More than 50 micrograms (2,000 international units) of vitamin A per day should be avoided by children aged 1 to 10. More than 25 micrograms (1,000 international units) of vitamin A should not be given to infants under 12 months.

Due to medical circumstances, some persons may not be able to safely consume the recommended dosage. Whenever in doubt, you should seek medical advice.

Taking a higher or lower dose of vitamin D is prescribed by your doctor; you should heed their recommendations.

It is impossible to get too much vitamin D from solar exposure. When out in the sun for extended periods of time, remember to cover up or use sunscreen to lower your risk of skin damage and skin cancer.

Vitamin D, also known as calciferol, is a fat-soluble vitamin that has a variety of functions in the body. It is primarily recognized for its immune system and bone health advantages. Its production is strongly tied to exposure to the sun’s rays, therefore deficiency in this vitamin is more likely during times of the year when there is less sunshine.

Vitamin D has the following properties:

Vitamin that is fat-soluble and is produced by the sun’s UVB rays.
There are two types of it. D2, D3, and D4
It’s mostly found in fish and dairy products.
Aids in the preservation of bone and muscle tissue
A deficiency may increase the risk of osteoporosis.

Why should you consume vitamin D-rich foods?

Vitamin D’s health advantages and functions in the body
Dental and bone health
Vitamin D aids phosphorus and calcium absorption in the intestine. It is involved in the mineralization and consolidation of bone and tooth tissue. As a result, this vitamin is critical in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

Immune system stimulation
Calciferol may have a key function in the prevention of autoimmune diseases including type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. Its role in the prevention of breast and colorectal malignancies, type 2 diabetes, and some cardiovascular disorders is still being researched.

Maintains brain and muscle function


Vitamin D is required for muscular contraction and regeneration because it inhibits calcium and phosphorus absorption. It may be useful in preventing muscle wasting, particularly in the elderly. Furthermore, this vitamin protects the brain against early cognitive and intellectual deterioration.

Vitamin D-rich foods are those that contain a significant amount of the vitamin.
Vitamin D is mostly found in fish and dairy products, particularly if they have been fortified. On the other hand, and contrary to popular opinion, there are no particularly vitamin D-rich plants or fruits. Supplementation may be necessary if you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet.



Swordfish on the grill

100 milligrams

25 mL

Eel grilled

100 milligrams

2.3 g

Grilled or poached salmon

100 milligrams

15 to 23 g

Salmon in a can

100 milligrams

8 to 19 g

Salmon that has been smoked

100 milligrams

1 gram

Bluefin tuna on the grill

100 milligrams

0.7 g

Pickled Atlantic herring

100 milligrams

0.7 g

Trout grilled

100 milligrams

5 to 7 g

Golden grilled

100 milligrams

a gram

Grilled halibut, either Atlantic or Pacific

100 milligrams

a gram

broiled Atlantic herring

100 milligrams

a gram

merely the yolk of a chicken egg, uncooked

2-4 big yolks of eggs (80 g)

a gram

Pike grilled

100 milligrams

a gram

MG ranges from 0% to 3.25 percent in cow’s milk.

250 milliliters (1 cup)

a gram

Soy beverage with added nutrients

250 milliliters (1 cup)

a gram

Drink made with fortified rice

250 milliliters (1 cup)

a gram

Plaice or sole broiled

100 milligrams

a gram

Sardine from the Atlantic, canned

100 milligrams

a gram

tuna in a can

100 milligrams

1 to 2 g

Braised or sautéed beef liver

100 milligrams

1 gram



How can you make the most use of natural vitamin D?

Vitamin D supplementation
Vitamin D needs on a daily basis
Dietary Allowances (RDAs) (RSA)

Babies between the ages of 0 and 6 months

Approximately 20 to 25 g

Babies aged 7 to 12 months

ten grams

1-3 year old babies

ten grams

Children aged 4 to 8 years

15 grams

Boys aged 9 to 13 years

15 grams

Girls aged 9 to 13

15 grams

14-18 years old boys

15 grams

14-18 year old females

15 grams

Men aged 19 to 50

15 grams

Women aged 19 to 50

15 grams

Men aged 50 and above

If you’re 70 years old or older, you’ll get 15 g, and if you’re 80 years old or older, you’ll get 20 g.

Women aged 50 and above

If you’re 70 years old or older, you’ll get 15 g, and if you’re 80 years old or older, you’ll get 20 g.

Women who are pregnant

ten grams

Women who are breast-feeding

ten grams



Dosage and indications for vitamin D-based dietary supplements

Dietary supplements containing vitamin D are especially beneficial for bone and muscular health. They also boost immune defenses and keep cognitive processes in check. They come in oily or pill form, and are based on vitamin D2 or vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 in oily form seems to be the most readily absorbed by the body. The daily dose is generally 15 to 30 micrograms. Seek the counsel of a medical professional.



Vitamin D’s Negative Effects

Deficiency in vitamin D
Vitamin D insufficiency may cause rickets and bone mineralization abnormalities in young children. Calciferol deficiency in adults causes bone demineralization and muscle atrophy, which may progress to osteoporosis. Convulsions or tetany may occur if the skeleton becomes significantly demineralized. Finally, a shortage of vitamin C may contribute to the loss of cognitive processes and the danger of certain illnesses in the long run (cancers, heart disease, etc.).

Excess vitamin D has negative consequences.
Vitamin D generates excess calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia), in the urine (hypercalciuria), and promotes the production of calcium oxalates-based kidney stones at extremely high dosages. The relevant authorities suggest that healthy persons consume no more than 115 micrograms of vitamin D per day.



Interactions with certain illnesses

If you have kidney stones, you should avoid taking vitamin D pills. Some drugs used to treat epilepsy, AIDS, and obesity may interfere with vitamin D absorption. Finally, since vitamin D is fat-soluble, the presence of lipids aids its absorption.

Chemical characteristics

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that may be obtained from the food or produced in the human body when exposed to UVB radiation from the sun.

In diet, there are two forms of vitamin D. Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) is derived from plant foods, while vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is derived from animal foods or created by humans after sun exposure. Vitamin D is delivered to the liver after being consumed or generated owing to UV radiation, where it is hydroxylated into calcidiol. Calcidiol is converted to calcitriol, the active form of vitamin D, in the kidney.



The nutrient’s history may be seen here.

Cod liver oil was already being used to prevent and treat rickets in the 1820s. The relationship between rickets and fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies was not fully established until the 1920s. In 1922, vitamin D will be discovered for the first time. A. Windaus discovered vitamin D2 in 1932, followed by D3 two years later. Since then, vitamin D has been the focus of several scientific investigations. Its effects on bone, muscle, and brain function are crucial. Thousands of scholarly articles have lately been published on the possible involvement of vitamin D in cancer prevention.

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