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20 Threesome Tips From Real Women

20 Threesome Tips From Real Women

Threesomes are shrouded in a great deal of mystery and awe. Until you’ve met them and experienced their personalities, it’s impossible to predict what they’ll be like or how you will feel about them. In an interview with, seven women who have completed the three-day challenge discussed what they learnt from their threesome experiences.

1. Communication is more crucial than everything else you accomplish throughout the whole evening. 

 “As much as I adore spontaneous sex, I believe it is critical that everyone involved has the same expectations of what they want to get out of the relationship. Attempt to negotiate safer sex, varying degrees of comfort with different sexual actions, and to be as present as possible with everyone engaged.” —Crista-Anne, a 33-year-old single mother








2. Do not even consider attempting to have a threesome in order to impress your partner or a male.

 “Put up a show if you are not interested in what you are doing. The only thing it will do is to stress you out and make you feel envious, and it will be detrimental to everyone involved.” “I’m 25, and I’m here to help.”


 3. Don’t be that creepy internet couple on the lookout for their third companion.

 Do not be the pair on dating websites that treats singles like they are a piece of meat because you are in a relationship and want to meet another for a threesome. —Crista-Anne








4. Being the most intriguing pair in the pub is the least weird approach to meet your third date. 

“Even though you shouldn’t put on a show, you should try to make your relationship look as fun, loving, open, and cool as it truly is, so that she will want to be a part of it. Instead of simply the man or the female talking her up on their own, you need to be desirable as a team.” —Allie







5. Locate someone who is seeking for the same things you are. 

It was a fully open relationship between the couple with whom I first played threesomes. Her spouse was the first person I met, and we ended up dating for a while after that. Having never been in a relationship with a monogamous partner, they were a fantastic match for my needs. Neither envy nor a desire to be the center of attention were present. 



During one instance, I texted her to inquire if she wanted to hang out and she responded by stating that she was out of town but her husband would be available if I wanted to see him. As the third party, this is particularly crucial since you want to shield yourself from any sentiments that they could have between themselves that might negatively impact you.” Ciara, a 23-year-old woman says





6.Making the procedure seem like a joint effort is important if you’re doing it with your spouse.

 Rules should be developed in collaboration. Find a third person in your group and share your findings. Together, make plans for the evening. “The whole process has been a great bonding experience for me, from the initial sharing of our desire with one another through the process of identifying suitable companions. Everyone feels as though they are on the same team and are learning about one another’s personalities.” —Allie




7.A startling number of men are OK with the idea of sleeping with their buddies (in a threesome situation, at least). 

“The fact that males speak about it more between themselves than they do with you was a pleasant surprise. The threesome transformed into a quartet when I arrived at my partner’s place for the outing when he changed it into a foursome.” “I am 20 years old,” Lana says.



8. However, exercising care while having sexual relations with two men who are friendly with one another is advised. 

“In my bed, I slept with two men who were excellent friends and teammates who were pretty combative with each other and imposed postures as if they were participating in a sporting event. Even though it was a little overwhelming at first, I decided to go with it, and it turned out to be the most steamy sex I’d ever experienced.” —Lana








9. It may take an extremely long time to find a third individual who is liked by everyone in a group.

 “The most essential thing to remember while searching for a partner is that no matter what happens, you will still have beautiful sex with someone who knows and loves you at the end of the night, no matter how many people you meet. There are benefits to both parties involved in this arrangement.” —Allie






10.Before the threesome’s night out on the town, be sure you’ve covered all of your bases. 

One of the guys I played in a threesome with had a long-term girlfriend, which would have been helpful to know beforehand. —Lana

11.Bring extra condoms with you at all times! (Each and every person) (duh)


12. You could be surprised by the kind of roles you wind yourself playing in the future. 


Open your mind to new ideas and possibilities.” In the past, I was certain that having a threesome would exacerbate my anxiety or make me feel like the weaker participant, but I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked seeing my loves indulge in each other’s pleasures without feeling left out or uncomfortable.” —Crista-Anne




Thirteenth, the first time that third hand comes into contact with you, you will most likely feel uncomfortable

 “During a sexual encounter with my spouse, I felt a hand move my hair off the back of my neck and kiss it. It was coming from behind me. You get so used to just having to account for one person that the introduction of another person throws you into a loop for a little moment of time. Regardless of how many threesomes I’ve had, that particular moment will never leave me.” —Ciara







14. Keep in mind that everyone engaged is a person, not simply a sex partner.


 “Overall, having a wonderful threesome has a lot more to do with the interpersonal connections of those participating than it does with the physical sex acts themselves,” says one expert. —Crista-Anne




15. One drink will help you feel more at ease, but don’t get too buzzed on alcohol.

 “In general, drunken sex is sloppy sex, and I can’t image having a drunken, sloppy threesome in my house. Just too much is going on, and it’s all vying for your consideration.” —Ciara

Make sure no one ever feels like a third wheel after you’ve left them. It’s not always necessary to give someone a helping hand in order for them to feel involved throughout certain parts of your engagement. 24-year-old Katie





16.It is possible to solve the third wheel issue by bringing in sex toys.

 “The presence of toys is highly recommended by me. It’s not only that they contribute to the experience, but they also aid to hold everyone’s attention.” —Katie





17.When you communicate effectively, you can prevent the majority of issues from occurring. 

“At the heart of every difficulty I’ve encountered has been a communication breakdown. Angry sentiments because expectations were not met, and feelings of inadequacy as a result of perceived partiality Inability to check in later to be present for any bad or confused sensations that may have occurred” —Crista-Anne

18.Do not expect to be able to sit back and relax as two individuals take turns destroying you.

 The ability to multitask will be required of you.” ‘A threesome isn’t simply a tag-team match,’ my partner recently informed me. As far as pleasure is concerned, it should be unrestricted. Aside than that, it’s more serial voyeurism, which isn’t always a negative thing, but isn’t always the purpose.” —Crista-Anne







19. Don’t put on a happy face when you’re not in the mood for it.”

The threesome may cause you to become abruptly uncomfortable, or you may find yourself not as enthusiastic or aroused as you expected to be when the threesome occurs. Many guys have told me that they had built up such a sense of excitement and anticipation about being in a threesome with two women that they were unable to perform when the pressure was on them to deliver. Please be honest and compassionate when you are feeling uneasy or unable to perform. Talking things over with your play partners should not be considered a source of shame.” —Dedeker, a 28-year-old female





Twenty-one. If you or anybody else comes to the point where they are unsure about continuing, don’t be afraid to take a break.

 “Because someone is frightened or wants to take a step back does not indicate that nothing will happen or that everything will turn out disastrously. If you go back to your first few experiences with sex, you’ll recall that it wasn’t always straightforward and obvious what to do.” —Katie








22. After the event, check in with everyone to make sure they are feeling great and being taken care of. 

In certain cases, regardless of whether the sex was out of this world spectacular, it will be seen negatively by the individuals involved if there are remaining difficulties between them. —Crista-Anne






When you have sex with only you and your lover after a threesome, it may be a wonderful experience. 23.

 “Having just the two of us is something I’m looking forward to. In the end, each threesome has been a great experience that I have no regrets about, but they have also made me appreciate the relationship that my boyfriend and I have.” —Allie




24. It’s perfectly OK to have one threesome and then never again.”

Following our initial experience with a trio, my partner expressed an interest in having more. His buddy was the female with whom we had our sexual encounter, and for a long following, if we were in the same vicinity as her, he would bring up the subject of having another one with her again. In the end, I informed them both that I didn’t feel comfortable with the situation and that the experience was incredibly enjoyable, and that was all I wanted from the situation. Having another threesome is entirely optional if you don’t choose to.” 25-year-old Ashley

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