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20 Flirty Goodnight Texts To Send Before Going To Bed

20 Flirty Goodnight Texts To Send Before Going To Bed

You’ve been messaging back and forth all day with someone fresh you’ve just met. It’s nearly midnight, and you’re lying in your bed. You don’t want the chat to stop, but your eyes are sleepy and you have to get up early the next morning for work. So, how can you wrap up the discussion while still leaving them wanting more the following day? Experts say it’s always a good idea to send a romantic goodnight text.



“Texting your spouse at night is a highly successful technique because when we go to sleep, that’s when we consolidate all of our memories and experiences from the day,” says psychologist Avigail Lev, Psy.D., in an interview with Bustle. “So, if you were the last person your spouse spoke to before going to bed, you’re more likely to linger on their mind.”



If you haven’t quite reached the point where you and your crush are constantly exchanging messages, Susan Trombetti, matchmaker and CEO of Exclusive Matchmaking, tells Bustle that sending good night texts is a terrific way to let them know you’re thinking about them. It’s a good idea to continuously expressing your interest in a romantic connection if you want it to materialize. The better the messages are, the more fun and flirtatious they are.



“In a relationship, having fun is a building brick,” explains Trombetti. “What better way to flirt or have fun with a love potential than by sending a text message?” It’s one of the best tools you can have in this digital age for establishing and maintaining a connection, as well as just feeling someone’s pleasant energies.”

Here are some flirtatious goodnight messages to try before you drift off to dreamland tonight if you’re searching for some ideas on what to send.

“Tonight, I’ll be dreaming about you;)”

Texting someone that you’ll be dreaming about them is the same as stating you’re always thinking of them. When it’s coming from your love interest, we say, that’s always a fantastic text to receive. If you send a good morning text the following day, it’ll be even better.

“I’m really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!” [insert emoji here] Good night.

We recommends sending texts that express your excitement to meet them again. Using a few of emojis isn’t a bad idea. “Anything good qualifies as flirting,” she adds, adding that you don’t have to be an expert at it. Don’t overthink things, in other words.

“Thank you for making me grin all night at my phone.” “Good night.”

Consider a sweeter alternative to a sexy text when sending a goodnight SMS. If you have to get up early in the morning, a blatantly sext-y message may reignite the back-and-forth, and you’ll never get any sleep. This sort of positive communication, according to Erica Suzanne Fultz, a relationship coach and matchmaker, shows you’re excited to speak with them. “It’s a really innocent and charming manner of flirting.”

“Hey, if you need anything, just give me a call.” “I’d want to hear your voice,” says the narrator.

It isn’t always enough to read a goodnight text. Be brave and tell your crush that you want to hear their voice before you go to bed. It’s fashionable to “communicate your wishes,” says Emyli Lovz, a relationship counselor and matchmaker. They’ll be grateful for the initiative you’ve taken.

“I can’t wait to see your beautiful face in the morning.”

Compliments are something that everyone enjoys getting. According to Fultz, this form of literature also foreshadows future thoughts and behaviors. “It maintains a person’s optimism!”

“I wish I could chat to you all night, but I have to go to bed.”

Because it’s basic, this style of goodnight text is successful. It demonstrates your confidence, honesty, and lack of deception, according to Lev. “When you project confidence in your relationships, you’re demonstrating that you have a stable attachment style and that you can be consistent and unambiguous,” she adds.

“Goodnight, [Name of Your Crush] 3”

People like it when their name is mentioned, according to Lovz. Although it may not seem to be a significant step, it is a simple method to strengthen a relationship with someone. So, in your goodnight text, make a point of using your person’s first name. A love or kissing face emoji will make it more flirty.

Send Them a Sweet Text

Before going to bed, send a romantic text to your lover for pleasant dreams.

I just wanted to let you know that you are the only person I have ever met who is like you. 

Babe, I love you 

Instead, I wish you were here with me so I could give you a hug and kiss goodbye.

Before I fall asleep, I’m sending you a text to let you know I’m thinking about you. Goodnight!

If you were here with me, I would sleep so much better. Soon. For the time being, G’nite!

I truly want my head was on your breast instead of this cushion, RN. Babe, it’s time to call it a night.

Tonight, I observed something. With you in it, my bed is a lot more comfy.

Words can’t express how much I miss you, but some emojis may be able to. So there you have it! [Insert a slew of emojis here] Goodnight!

I’m half asleep, but I felt compelled to contact you and express my gratitude. Good night’s rest!

Dream of me tonight, because I’m sure I’ll be thinking about you.

My cat and I are all curled up in bed. However, there is still plenty of space for you. Just a thought! Good night, boo.

In my dreams, I’ll see you soon.

I just wanted to double-check that you were the last person I spoke with today.

 When I wake up, I’ll SMS you so you’ll be the first person I call.

Texting you is my favorite part of my evening ritual. I’m missing you.

I like my bed, but I prefer you.


Send Something Flirty to Them

Before you go to bed, send a seductive sext to your lover.

I’m wishing you could be here right now. [Insert a photo of yourself in bed]
BTW, I just purchased a really attractive new nightgown. I wish you could have been here to see it. G’night!

I’ll need my big/small spoon.

It’ll be difficult to go asleep without your… snoring. JK. It’s time to call it a night, darling.

Do you realize how seductive you are? It’s sultry enough to make falling asleep tonight a challenge. G’night.

If you were here right now, I’m picturing what would happen. Warning: You will not be sleeping. Good night.

I’m having trouble sleeping, babe. All I can think about is all the things we could do to one other if you were here.

Brr! It’s chilly here without you to keep my icy feet toasty – exactly the way you want it.

Do you recall ever having a sex fantasy about me? Perhaps this is the night. Sleep well.

Guess what… I’m dressed in the outfit you prefer. Goodnight!

I’m hoping to see you in my dreams if I text you shortly before I go to bed.

What should we do if I had a dream about us together?

I’m having trouble sleeping because I can’t stop thinking about you.


Make Their Sleep a Nightmare With A Super Sexty Message for the Night

Before going to bed, send a sext to your lover.

Babe… I wish you were here so we could hug all night — and then have sex all day.

You wouldn’t be *beside* me if you were in bed with me right now; you’d be *inside* me. Just a thought. Good night.

Isn’t it true that I sleep naked? I do, after all. Goodnight, sweetheart.

Hello, I just wanted to let you know that I’m thinking about touching you. Sweet slumbers!

Greetings, bae. I want you to dream of all the things you want to do to me tonight, and then I want you to do them tomorrow. Good night, good night!

Tonight, I wish I could kiss you goodnight… but not on your lips. 😉

Hello there, you. Before I go to bed, I just wanted to tell you how much I adore you. Okay, I’ll call it a night.

I’m lying in my bed… Do you notice the issue now that you’re in your bed? G’night!

Go get some rest, and while you’re doing it, dream about all the things you want me to do to you, and maybe I’ll do them to you in real life tomorrow.

 Good night.
Hey, darling, I was just thinking about [fill in the blank] the other day. That was sweltering. You’ll have a hard time falling asleep now. Muwhahaha!

Rather of counting sheep, I’m keeping track of all the locations I’d want to have sex with you. Goodnight!


I, too, feel lonely without you in my bed.
What would I say to get you to sleep in my bed tonight?

20 Flirty Goodnight Texts To Send Before Going To Bed

Imagine being able to spend every holiday with all of your loved ones in a perfect world. That is what you would have. However, this is not always the case. When it comes to major holidays like Thanksgiving, there’s a significant possibility that you and your spouse may have to spend the day separated. And although it may be difficult to celebrate Thanksgiving without your spouse, there are other ways to stay connected over the holiday season — even if you can’t share a slice of pumpkin pie together. All that is required is some innovative texting abilities. Sending SMS to your spouse on Thanksgiving, especially if you’re separated, is a wonderful way to remind them that you’re still thinking about them.







The relationship and couples therapist Meredith Prescott advises Elite Daily that if you are spending the holidays apart, you should text or phone your lover to express your feelings. A brief message to let them know they’re on your thoughts may go a long way in letting them know you care. “When individuals are separated for special occasions such as holidays or anniversaries, they are more susceptible.” When others inquire, ‘Where has [your partner’s name] gone?’ it may be a triggering experience. ‘How is your relationship with your significant other going?’





According to Prescott, “having that additional comfort and touch may make you and your partner feel less alone, and it provides you the opportunity to plan something exciting together when you are back in the same spot.”

Having said that, it does not follow that you must write a long, lyrical essay to express your gratitude to your spouse (though you are welcome to do so if that is what your heart demands). Texts sent in a casual manner are also effective. Here are 20 suggestions that your spouse will swallow up like candy.

Texts with a Sense of Humor


Make a note of a time when you will contact me.

You’re a real gravy.’

I don’t want to sound very corn(bread)y, but I really like and miss you!

I’m preoccupied with wishing you were here.


Text Messages that are flirtatious

You’re the stuffing in my turkey, if you know what I mean. I want you to live inside of me.
Prepare to have your eyes feasted upon me. Sending a selfie in three simple steps: 3, 2, 1…
I’m so stuffed that I have to unbutton my jeans. I wish you were here to provide a hand.
I hope to see you soon, sweetheart. I love you.
If I had a wishbone, I would wish for you to be here with me right now.



Texts of Appreciation

I’m eternally grateful to you. I adore the two of you.
I think the only thing that could make this Thanksgiving even better is if we could all be together to enjoy it.
Everyone was going around the dinner table, expressing their gratitude for various things, and all I could think about was you.


I’m so grateful for the life I have with you today and every day after that.
I’m grateful for you, as well as the fact that I now have an explanation for when my grandparents inquire about my boyfriend’s whereabouts this holiday season.



Texts that are thought-provoking

How is your family’s meal going so far this evening? I wish I could be here with you all to celebrate!


We’ve already begun planning how we’ll spend the Christmas season together next year. How do you feel about attending two Thanksgiving meals in the same week?


Never forget how much I admire you and how much I want you to be happy.
When you think of the perfect Thanksgiving, what comes to mind? My time would almost certainly be spent with you.


I’m giving you a slice of delicious apple pie to enjoy at home. It’s nearly as delicious as you are.


Having a pleasant text conversation throughout the Christmas season, in my opinion, is simply another thing to be thankful for. And don’t forget that no matter how you chose to stay in contact with your SO throughout Thanksgiving or what sort of text you decide to send, the most important thing is to show your spouse that you are thinking about him or her. Cheers to the festivities (and texting!)

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