20 Characteristics of a Great Teacher

20 Characteristics of a Great Teacher

A career in education is something you may be interested in. Perhaps one of your teachers had an impact on your academic career when you were still in school, and now you want to continue in his or her footsteps.



It is true that mentoring young minds entails more than simply imparting academic knowledge; it also entails encouraging them to become responsible citizens.

To be the finest educator that you can possibly be, you should begin by knowing about the characteristics of a successful educator.

1. Has a thorough understanding of his or her lessons

Teachers must be merely a chapter ahead of their pupils in terms of knowledge. They must be knowledgeable in the courses and topics that they teach, which means that they should be included in their area of specialty.




2. Consistently well-prepared for each session

Good instructors place a high emphasis on perfection in their career, and this starts with the preparation of the lessons for their students. Everything, from the resources to be utilized to the way in which the pupils’ learning is evaluated, must be meticulously prepared and carried out.




3. Doesn’t show any signs of favoritism 

Teachers in the classroom must treat all of their pupils equally since doing so would undermine their students’ trust. They should ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to engage and be rewarded for their efforts.

Stop referring to or praising the same kid or students over and over again since your pupils will believe you are prejudiced. Everyone in the class should have equal opportunity to participate, and they should all be appreciated for their efforts. Also, be open and honest about how you calculate marks so that your students understand that you only rate them on the basis of their outputs and performance.




4.Do not spoon-feed the lessons to your students

Teachers are now expected to act as facilitators of learning rather than just lecturers. Teachers must construct experience activities that will help students to learn via self-discovery or realization rather of just debating everything in their own heads and telling the class to read books.

Rather than instructing your pupils on what to think, instruct them on how to think. Instead than lecturing them on the teachings, enable them to find them themselves via guided activities and group discussions. You should act as a facilitator of learning rather than merely a lecturer.





5. Is a role model when it comes to punctuality

Good instructors serve as role models for their students. If they want their pupils to get to class on time, they should avoid being late to the classroom.





6. Transparent in the manner in which grades are assigned

Teachers must be open and honest about their grading method in order to ensure that all students get the marks they deserve. Students and their parents should be encouraged to go through their class records, which should be made available to them.




7. Is well-versed in the subjects of his or her students.

Given the fact that they will be with their pupils for at least many months, instructors should make an effort to get to know each of them individually. Instead of memorizing their names, they should take the time to get to know their personalities and histories as well.


8. Possesses a wry sense of humour

Teachers that are clever and have the ability to make their pupils laugh are not boring at all. Because of this, they have a higher chance of retaining their learners’ attention and keeping the debate entertaining.

It is OK to crack jokes with your pupils from time to time in order to break the ice in the classroom; this will not make you less reputable. Students get fearful when their teachers are too rigorous, and this prevents them from fully engaging in class. They will get more relaxed if they realize that you are accessible and not so frightening.





9. Strict in Adherence to the Rules

Teachers should not tolerate offenders, whether they are enforcing the entire uniform policy or just maintaining the cleanliness of their classrooms. It is their responsibility as mentors to ensure that the pupils learn the need of discipline and submission to authority.





10. A good listener is essential.

Good instructors pay attention to the thoughts and ideas of their pupils and encourage them to express themselves.






Considering the Students is Number Eleven.

Teachers must first determine whether or not a student’s cause for failing to comply with a requirement is legitimate before withholding points and shaming them in front of their peers. Also, keep in mind that students have a variety of different things to choose from before you overwhelm them with tasks.






12. Serves as a mentor and advisor

Teachers are also expected to assist their pupils on an emotional, psychological, and spiritual level as well as academically. As a result, they should make it clear to their pupils that they are available if they need assistance.

Your responsibilities as a teacher do not end with providing students with academic guidance. As a second parent and life coach, you help them navigate their way through their lives. As a result, be sympathetic to your pupils who are going through difficult times, and make time to speak to them and provide support when appropriate.





Thirteenth, approachable and friendly

Though strictness when it comes to obeying rules is vital, good instructors do not make their pupils feel uncomfortable in the process. Student learning will be more effective if they may contact their professors anytime they have questions or need explanations without fear of being reprimanded or humiliated.




14. Incorporates Values into Instructional Activities

Teachers must not only impart information, but also instill moral ideals in their students. In order for students to realize that they are learning lessons to become better citizens, they must be able to apply the teachings to their own everyday lives.






15. Encourages students to be enthusiastic about their academic pursuits.

Good instructors have the capacity to instill a sense of importance in their pupils’ education.

The most valuable lessons you can impart to your pupils are not those learnt from books, but rather those gained via personal experience. You may share with them the pearls of knowledge you have gleaned from your experiences whenever it is required.






16. Is Capable Of Adapting To Changes In The Educational Environment

Because the educational system is always changing, instructors must be ready to adapt their teaching tactics and enhance their facilities in order to optimize their students’ learning opportunities.



17.Can Make Classes More Interactive

Because a student-centered learning environment encourages kids to take the initiative and speak out, instructors must devise strategies to encourage all students to engage.




18. Acknowledges and Corrects Mistakes

Teachers are not without flaws, and kids are well aware of this. In fact, kids are more likely to esteem instructors who are willing to own their mistakes and accept adjustments. It implies that they place a higher importance on their pupils’ learning than on their own.


19. Provides Recommendations

Teachers that are serious about helping their pupils learn will have the patience to provide individual comments on each student’s performance or output in the classroom.






20. Has the ability to enforce discipline without demoralizing students.

Student disciplinary punishments may be administered without demoralizing them by naming them in front of the class or using humiliating language to describe their acts.

When offering correction to a pupil, never use negative words such as “You’re dumb” or “You’re obnoxious” to make them feel worse about themselves. Such comments will have a distressing impact on the student, causing them to lose confidence and self-esteem as a result of the experience.







21. Does not make any comparisons between students or sections.

Pupils despise it when their professors compare their class to another or when students are compared to one another in any way. Really, this isn’t a very effective way to motivate people to improve their performance.

Your pupils will be resentful of you if you make a comparison. It would give the impression that you are bias towards them. You must recognize that different kids learn in various ways and at different levels, and that you cannot expect them to all progress at the same rate in the classroom.





Making Certain That No One Is Left Behind in the Class 22.

Good instructors recognize that not all pupils are naturally gifted learners. As a result, they adapt their teaching tactics to accommodate students of diverse learning styles and abilities.





23. Expresses Appreciation in Public

They provide positive feedback to pupils who do well in class or engage actively in class in order to encourage them to keep going. This has a positive effect on the learners’ self-esteem.

Those who are having difficulty catching up with classes express genuine gratitude anytime they make any progress, no matter how little it may seem to be. Allowing them to know that they are making progress will encourage them to continue to strive and do better.






24. Makes Corrections in Confidentiality

Teachers must avoid humiliating kids in front of their peers while they are correcting misbehaviors in the classroom. Rather, they draw their attention to themselves and speak with them in private.





25. Is a role model in his or her own right.

Teachers who regard their employment to be a vocation dress in the uniform of their profession even when they are not in the classroom. They put into practice the ideals they instill in their pupils in real life.






26. Assure them that it is quite OK to make mistakes.

You are not merely a teacher in the traditional sense of the word. Because your kids look up to you as a role model, you must exercise caution in how you conduct yourself in public. Yes, you are not flawless, but you can always assess if your actions, words, and lifestyle are consistent with those of a decent citizen–and whether you would want your pupils to model their behavior after them.

Has a positive impact on the lives of those who participate in it.





27.Good instructors make an impact on their students’ lives and inspire them to be passionate about making a difference in the world around them.

As a teacher, you must constantly remind your pupils that they are in school because they still have much to learn—and that you do not expect them to be completely educated about the subjects being taught. Also, discourage them from laughing at people who make mistakes since what matters more to you is their desire to learn and their readiness to accept correction rather than their ability to laugh at them. This will inspire them to take an active role in the discussion.






28. Be Consistent in your checking and correcting of your students’ work.

A devoted teacher is prepared to make sacrifices in order to inspect the outputs of his or her pupils in order to measure their growth. Giving comments and making required modifications can assist your pupils in improving their performance.





29. Pay Attention to Everything You Learn At Seminars And Training Sessions.

Teachers are often expected to participate in seminars, conferences, and other training events by their respective schools. Teachers who are merely there to comply are not as eager in utilizing what they learn to better their own teaching approaches as those who are interested in applying what they learn. If you want to become a better teacher, you should be enthusiastic and eager to learn new methods whenever you get the opportunity.







30. Pursue Additional Education.

Proceed to post-graduate studies not just to acquire enough units to be promoted, but also to further your education. Take advantage of them as a chance to achieve knowledge of your area, enhance your teaching methods, and be mentored by world-class academics and researchers.







31. Show your appreciation to your students who participate in class activities.

Human humans have an inborn craving for praise and recognition, and your kids share this drive as well. Many of them, however, are apprehensive about raising their hands during class discussions, either because they are timid or because they are frightened of making a mistake. As a result, to encourage students to engage more actively, recognize each and every kid who freely contributes, even if his or her responses are incorrect.

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