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15 Ways to Avoid Drugs While Still Being Cool

15 Ways To Avoid Drugs While Still Being Cool

Drugs continue to be one of the most deadly things for both children and adults. Once you get engaged with drugs, it is possible that your future will be damaged and that there will be no going back. The “Say No To Narcotics” campaign, which is being promoted all around the globe, is intended to protect the next generation from the dangers of drugs.




Many young people, just refusing to use drugs may seem to be uncool, particularly when it appears like everyone in their friend group is doing so. However, just as there are several ways to kill someone with kindness, there are numerous ways to refuse drugs while remaining cool in front of your pals. Avoid being concerned that refusing to take drugs would become one of the reasons why you don’t have many friends, since you deserve better company anyhow.

15 Ways to Avoid Drugs While Still Being Cool
Signs He Sees Me Only as a Friend

15 Ways to Avoid Drugs While Still Being Cool

1. Your life will be ruined as a result of this.

It is impossible to achieve anything good in your life while doing drugs. Abusing drugs will result in a slew of disastrous occurrences in your personal and professional life. Ultimately, you might wind up in jail, committing crimes because you can’t buy drugs, losing your job, being financially bankrupt, and suffering from a variety of health issues.





2. You still have a lot of work to do.

Keep in mind all of the things you can do in the future and all you can accomplish every time you are going to indulge in drugs. This might be one of the top Reasons Why You Don’t Need a Boyfriend to Be Happy even if your boyfriend is the one who asks you to.






3. Figure out what you want to do with your life.

You must have a long list of things you want to do in your life, given your age. Get to know yourself and figure out what it is that you actually desire in life. You must have want to have a promising future, and immersing yourself with drugs is most certainly not the way to go about it.




4. Consider what your life will be like when you stop using drugs.

There are several examples of people’s life being ruined as a result of drug addiction. Consider the plight of people whose lives are entangled with narcotics. Alternatively, you may compare the two and choose which outcomes you prefer.





5. Make a list of your future objectives.

If you are still in high school, you must have dreamed of attending college, and one of the most compelling arguments for attending college immediately after high school is to avoid all of the bad consequences of high school, such as drug use.






Sixth, be prepared if and when you are offered drugs.

There will be a certain moment when you will be given drugs, and you will accept them. In situations such as a party or celebration, you must be prepared and know how to decline the invitation. Make certain that you are secure with the people you care about and who you trust. Don’t let your guard down.





7. Make an informed decision when selecting a company.

Make an informed decision about who you want to remain by your side. You should pick people who do not use drugs, such as a friend that you have known since high school, as your group of pals. Because they are decent individuals, this contributes to the list of Reasons Why Your High School Best Friends are for Life (see below).




8. Have someone in your life who you can rely on.

One buddy, among a large group of individuals, must be someone in whom you can put your faith in any situations and with whom you feel comfortable discussing any concerns. This kind of companion would give you with protection and would assist you in staying away from illegal substances.




9. Drugs will completely devastate your life.

Your future seems bright, and you have goals and aspirations to pursue. Consider what drugs may have done to the whole situation. Your life will be shattered and destroyed, and the worst part is that you may never again see the happiness on your parents’ faces.





10. Look to the Person Who Has Been Destroyed by Drugs for Inspiration.

Take a look at the folks who have been negatively affected by drugs. Many rock icons, such as Kurt Cobain, have died in vain at such a young age as a result of drug usage and addiction. Don’t even think about getting near to drugs because once drugs invade your life, nothing else will matter.




11. Exit the scene as quickly as possible

If the temptation is too great, the wisest course of action is to just walk away. Leave them so that they can’t get in touch with you or convince you any more. Go to a more populated area and you’ll encounter more interesting company.






12. Avoid the Encounter if at all possible.

If you were fortunate enough to leave a scenario in which you were on the verge of being addicted to drugs, avoid any setting in which you could come into contact with individuals who gave you drugs. These people should be avoided at all costs.



Drugs are being opposed in a variety of ways.

Here are some more strategies to help you say no to drugs no matter what. Teens, on the other hand, are often at a loss for words when they are presented with the opportunity to use narcotics. You may use the following terms to express your dissatisfaction with it:





“I’m sorry, but I have to go. I’ve need to provide a hand with things for my father.”
“No, medications are making me quite ill.”
“I have a scheduled appointment in five minutes.” “I have an appointment in five minutes.”
“Drugs are just going to bring me more difficulty than they are worth.”
“Didn’t you realize that medications only bring harm?” says the doctor.

“What in the world was I thinking when I decided to trash my life with it?”
“Do you have any idea how many children have perished as a result of drugs?”
“If you’re going to kill yourself, do it by yourself. Please don’t pull me along with you.”
“I’m not a drug user,” I say.

“I don’t want to upset my mother if she finds out.”
“Sorry for the inconvenience, man. I don’t have the luxury of time for drugs.”
“Forget about it. I will never, ever fall for your ruse.”
“I’m in excellent shape. I don’t need their services.”

“No, thank you very much. I’m quite content without it.”
“I have to get back on the road. I’m not allowed to be intoxicated.”
“It would be better for me not to be friends with you than to take such thing.”

That’s all there is to it when it comes to saying no to drugs while remaining cool in front of your buddies. The harm that has been done is not worth the threats they have made if you do not take the medications they have offered you to do so. Your life is much more valuable than mine.

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