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15 Ways To Avoid Being Played By A Lady

15 Ways To Avoid Being Played By A Lady

We all need a romantic partner in our life. Unhappy in the eyes of his beloved spouse, a guy wishes he could see it. Anguish is something that no guy likes to watch his wife go through. For the lady he cares about, a good guy will go to any length. Just to watch his gorgeous girlfriend smile, he is willing to offer the moon and the sun. The problem is that a woman may want something that her partner is unable to provide. 



Woman has the ability to turn a man’s world upside down, whether she is testing him or just playing with his emotions. It might be difficult to discern if a lady is really in love with you or whether she is just interested in playing with your emotions and feelings. She preys on your affection and emotions in order to get your money, your companionship, and your sacrifice






Women of all shapes and sizes may cross your path while on your quest to discover true love. Whether you like one, you do your best to determine if it is the greatest one for you. Whenever you have a genuine attraction to a lady, you want to figure out what it is. 



Do you know whether she feels the same way you do? Alternatively, she may just like to play games with your emotions and love life. To avoid being duped by a lady, you should consider the following strategies.

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1. Don’t go out of your way to please her only. 

To ensure her happiness, you are prepared to go to any length to accomplish so. You pick her up, follow her around, dress in the manner in which she requests, and perform a variety of other things on her behalf. Nevertheless, are you a boyfriend or an undercover bodyguard? Allow her to do her tasks independently. She shouldn’t come into your world since you have your own planet to protect.




Secondly, don’t give everything up all at once

Give all you have to prove to her that you truly love her, you could think. You hand over your cash, credit card, vehicle, apartment key, and maybe even your pet to her in exchange for her services.



 To offer your everything to someone as a way of showing your love, doesn’t it seem like you’re trying to purchase their affection? Material items are given to her in exchange for her affection. She will, in some ways, become dependent on your financial assistance rather than on your generosity.




Third, don’t be too quick to forgive

She commits a blunder, such as when she misrepresented her location. Because everyone makes mistakes, you can easily forgive her. It’s important to remember that if something can happen once, it might happen again. She could tell a fib once and then retract it and apologize. She may lie again in the future since she knows you would forgive her regardless of what she does..




4.Maintain a Low-Key Attitude

Despite all efforts, a relationship is never really free of what is referred to as “dramas.” In the course of a love affair, it is possible that things may not go as smoothly as it would have been expected. They all have the potential to abuse the confidence placed in them by the other at some time. Various factors might lead to either the male or the woman betraying their spouse.




5. Try not to be envious of others’ successes. 

You see that she is having an affair with someone else. It is not necessary to confront them and unleash your rage on them immediately. Putting yourself in front of her will only make you appear worse. Simply maintain your composure in the face of pressure. Before anything else, let her to explain. Take a step back if she can’t seem to get the job done correctly.




6. Don’t Believe Everything You’re Hearing Easily

You shouldn’t put too much stock in her explanation of where she’s headed. What she says about going with the females may not be true. Always keep a close check on her actions. In the event that you see anything unusual, you should investigate more to determine whether or not something is really amiss.









7.Alternatively, make her envious

Examine her jealousy to determine whether or not she is really interested in you. Pay attention to the way another woman responds when you bring another woman into the discussion. It’s likely that she’s been seeing someone else behind your back if she seems to be OK on the outside. Attempt going out with another female in front of her for the next time you try it. Her experience of being in your place when you discovered her with another man will be enhanced as a result of this method.









8. Do not get emotionally attached to her in any way.

You and your girlfriend are in a relationship, and you believe you are ready to commit yourself to her completely. It seems as if you are unable to do any tasks without her assistance and supervision. You shouldn’t play games with your life, guy. Obviously, you have your own set of rules to follow in life. It is not necessary to cling to another person.







9 – Show Her That You Care The fact that you command respect from her is impressive.

Make the effort to be the kind of guy that women like and admire you for being. Maintain a professional demeanor when dressing in business attire. Be careful not to be seen as a loser by the ladies, who will treat you poorly. The last thing you should do is go on your knees and plead with some pretty young lady.

10. Spend Time with Your Friends

Lads need a boys’ day out every now and again. For a time, you may simply hang out with the guys and forget about the females around you. There are a plethora of weird activities that you can do with your friends. 


Going out with the males will be lot more enjoyable than going out with the ladies since they are not as complex as girls. Hiking, surfing, fishing, and other outdoor activities are available to you.




11. Interact with other females


Boys should learn more about girls from the standpoint of the female gender. Have a conversation with your female friends and inquire about their experiences with women. This will allow you to have a better understanding of females from the viewpoint of a girl, rather than just from what you see on your own. 



You will most likely learn about some of the characteristics of the females that you will need to know while looking for the appropriate lady to date.




12. Maintain Control Over Your Emotions

You’re no longer a child of a certain age. You must be aware that anything you do will have an influence on your environment. You must maintain emotional control in order to keep things moving in the proper direction. Don’t allow your rage overshadow the rest of the scenario.




13. Increase Your Productivity

You have a lot more important things to accomplish in your life than just love and ladies. In order to live a more positive life, there are several things you may do to help yourself. Reading books, writing on a blog, volunteering, exercising, traveling, establishing a company, and a variety of other things may help you stay more active and engaged in life. Making yourself and your surroundings more productive will allow you to reap the advantages of your efforts on both fronts. Being more productive will reduce the likelihood of the females playing your heart since you will not provide them with the opportunity to do so.






14. Provide Assistance to Those in Need

There is so much to be thankful for in your life. You have a large family, a home, a vehicle, a phone, money, and so on. It is preferable if you take a look at other folks who aren’t as fortunate as you are right now. You truly have a lot of work to perform in order to assist them. In order to show your appreciation, you may consider returning the favor by assisting others in need. 




If you have the means, consider making a donation to an orphanage, a destitute person, or any other beneficial organization. If you are strapped for cash, consider donating your time to a charitable organization or mentoring a young person.




15. Consult with your father for guidance.

Your father is the first guy who really cares about you. He is the one who defends you and ensures your well-being. You must learn from him what it is to be a true gentleman. Inquire of the person who has more experience for some guidance. He will instruct you on how to attract female attention and how to avoid being played by females.

16. Inform your mother about your romantic relationship.




Your mother is the first woman who ever loved you and will continue to do so forever. She is the first lady you should respect and follow since she is your mother. You need to be more forthcoming with her regarding your romantic life. Inform her of your newfound interest in a person. Inform her about the current state of your relationship. 



She will encourage you to pursue real love for the sake of your happiness, but she will also advise you to be cautious while searching for true love. She hopes that you will be able to locate the appropriate lady for you that you have been searching for.




17) Spend more quality time with your loved ones

You’re not alone in this world, believe it or not. You have a supportive family that will always be there for you no matter what. Being around them for longer periods of time will allow you to experience the warmth of the family that nothing else on this planet can replicate.






18. Create and Play Your Own Games

It’s important not to take things too seriously all of the time, however. Stay calm and collected throughout the day and you’ll be fine. Either you play or you are played by someone else. You have the option to go your own route.




The fact that she is not the only female in the world is 19.

When you think you’ve found the perfect female to date, bear in mind that there are still other options available. Though you behave as if she is the only one, it will be easy for her to play the role of your love interest. Perhaps you will meet some other females who will be more considerate to you. 



20.Don’t give up on your search for the proper one.

Don’t chase after girls; rather, let girls chase after you. You
Make a good impression on women and they will want to get closer to you. It is not always the case that the boys are the ones that pursue the ladies. Somehow, when males pursue after ladies, it just serves to make the girls more difficult to seduce. Girls who are persistent in their pursuit of men’s hearts have a better chance of winning their hearts.




21.Chase Your Dream

Go after your dreams
You’ve had a dream for a long time that you’ve been waiting to make a reality. Don’t spend your time on something that isn’t important.




22. Have a good time

You only have one life. Don’t shed tears over a clumsy relationship. Simply enjoy yourself and leave the past behind. Boys will be boys, no matter what. True love will come to you at some point.

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So, there you have it: how to avoid being duped by a lady you should have known better sooner rather than later. Putting up your best effort for a lady you like is really rewarding. Although she may be attractive, you must be cautious about how she treats you. Even if you give her all you have, she proves to be less honest than you first believed. Allowing the wrong lady to take advantage of you is never a good idea. Choosing the appropriate lady will not make you feel as if she is simply interested in your material possessions. Instead, she will give you all she has and will love you without condition in exchange for it.

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