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15 Indian Characteristics And Traits

15 Indian Characteristics And Traits

Through their films and plays, you may be able to gain a peek of Indian life. You can observe how they behave and how they go about their daily lives as a result of all of this. But how can we tell the difference between fact and fiction? I’m curious in what Indians are like in their everyday lives.


 characteristics of the Indian people
Indians, like the majority of humans, have both good and bad characteristics. Nonetheless, they have particular features that distinguish them from everyone else on the planet, which might be interpreted as follows:




1. You should have good vision.

Having excellent eyes is one of the most visible Indian qualities and characteristics is one of the most apparent Indian characteristics and attributes Most Indians communicate themselves via their facial expressions and body language to a great extent. Their eyes, on the other hand, are the most noticeable feature.

They are very skilled at transmitting their emotions via their eyes and facial expressions. By just staring into their eyes, it is possible to get insight into what is really on their thoughts. You may also be able to sense the affection they have for you since they show it so well with their eyes.





2. Shows reverence for their elders

Indians have a great deal of reverence for their elders. It is mandatory for young Indians to touch the feet of their senior relatives whenever they meet with them. This conduct demonstrates the qualities of a respectful and decent Indian. Aside from that, Indians are very attached to their parents. These children regard their parents with the utmost decency, and they will not, under any circumstances, go against their wishes.




3. Procrastination

The majority of Indians are notoriously tardy. They devalue the importance of time and it takes a long time for them to complete any task. Furthermore, they are often late for appointments and other important events. When they arrive late, one must be very patient since they may do it on a regular basis.




4. Takes pleasure in passing judgment

Another characteristic of Indians is that they have a tendency to be quite judgemental individuals. They may be prone to assuming the worst in others and making disparaging remarks about them behind their backs. When it comes to talking about women, this may be extremely problematic. Some Indians may still believe that women are entitled to less rights than males.




It’s possible that if a woman is observed arriving late at home or hanging out with a large number of her male pals, she will be seen as a bad girl. In India, there are certain standards and regulations that must be properly adhered to, and anybody who fails to do so is labeled as a nasty person.

15 Indian Characteristics And Traits
How to contribute positivity in a conversation

15 Indian Characteristics And Traits

5. Negotiation Skills

Bargaining seems to be a natural Indian habit and trait. They find it so simple to bargain for the price they want. They believe in paying as little as possible rather than wasting all of your hard-earned money.

It’s not about being a cheapskate. This merely goes to prove that people aren’t easily tricked into paying a high price. Indians are cunning and pay close attention to details, so they’ll know how much the object they’re wanting is worth.


6. Food Addict is a food aficionado.

One of the Indians’ favorite pastimes is talking. They discuss nearly everything. It is imperative that they engage in conversations with others around them. It’s what keeps the day exciting, and it could also provide them with vital information. Indians are intelligent and inquisitive about a wide range of topics. Conversations are an excellent method to pique their interest.





7. Enjoys comparing and contrasting

Indians like comparing things, people, and accomplishments. They can’t help themselves, particularly the elder ones. For example, if a child accomplishes anything, their parents are inclined to compare them to someone who has achieved considerably more.

However, many young Indians find this incredibly irritating and disturbing. They desire for this kind of behavior to cease since it might affect a person’s self-esteem.



8. Treat Guests with Respect 

Guests should be treated with the utmost respect and hospitality. Indians adore their visitors and go out of their way to make them feel welcome. They even have a proverb that refers to their visitors as God. If you visit an Indian’s house as a guest, you may be welcomed with open arms. They will not allow you to leave the home without food and water.

Bribery (nine)

Bribery is a frequent practice in India. It’s the most convenient method to get out of a bad situation. When they can just bribe their way out of their problems, Indians won’t have to worry too much. Furthermore, many government employees seek ‘additional money’ in order to do a task efficiently. Many Indians are annoyed by this, yet without the bribe, they would have to wait a long time to receive what they want.


10. Passing the Blame on Others

One fascinating Indian attribute is that they often blame others for nearly everything. They despise being held responsible for their misdeeds. Instead, they seek for scapegoats to assign responsibility to. They are never to blame. They might blame non-living objects in addition to humans.

Additional Indian Characteristics And Traits to Be Aware Of

Here are a few more interesting Indian qualities and attributes.

Conversation is important to Indians.
Crickets are adored by both young and elderly.
Indians have a strong religious belief system.
Festivals appeal to them because they allow everyone to come together.
Quick to pick things up. They are quick to learn new talents.
The practice of looking at items or people is common among Indians.
Because they want to be the greatest, they are fiercely competitive.
I’m a goal-oriented person with a lot of drive. They have a clear vision of what they want and work diligently to get it.
They place a high value on their marriage.
Money has a high prestige symbolism.


So there you have it: Indian qualities and traits. Of course, since everyone is unique in their own manner, there may be some exceptions.

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