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11 Obvious Signs Your Boyfriend Is A Jerk

11 Obvious Signs Your Boyfriend Is A Jerk


Couldn’t just sit back and watch! Observe and comprehend what you are seeing!

The likelihood of getting certainty about your boyfriend’s genuine character and behavior as you begin a new season of love in your life depends on how long you have been dating him. It is strange that when two people are passionately in love with one other, they end up saying things like “you are the love of my life.” While this may seem jolly at the time, the same two people discover it to be a nightmare after a while.

This is due to the simple fact that some individuals turn out to be jerks over time, or they were already jerks but you were either unable to discover this or refused to recognize it.

However, until you experience the many shades of colors that you and your partner reveal to each other in a relationship, you will never know whether or not your relationship has potential to last a long time with that person.

Speaking of colors, it represents both the good and the terrible in both of you. If all of your interactions with your partner are negative, despite the fact that you have made your own modifications, it is possible that he is acting in a jerkish manner and you are unaware of this fact.

After everything is said and done, you cannot assess your partner on the basis of a few fast assumptions; instead, you must examine his behavior toward you and the relationship as a whole. All of the talking will be done by reflection. That being said, be vigilant and go through this article to understand the symptoms that your partner is a jerk and to ensure that you have all of the information.





A List of 11 Tell-Tale Indications That Your Boyfriend Is A Big Time Jerk 

It is not true that only guys may be jerks in their relationships. One cannot be gender prejudiced about the idea that only males are jerks; at times, women be jerks as well, and one cannot place all of the responsibility on the shoulders of men alone. That being said, for the time being, let’s take a look at some of the indicators that indicate that your partner is being a complete jerk.


Well, no man wants to be labeled as a jerk, but it just so happens that after a time, you receive a reality check on your behavior. Overall, you must watch his attitude toward you as a person and his behavior when it comes to giving in the relationship to determine what you should do next. You won’t be able to tell right away, but you’ll be able to tell after you’ve spent a significant amount of time with him and you’ll notice him.



Men might be adamant in their activities, even if they are aware that they are in the wrong. They would scarcely agree with you. If you feel that you are not being treated with the respect and worth that you deserve as a result of your involvement in the relationship, it is up to you to take the initiative. Consider the signs that are posted!


1.Talking To Him Is As Effective As Talking To The Walls 

When you talk to him, it’s as if you’re talking to a wall.

In a relationship, it is essential to be heard; if you are never heard, or if your conversations are heard from one ear but not the other, it makes no sense to speak; if you are unable to communicate with your lover, what is the use of being in a relationship?



It is unnecessary to consider the possibility that he is being a complete jerk the second time you notice that your lover is deaf to your pleas and is never there when you need to be heard. In other cases, you may forgive him for not hearing you since he is preoccupied, or for that matter too absorbed, with something vital. However, you do not have to be the patient one all of the time, and you do not deserve to be taken for granted.



Listening to you is a fundamental and very insignificant act. In the event that you do not get the attention of those who will listen to you, your connection may not last for very long. Please communicate your feelings to him.

Two-Thirds of the Time, He Doesn’t Bother to Respect You He doesn’t bother to respect you He doesn’t bother to respect you he doesn’t bother to respect you He doesn’t bother to respect you

Every human being, regardless of their relationship to us, should be treated with courtesy and consideration. Do you think you’d be interested? Was there anything you could do if someone acted improperly around you in public? Do you think that would be offensive? How would you feel if your own lover did not treat you with the fundamental decency that you deserve in a situation when an outsider is able to irritate you?

If he doesn’t respect you, how would you interpret that? It is absolutely disrespectful when you notice that he does not understand your viewpoints, that he does not consider what you like, that he forgets basic courtesy, that he abuses you for no reason, that he forces you into the service of his interests, and that he tarnishes your reputation in front of his friends.

Ladies! There is no way to have a let-go attitude if you are not receiving respect in your relationship. Do not give in to it or allow your partner to treat you in that manner because if you allow it to happen now, it will continue to happen in the future as well.


Third Sign: He Expresses Love for You Depending on How He Feels About You

When it comes to a relationship, why would you want to be the second choice? Another example is a person who may be adored or disregarded depending on the mood and needs of the other person. When it comes to a relationship, it is hardly an indication of respect or genuine love.

The fact that he pays attention to you when in a good mood and completely disregards your needs during a poor mood does not allow you to claim that he is not being a jerk in either situation. Given that none of us is flawless, we all make errors and at times unwittingly harm our relationships with our partners. The fact is that it should not occur on a regular basis; otherwise, it is no better than becoming accustomed.

In the event that he is completely confused as to how he is meant to act with and love you, and as a result, treats you as if you are of no importance, you should not allow this to occur. The worst idiot you can be is the one who allows himself to get accustomed.

Indicator No. 4: When He Disappears From the Scene Without a Hint of Chauvinism

Making a statement against Chauvinism

With no question, we used to live in a male-dominated culture, but things have changed throughout the course of history. Women are now on an equal footing with males, and if your partner has no regard for himself, he is doing himself no favors by acting in a jerklike manner.

The only way to tell he is a complete chauvinist is if he limits your options or tries to convince you that you are unfit for a position because it is only suitable for males, and he ends up never even evaluating if you possess the same characteristics and abilities as he does. You are exposing all of your chauvinism if your partner cannot appreciate you and will never acknowledge that you are superior to him in so many other areas of life.

In this scenario, you should constantly assert your own rights and let him know that he is entitled to his own opinions while you are entitled to yours.

You Do Not Have A Voice In The Relationship – This is the fifth sign.


If your lover instructed you to simply go along with his methods and expected you to believe and do what he believes is correct, would you be happy with that? Although you may want to express yourself, he is prepared to silence you. With the way he’s acting, it’s impossible to look beyond him and not label him a jerk.

Having an equal voice in a relationship and being willing to correct each other are two important characteristics. To be in a relationship when you are not allowed to voice your opinions and are forced to follow your boyfriend’s every move is to be better off living alone, don’t you think. The fact that you cannot make choices for the two of you about what you should eat or what you should do on weekends, and that when it comes to him, you must listen and cannot reject as he does, clearly indicates that he is an outright jerk.

Having no voice in your relationship may become oppressive in the long run, and we are all created to live free and happy lives; no one has the authority or right to make decisions for us in this regard. Allowing him to not allow you to have a voice in the relationship is unacceptable; do not give in to what is wrong with the connection.

Number 6: When He Is Sarcastic and As Hurtful As Hell

If he can’t seem to stop himself from being snarky and making light of your weaknesses while being really cruel, you should be aware that you are dating a jerk. When used in moderation, levity and sarcasm may be effective. A boyfriend, or anybody else, would never do anything like that to you.

When he is kidding, you must recognize when he is teasing you, and you must be astute as possible. You may have harmed him in the past, and in order to make it right, he may be acting in the same manner now. You may also forgive yourself if you have made a mistake. But it does not exclude your partner from being snarky and hurtfully amusing from time to time.

For example, if you are in good health and want to try on a new dress, instead of telling you that you should go for it if you like it, you might tell yourself that you should try it on and see what happens. In the event that he says anything along the lines of “You can purchase it only if it fits you,” he is caustic and a huge jerk. “It only fits you if it fits you.” Your lover should be kind enough to advise you on how to communicate his point of view effectively..

Number 7: He Is Constantly Desperate to Have Sexual Contact He Is Constantly Desperate to Have Sexual Contact

He cannot have sexual relations with you whenever he pleases just because he is your boyfriend. He cannot use your body as a conduit for his physical desires simply because he is your boyfriend. Being accessible for a man like him is the same as dating him. You are not obligated to be one of these people. In the event that your partner does not take into consideration that you are not comfortable having sex, either because you are not in a good mood or because he is like he wants what he wants, he is acting in a jerkish manner.

A man should never push you into having physical closeness in a relationship, but it does not imply that a woman should not be allowed to have her own space as well as his. Obviously, this is incorrect in every way. Do not maintain your composure and let him to do anything he wants. If you don’t like anything, say so!

Unhealthy Flirting Outside of the Relationship Becomes His Habit (Sign #8)

Flirting Outside of the Relationship Is Not Good For Your Relationship

The idea of her boyfriend flirting with other females in an unhealthy manner is not something any girlfriend would like. Whenever a guy sees someone he finds attractive, it is normal that he would want to flirt with him in a healthy manner. When he expresses interest in complimenting her, you can understand and allow him the room to do so. On the other hand if your guy is flirting in an unhealthy way with every lady he meets, it simply signifies that you are dating a douchebag.

After all, if your partner cannot remain faithful to you, how can you ever be able to overcome your fears when you are in a relationship? In any case, it is inappropriate for a lover to engage in extramarital affairs while his partner is around. It’s important to be on the lookout for such jerks.

You should be concerned if you see him scanning other women or staring at someone else when you are with him. This indicates that he has completely lost all sense of decorum to act in this manner around the lady that he loves.


Symptom No. 9 – When Critiquing You Becomes His Hobbies When Critiquing

 You Becomes His Hobbies When Critiquing You Becomes His Hobbies

Even if your boyfriend criticizes your appearance, your behavior, your ability, and all of your acts, he is far from being an unkind person. In order to understand why individuals enter into relationships, consider the following: In a relationship, it is important to feel loved and cared for, as well as to meet real friends. Isn’t it true that you’d feel better about being with your boyfriend if he understood how to properly congratulate you?

For the purposes of this discussion, if your boyfriend dislikes you for the person you are and demands that you alter your behavior, if he is never satisfied with all that you do for the relationship and, regardless of your actions or inactions, he is ready to point the finger at you, you should seek help immediately. If you have encountered a guy like him, it is a shame because you will wind up feeling bad about yourself in the long run because of him.

Unhealthy Flirting Outside The Relationship Is Sign 

No. 10 – When He Compares You To Other Women Without Realizing He Isn’t Perfect

The reality that we are all not perfect at comparable things is something that everyone must acknowledge. Everything in the world would be a better place if we could all recognize that everyone possesses characteristics that are both wonderful and flawed. Whenever he is not rational enough to see that he is not perfect and that you are not perfect either, he is in the wrong relationship. When he begins to compare you with other women, this indicates that he is in the wrong relationship.

For example, if he continually says you should have had a hairdo like my buddy, or that it would have been wonderful had you had a certain haircut,

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