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10 Women Are Very Open About Their Masturbation Habits

10 Women Are Very Open About Their Masturbation Habits

I’m not sure who needs to hear this, but your masturbation habits are perfectly OK. It makes no difference how often you do it, when you choose to do it, or what time of day you do it. Masturbation is very OK and encouraged if it provides you pleasure.



Even though some studies claim that the typical woman masturbates a specific number of times per week, believe me when I say that there is no such thing as a “average.” Your pleasurable behaviors are entirely unique to you and what makes you happy.



If you’re like, “OK, well, I’m just wondering about how my behaviors compare to other women’s,” then that’s great. I understand, and we’ve compiled a range of replies from 14 people to demonstrate how diverse everyone’s masturbation practices are.



But keep in mind that since masturbation reveals so much about you and your particular tastes, you’ll notice some discrepancies. And, for what it’s worth, rather than comparing ourselves to others, we should surely enjoy our uniqueness, mmkay?



When it comes to masturbation, how frequently should you do it?
Again, how frequently you “should” masturbate is all up to you, what feels good, and how much time you have available. Even if an article claims to know the “average amount of time” spent masturbating, no research can prove it.



How often do you masturbate each week?

“Every two days or so.” “Three or four times a week,” she says. —28-year-old Sam*

“I don’t normally masturbate on a regular basis.” Depending on how anxious I am, the number of times I masturbate changes. 

When I’m feeling overloaded (which has been happening a lot lately), I do it more regularly to relieve tension and change my energies.” “Once a week,” says Natalie*, 35. —Desirée, 55 years old

“About five times a week,” she says. —Shelby, 18 years old

“It varies depending on the week and how stressed I am since it’s typically a tremendous stress relief for me.” At least once or twice a week, I’d say.” —Riley (24),
“About four or five times a week,” says the narrator. —Jen (age 24)

“It usually happens six to eight times.” “Three or four times,” says Sarah, 26. —Kaylea (24),
“I’m going with 14 times.” —29-year-old Myrna

“This varies a lot based on circumstances like stress, sleep, time of the month, and so on, but it’s usually three to six times every week.” I can spend a week without masturbating, while other weeks I will masturbate at least once a day.” —Lilly, a 27-year-old woman


For you, how long does a normal masturbation session last?

“About 20 minutes before climax, I usually masturbate.” “The sessions are usually brief, ranging from 5 to 10 minutes, although they may sometimes extend 15 to 20 minutes,” says Sam*, 28.

 “Twenty to thirty minutes,” says Natalie*, 35. “It might take anything from 30 minutes to 2 hours,” says Desirée, 55.

 “Usually, like, 5 to 10 minutes,” Shelby, 18, says. —Riley (24),
“About 15 to 20 minutes,” says the narrator. —Jen (age 24)

“Ten to fifteen minutes,” says the narrator. “I’d say 20 to 30 minutes,” says Sarah, 26. “Five minutes,” says Kaylea, 24. 

“Again, this may vary tremendously depending on the scenario and time available.” —Myrna, 29 

“Again, this can vary greatly depending on the situation and time available.” Typically, it takes between 5 and 15 minutes.” —Lilly, a 27-year-old woman
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There are 26 things you must have when masturbating.
When you’re masturbating, do you utilize any kind of toy?
“I have a wand that makes a wonderful hearty rumbling.” There’s also a little portable pod.” —28-year-old Sam*
“I don’t play with toys.” I do, however, sometimes employ stones such as fire agate and rose quartz.” “A vibrator,” says Natalie*, 35. —Desirée, 55 years old
“Nope! Unfortunately, I don’t have any toys.” —Shelby, 18 years old
“I don’t always use a toy since your fingers may sometimes generate the greatest pleasure,” she says, “but bullet vibrators are fantastic for rapid orgasms, which is typically what I desire.” —Riley (24),
“Sometimes! It depends on whether I have time to clean it thoroughly afterwards. But I’ve got a clutch pink bunny!” —Jen (age 24)
“I haven’t considered purchasing a vibrator.” —Sarah, a 26-year-old woman
“I use a vibrator on occasion.” —Kaylea (24),
“I use the vibrator that is nearest to me and has a fully charged battery.” When I want a strong, full-body orgasm, I use my Hitachi wand.” —29-year-old Myrna
“Yes! I like it since it’s really quiet and entirely waterproof, so I can use it in the shower without bothering my roommates. In a shared housing, this is definitely a bonus! It’s also less buzzy than many other toys, which I’ve discovered leads to longer, stronger orgasms.” —Lilly, a 27-year-old woman
While we’re on the topic of toys, how many do you have?
“None.” —Natalie*, “Two,” 35 —Desirée, 55 years old
“I have one right now, but I normally have more—I simply throw away my sex toys if I purchased them with my partner at the time and we split up.” —Riley (24),
“Right now, the rabbit is the only animal I have.” However, I have owned a number of toys throughout the years. I’ve only had four at a time.” —Jen (age 24)
“Three!” —Kaylea (24),
“Not considering whips, handcuffs, and chains, there are seven.” My collection is always expanding.” —29-year-old Myrna
“Twelve.” —Lilly, 29 years old


What time of day do you typically masturbate?

“It’s usually about 7:00.” “I like to masturbate in the early morning and sometimes when I can’t sleep at night to relax,” says Sam*, 28. 

“Mornings, generally after sleeping in,” says Natalie*, 35. 

“Usually late at night, about 11 p.m.” —Desirée, 55 

“At night, or if I’m really frickin’ stressed,” Shelby, 18, says.

 “At night before bed, generally to help relax at the end of the day and attempt to sleep,” says Riley, 24.

“The morning,” says Jen, 24. 

“In the morning,” says Sarah, 26.

 “Once when I wake up and once when I’m ready to go to sleep,” says Kaylea, 24. —29-year-old Myrna


When it comes to masturbation, where and in what position do you like to do it?

“I like to do it on all fours in the bedroom.”

 “I masturbate in my bedroom, laying down on my back and/or stomach, and in the bathtub the majority of the time,” says Sam*, 28.

 —Natalie*, 35 “I’m lying on my back on my bed.”

 “Definitely in my room!” says Desirée, 55. 

Privacy! It’s also easier for my back.” —Shelby, 18 

“Normally in the shower or bath, sitting down.” —Riley, 24 

“In my bed, depending on how exhausted I am, I alternate between lying on my back and lying on my stomach.” 

“My bed, when resting on my back,” says Jen, 

24. —Sarah, 26 “I was resting down in my bed.” “In my bed on my stomach,” says Kaylea, 24. 

“In bed or in the shower while laying down on my back,” says Myrna, 29. —Lilly, a 27-year-old woman

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Do you have orgasms on a regular basis?

“I only orgasm when I’m thinking about certain things.” I need to see myself as a seductive queen who will be taken over by a gorgeous, domineering drone. 

Since a result, I masturbate with my eyes shut, as reality often disappoints.” “Nine times out of ten,” says Sam*, 28. 

“Yes, since that’s typically the aim,” says Natalie*, 35. “Yessss,” says Desirée, 55. “No, not every time,” Shelby, 18, says. “Nine out of ten times, absolutely!” says Riley, 24. —Jen (age 24)

“On the verge!” “No,” says Sarah, 26. —Kaylea, a 26-year-old woman
“Yes. While clitoral stimulation is a sure thing, it’s not my favorite orgasm.” “Yes, mainly,” says Myrna, 29. —Lilly, a 27-year-old woman







When you’re in a relationship, do you masturbate more or less?

“When I’m in a relationship, I masturbate more often because I’ve discovered that partnerships aren’t always as sexually satisfying as I need them to be.” “Less in a relationship,” says Sam*, 28.


 “The same amount,” says Natalie*, 35. “Less often,” says Desirée, 55. “Probably about the same,” says Anette, 24. Perhaps a tad less.” “Less,” says Bailey, 28, “since what would be masturbation might occasionally be sex.” “About the same,” says Carina, 28. 25 Related Story —Desi







This Masturbation Playlist Will Certainly Assist You O

Which is the most comfortable: clitoral stimulation, internal stimulation, or anal stimulation? Or a combination of the two?
“I like external stimulation, especially clitoral stimulation.” —28-year-old Sam*



“The finest feeling is a combination of clitoral and internal stimulation.” “Clitoral stimulation,” —Natalie*, 35 —Desirée, 55 years old
“Fun fact: clitoral stimulation causes me to O.” —Shelby, 18 years old
“To be honest, I haven’t tried much other than clitoral stimulation with a bullet since it’s so consistent.” —Riley (24),
“Clitoral stimulation, without a doubt!” Internal stimulation is sometimes desirable.”




—Jen, “Clitoral,” 24 “Internal sensation,” says Sarah, 26. —Kaylea, a 26-year-old woman
“Internal and litoral.” —29-year-old Myrna
“It’s a combination.” However, I always need some kind of clitoral stimulation in order to achieve orgasm. I’ve just lately begun experimenting with various ways and feelings. I used to believe that every orgasm was the same and that there was a formula for getting there. I’ve been playing with various places of my body and different gadgets to find different sorts of orgasms.” —Lilly, a 27-year-old woman
Are there any last words?




“When I’m single, my orgasms are considerably more clinical.” When I’m not in a relationship, I tend to be more deliberate about masturbating. When I’m in a relationship, I use sex and orgasm to connect with my partner rather than merely to relax and/or clear my thoughts.” —Natalie*, 35 years old
“It’s a natural stress reliever and a drug-free sleeping pill!” —Jen (age 24)
“I feel that masturbating in the shower is a pleasurable experience for me.” Also, porn may be enjoyable for me, but it’s honestly thinking about the man I’m with or someone I like that gets me going. It’s lot more fun to imagine a possible real-life event in my brain.” —Sarah, a 26-year-old woman




“It wasn’t until I was in college that I was informed it was typical.” When I was younger, I felt so filthy and ashamed doing it. Now I know that I wasn’t the only one who masturbated when I was younger. I wish I had known then what I know now, which is that you should own it because it will help you find out what you enjoy.” —Kaylea (24),


1. There is really no possibility that you can masturbate to the point that you are unable to have sex with a living human being again. I suppose there’s the notion that you’ll become so adept at getting yourself off that no one else will ever be able to equal you, but having someone else touch you is always preferable than having yourself touch you. It just is.




2. It is not a bizarre activity that only frightening perverts in filthy nightgowns engage in in alleys. Your librarian masturbates (perhaps amid the books), your doctor masturbates (preferably nowhere close), and all of your pals masturbate (maybe while messaging you bizarre GIFs since multitasking is crucial in today’s contemporary world). They just do it.





3. If you are unable to make yourself come by masturbating, this does not imply that you are condemned for the rest of your life. Plus, how the heck are you meant to find out how to execute it when we’re all essentially informed that the following one is true…




Using your fingers like a small penis and pushing it into your vagina is not acceptable. That’s because most women can’t get penetration with a regular-sized penis, much alone this 3-inch dick finger, so it’s a road to nowhere.





5. Even if you’re simply playing with your vulva for hours on end while watching TV without having an orgasm-fest, it still qualifies as masturbating. It doesn’t matter whether you’re touching yourself and enjoying yourself if you didn’t experience eight powerful orgasms while doing so. To be honest, I’ve had orgasms while masturbating in the past, and I didn’t really like the masturbation aspect of it (I suppose my heart wasn’t in it at the time), so don’t let that be the determining factor in whether it “counts.”






6. Masturbating while having a lover does not automatically label you as a cheating bimbo. First and all, skanks do not exist, and second and foremost, everyone masturbates (see no. 2). It doesn’t matter if you’re in love with the person you’re dating and they constantly make you feel good about yourself; they’re still masturbating, and you may be as well. Put them into the equation if that is what you must do. However, if you need to keep thinking about Chris Pine for your own reasons , that’s OK as well.





7. Using sex toys does not preclude you from performing sex acts on your own. If you can’t get off the bed until you utilize sex toys, it doesn’t imply you’re the world’s worst masturbator. In addition, let’s be honest: sex devices will almost always win out over human hands. They’re going to do it. Especially when it’s midnight and you’re exhausted and don’t feel like doing multitasking circus skills, but you still want to get off the train as soon as possible so you can go to sleep. That being said…





Even if you don’t have the latest, greatest, Triple G-Spot Orgasm Monster Sex Toy From Outer Space 3000, you can still masturbate. Spend a day experimenting with your hands, the world’s most liberating sex toy ever. (However, you should know that it is not dishwasher safe.) I’ve tried it.)

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