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10 Secrets To Get Stronger Erections

10 Secrets To Get Stronger Erections

It’s no secret that men’s penises can be a bit, shall we say, cantankerous at times. If you have one, you know what I’m talking about. The softening process occurs when you want it to remain firm during sexual activity. So when you do manage to maintain an erection, you wind up ejaculating prematurely because you are too excited. 





It doesn’t get along with alcohol, even when you’re in a sexually exciting scenario, and, while we’re on the subject of drugs, studies suggest that smoking pot may be associated with erectile dysfunction. This is especially true when you’re in the midst of a crucial presentation for work, when it likes to pop up in full force at inconvenient moments. Penis may be a disappointing source of pleasure when compared to other sexual organs.




An article in the American Journal of Medicine reports that 85 percent of penis-owning men between the ages of 20 and 39 say they can “always” or “almost always” get and maintain an erection, implying that 15 percent of men in their prime of life have a difficult time getting and maintaining an erection at least occasionally. Only 20% of males aged 40 to 59 were able to obtain a good enough erection for intercourse on the majority of occasions, according to the same survey. As a result, solid wood is far from being an indisputable choice.






Despite the fact that you will never be able to foresee how your penis will react with perfect precision, there are actions you can take to ensure that when it is time to perform, your erections are as healthy and robust as they possibly can be. So, without further ado, here are 16 strategies to help you maintain your toughness throughout the year.

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10 Secrets To Get Stronger Erections

1) Get yourself a cock ring.

Exactly do you know that a cock ring might aid with erection maintenance? This O-shaped gadget wraps around your penis and keeps blood where you want it: in the shaft. A cock ring may also help avoid venous leakage, which is a kind of erectile dysfunction in which blood travels to your penis but doesn’t remain there. (Giddy, a new cock-ring-like device meant to treat ED, may also help men with venous leaks keep their erections harder.)

There are four different forms of cock rings, each of which may aid with erection:

Rings that can be adjusted
Rings that stretch
Rings that vibrate
Rings that are solid


2) Put in some time on your Kegel exercises.

According to Robert Valenzuela, MD, a board-certified urologist and medical adviser for Promescent, the pelvic floor muscles have a part in sexual activity and should be strengthened. “Contractions of the pelvic floor muscles (known as Kegels) contribute to an increase in the penile pressure and the stiffness of the penis,” according to the researchers. For the uninitiated, Kegel exercises (during which you tighten and release your pelvic floor muscles) might aid in the strengthening of your erections. Here are some pointers on how to go about doing Kegel exercises correctly.


According to Michael Ingber, MD, a urologist and urogynecologist at Garden State Urology, kegel exercises are also a component of a technique known as “penis rehabilitation.” “In the same way that you could visit a physical therapist after having shoulder surgery to work on the muscles, strengthening them, and improving range of motion, the same is true for the penis, the muscles, and nerves that are involved in erectile function.”


 In order to prevent this from happening, many urologists prescribe early penile rehabilitation, which includes Kegels, after events that impact the erectile nerves of the penis, such as prostate cancer surgery. “This is done in combination with medicinal medicines such as Viagra,” Ingber explains further.


3) Pay attention to what you consume.

According to WebMD, research has shown that foods that are bad for the heart are also terrible for the penis—which makes sense, given that both the heart and the penis rely on blood flow to operate effectively. The Mediterranean diet, which consists of fruits, whole grains, heart-healthy fats such as nuts and olive oil, red wine, and vegetables, is an excellent place to begin your health journey.



In an interview with WedMD, Irwin Goldstein, MD, head of sexual medicine at Alvarado Hospital in San Diego, said that “the relationship between the Mediterranean diet and increased sexual performance has been scientifically proven.”



4) Make a trip to the gym.

Aerobic activity, says Dr. Ryan Berglund of the Cleveland Clinic, is essential for maintaining good erections. “There’s nothing that increases bloodflow more than aerobic exercise,” he says. Additionally, it increases the body’s nitric oxide production, which aids in the maintenance of erections.



While running is beneficial, avoid riding your bike if at all possible. Cycling endurance athletes who spend a significant amount of time on their bike seats may have greater problems with erectile dysfunction, according to Erin Michos, MD, an associate professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.


“This is due to the fact that bike riding may constrict the pudendal artery, which supplies blood to the penis,” Ingber explains further. A customized bike seat (split-seat) combined with specific shorts may assist to avoid ED, according to the researchers.



5) Put the smokes out of sight.

An study by the University of Kentucky discovered that when asked to score their sex life on a scale of 1 to 10, men who smoked received an average rating of 5, but men who did not smoke had an average rating of 9.

One explanation is that smoking is a well-known cause of impotence, and there is some evidence that smoking has an effect on erection strength—as well as the size of the erection. Smokers’ penises were found to be smaller than those of non-smokers in one study, according to the findings of the researchers.


Goldstein explains that smoking, “in addition to harming blood vessels, may cause damage to penile tissue itself, making it less elastic and preventing it from extending.”

We have yet to hear a more compelling argument to give up.



6) However, have a pot of coffee simmering.

Coffee, despite the fact that it is one of the most detrimental things you can do to your erection is to smoke, may really benefit you below the belt. According to a research conducted by the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, men who drank the caffeine equivalent of 2-3 cups of coffee per day were less likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction than those who chose to start their day with caffeine-free drinks.


7) Have a vasectomy performed.

If you’ve reached the end of your reproductive cycle (or you’re certain you don’t want children), you may want to consider investing in permanent upgrades at your sperm factory.

For some males, the possibility of a contraceptive failure may be a major cause of concern. This is particularly true for those who have had a birth-control disaster—or a scare—in the past, says Karen Donahey, Ph.D., head of Northwestern University’s sex- and marital-therapy department.

It is possible that this concern may manifest itself in erection issues, creating the same vicious cycle that makes performance anxiety such a mood killer.


However, if there is no sperm present, the likelihood of becoming pregnant is very low: Vasectomy is 99.9 percent successful when it is done appropriately. – According to Planned Parenthood, the surgery might cost anywhere from $0 and $1,000, depending on your insurance coverage and other factors.


According to Ingber, “many of my patients wind up paying $0 for them if they have high-deductible health insurance.” In many cases, we may do these procedures in the office setting under local anesthetic, which can reduce costs for certain patients.

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8) Maintain your commitment.

It is normal for guys who begin having affairs to experience a decrease in erections. It’s so prevalent, in fact, that physicians who treat erectile dysfunction often inquire of their patients about whether or not they’re experiencing any negative effects.

In most relationships, unless you’re in an open or polyamorous relationship, you’re sure to experience a pang of guilt whenever you have sexual encounters with your spouse. Anxiety may result from guilt, and this might prevent an erection from occurring.



9) Lower your chance of developing diabetes.

According to the Mayo Clinic, erectile dysfunction is widespread among those who have diabetes (particularly type 2 diabetes). Because of the illness’s dual impact on the penis, it increases the progression of vascular disease while also slowing the transmission of impulses along neurons throughout your body. And, believe us when we say that a numb penis is not a happy penis.


Kind 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes among people in the United States. There are many strategies to avoid it, including eating the correct meals and engaging in regular physical activity. Additionally, you should be cautious in testing your blood sugar (talk to your doctor about the best methods).





10.Take a testosterone test to find out how much testosterone you have.

Low testosterone has no direct effect on the systems that control your erection, but it does have an effect on your desire, making it more difficult to become turned on—and hence more difficult to get hard. If you observe an unusual decrease in your sex desire, or if you have any of the symptoms of low testosterone, you should see your doctor to determine if your testosterone levels are lower than they should be. If they are, your doctor may assist you in restoring your testosterone levels to levels that are within normal range.

11) Make sure you get enough rest.

A good night’s sleep is essential for your penis. Erections that last between three and five hours occur every night while you sleep, depending on how much you drink. Most likely, the last time you had to urinate at 4 a.m. you were aware of this phenomena.

If you get erections, they aren’t solely for the purpose of keeping your bedmate interested in your antics. Your penis will be well-nourished with oxygenated blood as a result of their efforts to replenish it.



If you experience a lot of nocturnal erections, the more flexible your erectile tissue should become, according to theory. Goldstein argues that this may assist to maintain the strength of erections over time.







12) Consider using an erectile dysfunction (ED) medicine.

The use of medications such as Viagra and Cialis, if everything else fails, is one option for erectile dysfunction therapy. Consult with your doctor to see whether this is an appropriate alternative for you. Also, keep in mind that men’s wellness businesses like as Hims and Romans both prescribe ED medicine online and then send it to your doorstep.








13.Attempt Trimix .

There’s something called Trimix that you may try if your usual oral ED medicine isn’t working, says Jed Kaminetsky, MD, a board-certified urologist and medical adviser for Promescent. Trimix involves injecting vasodilating chemicals into the base of your penis. This procedure is less unpleasant than it seems and is successful in more than 90% of men who suffer from erectile dysfunction.



However, Ingber cautions that although Trimix is effective, “one must be conscious of the drawbacks.” The erection might last for many hours and become painful in some guys. ” The term “priapism” refers to an episode that lasts longer than 4 hours and qualifies as a medical emergency, necessitating a trip to the nearest emergency room.

14.When thrusting, do it slow and gently.

The corpora cavernosa, the extended “erectile chambers” that span the length of your penis, may be ruptured with only one forcefully misdirected push. Don’t trust us when we say that we’re the best in the business? Aim your erect penis towards a tree trunk, which has a density similar to your partner’s pubic bone.






Surgery is required within 24 hours after a full rupture to stop internal bleeding and limit the risk of lasting damage. Although a partial tear isn’t as catastrophic as a complete tear, it might still create issues in the future. The linings of the corpora lose their flexibility as they heal over with scar tissue, resulting in curvature, discomfort, and finally impotence.

More than a third of penis-owners, according to some estimates, have experienced “penile trauma.” When your lover is on top, take care to protect yourself. This is the most dangerous posture.





15.Increase your amount of walking.

According to Goldstein, guys who walk merely 2 miles per day had half the risk of erection issues as those who are more sedentary. (Another option is to jog for 20 minutes or do 30 minutes of weight training.)

Erectile dysfunction may be caused by deposits that obstruct or harden penile arteries. “Most guys think of their arteries as basic pipes that might clog, but there’s a lot more to it,” explains Laurence Levine, MD, a urologist at Rush-Presbyterian Medical Center in Chicago. “Those blood artery linings are physiologically active sites where chemicals are generated and delivered into the circulation.”

The healthier, cleaner, and more flexible your linings become the more you exercise.






16. Excessively yawn

Sorry if you yawned simply reading the word “yawn.” Actually, we’re not sorry—yawning and obtaining an erection are almost identical in terms of your body.

A molecule known as nitric oxide regulates both of them. It may either go to the neurons that regulate mouth opening and breathing or down the spinal cord to the blood vessels that supply the penis after being released in the brain. It can do both at times (which is why a huge yawn might create a tremor in the lower body).





It’s not a good idea to engage in foreplay with your lips agape. Allowing oneself to yawn sometimes during the day, on the other hand, may assist fuel the neurochemical pathways that contribute to strong, long-lasting erections.

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