10 Reasons Why Marrying Your Best Friend Is Beneficial – Friendship that lasts a lifetime
“Unhappy marriages are not caused by a lack of love, but rather by a lack of friendship!” Have you ever heard of this proverb before? What do you think of marrying your closest buddy in this situation? Have you seen or heard from other couples who say that although they are together, their marriage lacks in terms of intimacy and friendship?
On the contrary, you would have seen friends who have been married, and it seems that they believe marrying your closest friend is a wonderful choice as well. At some time in our lives, all of us have been a witness to one of these scenarios in some capacity.
The notion that a friendship may serve as the starting point of a great marriage is a valid one; but, what if that flame has already been ignited by another? This must be a more contented marriage to be a part of.
Women frequently look forward to the arrival of their hero in the future, and they travel over the world in quest of him. But what if he is already here? What do you think about letting him leave now that you’re aware he’s already here? Examine why it is a smart idea to consider marrying your buddy, as well as how this relationship turned marriage will offer significance to your shared journey of life.
Some compelling arguments in favor of marrying one’s closest friend
You want to make the transition from single to married life as smooth as possible, with as little complexity as possible. Don’t you think so? For this reason, you should marry your closest buddy in order to simplify your life.
1. It is simple to alternate between being normal and crazy.
The fact that you can be yourself with your partner and he is less likely to be upset or criticize you for it is a wonderful sensation. After all, he already knows you and has seen all of your craziness when you are enthusiastic or furious about anything is a wonderful feeling too. He will not consider you to be a lunatic, and there is a possibility that he may take pleasure in your being nuts.
Insofar as you are being rational in your conduct and taking your point of view very seriously, he will be able to discern the degree of maturity behind your point of view and recognize when you are acting rationally. So, if you want your sane and crazy traits to be readily taken advantage of, marrying your buddy is the ideal alternative for you to consider.
2. You will be treated to a Gala-Event.
Why is it so enjoyable to be with a partner who is going to be a part of your mischief? You will always pull each other’s legs and that will keep the humor in your relationship, wherever you both would have gone hanging out before marriage, you will both like the same kind of music, movies, and food, and you will not have to break your back putting in a lot of energy to have fun together?
You will be more compatible with each other than you would be if you married someone you had never met before. Being understanding of each other’s likes and dislikes is a critical element of a successful marriage, and no one knows you better than a buddy who is married or has just married.
3. You understand how to appease one another.
From the beginning of your friendship until the present, you and your buddy have been through thick and thin together. You will spend less time figuring out what annoys the other person and what might help the other feel good through stressful moments together. When there is a disagreement between the two of you, you will know what to do to make up for your faults.
In addition, when two friends have experienced instances of each other’s actual side, it is a definite indication that the two friends were intended to be together.
4. The bond of trust that exists between the two of you remains strong.
It is the ability to trust one another that underpins any connection we enter into in our lives, whether it our relationship with our parents, our relationship between a boss and a coworker, or any other kind of interaction for that matter. When you can’t trust each other, it makes for a bitter relationship that crumbles at its very foundation.
It is not necessary for two best friends to spend time together building trust, nor do they need to go out of their way to reassure the other that they are trustworthy when they are getting married. They would have previously seen all of this with one another when they were younger and growing up in their friendship.
His knowledge of your social circle eliminates the possibility of trust or anxieties developing between the two of you since you will constantly communicate with one another if any such difficulties arise.
In these types of situations, there may be someone else who is a better match as a life mate than your buddy.
5. You think in the same way and can read each other’s minds.
You and your spouse may go for long periods of time without saying anything to each other, yet you will still be aware of what is going on in their minds. Sometimes you are going through a mood swing and you are grumpy, and other times you simply want to be paid attention to, and your partner can easily pick up on this since he or she knows you and can read you in and out of your behavior.
When it comes to dating, the very fact that you are friends to date is because you think on the same grounds most of the time, and even when you don’t, you talk about it and come to a common understanding with each other, which prevents both of you from getting upset with each other and it gives you so much ease when you do not have to explain much, especially when you are mentally not feeling well, you are instantly understood.
6. You’re naturally at ease among each other’s families.
If you become a friend of your spouse, you will not feel out of place at a family gathering since you will have met his family before you both were husband and wife, which will make you feel more at ease. Your husband’s parents and siblings would have spent time with you if you had previously visited him at his home; he would also have met your family, and in fact, your families would have met each other as well.
When you marry a man, it is critical that you have a reasonably strong family tie with him since his parents are considered extended family, and family is always there for you in good and bad times. Your family will be persons in whom you can place your trust.
7. There are 100 percent odds of falling in love and remaining in love.
When you have been friends for a long time and then get married, it indicates that you have always been in love with each other as friends, and when you are together, that love will become even stronger, and it will be easier to be drawn to each other as you get older.
It may be odd at first for you to look at him from a romantic standpoint since you have always viewed him as your buddy, almost as a friend, during the whole relationship. If and when he becomes your man, and you gradually begin to show your love for one another as husband and wife, you will cherish the experience since it will be an amazing experience for you, which will in turn make you more comfortable and allow you to more readily confide in him.
The greatest thing of falling in love with him is that it won’t be fleeting; there are greater odds that you won’t only be in love with him for a short period of time thereafter. However, you will remain in love, and that is what is most important as you grow older together. Life will be lovely if you have the company of your spouse, as well as affection from your partner.
8. You are both familiar with one another’s history.
In the course of your life, while you are entering a new phase. It is beneficial to move on from the past. However, when you make a commitment to someone to live your life with them, it is critical to be honest about each other’s reality and to discuss each other’s history as well as their hopes and dreams for the future. It might be detrimental to your relationship if you don’t speak about the past.
The fact that you are marrying your closest friend means that half of your work is done; you won’t have to discuss your history with anybody or worry about whether you will be accepted for your past. He would have already known everything by this point, and the greatest part is that he would embrace you with open arms no matter how bad things were for you, and you will be able to accept him in the same way.
9. You are not required to satisfy one another.
Generally speaking, when you are married to someone, you would want to satisfy one other in order to make each other happy. When contemplating the possibility of marrying your best friend, there is no room for pleasing to enter your relationship because friends are honest with one another and you do not please each other; rather, you like each other even if one has not gone out of their way to express their feelings for the other.
10. You may have the finest and the worst talks at the same time.
When you want to have the finest and the worst of talks, you know that marrying your best friend is a fantastic decision. And you can still be snarky with one other, you can still be as wicked as you were in your discussions before to marriage, and neither of you will feel horrible about yourselves.
You may also discuss anything from ridiculous fancies to logical dreams with one other, and neither of you will be critical of the other’s idiocy since you will both be enjoying being dumb together.
When you are faced with a difficult choice and are on the verge of choosing between logic and your emotions, nothing other than marrying your closest friend can provide you with the finest direction and moral support you could ask for.
Simply marrying your best friend is a wonderful concept if you want to make your marriage unusual and enjoyable, as opposed to the other stereotypical weddings. There will be a lot of nostalgia in your conversations, as well as mischief, romance, and smooth and difficult patches as you go through life together. Most significantly, although love in a partnership cannot be guaranteed, nothing can undermine the friendship that exists inside a marriage.
We might think of love and friendship as the rails on which our train (i.e., our marriage) travels; they both go hand in hand and are equally significant.