10 Inspiring Career Advice for New Grads

10 Inspiring Career Advice for New Grads

You may be one of the many recent grads who has no idea what to do with their lives or where to go next. Since I’ve been teaching college students for more than two years, I’ve come across a lot of grads who are having difficulty deciding what job route they want to pursue. 




There were also individuals who had been rejected from job applications an infinite number of times and were now reluctant to apply for jobs again. Some of my former students have approached me for guidance on how to qualify for employment or figure out what they truly want to do with their lives.

And here are the normal pointers I provide them with:

10 Inspiring Career Advice for New Grads


Attend training sessions and lectures.

Job candidates who have obtained a large number of certifications from seminars, workshops, short courses, or other types of training have a distinct advantage over those who do not. A new graduate with no work experience has less credentials than a more experienced co-applicant when applying for a job position. This is particularly true if your co-applicant has years of working experience.






It is possible for you to engage in some training that is related to your degree or the kind of employment you choose to pursue at this point in your life. Your certifications might persuade the human resources departments of the firms to which you apply that you have acquired the necessary abilities to contribute to the workforce of their company.



2. Acquire as many talents as you possibly can.

Learning new abilities is not only enjoyable and entertaining, but it is also beneficial. They will also be useful in the future. The greater the number of functional skills you have gained, the greater your chances of landing a solid job. Leadership methods, the use of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, the operation of an LCD projector, and basic accounting are just a few of the abilities you will not be sorry for acquiring.






Additionally, you may master skills that are connected to your desired vocation while in school. For example, if you wish to work as a hotelier, you may enroll in short courses on cleaning and front desk administration.

Learning new talents might also assist you in discovering your true calling. Consider the following scenario: you learn how to play musical instruments and discover that you want to pursue a career as a professional musician as a consequence.



3. Enhance your communication abilities.

In white-collar employment, effective communication skills, both oral and written, are essential. Many job hopefuls fail during interviews because they are unable to effectively communicate their ideas. Additionally, there are people who do not pass written tests because they are unable to build responses in an orderly and understandable manner.


It is not sufficient to be fluent in the grammar of a foreign language. What is more crucial is your capacity to comprehend questions and to communicate your views in a clear and logical way to your audience.


Reading books and diaries on a regular basis, as well as rehearsing with a friend or family member to answer potential interview questions, might be beneficial. If a second language is essential for the profession you want—for example, English—and it is not your native language, get yourself acquainted with it by watching programs in that language and conversing with native speakers of that language.



4. Take care of yourself so that you have a charming personality.

Despite the fact that it seems to be discriminatory, let us confront the hard reality: good-looking individuals have a better probability of being employed. If there are two candidates with the same educational background, talents, and years of work experience, the charm factor will decide who gets the job; the more attractive candidate will be selected as a result.



A job does not need you to appear like Jennifer Lawrence or Lee Min Ho in order to get hired, though. Make an effort to achieve your own unique brand of attractiveness. Make your best features stand out while hiding your weaknesses. For example, if you are a lady with enormous, gorgeous eyes, apply eyeliner and eyeshadows that may draw attention to the size and depth of your eyes (but make it as natural-looking as possible). 


Alternatively, if you believe you are overweight and are uncomfortable with your body contours, you might dress in black to give the appearance of having a slimmer form.

Make sure you seem clean, attractive, and professional at all times. Wearing perfume or cologne is also recommended. Hopefully, you will not only put this suggestion into practice during interviews, but that you will also make it a regular habit, particularly if you are currently employed.



5. Establish relationships.

Influence might also assist you in moving ahead of the competition. A positive first impression may be created by include important persons in your character references. If they are high-ranking authorities, successful entrepreneurs, or renowned experts with a broad spectrum of influence, the firm where you are applying might consider employing you as a way to meet potential investors or make new contacts, which would benefit both of you.



Any organization, whether in the public or commercial sector, places a high importance on social and political affiliations in order to garner widespread support. Yes, establishing a relationship with high-profile persons is difficult, but it is possible to start with tiny measures.



Everyone you encounter should be treated with courtesy, since you never know who they may be associated with or who they may become in the future. Involve yourself in socio-civic events and other advocacy initiatives on a regular basis. Participate in a variety of organizations as well. You will soon amass a large network of friends and acquaintances who will be able to assist you in a variety of ways.



6. Be cautious about what you share on social media platforms.

Despite the fact that your social media accounts are private, they might have an influence on your professional reputation. Some firms use social media profiles of job seekers or probationary workers to conduct background checks as part of their hiring or probationary procedures. As a result, you should strive to make your accounts look as professional as feasible.



A code name should not be used in place of your actual name since the latter might create an appearance of being less mature. Also, refrain from taking too many selfies since it demonstrates vanity, which might be seen as a sign of self-importance by others.


When you’re publishing your ideas, use caution. When expressing your thoughts or beliefs, avoid being too extreme to the point of insulting or humiliating other people in the process. It might be regarded as a lack of openness, which is not an acceptable characteristic in the business environment. Avoid using profanity or vulgar language, as well as sharing obscene photographs on social media.



7. Continue your research.

Continuing your education after your undergraduate degree may also boost your marketability as a professional. That is why you should not limit yourself to a bachelor’s degree. Just a word of practical advice: only do this if you already have a job or some work experience under your belt first.



Further degrees may be very beneficial in terms of advancement opportunities; but, if you have never worked before, you may have a difficult time finding your first job since you will be overqualified for a beginner’s position. Companies, on the other hand, will be hesitant to recruit you for a management or higher-level role due to your lack of previous experience.


8. Experiment with various fields.

If you are unsure about what professional path to follow, you may experiment with a variety of various positions. This might assist you in identifying the areas in which you are most comfortable and proficient.


 Never choose a profession just for the purpose of its practicality; instead, choose a passion. Staying in a job that you despise can ultimately lead to burnout and a decrease in your ability to be effective in your job. Do not be afraid to take chances and explore into new territory until you discover what you really want.



9. Select occupations that are connected with your long-term professional goals.

If you already know what job path is ideal for you, you should begin preparing yourself for it right away. Because you will not be able to leap to the top, you will almost certainly have to begin from the bottom. Every move you take should be considered carefully. Consider putting your time and effort into work chances that can help you get closer to your ideal job.



Let us suppose that your ultimate ambition is to become a lawyer. If it is not yet feasible due to a variety of factors, you may be able to find work in a field that is similar to your intended field in the meanwhile. Working as a secretary at a legal office is an option for you. Aside from providing you with valuable work experience points, it may also provide you with a chance to be exposed to the legal profession and acquire valuable lessons that you can use after you have achieved your goal.



10. You really like your work.

The first step toward being effective in your profession is to like what you do. It is inevitable that you would get upset and dissatisfied with your firm if all you perceive is the pressure, mismanagement, lack of remuneration, and other faults. You would not put out the necessary effort to complete your job successfully. You’d wind up as one of those lousy workers who merely goes to work to earn a living by collecting a paycheck.



In order to become an exceptional professional eventually, you must like the work you are doing right now. You will be satisfied with your work and inspired to perform your best if you approach it in this manner. You should refrain from complaining about your boss or anything else about your employment that you do not enjoy. If it is feasible, you may simply inform your supervisor in writing of any issues you have seen and any suggestions you have for making your organization a better place.



You too may one day hold the position of boss – and although you would not like for your employees to be stabbed in the back by them, you would welcome hearing constructive suggestions from them.



11. Make a clean escape from the room.

You should be concerned with more than just landing a position. It is equally important to note that exiting the situation requires great consideration. Make certain that you do not get into any difficulties at your place of employment in order to avoid being sacked. This will result in a negative record for you.



If you decide to leave your current position and seek employment elsewhere, be certain that you do it in a professional and kind manner. Follow the right procedures for resigning and ensure that you meet all of the necessary criteria. You will be able to return to that firm in this manner if you so want. Also available is the opportunity to get your certificate of employment, and your supervisor may serve as a character reference for your subsequent job application.



12. Strive for greater heights and never settle for less.

The height of your success will be determined by how high you set your sights on it. Do not be satisfied with a monthly income that is just sufficient to cover your housing rent and utility costs. As long as you have the opportunity and the time, make an effort to advance your career and reach a higher level.



Why would you want to remain a normal employee for 10 years when you might have put in the effort to become a manager during that time? Why settle for a position as a chef at a successful cafe when you can save money to open your own establishment? Big aspirations should be pursued without fear of failure. Do not be afraid to take chances in order to achieve them.



Take pleasure in your life.

It is not enough to have a well-paying career and a secure retirement plan to be happy in life. What matters is that you are pleased with your job, and if you remain in it for thirty years for the sake of security, you will have wasted more than half of your lifetime. Discover your life’s purpose, identify what you are passionate about, and you will be living a more meaningful existence.

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10 Inspiring Career Advice for New Grads

10 Inspiring Career Advice for New Grads

You may be one of the many recent grads who has no idea what to do with their lives or where to go next. Since I’ve been teaching college students for more than two years, I’ve come across a lot of grads who are having difficulty deciding what job route they want to pursue. 




There were also individuals who had been rejected from job applications an infinite number of times and were now reluctant to apply for jobs again. Some of my former students have approached me for guidance on how to qualify for employment or figure out what they truly want to do with their lives.

And here are the normal pointers I provide them with:

10 Inspiring Career Advice for New Grads


Attend training sessions and lectures.

Job candidates who have obtained a large number of certifications from seminars, workshops, short courses, or other types of training have a distinct advantage over those who do not. A new graduate with no work experience has less credentials than a more experienced co-applicant when applying for a job position. This is particularly true if your co-applicant has years of working experience.






It is possible for you to engage in some training that is related to your degree or the kind of employment you choose to pursue at this point in your life. Your certifications might persuade the human resources departments of the firms to which you apply that you have acquired the necessary abilities to contribute to the workforce of their company.



2. Acquire as many talents as you possibly can.

Learning new abilities is not only enjoyable and entertaining, but it is also beneficial. They will also be useful in the future. The greater the number of functional skills you have gained, the greater your chances of landing a solid job. Leadership methods, the use of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, the operation of an LCD projector, and basic accounting are just a few of the abilities you will not be sorry for acquiring.






Additionally, you may master skills that are connected to your desired vocation while in school. For example, if you wish to work as a hotelier, you may enroll in short courses on cleaning and front desk administration.

Learning new talents might also assist you in discovering your true calling. Consider the following scenario: you learn how to play musical instruments and discover that you want to pursue a career as a professional musician as a consequence.



3. Enhance your communication abilities.

In white-collar employment, effective communication skills, both oral and written, are essential. Many job hopefuls fail during interviews because they are unable to effectively communicate their ideas. Additionally, there are people who do not pass written tests because they are unable to build responses in an orderly and understandable manner.


It is not sufficient to be fluent in the grammar of a foreign language. What is more crucial is your capacity to comprehend questions and to communicate your views in a clear and logical way to your audience.


Reading books and diaries on a regular basis, as well as rehearsing with a friend or family member to answer potential interview questions, might be beneficial. If a second language is essential for the profession you want—for example, English—and it is not your native language, get yourself acquainted with it by watching programs in that language and conversing with native speakers of that language.



4. Take care of yourself so that you have a charming personality.

Despite the fact that it seems to be discriminatory, let us confront the hard reality: good-looking individuals have a better probability of being employed. If there are two candidates with the same educational background, talents, and years of work experience, the charm factor will decide who gets the job; the more attractive candidate will be selected as a result.



A job does not need you to appear like Jennifer Lawrence or Lee Min Ho in order to get hired, though. Make an effort to achieve your own unique brand of attractiveness. Make your best features stand out while hiding your weaknesses. For example, if you are a lady with enormous, gorgeous eyes, apply eyeliner and eyeshadows that may draw attention to the size and depth of your eyes (but make it as natural-looking as possible). 


Alternatively, if you believe you are overweight and are uncomfortable with your body contours, you might dress in black to give the appearance of having a slimmer form.

Make sure you seem clean, attractive, and professional at all times. Wearing perfume or cologne is also recommended. Hopefully, you will not only put this suggestion into practice during interviews, but that you will also make it a regular habit, particularly if you are currently employed.



5. Establish relationships.

Influence might also assist you in moving ahead of the competition. A positive first impression may be created by include important persons in your character references. If they are high-ranking authorities, successful entrepreneurs, or renowned experts with a broad spectrum of influence, the firm where you are applying might consider employing you as a way to meet potential investors or make new contacts, which would benefit both of you.



Any organization, whether in the public or commercial sector, places a high importance on social and political affiliations in order to garner widespread support. Yes, establishing a relationship with high-profile persons is difficult, but it is possible to start with tiny measures.



Everyone you encounter should be treated with courtesy, since you never know who they may be associated with or who they may become in the future. Involve yourself in socio-civic events and other advocacy initiatives on a regular basis. Participate in a variety of organizations as well. You will soon amass a large network of friends and acquaintances who will be able to assist you in a variety of ways.



6. Be cautious about what you share on social media platforms.

Despite the fact that your social media accounts are private, they might have an influence on your professional reputation. Some firms use social media profiles of job seekers or probationary workers to conduct background checks as part of their hiring or probationary procedures. As a result, you should strive to make your accounts look as professional as feasible.



A code name should not be used in place of your actual name since the latter might create an appearance of being less mature. Also, refrain from taking too many selfies since it demonstrates vanity, which might be seen as a sign of self-importance by others.


When you’re publishing your ideas, use caution. When expressing your thoughts or beliefs, avoid being too extreme to the point of insulting or humiliating other people in the process. It might be regarded as a lack of openness, which is not an acceptable characteristic in the business environment. Avoid using profanity or vulgar language, as well as sharing obscene photographs on social media.



7. Continue your research.

Continuing your education after your undergraduate degree may also boost your marketability as a professional. That is why you should not limit yourself to a bachelor’s degree. Just a word of practical advice: only do this if you already have a job or some work experience under your belt first.



Further degrees may be very beneficial in terms of advancement opportunities; but, if you have never worked before, you may have a difficult time finding your first job since you will be overqualified for a beginner’s position. Companies, on the other hand, will be hesitant to recruit you for a management or higher-level role due to your lack of previous experience.


8. Experiment with various fields.

If you are unsure about what professional path to follow, you may experiment with a variety of various positions. This might assist you in identifying the areas in which you are most comfortable and proficient.


 Never choose a profession just for the purpose of its practicality; instead, choose a passion. Staying in a job that you despise can ultimately lead to burnout and a decrease in your ability to be effective in your job. Do not be afraid to take chances and explore into new territory until you discover what you really want.



9. Select occupations that are connected with your long-term professional goals.

If you already know what job path is ideal for you, you should begin preparing yourself for it right away. Because you will not be able to leap to the top, you will almost certainly have to begin from the bottom. Every move you take should be considered carefully. Consider putting your time and effort into work chances that can help you get closer to your ideal job.



Let us suppose that your ultimate ambition is to become a lawyer. If it is not yet feasible due to a variety of factors, you may be able to find work in a field that is similar to your intended field in the meanwhile. Working as a secretary at a legal office is an option for you. Aside from providing you with valuable work experience points, it may also provide you with a chance to be exposed to the legal profession and acquire valuable lessons that you can use after you have achieved your goal.



10. You really like your work.

The first step toward being effective in your profession is to like what you do. It is inevitable that you would get upset and dissatisfied with your firm if all you perceive is the pressure, mismanagement, lack of remuneration, and other faults. You would not put out the necessary effort to complete your job successfully. You’d wind up as one of those lousy workers who merely goes to work to earn a living by collecting a paycheck.



In order to become an exceptional professional eventually, you must like the work you are doing right now. You will be satisfied with your work and inspired to perform your best if you approach it in this manner. You should refrain from complaining about your boss or anything else about your employment that you do not enjoy. If it is feasible, you may simply inform your supervisor in writing of any issues you have seen and any suggestions you have for making your organization a better place.



You too may one day hold the position of boss – and although you would not like for your employees to be stabbed in the back by them, you would welcome hearing constructive suggestions from them.



11. Make a clean escape from the room.

You should be concerned with more than just landing a position. It is equally important to note that exiting the situation requires great consideration. Make certain that you do not get into any difficulties at your place of employment in order to avoid being sacked. This will result in a negative record for you.



If you decide to leave your current position and seek employment elsewhere, be certain that you do it in a professional and kind manner. Follow the right procedures for resigning and ensure that you meet all of the necessary criteria. You will be able to return to that firm in this manner if you so want. Also available is the opportunity to get your certificate of employment, and your supervisor may serve as a character reference for your subsequent job application.



12. Strive for greater heights and never settle for less.

The height of your success will be determined by how high you set your sights on it. Do not be satisfied with a monthly income that is just sufficient to cover your housing rent and utility costs. As long as you have the opportunity and the time, make an effort to advance your career and reach a higher level.



Why would you want to remain a normal employee for 10 years when you might have put in the effort to become a manager during that time? Why settle for a position as a chef at a successful cafe when you can save money to open your own establishment? Big aspirations should be pursued without fear of failure. Do not be afraid to take chances in order to achieve them.



Take pleasure in your life.

It is not enough to have a well-paying career and a secure retirement plan to be happy in life. What matters is that you are pleased with your job, and if you remain in it for thirty years for the sake of security, you will have wasted more than half of your lifetime. Discover your life’s purpose, identify what you are passionate about, and you will be living a more meaningful existence.

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