10 Easy Ways to Find Meaning in Life
Do you ever ask if you’re still here? You know, like how to find your life’s meaning or purpose? Why are you on this world in the first place?
These are perhaps the most subtle, but insightful, questions people ask themselves on a daily basis, and I’m sure there are as many different responses as there are people asking them.
This is why, rather than telling yourself why you are here and what you should be doing, let us begin to make your encounters the answers to your questions and restore some sense and oomph to your life.

1. Study the Happiness Lesson.
You’ve never heard it before, but pleasure is a decision. Yes, and fortunately, anyone can practice that and the fact is that you can simply circumvent what you were told, which was to play along with the rest of the universe and get angry or depressed that things aren’t ideal.
Okay, I’m not suggesting that you wear a deluded grin all the time (people would think you’re insane), but rather that you remain cool and comfortable when coping with circumstances that need your attention.
2. Pursue Your Talents and Gifts.
Discovering your gifts and abilities will help you discover your passion and give meaning to your life. Here are few questions to help you find out what underlying strengths and abilities you have:
What is it that you are naturally fantastic at?
When do you think you’re at your best?
So, what are you doing or going through right now?
And what aspects do you enjoy helping others?
3. Make Excellent Links
Spend time with people who make your life easier and raise you up. This could include anyone from friends to employees.
Spend less time on people who waste your resources or send you bad vibes all the time. In the words of Jim Rohn,
“You are the amount of the five people with whom you share the most time.”
Begin to pay attention to how you feel when you’re in the company of someone. (Hint: it can make you feel good.)
4. Setting Goals.
If you want your life to have meaning, you must make a strategy. You don’t have to sit down for five hours every Monday to set targets for the remainder of the week that you’ll almost inevitably struggle to meet—please don’t do this to yourself!
Have objectives, however, and a roadmap for achieving them. It shouldn’t be something you dread doing, but just have a list of milestones you’d like to see in your life and make a roadmap to reach them by writing them down. Then, most critically, do something about it.
5. Discover Your Purpose.
Finding your intent, in my mind, is one of the most liberating things you will do in life. This will provide you with all of the context you need in your life. Finding your meaning and seeing it out by living it is what life is all about.
What motivates you, what gets you out of bed in the morning, and what gives you motivation is your intent. If you can do one thing in your life, pursue your reason with all your heart to enjoy the rewards of a meaningful life!
This essay will assist you in determining your goal: How to Find Your Life’s Purpose and Improve Yourself.
A Mind-Body Exercise to Assist You in Discovering Meaning in Your Life
If you’re feeling lost or dissatisfied with how your life is going, the first approach is to consider what you need in life. The process of defining these core values will help you live a life that is full of meaning and reason, a concept known as “living purposefully.”
The following is a mental exercise adapted from a common recognition and engagement therapy (ACT) exercise1 to assist you in discovering your core beliefs and leading a purpose-driven and fulfilling life. While this exercise is quick to finish, if completed correctly, it may have long-term benefits in assisting you in living a meaningful life.
Find out what the core values are.
The qualities that are truly important and significant to you are your fundamental values. They are the traits and habits that drive your motivation and influence your decisions.
When your actions reflect your ideals, life becomes more meaningful and purposeful. You’re more likely to be disappointed with life if these two don’t coincide. This is why it’s important to realize what the beliefs are.
Your beliefs are formed by your life experiences and therefore distinct from others. There are hundreds of different values to choose from, but below are a few of the most common:
Participation of the group
Family relationships Health/physical well-being
Friendships and other forms of social interaction
Intimate links (e.g., marriage, couples)
Parenting is a challenging task.
Personal development, schooling, and learning
Make a list of all the values that agree with you. If your value does not appear on the list above, feel free to add it.Make sure you only choose principles that you have, not ones that you wish you had.

Rank the importance of your values.
Once you’ve made the list, the next move is to rank the values in order of importance. Before rating each of your beliefs in order of current significance to you, take a deep look within yourself and score them as follows: 0 (not important), 1 (moderately important), or 2 (extremely important) (extremely important).
What you value will change as you go through life. Alternatively, even though your values remain the same, the weight you put on them can change. When you first enter college, for example, “personal development” could be a top priority. However, if you have a family, “parenting” may become more important to you.
Make a List of Goals.
Select one or two values that you graded as “highly significant” after you’ve finished your ranking. If you give each value a “highly significant” ranking, consider why one or two values stand out as being more important than the others, even if only by a slight margin.
In both of these fields, write a brief comment (one or two sentences) about how you want to live your life. These statements, also known as intention statements, will assist you in leading a more purposeful life that is consistent with your beliefs.
Take a look at these examples of intention statements:
Job/career: “At work, I want to give it my all and contribute my all.”
Self-care in terms of health and fitness: “Every day, I want to live with maximum strength and energy.”
“I’d like to be a kind and compassionate companion,” she says of romantic relationships. When my partner is down, I’d like to say positive words to them, and I’d like to do things for them that would make their lives a bit simpler. In partnerships, I’d like to feel as though I’m valuable by asking for what I require.”
Intentions, as you can see from these illustrations, are a continuous operation. They are a reflection of how you want to live your life in the future. They aren’t just something that can be checked off your to-do list.
You must be absolutely frank with yourself in order for this exercise to succeed. Get in line with your own intentions, rather than those of others. Same daily Affirmations